word. still the best.evil solrac v3.0 said:how can anyone not like baseball?
word. still the best.evil solrac v3.0 said:how can anyone not like baseball?
evil solrac v3.0 said:ATTENTION YANKEE COUNCIL, for the duration of the regular season we will give our full backing and support to both the Baltimore Orioles and Tampa Bay Devil Rays. rooting for the Yankees is suspended until further notice.
fuck baseballevil solrac v3.0 said:how can anyone not like baseball?
msdstc said:While it makes sense... a team should never want to lose, just saying. On that same subject, why would the yankees rather play the rays than the sox right now? Longoria is finally healthy and the pitching has been there all year.
msdstc said:While it makes sense... a team should never want to lose, just saying. On that same subject, why would the yankees rather play the rays than the sox right now? Longoria is finally healthy and the pitching has been there all year.
Because they are secretly afraid. Anyone rooting for a potential series against a Florida team, in a clown stadium, with zero fans are foolish.msdstc said:While it makes sense... a team should never want to lose, just saying. On that same subject, why would the yankees rather play the rays than the sox right now? Longoria is finally healthy and the pitching has been there all year.
msdstc said:While it makes sense... a team should never want to lose, just saying. On that same subject, why would the yankees rather play the rays than the sox right now? Longoria is finally healthy and the pitching has been there all year.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:Because they are secretly afraid. Anyone rooting for a potential series against a Florida team, in a clown stadium, with zero fans are foolish.
At least one of you clowns are saying it.jman2050 said:They just took 3 out of 4 against them back when they were actually still kinda trying.
And seriously, why the hell would we take the chance of facing the Sox in the playoffs? As bad as they have been lately, all bets are off once the playoffs roll around. Get them out now and the Yankees will do what they can in the playoffs.
I'd be worried about facing the Rays in the playoffs. Who do you think would give the Yankees the most trouble the Red Sox or the Rays?captmcblack said:The Yanks would play whoever has the worst record between the Tigers and Rangers; ideally, that'd be the Rangers, because fuck Verlander and Fister in a short series.
eznark said:[IMG][/QUOTE]
I know why I'm so fucking mad
I know why, you dipshit.eznark said:
evil solrac v3.0 said:it's all about the moment man, the hilarity. all teams are pretty evenly matched I'd say so it doesn't much matter.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:I know why, you dipshit.
Welcome to MLB-Age. Home of the Red Sox -- 1995 AL EAST Champions! --
rekameohs said:Rays 5, Yankees 2
T: 3:07.
Att: 18,772.
Ah ha ha haha
outunderthestars said:God. That is just sad. Can we please move this team somewhere else?
Rés.darkside31337 said:Montreal Rays.
outunderthestars said:God. That is just sad. Can we please move this team somewhere else?
darkside31337 said:Montreal Rays.
outunderthestars said:Carolina Rays?
What do the yankees need to play for now? They've already wrapped up the division and hfa, it's time to rest the regulars and make sure they're healthy for the playoffs. Also its for the lulz.msdstc said:I do understand that on one hand, but you should hope your team would never pack it in.
A Black Falcon said:I don't get why Yankees fans want the Red Sox to fail to make the postseason either, I mean I'd rather play the Yankees than Rays in the ALCS (pretending that the Sox actually make the postseason this year)... not just because we had a better record against the Yankees, but because there's nothing like beating the Yankees in the playoffs. Beating Tampa... isn't exactly the same.
In other news, the Cardinals-Astros game is tied, if the Cardinals can pull off a win both wild card races will tie in the same day...
Dmncnby2k9 said:
I never understand hating teams that aren't rivals to the one you cheer for.Y2Kev said:yeah i'm not rooting for the cards
i am rooting for them to pull even and then fail after poojols explodes while tripping down the steps
jman2050 said:I didn't even know you could trade club managers.
Can you trade other management staff as well?
jman2050 said:I didn't even know you could trade club managers.
Can you trade other management staff as well?
Dmncnby2k9 said:
Can we trade Randy Levine, please?jman2050 said:I didn't even know you could trade club managers.
Can you trade other management staff as well?
msdstc said:While it makes sense... a team should never want to lose, just saying. On that same subject, why would the yankees rather play the rays than the sox right now? Longoria is finally healthy and the pitching has been there all year.