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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Eteric Rice said:
They can't do that forever. Something has gotta give eventually.

Why? Third-party devs are making money hand-over-fist on the 360/PS3.

That's just not happening with third-party Wii titles.
Cerrius said:
I mean, my god, everytime I look at those Wii sales it just ... astounds me.

Then when I think back to the GAF thread where the Wii was unveiled and remember the reactions.. just wow.


Lots of people did, they were just shouted down by the people who didn't.


If Sony & MS don't merge next-gen they are fucked. Sony & MS are splitting up a single HD core gaming audience right down the line. If they were a single combined console the numbers would look a lot better for both hardware and software.

Next gen should be:

Dreamcast 2


X26 said:
Sad how sales > games to the typical n-fan in this thread. If you're not on nintendo's payroll I don't see why this would get you so exciting considerding the wii library is how it is

What's even sadder is MS and Sony fans crying the end of hardcore gaming.
X26 said:
Sony does well = a bunch of companies do well

Microsoft does well = a bunch of companies do well

Nintendo does well = Nintendo does well

Everyone else fails, Nintendo does well.

Everyone learns from their mistakes and gets better.


Draft said:
BTW, HD gaming fans:

Don't despair! Sure, your favorite hobby is dead, killed by something leaner, simpler, more accessible. But not all is lost. You can have a lot of fun with dead stuff.

/PC gaming since it died back in 99, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08

Fixed. PC gaming was dead from the beginning of this year apparently. :lol


Wow, I just pushed the power botton on my 360 and it still turned on, after reading this thread I thought that it wouldn't.

That was close.


« generous god »
Bebpo said:
If Sony & MS don't merge next-gen they are fucked. Sony & MS are splitting up a single HD core gaming audience right down the line. If they were a single combined console the numbers would look a lot better for both hardware and software.

Next gen should be:

Dreamcast 2

X-station would be awesome!


Bebpo said:
If Sony & MS don't merge next-gen they are fucked. Sony & MS are splitting up a single HD core gaming audience right down the line. If they were a single combined console the numbers would look a lot better for both hardware and software.

Next gen should be:

Dreamcast 2

Come on Bebpo, don't be such a pathetic poster who knows nothing.

Putting the Dreamcast 2 up against anything is such an unfair advantage for Sega that implying it would be a competition undermines the Dreamcast 2 itself.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
HK-47 said:
Its been almost 4 years since SA. I dont think that is the problem

People are sick of the city? Beats me, there's no other better explanation for it. Those numbers are incredibly low. The ratio of Wii to 360/PS3's sold is just unbelievable...I'm blown away, no one saw this coming.


The Autumn Wind
X26 said:
Sony does well = a bunch of companies do well

Microsoft does well = a bunch of companies do well

Nintendo does well = Nintendo does well
soldat7 said:
Why? Third-party devs are making money hand-over-fist on the 360/PS3.

That's just not happening with third-party Wii titles.

These arguments are so stupid. Maybe those third parties should start considering making Wii games that are above the level of "shit."
I didn't expect this.

I figured GTA would boost both the 360 and PS3 well over 300,000 units, and it didn't even push them past the 200,000 unit mark.

The Wii is god though. Nothing really surprises me with it.


Link said:
These arguments are so stupid. Maybe those third parties should start considering making Wii games that are above the level of "shit."

If you equate Okami to 'shit' then there is no hope left in the world.


Gwanatu T said:
People are sick of the city? Beats me, there's no other better explanation for it. Those numbers are incredibly low. The ratio of Wii to 360/PS3's sold is just unbelievable...I'm blown away, no one saw this coming.

GTA was the biggest 1st day launch for an entertainment product ever. It did 500 million dollars worth on its first day, there is nothing low about that.


jman2050 said:
It didn't sell anything on the PS2 either!

It came at a really bad point in the PS2 lifecycle (hello PS3). It's the perfect time to release Okami on the Wii.

But Wii owners are more interested in less hardcore games (but we already knew that).


soldat7 said:
If you equate Okami to 'shit' then there is no hope left in the world.

I'd assume he was implying original software. I actually enjoy the ported games but I'm in the obvious minority when it comes to people that want original content.


Gold Member
I figure its been said before in this thread, but Ill say it again: the 360 and PS3 are too fricking expensive! By this time last generation PS2 was already around the $199 mark and MS and Sony are trying to push $400 consoles onto a general populace which is getting its ass rocked by a poor economy, stagnant wages, and high gas prices. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

They should be shit canning whatever E3 presentation they were planning and just present a single slide saying that says "$100 price cut". This NPD report should be a red flag for them.


The Autumn Wind
soldat7 said:
If you equate Okami to 'shit' then there is no hope left in the world.
We haven't even gotten numbers for it yet. Besides that, it's a port of a game released two years ago that didn't sell then, either, so I'm kinda doubting it's gonna set the charts ablaze.

evilone said:
I'm not the one crying here.
soldat7 said:
If you equate Okami to 'shit' then there is no hope left in the world.
No, but it is the byproduct of an already full April.

But it's not like the game sold on the PS2 either. Maybe it just has *gasp* limited appeal?


Busaiku said:
I dunno know about that...
Aren't PS3 third party sales much worse than Wii's?

Maybe because sony isn't doing all that well right now? When Sony IS doing well (PS2), a ton of people benefit, and sony did it with the PS2 without shutting out an entire section of gamers *cougnintendocough*


favouriteflavour said:
Isnt there something like 4 million PS3's in the US? You expect 25% of the userbase to pick up MGS4? Also ddnt MGS3 sell a little over a million (USA) in its lifetime, with alot of that at greatest hits pricing? MGS4 will sell a million this year if its lucky.
As I said, I was going out on a limb.

Not really fair to compare it to MGS3 either. That iteration had a lot working against it including GTA:SA, Halo 2, lack of hype(compared to other MGS games) and marketing.
MGS4 has way more hype, will undoubtly get marketed to hell, is bundled with the reintroduction of the 80gig, and has avoided, to some extent, fierce competition. The main thing working against it is its summer release date.


Link said:
We haven't even gotten numbers for it yet. Besides that, it's a port of a game released two years ago that didn't sell then, either, so I'm kinda doubting it's gonna set the charts ablaze.

Well it's not in the top 10 and we can tell that it sold fewer than 140,000 copies...That's par for the course for a great third-party game on the Wii though.


soldat7 said:
I'm disgusted at the lack of Okami Wii sales. No wonder third-party devs are frustrated.

They didn't market the damn thing again, so obviously sales are going to be pitiful (I bought and loved it, and I'm trying my best to get everyone I know to get it too)...

The best 3rd party games just have gotten no marketing (Zack & Wiki, No More Heroes), and that fault lies on the bloody 3rd parties!


The Autumn Wind
soldat7 said:
Well it's not in the top 10 and we can tell that it sold fewer than 140,000 copies...That's par for the course for a great third-party game on the Wii though.
"Great Wii third-party game" includes what, exactly?


Grecco said:
It was globally yes..

That's what I thought. Its a good opening but didn't have the impact expected in NA based on what people have said in this thread.

X26 said:
Maybe because sony isn't doing all that well right now? When Sony IS doing well (PS2), a ton of people benefit, and sony did it with the PS2 without shutting out an entire section of gamers *cougnintendocough*

Maybe your anger needs to be directed at Sony then. They changed their plan up and the market didn't respond as they dictated it would.
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