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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

sprocket said:
why are people downing the great GTA4 numbers? you guys realized it was launched in the last 2 days of the month correct?

It really has more to do with the fact that the 360 and PS3 received so little a bump from said GTA.

And that the Wii outsold them both combined.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Nutter said:
It sold 3.5 million WW.. not in the US.
It barely crawled to a million in the US. (and that is on the damn PS2 which was 199 at the tim)

I think that that MGS4 might have 300-400k when it comes out.
sprocket said:
why are people downing the great GTA4 numbers? you guys realized it was launched in the last 2 days of the month correct?
Because 3 million units sold didn't spur new console sales (even though there's no direct, proven correlation between the two). GTA4 sold a shit load.


I'm not worried about GTA4. It's going to have incredible legs throughout this year and into next. The hardware sales are indeed troubling though, and hopefully we see May deliver in a way that makes up for the PS360's poor performance.

If not.... cut price and do it fast.


sprocket said:
why are people downing the great GTA4 numbers? you guys realized it was launched in the last 2 days of the month correct?

I don't think they are downing the sales numbers of GTA 4 as much as they are in denial that GTA 4 couldn't sell as many systems as it did, which is dumb, but this is the NPD thread, where logic goes to die.
Sharp said:
Did you just try to claim that Britney Spears's "new" music is superior in any way to The Beatles' "old" music?

See post 940.

The analogy is bogus. In fact, after thinking about it for a moment, I would argue that it is backwards.
TheBranca18 said:
Can someone explain how bitter tears are delicious?

Just because its bitter doesnt meant it cant be delicious. I take my team with lots of lemon and sugar, just because its sour doesn't mean that it cant be sweet at the same time.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Bulla564 said:
I feel like a Beatles fan listening to Britney Spears fans gloat about album sales...
I feel like the smartest person in the world compared to all the people in this thread making dumbass comments like yourself.


Opiate said:
Sony and Microsoft cannot just drop the prices of these consoles indefinitely. Particularly in the case of Sony, you can't just keep lopping hundreds of dollars off at a time. Sony and Microsoft have lost billions -- literally billions -- of dollars already trying to get these things into people's homes. There is a limit. This is about money. It has to end.

I think many people in here simply disassociate marketshare and gaming completely from economic realities. For example, for many people, the reason they prefer the PS3 and 360 in the first place was that they were more powerful systems, and that is the exact reason why they cost so much money. If the PS3 and 360 launched at lower prices, they would have also been much less powerful systems. In which case you probably wouldn't have liked them in the first place.

As a person who frequents a great deal of technically oriented forums, this isn't a malady particular to gaming afficianados. Whatever the cutting edge of technology is in any market sector, there is a small, technophile group that insists that if [insert high tech device here] was 100 dollars, it would be outselling [insert low tech device here]. Which is true, of course, but the reason it costs so much more is because it's so high tech.

And when the product in question finally reaches that 100 dollar level, it's no longer high tech anymore. It's now the low tech product. Something new has been created that costs a ton of money, and now the technophile crowd is insisting that the new product would be outselling the now-old product if it was 100 dollars, too.

The conversation is completely disassociated from economics and reality.

SO TRUE. Someone Finally said it. It also applies to system launch date. Gamers would say "PS3 should have launched earlier or around the same time as 360" or "The N64 shouldn't have been delayed" but if they did they wouldn't have had any games and would have been less powerful and as such wouldn't have been the PS3 or N64 that they know.
Eteric Rice said:
Nintendo goes after the casuals first, because they know they only buy one system.

Then, they'll be coming after us.


So what does that mean, a mario/zelda/metroid game every two years?


schuelma said:
I think Metal Gear will do pretty well..its going to be marketed up the ass.

You know I always believed Sony bundled MGS with PS3 because they were afraid if it didn't sell on its own that 3rd parties would abandon them faster than the Titanic.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Wyndstryker said:
it was tracked for 5 days.

NPD tracking ended on the 3rd

How long was Halo 3 tracked for?

Penguin said:
You know I always believed Sony bundled MGS with PS3 because they were afraid if it didn't sell on its own that 3rd parties would abandon them faster than the Titanic.

They have the 360 SKU as well. PS3 SKUs aren't likely to go anywhere for a while.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Lostconfused said:
So what does that mean, a mario/zelda/metroid game every two years?

When was the last time Nintendo released a main Mario or Zelda game every two years?
MisterHero said:

Speaking of which i should get around to actually buying them, its been probably more than half a year since i touched a wiimote.

reilo said:
When was the last time Nintendo released a main Mario or Zelda game every two years?

I believe that was my point, what is nintendo's strategy to go after the hardcore besides the usual?


$350 (core doesn't count) for a couple year old console just doesn't cut it.

MS f'ed themselves by releasing a console with poor reliability and now trying to recoup costs by leaving the price high.

Sony at least has a reason in the BD drive for the high costs...regardless, the both need massive price drops soon.
Hcoregamer00 said:
In the media-create thread I said screw you Japan for Valkyria Chronicle sales.

In this thread I say this, Screw you America for not buying The World Ends With You

To be fair, I was going to pick it up and couldn't find it anywhere. Everywhere was sold out, and had apparently only gotten one or two copies.

It sounds like the publishers weren't expecting much from it in the first place. Similar to what damned NMH, to a certain extent. No advertising + no copies to be found = minor sales.


Hrm. Odd. Very curious to see how June turns out with MGS4 and with PS3 hardware numbers. Would be awesome to see it hit 1 million or more software sales. The game deserves it (from what I've seen :D ).

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Grecco said:

So, Halo outsold it by a healthy amount on one platform and caused a hardware boost. It is likely that this will be the only game to cause a boost for either the PS3 and 360 outside of normal season trends this generation.


Worships the porcelain goddess
No really, my mind is blown. The Wii almost doubled up both the PS3 and 360 combined. I really don't know what to make of that. To top it off, it's simply a system I have absolutely no interest in. What a weird ass market. Man, I would hate to be a 3rd party right now. What do you do? Where do you go?

I don't want to succumb to kneejerk reactions, but both MS and Sony have to find a way to get this train rolling. It's pretty clear that both systems (and all forms of them) are just too expensive.


The Autumn Wind
I don't know what everyone is all up in arms about. It's not like this is going to change publishers' attitudes about anything. They'll still focus their big projects on the PS3 and 360 and continue to throw the occasional crap the Wii's way.


sooo... maybe a lot of people who were going to buy a PS360 are waiting for their stimulas checks to come in... even if you have direct deposit, you didnt get the money til around the 1st week of May...

I think everything will be fine next month... as far as the PS3 goes.. its just another month of low sale.. nothing new :lol


sprocket said:
why are people downing the great GTA4 numbers? you guys realized it was launched in the last 2 days of the month correct?

GTAIV had five days of sales in this reporting period.

I expected much more from GTA4's debut. Halo 3 sold quite a bit more in the same time frame (3.3m) than GTAIV did on 360 and PS3 combined (2.85m). I figured GTAIV would crush that debut, but it didn't. And it sure didn't boost hardware sales either.
Bulla564 said:
I feel like a Beatles fan listening to Britney Spears fans gloat about album sales...

You know the Beatles still outsell Britney Spears, so you might want to re-evaluate which side you're actually representing.


Agent Icebeezy said:
So, Halo outsold it by a healthy amount on one platform and caused a hardware boost. It is likely that this will be the only game to cause a boost for either the PS3 and 360 outside of normal season trends this generation.

12 days, actually.

and it followed a price drop and had a new sku. now, the sku was a non-starter over the long haul, but it surely contributed during that first month.

but finally (hopefully) people will stop with the "this one game will change everything" mentality. it won't.


These numbers are astonishing. I am astonished. I expected Wii hugeness, but I frankly expected Mario Kart to move more units.

PS360 sales are not good at all; perhaps the GTA4 bump, to the extent it exists, will occur in May.

Oh, and 1.85:1 is pretty damned close to 2:1, shane :lol


Junior Member
Grecco said:

I belive it was more like 12 days. Looking at the September NPD thread, it tracked through October 6th, and it was released on the 25th of September. So they probably will end up pretty close over that period. Of course GTA was released on two systems, and the 360 has a larger install base now. Then again there is probably a bit of crossover with owners of the two systems, and GTA definetly did better in Europe.


Agent Icebeezy said:
So, Halo outsold it by a healthy amount on one platform and caused a hardware boost. It is likely that this will be the only game to cause a boost for either the PS3 and 360 outside of normal season trends this generation.

The Level of Hype of Halo. With a MNF Commercial a year before its release. Burger King Combos, Cars, Mountain Dew, Millions spent in epic advertising vs a Delayed game with some comercials a week before its release. Most of them payed by Gamestop.

It was pretty pretty obvious that it was going to happen


« generous god »
Sean said:
GTAIV had five days of sales in this reporting period.

I expected much more from GTA4's debut. Halo 3 sold quite a bit more in the same time frame (3.3m) than GTAIV did on 360 and PS3 combined (2.85m). I figured GTAIV would crush that debut, but it didn't. And it sure didn't boost hardware sales either.
Wow at Halo 3!!!

Plz Bungie I beg you....please be really involved in H4
This month NPD is hilarious and full of irony, for people who might not familiar with gaming who look at the numbers, they might think that GTA4 was a Wii exclusive. :lol


LCGeek said:
Nintendo should yank the chanins on the big 3rd parties now. Been calling for this action for months either start putting real titles consumers want both casuals or hardcore nintendo gamers or no Wii/DS. Publishers would shit their pants if they knew they had to rely ps family and the hd for money considering the state of games. Even if nintendo don't take action the publishers are screwed if they keep putting crap on Wii then in 2k10 finally get real stuff as they by then most nintendo consumers casual, non game, or hardcore won't give two craps about what's coming out from them. So knew this generation like the psx era was gonna be getting rid of a lot childish and immature publishers who don't bother to deal with nintendo because of bad blood. This time their own inept and conservative behaviors are gonna be their deaths bout time as it should cleaned out a lot the first time.

360 has been destroying in 3rd party sales... what are you talking about ? :lol


GTA also didn't have it's own soda. You have to stand in awe of the Microsoft marketing machine when it came to Halo 3.

Hell, there were almost no ads anywhere for GTA even in the days before release. That's not to take away anything from Halo 3 because it's a fantastic game, but I think GTA will have much longer legs.


To the 360/PS3 fans here: I think we should just enjoy the next few years as much as we can, especially if things continue to trend this way and X720/PS4 go the Wii route. Just ignore the impending apocalypse and enjoy the awesome games we have for the next few years. Personally, I'm swamped with amazing games on 360/PS3. I've got a huge backlog and have never been more excited for a future line-up than with what's coming out over the next year for the HD consoles (Gears 2, Banjo, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, on and on, I could make a mile long list). Personally, besides Mario Galaxy and possibly Boom Blox for a few hours, I've got like absolutely zero interest in the Wii line-up. Maybe it's because I'm a gfx whore or because Nintendo games don't do it for me or because I use online (Xbox Live) so much, I dunno. I mean I've got no interest in Smash Bros. which is basically a fan service fighter with poor online play. I prefer SF4, VF5, SC4, etc. There's nothing wrong with Smash, it just isn't my type of game. Couldn't be less interested in stuff like Mario Kart, either. I played Okami last gen. There's a ton of people like me as well. This is what I'm talking about. Just enjoy the next few years and ignore the impending apocalypse. If this is the last gen with huge technological advancement in terms of CPU / GPU / RAM etc, then get a gaming PC. There's nothing else we can do. Fortunately, software sales are still great. Look at RB6 Vegas 2 and Army of Two last month (700 and 600k, respectively), so we're still gonna get a ton of quality, high production value third-party games.


This makes me happy.

Microsoft and Sony went too hard, too fast. $400 and $600 consoles were a stupid idea. Game budgets went up dramatically. It's not sustainable. Look at EA. Losing money all over the place.

Plus, now hopefully MS will drop the price so I can buy one :)
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