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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Pachael said:
Doubt it. Graphically wise I think Nintendo will follow the marginal cost argument now that they've successfully shown that they don't need those high-powered chips to deliver. So we'll likely see something like the improvement from GBA -> DS for the next Nintendo console, which may make things nicer but it won't be 720p. 480p will still be around. It's design and gameplay that counts in Nintendo-land.

I dont agree. Not if Ps4 X720 have waggle.


Yeah, I think you guys are dreaming if you don't think Nintendo's next console will have 720p as standard. Let's say they give the Wii 6 years and release Wii 2 in 2012. By then the Wii tech will effectively be 12 years old. They're not going to use the same chipset again. I think they'll use it in the DS 2, however.

By 2012 you'd expect the 360 to, at most $150 (although it's MS so they'll probably keep it at $350 amirite lol) and being sold at a profit. You don't think Nintendo will be able to make something more powerful at sell it at $250?


Kbsmoker said:
Can't wait to see how MS spins this. I thought it was out selling ps3 gta 3:1. :lol


Their channel checks said 2:1 genius as there PR stated last week. 1st week 65:35 is pretty darn close. Fun here;



legend166 said:
What are you arguing here? That their next console will be less powerful than an Xbox 360? Despite the fact they'll be able to make a super charged one, sell it for $250 and still make a healthy profit? Despite the fact that in 5 years HDTVs penetration will actually mean something?

I don't understand what you're saying.

I'm arguing that there won't be a successor to the Wii untill the Wii starts to lose market share.

It could be 10 years before you see another Nintendo Console.

I remember reading an article years ago about how Nintendo had finished the designs of either the Gameboy Color (or it was the Gameboy advance I can't remember), for a few years before they actually launched the system due to strong sales of the handheld they already had on the market.

Nintendo won't moveon untill they've milked everything they can out of the system.


Akai said:
And Nintendo still ended the YEAR at a profit...There's a chart of fiscal YEARS out there somewhere but I don't feel like looking for it...
I know Nintendo profited that year (with 560,000,000 US dollars as leroy hacker posted above here), but does those numbers include Gamecube only or GBA as well?


tfur said:
So, for April over last year...
      (2007)     (2008)      
DS    471k       414
WII   360k       714
PS2   194k       124
PSP   183k       192
360   174k       188
PS3    82k       187

Wii and PS3 doubled, DS and PS2 had a little drop, and PSP and 360 had a slight gain.

Is there more drama in this thread than the numbers reveal?
Weel, people were expecting a big boost due to GTA's release. I actually think we'll see more of a boost in May than in April, as MS predicted at one point. People who procrastinate for 2+ years on buying a next gen console aren't the guys who rush out and buy a system Day 1 when a game releases.

The drama in this thread is bit silly, but GAF does like its drama.


legend166 said:
Yeah, good post.

GTA IV cost what, 100 million? Let's say that Microsoft decided to make the same jump to the Xbox 720 that they did from the Xbox to the 360. Dev costs double. 200 million to make GTA V. If Rockstar makes $30 a copy, they're not even breaking even at 6 million units sold.

Like I said earlier, the leaps that MS and Sony, and a lot of people on GAF, keep wanting hardware to make just is not sustainable. I'm thankful that Nintendo slowed it down. Sure, I wish that they'd taken a small loss on hardware and made it a 720p machine, but that doesn't matter now. They'll most likely release a super charged Xbox 360 type system next gen and it'll all be good.

Although I do agree to a certain extent, I have to point out that people are generally hesitant to adopt expensive technology unless they are dragged kicking and screaming into accepting it. But that's the only way technology can ever move forward. If company weren't forcing HD adoption down consumer's throat, it'll take decades to reach market saturation.

If you look at the PC market, you'd realize that there is very very little need for faster hardware that are extremely expensive. Very little people buy them anyway, so does that mean companies should stop trying to release more advanced technologies? Why not stick to the mainstream low-end stuff since that's where all the money is anyway. Because someone has to set to a new high end benchmark in order for the low-end to move forward. So far, we have Sony and MS plunking millions and millions to push the tech forward, and Nintendo cruising in the wake and reaping the profits. Think about it, by the time this generation is done, all the initial hard work in investing in HD development will have matured significantly, and guess who is going to swoop in and start HD development?


formerly sane
Grecco said:
I dont agree. Not if Ps4 X720 have waggle.

I hate that argument

Let me see a company that's been doing waggle for a few years vs the two new guys who didn't think it wouldn't work leaving nintendo to prove em wrong. I hope nintendo has it's hypocrisy commericials to expose sony and ms as nothing more than me too companies who only do shit when it suits their pockets. They may add waggle but all it takes is a little FUD to make the consumer doubt why they are doing and how well they can.


Jag22 said:
I'm arguing that there won't be a successor to the Wii untill the Wii starts to lose market share.

It could be 10 years before you see another Nintendo Console.

I remember reading an article years ago about how Nintendo had finished the designs of either the Gameboy Color (or it was the Gameboy advance, I can't remember), for a few years before they actually launched the system due to strong sales of the handheld they already had on the market.

Nintendo want moveon untill they've milked everything they can out of the system.

I hope so. The SNES's last years gave the system some of its best titles:

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 3
Harvest Moon
Super Mario RPG etc...

Consoles need time especailly Wii because third parties refused to believe Wii is a viable console until recently. Now third parties are starting to give us some better titles.


Super Member
Jag22 said:
I'm arguing that there won't be a successor to the Wii untill the Wii starts to lose market share.

It could be 10 years before you see another Nintendo Console.

I remember reading an article years ago about how Nintendo had finished the designs of either the Gameboy Color (or it was the Gameboy advance I can't remember), for a few years before they actually launched the system due to strong sales of the handheld they already had on the market.

Nintendo won't moveon untill they've milked everything they can out of the system.
Sony could've kept supporting PS2 for 1-2 years and it might have given the PS3 enough time to come down in production costs.

It's not that they didn't want to, it's just that they really fucked up.


MechDX said:
You announced this week Xbox 360 surpassed 10 million units in the US. How significant do you think this is when Nintendo is only about half a million units behind with one year less on the market?

I think it speaks to the fact that we were the first console to reach that point - one of the advantages to being first to market. But we really feel that our competitor in the space is PlayStation 3. The Wii is much more of a complement to our experience. We're speaking to a different type of customer. I think it's important, but it isn't the only metric. Software is important too, and we do the best there.
I'm slowly starting to believe this.


Jag22 said:
I'm arguing that there won't be a successor to the Wii untill the Wii starts to lose market share.

It could be 10 years before you see another Nintendo Console.

I remember reading an article years ago about how Nintendo had finished the designs of either the Gameboy Color (or it was the Gameboy advance I can't remember), for a few years before they actually launched the system due to strong sales of the handheld they already had on the market.

Nintendo won't moveon untill they've milked everything they can out of the system.
thats called smart business, dont pour cold water on something thats hot until you need too.
Grecco said:
I dont agree. Not if Ps4 X720 have waggle.
I actually expect the PS4 and 720 to be marginal increases over the PS3 and 360.

Profit will be the most interesting lesson Sony and MS learn from Nintendo. We'll be back on equal footing next gen.

PhatSaqs said:
I'm slowly starting to believe this.

I believed it when it was first said, now I'm becoming skeptical.

Why would a big release like GTA amount to fewer consoles sold weekly versus the Wii seeing another weekly increase? Money only goes so far, and the new face of gaming is the Wii.


This data cover April only, the only big game in April was GTAIV, and it came out on the 29th, we should see some console sale effect into May probably.


Crystal Bearer
I think it's time for the HD consoles to get a price drop...

The US economy is too poor right now for people to afford expensive electronics.


formerly sane
Syntek said:
If you look at the PC market, you'd realize that there is very very little need for faster hardware that are extremely expensive. Very little people buy them anyway, so does that mean companies should stop trying to release more advanced technologies? Why not stick to the mainstream low-end stuff since that's where all the money is anyway. Because someone has to set to a new high end benchmark in order for the low-end to move forward. So far, we have Sony and MS plunking millions and millions to push the tech forward, and Nintendo cruising in the wake and reaping the profits. Think about it, by the time this generation is done, all the initial hard work in investing in HD development will have matured significantly, and guess who is going to swoop in and start HD development?

What new tech?

Cell is a multi core cpu design and multi core cpus are nothing new. I will give credit to it but multi core cpus existed well before PS3 and even with cell being it's getting it's butt handed to it by the intel c2d and larabee is no joke if nvidia feel threatened by it. The Xenos is the R600 prototype which if you knew about gpus was confirmed in existence in some form years before it hit the market. I won't even start on the RSX which was a modified 7800GS or is 7600GS nvida card made to be console friendly.

Outside of BR none of the shit in hd consoles was new not the ram or anything else.

If you're gonna talk at least be sincere and informed. That's the problem with this next gen hd bs it's nothing more than a smoke screen for hey buy this over priced shit that has existed in some form or another when we launched. Thank god the gaming media is ill informed and seems the people they serve are just as bad.
Well GTA4 didnt bring new gamers that's for sure.....its not exactly too much different from the last one too...besides the graphics....anyway i wonder if third partys will still ignore the wii......
sandman said:
This data cover April only, the only big game in April was GTAIV, and it came out on the 29th, we should see some console sale effect into May probably.

I'd have thought GT5: Prologue would've helped the PS3 a bit more than it did, in combination with GTA IV.


Kagari said:
I think it's time for the HD consoles to get a price drop...

The US economy is too poor right now for people to afford expensive electronics.

Dollar is too weak to make a pricedrop feasible based on posts in this thread.


MisterHero said:
Sony could've kept supporting PS2 for 1-2 years and it might have given the PS3 enough time to come down in production costs.

It's not that they didn't want to, it's just that they really fucked up.

Sony should have waited another year for the PS3, I agree.

But do you really want to be playing the Wii for another 8 years?

Microsoft nor Sony should make another system for quite awhile. I think once the systems drop in price, their sales will really go up, and both systems are more than powerful enough for the years to come.

But I reallly don't want to be playing the Wii for another 8 or so years. Mario Kart and Smash Brother already feel really similar to the last-gen mk and SB. I really don't want to play another version of those games with the same graphics, poor online interface, friends codes, and 480Pness, ect.
Jag22 said:
I remember reading an article years ago about how Nintendo had finished the designs of either the Gameboy Color (or it was the Gameboy advance, I can't remember), for a few years before they actually launched the system due to strong sales of the handheld they already had on the market.

Well, yeah. Hardware makers do tend to design things years in advance of release. Do you think Sony whipped up the specs for the PS3 six months before releasing the console? Do you believe Sony would have waited six years to release the PS3 if the PS2 had struggled rather than dominated?


(more a nerd than a geek)
I'm surprised anyone is surprised.

That being said, I'm a bit surprised the 360 GTA didn't sell more copies when compared to Mario Kart.


Jirotrom said:
thats called smart business, dont pour cold water on something thats hot until you need too.

As a gamer though, do you really want to play the Wii for another 7 or 9 years on your HDTV? And miss out games that just aren't possible on the hardware like GTA 4?
Brannon said:




Suddenly being hit with a $21 million lawsuit doesn't seem so bad. HOLY SHIT.

Even if they (Nintendo) only make 20% of the (retail msrp * the number they sold htis month), they make 38 million.


Jag22 said:
I'm arguing that there won't be a successor to the Wii untill the Wii starts to lose market share.

It could be 10 years before you see another Nintendo Console.

I remember reading an article years ago about how Nintendo had finished the designs of either the Gameboy Color (or it was the Gameboy advance I can't remember), for a few years before they actually launched the system due to strong sales of the handheld they already had on the market.

Nintendo won't moveon untill they've milked everything they can out of the system.

There's a big difference between the Wii and the Gameboy. Despite the fact that the Wii is killing everything, it's still got competition. The Gameboy had none. They effectively had a monopoly, so they could do whatever they want. Look at the GBA -> DS transition. GBA was king. Sony came in with the PSP to grab marketshare and Nintendo responded with the DS.

I'm not one of those who thinks that Wii 2 will come out in 2009. That's completely retarded. In fact, I never even talked about the release date of the Wii 2 in my post. I was making a comment on the power.

I actually think that Nintendo is in a position with the Wii to do what Sony did with the PS1 -> PS2 transition. Microsoft and Sony are not in a position to jump early, unless they're prepared to write off all the losses they've incured with the PS3/360. Sony might be willing to, and just put it down to securing Blu-Ray's success. MS are billions upon billions in the red, and after the disaster that came with rushing they 360 early, they won't do it again I think.

Release Wii 2 in 2011, maybe 2012. Get a jump start on the competition ensuring you get all the software support. Ride on the Wii 2 until 2020.

Now, I don't know if they'll do that, but I think it's a valid option. They might ride the Wii out till 2014, but I don't think that's the right move.

Either way, it's going to be interesting


Super Member
Jag22 said:
As a gamer though, do you really want to play the Wii for another 7 or 9 years on your HDTV? And miss out games that just aren't possible on the hardware like GTA 4?
I don't have an HD TV.

I understand that the signal transition is coming but that doesn't change that it's something I really should buy, and I'm 99% sure I'll be getting converter boxes for my SDTVs.

I'm set for this gen.

If anything I'm grateful the 360 works on SDTVs. :lol


MisterHero said:
I don't have an HD TV.

I understand that the signal transition is coming but that doesn't change that it's something I really should buy, and I'm 99% sure I'll be getting converter boxes for my SDTVs.

I'm set for this gen.

If anything I'm grateful the 360 works on SDTVs. :lol

You don't think you'll be an owner of a HDTV within the next 5 years?


you can't put a price on sparks
DavidDayton said:
I'm surprised anyone is surprised.

That being said, I'm a bit surprised the 360 GTA didn't sell more copies when compared to Mario Kart.

1.85 < 1.12



Kagari said:
I think it's time for the HD consoles to get a price drop...

The US economy is too poor right now for people to afford expensive electronics.

Sometimes I wonder if it's just the price that's stopping the average joe from buying the other two consoles. Here I really thought that this would be the gen where most people have more than one console. Well there's still time, its' still early for this gen.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I wonder if the increased Wii supply is impacting 360/PS3 sales to a small degree. Coincidence that in the highest per month non holiday non launch month in history, 360 and PS3 both drastically underperform?


LCGeek said:
What new tech?

Cell is a multi core cpu design and multi core cpus are nothing new. I will give credit to it but multi core cpus existed well before PS3 and even with cell being it's getting it's butt handed to it by the intel c2d and larabee is no joke if nvidia feel threatened by it. The Xenos is the R600 prototype which if you knew about gpus was confirmed in existence in some form years before it hit the market. I won't even start on the RSX which was a modified 7800GS or is 7600GS nvida card made to be console friendly.

Outside of BR none of the shit in hd consoles was new not the ram or anything else.

If you're gonna talk at least be sincere and informed. That's the problem with this next gen hd bs it's nothing more than a smoke screen for hey buy this over priced shit that has existed in some form or another when we launched. Thank god the gaming media is ill informed and seems the people they serve are just as bad.
just breathe my friend... breathe...


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Microsoft and Sony adopting waggle won't do anything for them..

Seriously some of you people have to experience the whole thing to even get a clue, the denial is unbelievable. When Microsoft and Sony's rip offs fail THEN you'll realize it was never about waggle, well I can see it from a mile away.

This is Nintendo's turn, they're the new market leader now and that will stay. I knew that from the moment I saw Sony and Microsoft's conference at E3 2005... If you literally go back and look at it with the eyes of the true mass PS2 consumer, it was clear from the beginning they were totally out of touch with this industry and really had no clue what the market wanted. I don't think the PS2 consumer is waiting on the side, most of them have probably split up but the majority is definitely winding up towards the Wii, and I don't say that because of the sales really.

Eteric Rice

Here's my take on it.

Before any new system is released from Nintendo, they're going to push the Wii as far as it can possibly go. What will likely happen is when HD becomes the norm, Nintendo will release a new Wii that can upscale current games to 720p, or even 1080p (if they're feeling generous). This will extend the life of the Wii by a decent margin.

I think they did something similar with the Gameboy, not positive though.

Then, when they finally have to release a new console, it will likely have similar hardware to the consoles of it's time, BUT, it'll likely be a weaker version. That way it can get multi-platform games AND still remain cheap.

Motion sensing will likely be improved big time as well.


(more a nerd than a geek)
davepoobond said:
1.85 < 1.12


I'm sorry, that could have been read in more than one way.

I meant that I'm surprised the 360 GTA didn't outsell Mario Kart by even MORE units.


Jag22 said:
As a gamer though, do you really want to play the Wii for another 7 or 9 years on your HDTV? And miss out games that just aren't possible on the hardware like GTA 4?
I have a 360, and a pc I get the best of both worlds, you act as if the Wii is the only gaming choice out there, I have a DS as well and a psp, and I frequently play my ps2, and ps1 games.
Hmm GTA not being a system seller was a possibility but it's pretty surprising. I thought it would be a system seller for the PS3 much like the previous GTAs, but on a smaller scale, and just a regular blockbuster game system seller for the 360.

Edit: Console sales will probably rise slowly and gradually as more and more casuals pick up GTA though.
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