Celsior said:Fox not showing us the rest of the Rays and Sox's.
Mother fuckers
darkside31337 said:Wow that's a load of crap. What the hell are they showing instead?
The very important show about showing us previews about fox's shows instead of baseball.AnEternalEnigma said:Local programming has to begin at 7pm or whenever the local game ends. They were showing Rays/Red Sox because the Mets/Braves game zipped by.
after logging into mlb.tv on the website, put a proxy in your browser then start the game and wait till it gets past the authentication/location verification part etc.. then turn off the proxy.Doytch said:At least let me fucking stream it on mlb.tv after 7pm then. Backwards-ass league.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:MLB won't let Tampa lose. lololol
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:MLB won't let Tampa lose. lololol
yeah i had problems before but recently i have had it working. Been doing it with IE9 though so that might make a difference. Basically this is what i do:Doytch said:I dunno, proxies stopped working for me last season. Tried once right now and still doesn't work. And they always worked two seasons ago, so dunno.
I have every right of making a joke post. Meet me somewhere.darkside31337 said:Haha after last night no right to complain.
Price on the mound tomorrow. GUARANTEED WIN FOR THE RAYS.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:I have every right of making a joke post. Meet me somewhere.
Baseball isn't a fair sport. If it was fair there would be no Mets fans. Since Bill Buckner when have they won a World Series?darkside31337 said:In the playoffs.
If you guys get there.
diddles said:fucking dumb ass angels. what the fuck. gonna get swept by baltimore fighting for the playoffs? REALLY?
atlanta 87-65 10 games left
st. louis 82-69 11 games left
st. louis 11-0 = 93-69
atlanta 6-4 = 93-69
st. louis 10-1 = 92-70
atlanta 5-5 = 92-70
st. louis 9-2 = 91-71
atlanta 4-6 = 91-71
st. louis 8-3 = 90-72
atlanta 3-7 = 90-72
st. louis 7-4 = 89-73
atlanta 2-8 = 89-73
st. louis 6-5 = 88-74
atlanta 1-9 = 88-74
st. louis 5-6 = 87-75
atlanta 0-10 = 87-75
Windu said:Ryan Howard with a clutch strikeout
yay!Notrollious said:5 in a row!
Notrollious said:5 in a row!
I heard they were in on Pujols or Fielder from Stark earlier in the week.AnEternalEnigma said:Buster Olney is reporting the Marlins are already planning on making a big offer to C.J. Wilson in the offseason.
yeah he's gonna get jayson werth'ddarkside31337 said:I can't imagine any free agent voluntarily signing with the Marlins unless they start giving out money like they're the Nationals.
You shut the fuck updarkside31337 said:I can't imagine any free agent voluntarily signing with the Marlins unless they start giving out money like they're the Nationals.
His reasoning: "oh the Nats would just be screwing themselves"AnEternalEnigma said:I still think it's hilarious Greinke turned down a deal to the Nationals (for Danny Espinosa, Jordan Zimmermann, and Drew Storen) and a 4-year, $96 million extension.
Y2Kev said:Waifu has pneumonia? This guy is really a waifu.
He's still lurking, but I can understand why he hasn't been posting much.weekend_warrior said:Where is Lambtron? Haven't seen him post in ages.
AnEternalEnigma said:The postseason thread is going to be really quiet without Lambtron witnessing the slaughter of the Twins by the Yankees.