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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

Busaiku said:
I dunno know about that...
Aren't PS3 third party sales much worse than Wii's?
It has, by my count, only two 3rd party million sellers to it's name.

The Wii has at least 10, and the 360 has (30?).

Both the 360 and Wii have a few that have went on to pass the 2 million mark (the 360 many more than).


Personally, I do not believe MGS4 will do that much for the console in June. I believe it will sell a healthy amount of copies, but move a decent amount of HW for the month after seeing these GTA IV numbers? Neh, eh.


It is all going according to plan!

Ninetndo goes "retro" this gen. Bringing back their dominant ways. Only one force can stop this. One last hero out there rising from the ashes to settle things!


9/9/09....its coming.:D
Do these numbers show that people didn't care about the HD format war and weren't waiting on a winner to push sales of the PS3?

These seem to be the same numbers of systems sold pre Blu-ray winning.
Bebpo said:
If Sony & MS don't merge next-gen they are fucked. Sony & MS are splitting up a single HD core gaming audience right down the line. If they were a single combined console the numbers would look a lot better for both hardware and software.

Wouldn't that lead to a Crisis of Infinite Franchises?

Forza would be obviously whacked for Gran Turismo, but Halo v. Killzone v. Resistance?


jacobs34 said:
Wow, I just pushed the power botton on my 360 and it still turned on, after reading this thread I thought that it wouldn't.

That was close.

Glad to hear it made it to the other side.


soldat7 said:
I'm disgusted at the lack of Okami Wii sales. No wonder third-party devs are frustrated.

I was going to but that IGN logo really kills that buy for me. Once I see it with fixed art, I'll get it.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
AstroLad said:
i just wonder if boom blox is going to sell well. i need more good games on the wii dont really care about all this other nonsense.

You on board for Blast Works?


MechDX said:
It is all going according to plan!

Ninetndo goes "retro" this gen. Bringing back their dominant ways. Only one force can stop this. One last hero out there rising from the ashes to settle things!


9/9/09....its coming.:D

Yeah, especially with those losses Sega reported the other day...


Sure, but listen closely


Anyone complaining about the sales of GTA IV being low are out of their minds.


i totally understand why people are "disappointed" in the sales of a port of a game that didn't even sell that well on ps2 two years ago. i see your "concern."


HocusPocus said:
Sony and Microsoft fans must unite to combat the Wii! Can it happen? :D

Of course they can unite! Just look at the amazing logic and intelligence displayed when the DMC4 demo arrived, or the GTA IV comparison threads!


jacobs34 said:
GTA was the biggest 1st day launch for an entertainment product ever. It did 500 million dollars worth on its first day, there is nothing low about that.
It didn't unseat Halo 2/3 from being the fastest-selling games ever in the U.S. despite having the advantage of being multiplatform while Halo is a console exclusive. That's disappointing considering expectations from the biggest-selling series in the industry.


Ceres said:
I was going to but that IGN logo really kills that buy for me. Once I see it with fixed art, I'll get it.

You do know that Capcom will send you one of THREE different replacement box arts, right? I recommend you go look up the Okami thread right this second, then go out and buy Okami!


jacobs34 said:
Sure, but listen closely


Anyone complaining about the sales of GTA IV being low are out of their minds.

Euro sales aren't relevant in an NA sales thread, are they?


Narag said:
That's what I thought. Its a good opening but didn't have the impact expected in NA based on what people have said in this thread.

Maybe your anger needs to be directed at Sony then. They changed their plan up and the market didn't respond as they dictated it would.

I'm angry? Anyways, point I'm trying to make is the industry as a whole does not benefit from nintendo's insane success


favouriteflavour said:
Isnt there something like 4 million PS3's in the US? You expect 25% of the userbase to pick up MGS4? Also ddnt MGS3 sell a little over a million (USA) in its lifetime, with alot of that at greatest hits pricing? MGS4 will sell a million this year if its lucky.

Bundle. It will easily sell a million. Not counting the bundle, maybe not.


Super Member
jacobs34 said:
Sure, but listen closely


Anyone complaining about the sales of GTA IV being low are out of their minds.
and yet the wii has no games and blows both participating platforms out of the water

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
soldat7 said:
If you equate Okami to 'shit' then there is no hope left in the world.

The problem with Okami is that it already sold to nearly everyone who would have bought it on the PS2. Who doesn't have a PS2 that would want Okami? They were marketing to a small audience, unfortunately, and it was mostly saturated before hand. Developers need to make new, GOOD games rather than mini-game compilations and garbage games with sub-Dreamcast graphics. Maybe these constant insane sales will knock it through their mush skulls?


X26 said:
I'm angry? Anyways, point I'm trying to make is the industry as a whole does not benefit from nintendo's insane success

Well it doesn't when third parties don't try to make good games or market good games appropriately...


X26 said:
I'm angry? Anyways, point I'm trying to make is the industry as a whole does not benefit from nintendo's insane success
I really don't know if it works this way, but barring everyone stays in the race, wouldn't the "expanded market" benefit everyone longterm?

Eteric Rice

Odysseus said:
i totally understand why people are "disappointed" in the sales of a port of a game that didn't even sell that well on ps2 two years ago. i see your "concern."


It's not like Wii third party games don't sell, they're just not front loaded. Where's that list from a while back that had the sales of most third party games? I remember us all being pretty surprised by it.


soldat7 said:
I'm disgusted at the lack of Okami Wii sales. No wonder third-party devs are frustrated.

Take a step back for a second.

Here's what you're saying.

1. 3rd parties have every right to be angry at their Wii sales.

2. Proof? Poor sales of what many consider to be an inferior port of a 2 year old PS2 game that also sold like crap on the PS2.

Do you see the ridiculousness of what you're saying?

Edit: Beaten, many times.


Thunder Monkey said:
It has, by my count, only two 3rd party million sellers to it's name.

The Wii has at least 10, and the 360 has (30?).

Both the 360 and Wii have a few that have went on to pass the 2 million mark (the 360 many more than).

There's more than that. At least DMC4, GTA4, Assassin's Creed and CoD4 off the top of my head.

What you're not factoring in is that adding a PS3 SKU to a 360 game adds little to the cost (as little as 10% by some estimates) and increases the game's sales by about a third, while the cost of adding a Wii SKU to a 360 game is equivalent to making a new game from scratch. For that reason, the PS3 makes more sense for a lot of devs than the Wii.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Bricfa said:
Bundle. It will easily sell a million. Not counting the bundle, maybe not.

I want MGS4, i want a ps3, i want the MGS4 bundle. Just not at that price. PS3 sales wont take off until a huge price drop.


EA Employee
Link said:
We haven't even gotten numbers for it yet. Besides that, it's a port of a game released two years ago that didn't sell then, either, so I'm kinda doubting it's gonna set the charts ablaze.

I'm not the one crying here.

He has a point don't you think so?


The Autumn Wind
X26 said:
I'm angry? Anyways, point I'm trying to make is the industry as a whole does not benefit from nintendo's insane success
Seriously? You think all these record-breaking months are because of the amazing sales of the 360 and PS3?

Gwanatu said:
Maybe these constant insane sales will knock it through their mush skulls?

evilone said:
He has a point don't you think so?
Not really. I'd imagine most "hardcore" gamers picked up Okami on the PS2 nearly two years ago like I did. Besides that, I'm not really seeing too many original third-party Wii games that are any good underperform all that much. It's just that most of the support is crap.


Narag said:
I really don't know if it works this way, but barring everyone stays in the race, wouldn't the "expanded market" benefit everyone longterm?

The market is only expanding for Nintendo. Someone who buys the wii for wiisports and maybe buys wiifit and a few other simialr titles down the line isn't ever going to buy a console like the ps3 or 360, or even 99% of the 3rd party stuff on the wii


Unconfirmed Member
Bricfa said:
Bundle. It will easily sell a million. Not counting the bundle, maybe not.

But didn't the president of Konami say MGS4 needed to sell a million on it's first day?


MisterHero said:
and yet the wii has no games and blows both participating platforms out of the water

I'm not trying to argue against the merits of the Wii, I own one and enjoy it immensely. I'm just saying that GTA IV sold great in just a few days in the US, and broke all kinds of records around the world. As far as it not moving 360's or PS3's, that's more of an indictment of those consoles than an indictment of GTA. That's all I'm trying to get at.


EA Employee
Vilix said:
But didn't the president of Konami say MGS4 needed to sell a million on it's first day?

Ryan Payton said that. Anyone who thinks MGS4 won't do a million WW first week is just nuts.


I think the real economic concern for cutting edge tech in gaming isn't actually the hardware prices -- hardware always comes down in price. The PS3 will be 200 dollars within 5 years. The supercomputers of today are half their price tomorrow.

The real long term concern, I believe, is actually the cost of software development, as software development costs really do not come down, or come down so slowly that any gains made by engine development are more than superseded by the ever increasing complexity of games. Despite the fact that engines were developed heavily for the PS2/Xbox/GC, game development costs went up and up then, too, then they seemingly doubled overnight with the PS360, and then they'll increase again when the PS4/720 are made.

Unless there is an equivalently large increase in sales to compensate for those increasing costs, then there is a problem. And while the industry as a whole is booming, I'm not sure "hardcore" games are growing all that fast. Fighters are selling less, but Shooters are selling more. Racers like GT seem to be saturated. The action game market is saturated and hasn't seen significant sales deviations for years.

I think there are a few comparable examples in other genres: Point and Click Adventures, and SRPGs. There are still games made in both genres, and there are still games in both genres that receive high praise. However, because the market for these types of games is known and it isn't growing very quickly anymore, the cost of development for these types of games requires limitation. You'll see most Point and Clicks looking like they're on 10 year old tech, because that's the budget that games of their popularity warrant. Most SRPGs look like late PS1/early PS2 games these days, and it will probably stay that way.

At some point in the near future, I think most of the other "hardcore" genres will begin to reach their limit, if they haven't already. I think JRPGs are probably already there, for example. Which again, isn't a bad thing at all -- as Point and Click Adventures and SRPGs are still awesome, with many great games still being produced. It's just important to recognize that economic restraints are coming.


Super Member
jacobs34 said:
I'm not trying to argue against the merits of the Wii, I own one and enjoy it immensely. I'm just saying that GTA IV sold great in just a few days in the US, and broke all kinds of records around the world. As far as it not moving 360's or PS3's, that's more of an indictment of those consoles than an indictment of GTA. That's all I'm trying to get at.
Don't worry man I'm kidding. :D

The HD consoles see their good amount of big releases (CoD4 for one). I don't expect any different for at least a year.

But something's going to have to change for them sometime.

Eteric Rice

Azrael said:
There's more than that. At least DMC4, GTA4, Assassin's Creed and CoD4 off the top of my head.

What you're not factoring in is that adding a PS3 SKU to a 360 game adds little to the cost (as little as 10% by some estimates) and increases the game's sales by about a third, while the cost of adding a Wii SKU to a 360 game is equivalent to making a new game from scratch. For that reason, the PS3 makes more sense for a lot of devs than the Wii.

Eventually they're not going to be able to go by that anymore. Hell, I think the Wii is almost caught up with both of them total WW.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
It seems that without the huge userbase, GTA isnt the monster everybody believed it to be. Halo 3 on the other side did move a shitload of consoles for Microsoft and sold 3.3 million units on its first NPD with a third of the installed user base of both the PS3 and 360 combined as of right now.
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