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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo

People are saying price drop would help HD consoles. Yeah, sure it will but it won't last long.

Main reason Wii is attracting these many casual gamers is novelty of how you play games on Wii. I've seen real life examples where people who have absolutely zero gaming history are buying Wii because they thought it would be fun after watching ads.

PS3 and 360 need waggle more than price drop.


e-gamer said:
does anybody have doubts about a motion sensing controller comming to xbox 360???

Yes. It'd only work for a small segment of software where every wii game uses the wiimote anyhow.

lawblob said:
Holy Sweet Jesus!!! Incoming 360/GTA fanboys incoming!! Brace yourselves, PS3 owners!

Did you really miss pages 1-27?


Holy Sweet Jesus!!! Incoming 360/GTA fanboys incoming!! Brace yourselves, PS3 owners!

... so much for GTA4 moving consoles. I think the economy must be killing new HDTV sales; and consequently, HD console sales.


e-gamer said:
does anybody have doubts about a motion sensing controller comming to xbox 360???
Many of the doubts are usually because it just would be...dumb for them to release an add-on, just for the sake of competing with the Wii; when there are over 9 million Xbox 360 users in the US alone with "no waggle" which they have to convince to get it, and also convice the new public by either an attractive price for it or bundling it with every console...., vs. over 9 million Wii users in the US that all have "waggle controllers".. (when they can do the same and even improve it, for their next console)

In the best case scenario it could probably be just a great selling accesory; but is the same reason as to why many developers don't even use the HDD (aside for saves and store a few megs of data)...not everyone has one.


Thunder Monkey said:
That's crazy.

Now do one for non-holiday months!


i don't have them all, but there isn't a month outside of nov-dec for ps2 that matches what wii has done these past two months.


Link said:
"Great Wii third-party game" includes what, exactly?


Okami. That's spelled O-K-A-M-I. Here's a link for more information:


One of the best games made in the past 5 years.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Bizzyb said:

I wonder if Luke Smith can still see the tail

Quick, somebody get Luke Smith

We Must Know where that tail is!

A few months ago he owned up and admitted he was wrong.


civilstrife said:
There's just no way that Nintendo will release a Wii revision of any kind in this console cycle.
Wii's success really does prove that the current mainstream consumer doesn't care about HD resolutions.

Wii 2 will likely be HD, and somewhere around PS3 spec-wise. Sony and Microsoft will release moderately more powerful consoles and have some kind of "hook" to combat Nintendo's motion control, be it innovative controllers of their own, or something new.

Whatever the case, I think that the graphical leap between Wii and Wii 2 will almost inevitably be greater than the leap from PS3 and 360 to whatever comes next for them.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.


MisterHero said:
It would be a miracle if they could make a profit doing it too!

Because MS hasn't yet!

Yes, I'm sure that the associated startup costs would far exceed the astronomical numbers Nintendo pulls in.

But who cares: this isn't about customer satisfaction, this is about how many Wiis Nintendo is able to sell. Today is a day of celebration! Rejoice, my fellow ninthings, for the world shall soon be cleansed of sensible solutions to storage and online services.


Glad TWEWY sold like shit. Maybe SE will learn its lesson and stop pricing its DS games at 39.99. Like seriously,wtf. I bet FFXIII will prolyl cost 69.99 too.

as for MSG4, it will be at least 1.3 mill this year alone. It's the first huge AAA playstation exclusive of this gen. you cant compare it to mgs3 because that game lost its steam once people found out its a prequel. Fans have been waiting since 2001 to finally close the MGS series. This is that game and it will be huge.


also, if i'm not mistaken, wii is ahead of ps2's pace in the u.s.

i have ps2 at ~8.6 million or thereabouts as of its second april.

edit: and then ps2 really took off. was at ~15.8 million by the end of the year. so we'll see how wii does with supply through the rest of the year. ps2 did about 4 million that holiday (nov & dec).
Wii is incredible, well done Nintendo. :D

As a long time Nintendo fan, it still amazes me what they've achieved this gen already, especially when everyone was counting them out. :lol

*goes to play Mario Kart*


By the way..
Any word on how much Okami sold on Wii??

It suffered the same conditions of the PS2 version:
No advertising, released around kinda big games, no word of mouth..


I have one question.. What in god's name was moving PSP's ?? Wow! I mean, I want one, but I'm a geek on a videogame message board. Who in god's name are buying so many of those things??? Jeeez!

On the other hand.. I'm a HD console fan, so the numbers as a whole are quite disappointing... in a way I'm glad to see the Wii leaving us in the dust.. maybe that means more niche (rpg, shooters) titles will start coming to next gen consoles as Wii creates its own fucking category.
i guess 'year of the ps3!' has become '2/3rds year of the ps3!'

we can't really argue that either the 360 or ps3 got more of a gta4 bump because neither really seemed to get a bump. you can't even really make the tie ratio argument either. the ps3 has about 40% of the next gen market, and got about 40% of the gta4 sales.

so gta4 did nothing for hardware sales on either system, and sold with about the exact same tie ratio.

if that's not a draw i don't know what is.

Eteric Rice

chemicals said:
I have one question.. What in god's name was moving PSP's ?? Wow! I mean, I want one, but I'm a geek on a videogame message board. Who in god's name are buying so many of those things??? Jeeez!

On the other hand.. I'm a HD console fan, so the numbers as a whole are quite disappointing... in a way I'm glad to see the Wii leaving us in the dust.. maybe that means more niche (rpg, shooters) titles will start coming to next gen consoles as Wii creates its own fucking category.

RPGs to Wii please, you can have the shooters.


Super Member
Tristam said:
Yes, I'm sure that the associated startup costs would far exceed the astronomical numbers Nintendo pulls in.

But who cares: this isn't about customer satisfaction, this is about how many Wiis Nintendo is able to sell. Today is a day of celebration! Rejoice, my fellow ninthings, for the world shall soon be cleansed of sensible solutions to storage and online services.
Nintendo spent all kinds of money setting up the NWC infrastructure, making the software that uses it, making services that use it including new Demo channel, and having a damn good DLC library of retro games. They did this in the last 2 years. What's the problem?


It's almost like someone at NPD subtracted 100k from both the 360 and PS3 numbers as an april fools joke on GAF. Damn.

HD consoles need price cuts immediately.
When I get some money together, I am going to pay to have cameras installed in the houses of meltdowners to see what happens after they make insane GAF posts in the NPD thread.

Crying masturbation? Eating dinner with family? Trolling another board? I could splice it all together for a theatrical documentary.


hokahey said:
HD sandbox games aren't really gaming to me. As someone that grew up in the arcades in the 80's Wii is gaming in it's purest fucking form. Sorry. Thanks to Nintendo I didn't stop gaming this gen like I thought I would.

I'm right there with you man. I would have stopped gaming without the Wii too.


soldat7 said:

Okami. That's spelled O-K-A-M-I. Here's a link for more information:


One of the best games made in the past 5 years.

me pages ago that you obviously didn't read said:
Take a step back for a second.

Here's what you're saying.

1. 3rd parties have every right to be angry at their Wii sales.

2. Proof? Poor sales of what many consider to be an inferior port of a 2 year old PS2 game that also sold like crap on the PS2.

Do you see the ridiculousness of what you're saying?

Edit: Beaten, many times.



The quality debating is hilarious, this gen is a joke all around.

I could go onto Amazon and buy old shit for PS2 for the next five years, and walk away with a significantly better library than I probably will for any of the current consoles.

Goddamn, I miss you PS2. COMMMEEE BACCCCKKKK!!!!


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
DeaconKnowledge said:
The absolute best part of this is that i'm hearing people spout the same ridiculous shit I bellowed in my teens about the "death of gaming" when Nintendo's dominance was on its way out and Sony came to power. It's all garbage.

Gaming didn't need my melodramatic ass to be successful, and it doesn't need yours. So let's keep the tears flowing; keep thinking you're important and that the industry will care when one person leaves when another 10 take his place.

It doesnt need people reveling in the downfall of the HD console either though. Both sides should be punched in the face with brass knuckles
I was going to come in here trolling GTA4 but nawwwwww I guess I won't(even though it does suck and I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest if people didn't buy a PS3/360 for it).
Still ridiculous that the PS3/360 couldn't break 200k but eh.


formerly sane
Tristam said:
But who cares: this isn't about customer satisfaction, this is about how many Wiis Nintendo is able to sell. Today is a day of celebration! Rejoice, my fellow ninthings, for the world shall soon be cleansed of sensible solutions to storage and online services.

I'm with ya on sensible storage but online services :lol :lol :lol console suck for online. I won't rag PSN because it's free but xbl for 50 with no dedicated servers, paying for content, and lack of serious customization yeah only sensible if you're sucker. Ms in the bag with at least 200$ every generation from a couple million sheep to clueless to make their bones worth something and ask for a product that is pc level quality.


Eteric Rice said:
Yes, because people should lap up a port of a game that didn't even appeal to people on a 100m + userbase.


Wii owners are whining about lack of third-party games when they have one of the best third-party games made in the past 5 years on the system.

Don't complain about lack of third-party support when games like Okami are sitting on shelves staring you in the face.


Wait wait wait... when was the PS3 suddenly hot shit? When was PS3 used for dozens and dozens of great games? I think people are playing up this "Year of the PS3" shit too much, because outside of Blu-Ray, it still just has a paltry list of exclusives out now.

You guys are acting as if its sales should be switched with the Wiis. Yet it's been the Wii with the past two GOTYs, the better third party sales, and the two biggest exclusives of the year so far.

The Wii has an identity. It separates itself from the pack with a unique way to play, and has quite a number of hot exclusives to boot. And if you want to play one of those, you have to put down just a measly fucking $250, not your first born.

Why would the Wii not deserve its sales? I just don't get it. You'd think this shit would stop on the heels of SSBB, or after a game as breathtaking and mindblowing as Super Mario Galaxy was released.
soldat7 said:
Wii owners are whining about lack of third-party games when they have one of the best third-party games made in the past 5 years.

Don't complain about lack of third-party support when games like Okami are sitting on shelves staring you in the face.

You do realise Okami is a flawed 2 year-old port of a PS2 game that sold like shit despite being on a console with a 100+ million userbase?

You seriously expected it to sell well?
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