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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


Worships the porcelain goddess
tribal24 said:
-_- wow dissapointing and everyone thought gta was gonna boost sales

One would think it was a no-brainer.

Than again, at work I get asked all the time when Grand Theft Auto 4 is coming to the PS2. >.>


Holy shit those hardware numbers are depressing as fuck. America

Oh well, at least the PS3 version of GTAIV sold over a mil.


How was GTA supposed to move hardware in five days? I'm sure both systems will look good next month when people have had more than a few days to buy the game and a system to play it on.

Fucking amazing Wii and DS numbers btw. Holllly crap. (I was way off with my pstripple and x360 numbers. damn)


exarkun said:
How was GTA supposed to move hardware in five days? I'm sure both systems will look good next month when people have had more than a few days to buy the game and a system to play it on.

Most hardware that is pushed by a game release is sold after the game releases. The idea that people bought the game but not the console for 5 days is a hell of a stretch.


dabbled in the jelly
NeoUltima said:
It does still seem that to the average consumer, finding a Wii is half the fun. Just the other week, after leaving Best Buy with a copy of GTAIV, I see a couple taking pictures of each with holding a Wii they apparently had just found. Then they probably go to all their friends bragging how they found a Wii...hell they probably spend more time doing that than playing it.
Yeah they probably took it home, stuffed it then stuck it over the fireplace.
avatar299 said:

Most hardware that is pushed by a game release is sold after the game releases. The idea that people bought the game but not the console for 5 days is a hell of a stretch.

You don't want to rush into these things. :lol


I haven't been in sales threads for ages, but iirc, 180K in April is far from disappointing. 700K is unheard of, but I doubt Sony/MS are dissapointed.
After PS3 outsold 360 in January and February, we were told that the 360 never had a shortage, and that it was made up.

Then, we were told that GTA IV would sell more PS3 systems than 360 would.

If these things were true, PS3 would have outsold 360 in April.

The people who said these things are either idiots or fanboys.

Does this mean Microsoft should brag? No, they should shut the hell up. Their sales suck.
The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000

Are you watching SE? $40 DS games don't sell, you can't charge more just because the game has your name on it, you're not Nintendo and they only add $5 not $10


Everything not in the thread title so far from various sources...


April 08:





Rough LTDs:

360 CALL OF DUTY 4: MODERN WARFARE: ~4.0 million

WII GUITAR HERO III: ~2.15 million



Hardware LTD:

PS2: ~42.0 million
NDS: ~19.5 million
PSP: ~11.5 million
360: ~10.1 million
Wii: ~9.5 million
PS3: ~4.2 million



February 07 - 371K
March 07 - 273K
April 07 - 249K
May 07 - 227K
June 07 - 293K
July 07 - 278K
August 07 - 257K
September 07 - 282K
October 07 - 240K
November 07 - 564K
December 07 - 1.1 million
January 08 - 298K
February 08 - 290K
March 08 - 410K
April 08 - 360K

LTD: ~5.5 million


I thought PS3 and 360 numbers would of been huge because of GTAIV.

My PS3 hardly got any play since I can't stop playing WoW, but my brother, who hasn't touched consoles since the original Playstation, has been playing GTAIV on it non-stop. He's almost up to the same part of the game I'm at. I have to rip myself away from WoW and play from 1am to 3am just to keep ahead of him in missions.


george21000 said:
The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000

Are you watching SE? $40 DS games don't sell, you can't charge more just because the game has your name on it, you're not Nintendo and they only add $5 not $10

Ironicly this in one of the few SE DS games that seems to have sold out.


Raw64life said:

February 07 - 371K
March 07 - 273K
April 07 - 249K
May 07 - 227K
June 07 - 293K
July 07 - 278K
August 07 - 257K
September 07 - 282K
October 07 - 240K
November 07 - 564K
December 07 - 1.1 million
January 08 - 298K
February 08 - 290K
March 08 - 410K
April 08 - 360K

LTD: ~5.5 million

:lol WOW


Crystal Bearer
Toy Soldier said:
Not totally true.

People have the option of just buying a remote for $10 less.

There's some draw from the game itself, clearly.

Hmm, well. In my store most employees just recommend spending the $10 extra for a game + controller. And people usually go for it.
LTTP, but what the fuck happened?

The PS3 and 360 combined didn't even equal MS' Halo-bump numbers from last year.

R.I.P. HD gaming, bail out.jpg, dogs and cats, etc.

Edit: All the anecdotal reports of GTAIV pushing hardware (on either side) were LIES.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
After PS3 outsold 360 in January and February, we were told that the 360 never had a shortage, and that it was made up.

Then, we were told that GTA IV would sell more PS3 systems than 360 would.

If these things were true, PS3 would have outsold 360 in April.

The people who said these things are either idiots or fanboys.

Does this mean Microsoft should brag? No, they should shut the hell up. Their sales suck.
everyone should just stfu except for Valve and Nintendo...
Jag22 said:
As a gamer though, do you really want to play the Wii for another 7 or 9 years on your HDTV? And miss out games that just aren't possible on the hardware like GTA 4?

Just played GTA4 for some hours.....and i dont really understand the 10's this game is getting, i mean i wonder if the press will change the score system for when something trully revolutionary comes.....and its not just gta4.....


avatar299 said:

Most hardware that is pushed by a game release is sold after the game releases. The idea that people bought the game but not the console for 5 days is a hell of a stretch.
Most game sells the most in the first week of sales and the most of sales come the first sale day of the week. It's not a stretch if we actually saw the number for both 360 and ps3 *DROPPED* compared to the previous.

Xbox 360: 188K - 74K drop (28.2%)
PS3: 187.1K - 69.9K drop (27.2%)

Good luck and have fun justifying that.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Well honestly when buying the second controller, who didn't go for Wii Play? It's one of Nintendo's sneaky moves but we all fall for it


Bluemercury said:
Just played GTA4 for some hours.....and i dont really understand the 10's this game is getting, i mean i wonder if the press will change the score system for when something trully revolutionary comes.....and its not just gta4.....
this is a little off-topic but the 10s its getting imo are deserved... there is so much attention to detail in that world its ridiculous. So much voice acting and reactions from just normal people on the street, the actual geometry is simply amazing as well. Usually for me all that stuff is fluff, but the game is fun as well so all that added to a fun game, that seriously is a technical achievement... geez can you imagine the programming nightmare GTAIV is.


Sushen said:
Most game sells the most in the first week of sales and the most of sales come the first sale day of the week. It's not a stretch if we actually saw the number for both 360 and ps3 *DROPPED* compared to the previous.

Xbox 360: 188K - 74K drop (28.2%)
PS3: 187.1K - 69.9K drop (27.2%)

Good luck and have fun justifying that.

the drops weren't actually that pronounced, given that april npd was a four week period compared to march's five. but the fact that there were drops at all is...

actually not all that surprising.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Sho_Nuff82 said:
LTTP, but what the fuck happened?

The PS3 and 360 combined didn't even equal MS' Halo-bump numbers from last year.

R.I.P. HD gaming, bail out.jpg, dogs and cats, etc.

Edit: All the anecdotal reports of GTAIV pushing hardware (on either side) were LIES.

It did boost sales, it's just that the other weeks were SHIT :lol

Rad Agast

knitoe said:
Still don't understand what Microsoft is doing. They should have drop the price last year. After these numbers, need to drop asap. Whoever thought staying 2 1/2 years with only $50 price drop was a good idea needs to have his head examine. Only chance is get Premiun SKU down to Wii price level. Guess, profit is more important than being market leader this time.

Contrary to what you hear on the interweb, Microsoft (and Sony) care more about making a profit at this point than commiting financial suicide to reach the number one spot. Nintendo played their cards right this generation. Releasing a relatively low tech console with a new interface and having the lowest price point paid off big time.

Not to mention the very clever and slick marketting campaign they ran during the initial release period (Wii on almost every TV show you could think of).

I wouldn't be surprised if they release a new console in a couple of years that's about 50% more powerful than the current competition and cornering the market for yet another generation.


traynuvthawt said:
Maybe I'm just a graphics whore? Maybe I'm extremely disappointed with WFC? Maybe I still think motion controls are a gimmick, because for the wii's (arguaubly) best game, super mario galaxy, there isn't a single thing you can do in the game that you wouldn't be able to do with a traditional controller?

No offense, man, but who cares? Just play the games and enjoy them. When you start overthinking and trying to find "value" in all of this, you're just going to be disappointed. If the game is fun, then it's fun. That's the bottom line.


Well.. that about does it for people willing to dish out more than $350 for a gaming console.

That market has been stripped bare.

Time for some price drops.
That I know aren't coming


Sushen said:
Most game sells the most in the first week of sales and the most of sales come the first sale day of the week. It's not a stretch if we actually saw the number for both 360 and ps3 *DROPPED* compared to the previous.

Xbox 360: 188K - 74K drop (28.2%)
PS3: 187.1K - 69.9K drop (27.2%)

Good luck and have fun justifying that.
arent you just proving his point... im confused.



nintendo stomping the competition.


DavidDayton said:
I'm surprised anyone is surprised.

That being said, I'm a bit surprised the 360 GTA didn't sell more copies when compared to Mario Kart.

I'm surprised that you're surprised anyone is surprised!


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Raw64life said:
Everything not in the thread title so far from various sources


Crap :(:(


Maybe with such an unprecedented level of success Nintendo can launch a competent, sensible online service, or even release their own HDD for dissatisfied customers!

Nah, who am I kidding?


-COOLIO- said:
can they even produce them that quickly?
They stockpile them for the holidays and iirc redirect shipments to the territory with the highest predicted demand for the month.


Super Member
Tristam said:
Maybe with such an unprecedented level of success Nintendo can launch a competent, sensible online service, or even release their own HDD for dissatisfied customers!

Nah, who am I kidding?
It would be a miracle if they could make a profit doing it too!

Because MS hasn't yet!
There's just no way that Nintendo will release a Wii revision of any kind in this console cycle.
Wii's success really does prove that the current mainstream consumer doesn't care about HD resolutions.

Wii 2 will likely be HD, and somewhere around PS3 spec-wise. Sony and Microsoft will release moderately more powerful consoles and have some kind of "hook" to combat Nintendo's motion control, be it innovative controllers of their own, or something new.

Whatever the case, I think that the graphical leap between Wii and Wii 2 will almost inevitably be greater than the leap from PS3 and 360 to whatever comes next for them.


Eteric Rice

EDarkness said:
No offense, man, but who cares? Just play the games and enjoy them. When you start overthinking and trying to find "value" in all of this, you're just going to be disappointed. If the game is fun, then it's fun. That's the bottom line.

Yeah, I personally felt the controls added a lot to it. Just felt really "good" when making Mario spin, or using the cursor to throw stuff back at bosses.

I liked it a lot.

Same with RE4.

It's just that third parties really don't "get it," except a rare few.
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