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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


MisterHero said:
Nintendo spent all kinds of money setting up the NWC infrastructure, making the software that uses it, making services that use it including new Demo channel, and having a damn good DLC library of retro games. They did this in the last 2 years. What's the problem?

The obvious? Setting up an online service with a demo channel (which is only for DS games, anyway) and a less-than-impressive collection of retro titles isn't shit. Maybe they can begin working on practical solutions for their cumbersome online service or implement voice chat and begin selling their own proprietary headset. Of course, you completely sidestepped the issue of storage space, but hey Nintendo said you just need to clean out your fridge -- why should we desire better service when we can suck corporate cock?


Narag said:
Yes. It'd only work for a small segment of software where every wii game uses the wiimote anyhow.


"Small segment of software" EQUALS 700.000+ consoles sold

C'mon, i'm not talking about the users that MS already have. I'm talking about the users that they don't!. The same people that bought more than 700.000 consoles that "waggle"...

And I bet it will be inside and outside the packs...


soldat7 said:
Wii owners are whining about lack of third-party games when they have one of the best third-party games made in the past 5 years on the system.

Don't complain about lack of third-party support when games like Okami are sitting on shelves staring you in the face.

The question of diversity and taste comes up. No matter how masterfully crafted a game is, there will be people that can neither get into it nor possess any interest in it.


LCGeek said:
I'm with ya on sensible storage but online services :lol :lol :lol console suck for online. I won't rag PSN because it's free but xbl for 50 with no dedicated servers, paying for content, and lack of serious customization yeah only sensible if you're sucker. Ms in the bag with at least 200$ every generation from a couple million sheep to clueless to make their bones worth something and ask for a product that is pc level quality.

Er, there are console-exclusive games that I want to play online and I'm happy to pay $50 a year for it if it's a good online service -- XBL qualifies as "good." Relative to Nintendo's service, it's the best fucking thing ever.


soldat7 said:
Wii owners are whining about lack of third-party games when they have one of the best third-party games made in the past 5 years on the system.

Don't complain about lack of third-party support when games like Okami are sitting on shelves staring you in the face.

It's a two year old inferior port. I'd completely agree with you and would be arguing with you if it was an original game.

But it's a two year old inferior port.

If Rockstar put out GTA: SA on the Wii with worse controls, people would complain because it's a port. Why can't you understand this.

Good third party support =/= 2 year old ports. No matter how good the game is.


Super Member
Tristam said:
The obvious? Setting up an online service with a demo channel (which is only for DS games, anyway) and a less-than-impressive collection of retro titles isn't shit. Maybe they can begin working on practical solutions for their cumbersome online service or implement voice chat and begin selling their own proprietary headset. Of course, you completely sidestepped the issue of storage space, but hey Nintendo said you just need to clean out your fridge -- why should we desire better service when we can suck corporate cock?
2 FUCKING YEARS man (versus what, 6/7 years on Xbox)

who paid convinced you that they suddenly stopped working on it?

See, this is why MS/Sony are boned, because they don't think Nintendo is working on something and suddenly they're halfway there in half the time with a console that costs half as much.


If Nintendo would make all of their titles work like Mario Kart did, they'd probably have the best service for my tastes. I had a lot of fun with that online.


_Alkaline_ said:
You do realise Okami is a flawed 2 year-old port of a PS2 game that sold like shit despite being on a console with a 100+ million userbase?

You seriously expected it to sell well?

Do you realize how many Wii owners NEVER even played a PS2 in their lives and have NEVER even heard of Okami? This game is new to a whole crapload of people but those people are NOT interested in quality third-party titles. In fact, a good portion are not interested in ANY third-party titles.

I even fear for Boom Blox simply because it lacks the Made by Nintendo sticker. It will be very interesting to see how poorly it sells in the month of May.


The Autumn Wind
soldat7 said:
Wii owners are whining about lack of third-party games when they have one of the best third-party games made in the past 5 years on the system.

Don't complain about lack of third-party support when games like Okami are sitting on shelves staring you in the face.
Are you being purposely obtuse or are you just this dumb?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
soldat7 said:
Do you realize how many Wii owners NEVER even played a PS2 in their lives and have NEVER even heard of Okami? This game is new to a whole crapload of people but those people are NOT interested in quality third-party titles. In fact, a good portion are not interested in ANY third-party titles.

I even fear for Boom Blox simply because it lacks the Made by Nintendo sticker. It will be very interesting to see how poorly it sells in the month of May.

Boom Blox has had a shitload of ads and they have pimped the Spielberg angle. All eyes will be on this next month.
HK-47 said:
It doesnt need people reveling in the downfall of the HD console either though. Both sides should be punched in the face with brass knuckles
I'd rather see the entire industry prosper then watch Nintendo kick ass.

Though I'm really starting to think that might be a lost cause.

Sony and MS completely overshot the market. I won't dance on their consoles graves, but you must admit... it's pretty funny.

I mean no one in the industry thought the Wii would even be a factor, and it is absolutely destroying the competition.

Funny... but kind of sad too. We will probably see an expansion of total marketshare this gen, but if the Wii was truly in it's own market, we would see the entire industry grow. We aren't seeing that to a great extent. We've still got just the one going to heights, and the others floundering.

Sure the heights the Wii is going too, also happen to be higher heights then last gens monster, but I'd love to see something closer to parity between them. 700,000 unit months for the Wii, with the PS3 or 360 sticking close. I'd love to see at least two consoles surpass the 50 million unit mark, but the way things are going it will only be one.


XiaNaphryz said:
No post of this image yet? Gaf fails...


The GBAs cheering reminds me of this photoshop I did for the Iraq war photoshop thread... can't believe it was over 5 years ago. O_O



legend166 said:
But it's a two year old inferior port.

As I've said, a huge segment of Wii owners don't know that Okami is (not quite) two years old nor do they realize that it's (not really) inferior to the PS2 version.

They pick up the box and see that it looks pretty but that's about it. The Wii market heavily favors Nintendo classic franchises and carnival games. There is no room for blockbuster third-party titles on the Wii, unfortunately, and Nintendo is perfectly happy with that.


The Autumn Wind
soldat7 said:
As I've said, a huge segment of Wii owners don't know that Okami is (not quite) two years old nor do they realize that it's (not really) inferior to the PS2 version.

They pick up the box and see that it looks pretty but that's about it. The Wii market heavily favors Nintendo classic franchises and carnival games. There is no room for blockbuster third-party titles on the Wii, unfortunately, and Nintendo is perfectly happy with that.
Guitar Hero would like to have a word with you
in a dark alley.


For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.


listen to the mad man
Bastion said:
The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

you do know that nintendo is publishing fatal frame iv, right?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Link said:
Guitar Hero would like to have a word with you
in a dark alley.

It doesn't count stupid. It's a popular 3rd party franchise with (mostly) the same features as the 360/PS3 versions. So IT DOESN'T COUNT.


The Autumn Wind
Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.
You people are fucking babies. Seriously, fucking babies. Go cry in a corner or something.


omg rite said:
Dear duckroll (my new favorite mod):

Personally, I like to think that duckroll was modded for making the CORRECTEST POST EVAR on GAF.

Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

Neither of the above, really. A win for the Wii is a win for:

- <$60 games
- <$300 HW
- Full BC w/o shenanigans
- Eschewing SKUtopia
- Free online


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
soldat7 said:
As I've said, a huge segment of Wii owners don't know that Okami is (not quite) two years old nor do they realize that it's (not really) inferior to the PS2 version.

They pick up the box and see that it looks pretty but that's about it. The Wii market heavily favors Nintendo classic franchises and carnival games. There is no room for blockbuster third-party titles on the Wii, unfortunately, and Nintendo is perfectly happy with that.

The people at Capcom posted on their forums that Okami is meeting expectations, despite being sandwiched between Brawl and MK/Fit and having little advertisement


Super Member
Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.
Nintendo winning means that I'm right.

Which means I'm superior to you.


Why do you suddenly believe that Nintendo, one of the most 'traditional' companies in the industry who keep reviving and re-invisioning their franchises has sold out?
Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.

Lots of us don't divide our tastes or wear a "hardcore" badge. I like hardcore games. I love Wii sports too and other Nintendo product. If development dollars swing to more Wii titles then that's the way the cookie crumbles. There will still be plenty of hardcore 360 titles and PS3 titles.
Holy shit, soldat you cannot possibly be saying this with a straight face.

soldat7 said:
Do you realize how many Wii owners NEVER even played a PS2 in their lives and have NEVER even heard of Okami? This game is new to a whole crapload of people but those people are NOT interested in quality third-party titles. In fact, a good portion are not interested in ANY third-party titles.

Well, firstly, given PS2's massive userbase last gen and the casual enticement of the Wii, i think you'll find a great deal of Wii owners had PS2's. But nevermind.

We're talking about a flawed, 2 year old port that's more expensive than the original which sold like shit on PS2. The PS2! So why do you suddenly expect the Wii version to sell bucketloads? It really doesn't make sense.

Needless to mention the game received little to no advertising at all. How are the general public supposed to know about the game if they haven't been told about it? Marketing is a huge reason why stuff like Gears of War, Halo, etc sell well. Okami was basically thrown to the wolves by Capcom.

I even fear for Boom Blox simply because it lacks the Made by Nintendo sticker. It will be very interesting to see how poorly it sells in the month of May.

Well, firstly, do you really expect a puzzle game like Boom Blox to sell hundreds of thousands on 360/PS3? Cause it sounds like you do. Anyway, the game is receiving so little marketing that i would not be surprised if it bombed. Look around GAF - a shitload of hardcore gamers are buying the game, but we're in a very small minority. EA needed to reach out to the uninformed masses, and they are failing to do so because they're not getting the word out there. Not Wii's fault. It's EA's problem.


Link said:
Are you being purposely obtuse or are you just this dumb?

Saying "We have no good third-party games! Where is the AAA third-party support!" is the only thing dumb here when you have games like Okami sitting right in front of you not selling.

Port or not, Okami is one of the best possible third-party games that could be on the Wii at this point in time.


The Autumn Wind
Is Okami the only game you can come up with for this argument of yours? Because you're giving me a headache.
Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.

Which also means that wii will now have good games??an embarassment with good games is a good embarrassemnt worth goinh through no????


Link said:
You people are fucking babies. Seriously, fucking babies. Go cry in a corner or something.[/QUOT

Gosh, we can give our opinion you know. Honestly though, do you really just love where the Wii is going with gaming? Can you not envision all the other companies jumping on the Wii bandwagon next gen? That is the worst thing that can happen to gaming imo.


MisterHero said:
2 FUCKING YEARS man (versus what, 6/7 years on Xbox)

who paid convinced you that they suddenly stopped working on it?

LOL, you accuse me of being a shill? No, I'm entirely neutral -- unlike you, I can recognize that Nintendo's online service and storage solutions are -- objectively speaking -- fucking horrendous.

XBL was great less than a year after it was launched, so the time frame doesn't help your argument.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Bastion said:
Link said:
You people are fucking babies. Seriously, fucking babies. Go cry in a corner or something.

Gosh, we can give our opinion you know. Honestly though, do you really just love where the Wii is going with gaming? Can you not envision all the other companies jumping on the Wii bandwagon next gen? That is the worst thing that can happen to gaming imo.

The worst that can happen is that gaming expands and doesnt end up contracting in on itself like the comic industry?

Well maybe you arent looking at the whole picture
Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.


Hold on! Give me a sec. Deep breaths. Deep brea-BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAH

You're the embarassment dude.

And wtf is with your statement that Wii has no traditional hardcore games? Umm, let me just go over this for you - in just one and a half years, Nintendo gave you:

A new Metroid
A new Mario
A new Zelda
A new Paper Mario
A new Fire Emblem
A new Smash Bros.
A new Mario Kart
Along with others, not to mention 3rd party games.

And, you know, those 'casual' games that are embarassing gaming, like Wii Sports, you realise they might actually be fun? Wow!


Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.

Utterly ridiculous. As a hardcore gamer and a Wii owner myself, I'd have to say I disagree with your views on this completely.

The fact that we're seeing games like Lost Winds and Mad World, incredibly beautiful games to look at being developed specifically with the Wii in mind by developers that truly want to work for the system, indicates that the thing is more than a "casual gamers' paradise".

You're missing the point, buddy. Open your eyes.


Crystal Bearer
Bluemercury said:
Which also means that wii will now have good games??an embarassment with good games is a good embarrassemnt worth goinh through no????

The issue there is that it still wont because people aren't buying the good games (third party). Thus third parties decide to focus on casual stuff and what not.


Bluemercury said:
Which also means that wii will now have good games??an embarassment with good games is a good embarrassemnt worth goinh through no????

Not when they would look much better on 360/Ps3 without the ridiculous waggle control and may never get there because they are going on the Wii. It would also mean that other games may never get started on the PS3 or 360.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Tristam said:
LOL, you accuse me of being a shill? No, I'm entirely neutral -- unlike you, I can recognize that Nintendo's online service and storage solutions are -- objectively speaking -- fucking horrendous.

XBL was great less than a year after it was launched, so the time frame doesn't help your argument.

Both WC24 and XBL suck compared to PC anyways. And I own both so I should know.

Wii online really sucks major balls though...like goddamn


Can people really not see how games like Fatal Frame 4, Okami, Samba de Amigo, etc. could be enhanced on Wii? Or how great something like a Jet Set Radio, etc. could be?

There's a lot of franchises where controls or interactivity in general would be better than just a fresh coat of paint. GAF is so fucking narrow-minded sometimes.


The Autumn Wind
Bastion said:
Gosh, we can give our opinion you know. Honestly though, do you really just love where the Wii is going with gaming? Can you not envision all the other companies jumping on the Wii bandwagon next gen? That is the worst thing that can happen to gaming imo.
This industry doesn't revolve around you. Expansion is good. Look at what the PlayStation ended up doing for videogames by getting people interested who didn't care before. Don't cry just because you're not the focal point anymore. It's not like there won't still be games tailored to your tastes.


Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.

Well, i also have loved traditional games, but we have to face it: The industry is changing. 10 years ago could anyone imagine an industry without Sega making consoles???? So, there it is... and IMO, we don't have nothing to "fear" or lose because of this...


Bastion said:
Gosh, we can give our opinion you know. Honestly though, do you really just love where the Wii is going with gaming? Can you not envision all the other companies jumping on the Wii bandwagon next gen? That is the worst thing that can happen to gaming imo.

The Too Human story is a source of greater embarrassment and trepidation than a considerable amount of the Wii horror stories / thin-end-of-nasty-wedge angles you could offer.


HK-47 said:
Both WC24 and XBL suck compared to PC anyways. And I own both so I should know.

Wii online really sucks major balls though...like goddamn

XBL still falls into the "acceptable" category, and as I said, there are many console exclusives that I enjoy playing online.


lawblob said:
This makes me sad. A great game which deserves better.

It deserved a better price. If SE keeps pricing their games at $40 they are only going to sell to a small dedicated fanbase.


Link said:
Is Okami the only game you can come up with for this argument of yours? Because you're giving me a headache.

All I'm saying is that people complaining about the lack of good third-party games on the Wii have no grounds to complain when they are not buying the third-party titles that are available.

Let's hope Mad World breaks this trend (oh wait, those devs worked on the original Okami...maybe there is no hope after all


Super Member
Tristam said:
LOL, you accuse me of being a shill? No, I'm entirely neutral -- unlike you, I can recognize that Nintendo's online service and storage solutions are -- objectively speaking -- fucking horrendous.

XBL was great less than a year after it was launched, so the time frame doesn't help your argument.
Are you saying with absolute certainty that they are not working on it? Yes or no will do.

XBL is also a paid service. Which Microsoft is throwing away millions away on. Which is why Nintendo, a business-minded company, is approaching it with caution. And that doesn't stop them from working on it.

The Core 360 (the retail equivalent of Wii) doesn't even have a Hard Drive and has a memory card with a mere fraction of the Wii's internal Flash.

Besides, if companies really cared that much they could make their own solutions. Sega did for PSO on GC, and EA does it for Wii to have a community for their own games.


Crystal Bearer
larvi said:
It deserved a better price. If SE keeps pricing their games at $40 they are only going to sell to a small dedicated fanbase.

Exactly. I wanted TWEWY, but at $40? No thanks.
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