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Official 2011 MLB Thread v.2: The Mets are terrible.

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Yes! Maybe we should have gone with Lavarnway sooner... of course though, they'd been saying that Lavarnway was a major league ready hitter, but maybe not catcher. He's doing okay catching so far, though.

darkside31337 said:
I agree that if the Red Sox choke Ellsbury really shouldn't win the award. It's kind of embarrassing.
That's absurd. Even while the entire team has been collapsing around him, yesterday aside Ellsbury has been the one player still playing great, and that counts for a lot. And remember, the MVP is an individual award, not a team one!

I agree with this. But Ellsbury's MVPness is based on the narrative that he's saved the Red Sox season which would be the truth if they get in. If they don't get in then what exactly has he saved?

Either way Bautista should win the award.
His MVPness is based on his great season, not just how he's doing so well while the rest of the team is falling apart. Ellsbury-as-MVP talk started long, long before September, after all.


darkside31337 said:
Bautista has been the better player this year. He should win the award regardless. That was my point.

Right after your "if they don't make the playoffs Ellsbury isn't worthy of an MVP" point.

Ya, I read it. You must be baseball beat writer with that sound logic.


Fatalah said:
Sanjuro - I'm not with you on Elsbury or your Boston love, but spectacular job with that jab!

Granderson is Lex Luger yo - the total package!
Well maybe if most of your Yankee blowhards weren't purposely trying to be annoying. Normally I praise Granderson and is one of my favorite players for the team. If I had to choose though, Ellsbury just does more. Better stealer, better hitter, better defender. Simple as that. Argument should be Crawford vs. Granderson just to make him look that much worse.


Enron said:
Fuck you Derek Lowe you fucking shitfuck. I hope I never see you again in a Braves uni.
I think he will still keep the uniform. Try to argue with the police that he is on reservation land while he is drunk beating his wife.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
I think he will still keep the uniform. Try to argue with the police that he is on reservation land while he is drunk beating his wife.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
eznark said:
Right after your "if they don't make the playoffs Ellsbury isn't worthy of an MVP" point.

Ya, I read it. You must be baseball beat writer with that sound logic.

Bautista > Ellsbury.

Red Sox get in the playoffs, he saved the season, narrative wins him the award even though Bautista had the better year.

Red Sox don't get in the playoffs, he didn't save anything, he had a worse season than Bautista. Bautista wins it.


weekend_warrior said:
Why do you always bring up the Lakers? I'm not even a Lakers fan, I just like Kobe so I route for the Lakers in the West. I barely even follow basketball.
A. You make foolish statements which indicate you don't follow baseball much.

B. People who root for Lakers/Yankees are usually a good indicator that "A" will be a problem before they even open their mouth.


darkside31337 said:
Bautista > Ellsbury.

Red Sox get in the playoffs, he saved the season, narrative wins him the award even though Bautista had the better year.

Red Sox don't get in the playoffs, he didn't save anything, he had a worse season than Bautista. Bautista wins it.

Yeah, that's like the third time you've said this. If Ellsbury doesn't make the playoffs the award should go to a guy who didn't make the playoffs. Crystal clear.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
eznark said:
Yeah, that's like the third time you've said this. If Ellsbury doesn't make the playoffs the award should go to a guy who didn't make the playoffs. Crystal clear.

I have to say it 3 times because you lack any kind of reading comprehension.

The two players have been pretty equal, Bautista has a slight lead.

If Ellsbury gets the Red Sox into the playoffs then he wins the award BECAUSE they made the playoffs.

If the Red Sox don't get into the playoffs then the guy who was statistically better should win the award, and that guy is Bautista.


never heard about the cat, apparently
darkside31337 said:
I have to say it 3 times because you lack any kind of reading comprehension.

The two players have been pretty equal, Bautista has a slight lead.

If Ellsbury gets the Red Sox into the playoffs then he wins the award BECAUSE they made the playoffs.

If the Red Sox don't get into the playoffs then the guy who was statistically better should win the award, and that guy is Bautista.
team accomplishment should have nothing to do with a individual award
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
A. You make foolish statements which indicate you don't follow baseball much.

B. People who root for Lakers/Yankees are usually a good indicator that "A" will be a problem before they even open their mouth.

Gotcha, people who like teams that you hate are stupid. Thanks for clarifying.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Well maybe if most of your Yankee blowhards weren't purposely trying to be annoying. Normally I praise Granderson and is one of my favorite players for the team. If I had to choose though, Ellsbury just does more. Better stealer, better hitter, better defender. Simple as that. Argument should be Crawford vs. Granderson just to make him look that much worse.



never heard about the cat, apparently
Astros 1-0. /cheer
darkside31337 said:
I'm trying to justify why Ellsbury should win MVP. It's a decent enough reason. Logically the award should go to Bautista.
if he is a better player then sure give it to him, but not because his team made the damn playoffs. So no, its not a decent reason.


darkside31337 said:
I have to say it 3 times because you lack any kind of reading comprehension.

The two players have been pretty equal, Bautista has a slight lead.

If Ellsbury gets the Red Sox into the playoffs then he wins the award BECAUSE they made the playoffs.

If the Red Sox don't get into the playoffs then the guy who was statistically better should win the award, and that guy is Bautista.

Right. You are deciding an individual award based on the outcome of the team sport, despite there being fairly reliable methods of comparing individuals on their own. That you are willing to give the award to one guy over the other based on them being demonstrably identical in one category (i.e., missing the playoffs) is highly entertaining.

Oh man, Bedard falling apart. Really gonna hurt Jacoby's mvp chances.
Windu said:
team accomplishment should have nothing to do with a individual award

Most Valuable Player. Some people think that a player who helps his team into the playoffs is more valuable then a player who doesn't. Assuming of course that the stats are pretty equal.
darkside31337 said:
Bautista > Ellsbury.

Red Sox get in the playoffs, he saved the season, narrative wins him the award even though Bautista had the better year.

Red Sox don't get in the playoffs, he didn't save anything, he had a worse season than Bautista. Bautista wins it.

This definition "Most Valuable" is like a high school yearbook superlatives contest. It adds an arbitrary condition (the team's performance) to an individual performance award. "Best Player On A Good Team"? Who cares? Why don't we have performance awards with other factors no one gives a shit about? Best Player On A Bad Team! Best Player With The Funniest Laugh!

Don't we really just care who the Best Player is?


never heard about the cat, apparently
weekend_warrior said:
Most Valuable Player. Some people think that a player who helps his team into the playoffs is more valuable then a player who doesn't. Assuming of course that the stats are pretty equal.
Its not the Most Valuable to his team award, its the Most Valuable Award. Aka, the best player, because he is the most valuable. If someone puts up better numbers, and you swapped him with a player with lesser numbers, the player with the better numbers would be more valuable because the team would be better.


eznark said:
Who cares. At least we can all agree Ryan Braun is the clear choice for NL MVP.
Clear choice for spokesman for Clearasil. Gotta remove that ass acne from those "B12" shots. amidoingthisright?


evil solrac v3.0 said:

Bedard was an Oriole at one point right?

He was a huge name prospect for the O's just a few years ago. I remember every team wanted him, even the Mentos were shopping around for him.


One last note about Granderson -- he practically carried the Yankees offense through the summer and somehow has the entire fanbase overlooking A-Rod's lackluster year. New Yorkers taking it easy on our special 10-year-$275-million-dollar man? That deserves an award in itself.

Granderson with the SUPLEX!
Windu said:
Its not the Most Valuable to his team award, its the Most Valuable Award. Aka, the best player, because he is the most valuable. If someone puts up better numbers, and you swapped him with a player with lesser numbers, the player with the better numbers would be more valuable because the team would be better.

It's not the "best player award", it's the "most valuable player award". What value does a player on a non-playoff team have? If you took Ellsbury and put him on the Astros what value would he have? The Astros might win a few more games, but they wouldn't make the playoffs. But if you took Ellsbury off the Red Sox they wouldn't have a chance for the playoffs right now. He's far more valuable because he's the difference between playoffs/ no playoffs.

You can make the argument all you want for a "best player award" but the MVP has always been heavily favored towards the players that make the playoffs.
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