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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

WarLox said:
360 has been destroying in 3rd party sales... what are you talking about ? :lol
Far too many people think that hardware sales directly correlate with publisher support.

To reiterate:
UncleGuito said:
I think you guys are forgetting that software on the 360 still sells like sliced bread. Developers will continue to make great games for it as long as they sell their product, regardless of whether the Wii is outselling the system or not.
and this:
kbear said:
To the 360/PS3 fans here: I think we should just enjoy the next few years as much as we can, especially if things continue to trend this way and X720/PS4 go the Wii route. Just ignore the impending apocalypse and enjoy the awesome games we have for the next few years. Personally, I'm swamped with amazing games on 360/PS3. I've got a huge backlog and have never been more excited for a future line-up than with what's coming out over the next year for the HD consoles (Gears 2, Banjo, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, on and on, I could make a mile long list). Personally, besides Mario Galaxy and possibly Boom Blox for a few hours, I've got like absolutely zero interest in the Wii line-up. Maybe it's because I'm a gfx whore or because Nintendo games don't do it for me or because I use online (Xbox Live) so much, I dunno. I mean I've got no interest in Smash Bros. which is basically a fan service fighter with poor online play. I prefer SF4, VF5, SC4, etc. There's nothing wrong with Smash, it just isn't my type of game. Couldn't be less interested in stuff like Mario Kart, either. I played Okami last gen. There's a ton of people like me as well. This is what I'm talking about. Just enjoy the next few years and ignore the impending apocalypse. If this is the last gen with huge technological advancement in terms of CPU / GPU / RAM etc, then get a gaming PC. There's nothing else we can do. Fortunately, software sales are still great. Look at RB6 Vegas 2 and Army of Two last month (700 and 600k, respectively), so we're still gonna get a ton of quality, high production value third-party games.


UncleGuito said:
Well, I highly doubt that MGS4 won't hit 1 million by the end of the year. I don't know one person with a PS3 that isn't buying the game.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say MGS4 will sell about a million for the June NPD. I mean, GTAIV did that in 5 days, plus many people with ps3s and 360s probably bought GTAIV on 360. The fact that MGS4 is going to be bundled will help a lot as well. Not to mention the insane marketing it will have. Maybe I'm a bit(ok more than a bit) biased here, but I also feel MGS4 has more hype, at least ps3-wise, than GTAIV did.
And yes, I know GTA has, historically, sold a shit-ton more than MGS.
So the biggest game of the generation didnt move anymore consoles for Sony or Microsoft? Hard to believe. If that game cant do it then what can? Will be interesting to see June NPD.


Sean said:
GTAIV had five days of sales in this reporting period.

I expected much more from GTA4's debut. Halo 3 sold quite a bit more in the same time frame (3.3m) than GTAIV did on 360 and PS3 combined (2.85m). I figured GTAIV would crush that debut, but it didn't. And it sure didn't boost hardware sales either.

Bad timing maybe? I wonder how different the sales would have been if GTAIV was released in the fall.
kylej said:
GTA also didn't have it's own soda. You have to stand in awe of the Microsoft marketing machine when it came to Halo 3.

Hell, there were almost no ads anywhere for GTA even in the days before release. That's not to take away anything from Halo 3 because it's a fantastic game, but I think GTA will have much longer legs.

Where the hell do you live?


legend166 said:
This makes me happy.

Microsoft and Sony went too hard, too fast. $400 and $600 consoles were a stupid idea. Game budgets went up dramatically. It's not sustainable. Look at EA. Losing money all over the place.

Plus, now hopefully MS will drop the price so I can buy one :)

PS3 should of been a launch system THIS year while the PS2 continued to reign terror acrossed the lands. Seriously.
sleeping_dragon said:
This month NPD is hilarious and full of irony, for people who might not familiar with gaming who look at the numbers, they might think that GTA4 was a Wii exclusive. :lol

This is where the post starts to break down. If they were not aware of gaming they probably dont know much about exclusivity either or at least how it pertains to the console market.
If these sales dont convince 3rd parties to throw some BIG budget games at Wii what the hell will?

Seriously they need to pull their fingers out asap. Im not saying ditch support for the HD consoles, Id just like to see them give the Wii the respect/support these sales deserve!


While I'm not the biggest Wii lover on this board, NPD threads are always so entertaining. The meltdowns are just awesome.

Guys, relax, there's still lots of great HD gaming coming. This is actually a good thing as Nintendo is driving some HUGE growth for the VG industry. I just hope this means that we get less shit games on the platform, I want to love the Wii but the software just isn't there yet. It is getting better (slowly).


Super Member
yellowjacket said:
So the biggest game of the generation didnt move anymore consoles for Sony or Microsoft? Hard to believe. If that game cant do it then what can? Will be interesting to see June NPD.
How much did CoD4 move PS360?

But I don't want consoles to rely on shooters anyways so I laugh.


You like me, you really really like me!
I'm really fucking scared of Nintendo.

The day hardcore gaming systems like the 360 and PS3 die is the day I quit gaming.


Sony in Hilary Skin said:
Over 1 million copies of Grand Theft Auto IV for PS3 were sold in April in North America, with 23.6% of U.S. PS3 owners purchasing a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV, a 29.0% higher attach rate for the title than Xbox 360.

Enthusiasm for Grand Theft Auto IV combined with the launches of Haze and SingStar for PS3, is expected to continue to lift PS3 hardware sales through May.
We PC gamers welcome you all to our little land of hardcoreness.
Accept the personal computer as you gaming savior and you lot will be forgiven.
WarLox said:
360 has been destroying in 3rd party sales... what are you talking about ? :lol

Only for about 8-10 third party devs. That hardly constitutes the entire industry, and that's only really taking America into account.


dabbled in the jelly
laserbeam said:
Thats the Wii is this Gen PS2 proof. Hardcore gamers think way too highly of ourselves in terms of system sales. We are but a drop in the bucket when it comes to overall system sales for teach Generations Mega system.

The Most hardcore games of last generation barely reached the 8-10% of consoles sold mark on the PS2.

Its the Moms and Dads and other people who we dont expect to be gamers or have any interest that are the majority. Nintendo simply made it hip and cool for those people so its not hidden anymore
No, you don't understand. My dad ridiculed me for twenty years for liking video games and now he spends his nights playing Mario Kart. You would have to know him to understand how important this is.


formerly sane
WarLox said:
360 has been destroying in 3rd party sales... what are you talking about ? :lol

Only in america, what you talking about again like sprocket using a typical NA only argument. WW with 3rd party software Wii is catching up and with shittier lineup to boot.


Also my comment was aimed at the PS family not 360 so I have no clue why you switched it up. BTW only certain types of 3rd parties titles do well on 360 as the whole not at all as quirk or more non western games sell like crap. If it weren't for the large titles selling the amount they did the system would be garbage.


UncleGuito said:
Far too many people think that hardware sales directly correlate with publisher support.

God, most of us aren't calling for a complete abandonment of HD systems (I want to play my 360 too, you know), but for at least SOME sharing of resources to actually make decent Wii games that people want to play...Is that really so much to ask?


Agent Icebeezy said:
So, Halo outsold it by a healthy amount on one platform and caused a hardware boost. It is likely that this will be the only game to cause a boost for either the PS3 and 360 outside of normal season trends this generation.

Imagine that late last year, Microsoft stopped supplying retailers with Pro and Elite SKUs of the 360. By December, the Elite and Pros were sold out and the only SKU available is Arcade. Also in December, Microsoft announces that the Pro will be available again in April as part of a GTA4 bundle.

Do you think under those circumstances the 360 wouldn't have had a bump in hardware sales in April?
kylej said:
GTA also didn't have it's own soda. You have to stand in awe of the Microsoft marketing machine when it came to Halo 3.

Hell, there were almost no ads anywhere for GTA even in the days before release. That's not to take away anything from Halo 3 because it's a fantastic game, but I think GTA will have much longer legs.

Do you drive a tractor to work?
Bidermaier said:
We PC gamers welcome you all to our little land of hardcoreness.
Accept the personal computer as you gaming savior and you lot will be forgiven.

Should mention the required acquisition of a 8800GT and a copy of Crysis on the way in. Sins of a solar empire for anyone that might be feeling frisky.


godisturbed said:
If these sales dont convince 3rd parties to throw some BIG budget games at Wii what the hell will?

Seriously they need to pull their fingers out asap. Im not saying ditch support for the HD consoles, Id just like to see them give the Wii the respect/support these sales deserve!
They're giving them the respect and support their previous efforts have earned them. Which is not much. The Wii itself selling well does not mean 3rd party titles will sell well. Nintendo's 1st party games selling well does not mean their titles will sell well, either. Even if they're quality (Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes.) Those games' sales can't compare with the HD sales of even average C+ and B- multi-platform titles.


Lostconfused said:
Should mention the required acquisition of a 8800GT and a copy of Crysis on the way in. Sins of a solar empire for anyone that might be feeling frisky.

Dawn of War: Soulstorm. For reeeealz.


formerly sane
MisterHero said:
It's called the dark side because it's a black hole for your moneyz


Just don't spend on the latest and greatest. Once you join the darkside you won't have enough time for new becaue you will have giant backlog of old. Which reminds me I need to catch up on trackmania badly.
LCGeek said:
Only in america, what you talking about again like sprocket using a typical NA only argument. WW with 3rd party software Wii is catching up and with shittier lineup to boot.

FYI, this is an NPD thread which only counts sales in America.


yellowjacket said:
So the biggest game of the generation didnt move anymore consoles for Sony or Microsoft? Hard to believe. If that game cant do it then what can? Will be interesting to see June NPD.

I wish, just so Itagaki makes another NG.


Akai said:
God, most of us aren't calling for a complete abandonment of HD systems (I want to play my 360 too, you know), but for at least SOME sharing of resources to actually make decent Wii games that people want to play...Is that really so much to ask?


There's so much potential. I don't even want a game like CoD4. I'll take more things like Boom Blox, Zack and Wiki, Mad World, PES Wii, etc. Considering the smaller budgets, it's not asking for much.


PhatSaqs said:
Yeah, I lol'd when I read that. I used to think Haze was going to be great....then I played the demo. It's not bad mind you, but its just seems so average on every possible level.
(sorry, off-topic :eek:)


« generous god »
NeoUltima said:
Yeah, I lol'd when I read that. I used to think Haze was going to be great....then I played the demo. It's not bad mind you, but its just seems so average on every possible level.

Wrong thread?


Lostconfused said:
Don't be cruel to the new guys. Should tell them to wait for the super deluxe ultra rare titanium complete edition. If it isn't out yet.

We'll probably see that months before Dawn of War 2 comes out.
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