Oh, from the trailers and everything I've heard, it's exactly what I expect. Which is why I'm not in a rush to see it. If I end up seeing it on Blu-ray, I can't say it's kinda shitty?ToxicAdam said:I think expectations dramatically effect opinion. So, if you are an intelligent person, you should have an informed perspective on what to expect from a big-budget, Hollywood movie that is only two hours long. If you don't, then you deserve to be called an idiot.
Look at Shawshank Redemption. Many intelligent people classify that as one of the greatest movies of all-time, despite the fact that the main antagonist was played by one of the most overused, ham-fisted movie tropes of all time. The essence of 'pandering to the LCD'. But people can overlook it they realize it's a Hollywood movie and you don't always have time to make every character as nuanced as they should be.
But there is a difference between being a good movie and being a good baseball movie, or at least true to the story it claims to tell. And maybe (ok, probably) you were right in your previous post with critics looking at it as a movie and baseball people looking at it as a baseball movie.