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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

Bulla564 said:
I feel like a Beatles fan listening to Britney Spears fans gloat about album sales...

Are you seriously comparing a system with Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, etc, with Britney Spears?


What happened to that 50% sales boost the 360 got during the week of GTAIV? God, I don't even want to know how poorly it sold during those prior weeks.

GG Nintendo, GG.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
RBH said:
The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000

In the media-create thread I said screw you Japan for Valkyria Chronicle sales.

In this thread I say this, Screw you America for not buying The World Ends With You


TheGreatDave said:
Sony's statement is so awesome.

"“Clearly, the tremendous legacy of Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation, combined with the blockbuster launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue packed a one-two punch with consumers at retail this month."


Oh Man, Jack Tretton is baaaad.

TheGreatDave said:

What're you tryin' to say, Dave?! Huh?!
Odysseus said:
they have to survive that long first
I think you guys are forgetting that software on the 360 still sells like sliced bread. Developers will continue to make great games for it as long as they sell their product, regardless of whether the Wii is outselling the system or not.

Shit, GTA4 still sold almost 3 MILLION copies in just a few days.


PataHikari said:
Are you seriously comparing a system with Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, etc, with Britney Spears?

Hey man, I'm a Slave For You, and Stronger are good songs. Don't knock them!
Guled said:
no way, MGS4 will easlly go over a million. Snake eater sold 3.5 million with barely any marketing and it went up with gta:sa and halo 2. Also, sony is going to market the hell out of the game. I'm not sure about pushing hardware since everyone who I know that is a mgs fan already has a ps3.

Not with the current PS3 user base it won't. unless sony gives them away for free


Hcoregamer00 said:
In the media-create thread I said screw you Japan for Valkyria Chronicle sales.

In this thread I say this, Screw you America for not buying The World Ends With You

Whether or not it contributed, a lot of my friends had problems finding this game at all in stores when it came out.


UncleGuito said:
Yes, I'm worried now, too (especially for MGS4).

I do think quite a few people planning to get a PS3 are waiting for the MGS4 bundle because it's the only way to get the backwards compatible 80 GB systems now and a lot of people don't want the 40 GB systems. I certainly don't expect any miracles but there will be a bump when the 80 GB systems are available again.

MGS4 will do fine because of the bundling. Motorstorm is one of two PS3 games over 3 million in sales and a lot of that is because of bundles and not because the game was that popular.
TheBranca18 said:
Hey man, I'm a Slave For You, and Stronger are good songs. Don't knock them!

Baby One More Time is still the best pop song of the last 10 years.

And Mario Galaxy is still the best thing ever.


Some LTD sales
Wii Play (Wii) - 5,470,757
Call of Duty 4 (X360) - 4,040,504
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii) - 3,026,000
Guitar Hero 3 (Wii) - 2,136,100
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (X360) - 855,800
God of War: Chains of Olympus (PSP) - 400,500


You know the PS3 and 360 saw 127% and 125% jump respectivly in the first week of GTA IV sales in the UK according to Chart Track. This in itself doesn't really mean much, but as we can tell neither console did anywhere near that in the US. Perhaps economic conditions do have some role however limited to this equation. This is not to say anything about the Wii either. Could be flawed logic, but there could be something to it more than meets the eye.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Holy fucking shit. There are no words.

NPD is awesome if only for threads like this one. Have the banninations begun yet? If so, has someone started keeping a tally of the body count?


Guled said:
no way, MGS4 will easlly go over a million. Snake eater sold 3.5 million with barely any marketing and it went up with gta:sa and halo 2. Also, sony is going to market the hell out of the game. I'm not sure about pushing hardware since everyone who I know that is a mgs fan already has a ps3.
It sold 3.5 million WW.. not in the US.
It barely crawled to a million in the US. (and that is on the damn PS2 which was 199 at the tim)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I think Metal Gear will do pretty well..its going to be marketed up the ass.


formerly sane
sprocket said:
Its not picking arguments. Third party games do not sell ont he Wii like they do on the ps3 and 360 at this time. Its a fact. Third party games have higher sales on those two consoles.

The Wii is selling a lot of hardware and a lot of nintendo games, Which is good I like Nintendo and have a Wii and buy all those games. But despite its sales its not competing for third party games AS OF YET. The Sales just are not there for third parties at this time. Which is why the 360 and ps3 are still getting all the big named third party games.

I personally do not care if the Wii is underpowered If it got all the MGS, REs, DMCs,Final Fantasies ect I would praise it for 2 hours straight every day! But at this point third party sales just are not there for that to happen.

Wii 3rd party games do not sell like they do on 360, PS3 is completely different. IF you want to use a combination argument that's another matter but PS3 alone is shit for 3rd parties sales when you go WW and since the PS3 games cost more makes this argument even more full of shit.

What happens when next Wii is bigger than both systems which is a real possibility? Should publishers invest more money, more marketing, and more people on two platforms when one platform is bigger and cheaper overall?

There are more million sellers on the Wii 3rd party than PS3 no disputing and WW it kicks it's ass. Only when you combine it with 360 does it matter, but then one must ocnsider the amount of effort a publisher takes to make bigger sales over Wii. Spin it how you like doesn't change the fact Alone PS3 can't take on Wii in any overall category.
Nutter said:
It sold 3.5 million WW.. not in the US.
It barely crawled to a million in the US. (and that is on the damn PS2 which was 199 at the tim)
Well, I highly doubt that MGS4 won't hit 1 million by the end of the year. I don't know one person with a PS3 that isn't buying the game.


why are people downing the great GTA4 numbers? you guys realized it was launched in the last 2 days of the month correct?


schuelma said:
I think Metal Gear will do pretty well..its going to be marketed up the ass.

Haze is being marketed up the ass. Those two things don't go hand in hand. I realize they're not even close quality wise, but Sony has done a piss poor job marketing this generation.


The Everyman
norinrad21 said:
Not with the current PS3 user base it won't. unless sony gives them away for free
it will definitly go over 1 million at least.

hell im feeling strangely optimistic about mgs4 tbh so i think it'll end up going way higher


Unconfirmed Member
There's enough bitter tears in this thread to rid a small African continent of thirst for months.



Count Dookkake said:
Good thing about being old is that you will be dead soon. :lol
Did you just try to claim that Britney Spears's "new" music is superior in any way to The Beatles' "old" music?


norinrad21 said:
Not with the current PS3 user base it won't. unless sony gives them away for free
if mgs2 could sell 7 million after 1 year ps2 came out, mgs4 could make more then 2 million after 1.5 years ps3 came out. Both Resistance and Mortorstrom are multi million sellers. Plus I think the bundle will help
davepoobond said:
we are sinking sinking NeoGAF will become CasualGAF in due time

You mean NeoCAF.

DeaconKnowledge said:
The absolute best part of this is that i'm hearing people spout the same ridiculous shit I bellowed in my teens about the "death of gaming" when Nintendo's dominance was on its way out and Sony came to power. It's all garbage.

Gaming didn't need my melodramatic ass to be successful, and it doesn't need yours. So let's keep the tears flowing; keep thinking you're important and that the industry will care when one person leaves when another 10 take his place.

But...you were kinda right. Sony's initial hate for 2D and RPG games was a legit concern at the time.
Guled said:
no way, MGS4 will easlly go over a million. Snake eater sold 3.5 million with barely any marketing and it went up with gta:sa and halo 2. Also, sony is going to market the hell out of the game. I'm not sure about pushing hardware since everyone who I know that is a mgs fan already has a ps3.

3.5 million in how many years and this was worldwide, right? Also, the userbase ratio between PS2 and PS3 is pretty high, so we'll see.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can we get some Ltds for Super Mario Galaxy, someone? :(

And Okami Wii just because.


GAF's Ed McMahon
sprocket said:
why are people downing the great GTA4 numbers? you guys realized it was launched in the last 2 days of the month correct?

:lol :lol :lol

Except NPD covers the month till 3 may.


schuelma said:
I think Metal Gear will do pretty well..its going to be marketed up the ass.
What is pretty well?
If GTA opens at 1 million, I see MGS opening at 400k.. (is that really well?) compared to the other game sales for PS3 I can see you saying pretty well.
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