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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


The Autumn Wind
soldat7 said:
All I'm saying is that people complaining about the lack of good third-party games on the Wii have no grounds to complain when they are not buying the third-party titles that are available.
The only game you've even mentioned is Okami. That's not exactly an argument.


Stoney Mason said:
Lots of us don't divide our tastes or wear a "hardcore" badge. I like hardcore games. I love Wii sports too and other Nintendo product. If development dollars swing to more Wii titles then that's the way the cookie crumbles. There will still be plenty of hardcore 360 titles and PS3 titles.

This is pretty much my take on this. I don't see the need for alarm, there's plenty of great content planned for the HD consoles.
Bastion said:
Link said:
You people are fucking babies. Seriously, fucking babies. Go cry in a corner or something.[/QUOT

Gosh, we can give our opinion you know. Honestly though, do you really just love where the Wii is going with gaming? Can you not envision all the other companies jumping on the Wii bandwagon next gen? That is the worst thing that can happen to gaming imo.

Yeah the worst thing to happen to gaming is having the industry grow every single month.
Probably already posted, but PS3Forums is at it again.


Posted by MohQ
Wii is doing very well, but this still doesn't mean the war is over in any way, things can change.

As someone else pointed out, GTA4 was released on April 29th. Some places people sold it early but the official launch was 29th. Obviously for 2 days of sales, you aren't really going to see the result of system selling by GTA4. We will have to wait for May's numbers and see what comes of it.

I will be shocked if the consoles don't outsell the Wii, I mean this is a BIG game...if my theory about games being very important to win console are true, then GTA4 should help move a lot of units. Price could be a factor too, but I think that overall PS3 should sell 500k.
I hope they all make a billion dollars.

Nintendo's success doesn't mean Sony and Microsoft's failure. Sigh, can no one else see they're all making buttloads of money.


ComputerNerd said:
Probably already posted, but PS3Forums is at it again.


Posted by MohQ
Wii is doing very well, but this still doesn't mean the war is over in any way, things can change.

As someone else pointed out, GTA4 was released on April 29th. Some places people sold it early but the official launch was 29th. Obviously for 2 days of sales, you aren't really going to see the result of system selling by GTA4. We will have to wait for May's numbers and see what comes of it.

I will be shocked if the consoles don't outsell the Wii, I mean this is a BIG game...if my theory about games being very important to win console are true, then GTA4 should help move a lot of units. Price could be a factor too, but I think that overall PS3 should sell 500k.

I'm banned :(


soldat7 said:
Saying "We have no good third-party games! Where is the AAA third-party support!" is the only thing dumb here when you have games like Okami sitting right in front of you not selling.

Port or not, Okami is one of the best possible third-party games that could be on the Wii at this point in time.


Do you think if, instead of releasing MGS4 on the 360, released a high def version of MGS3, everyone would say "wow look at the great AAA 3rd party support!"

No, they'd say "wtf years old port lol".

It wasn't even a good port like RE4 that included extra content and really enhanced the experience. It was completely barebones and from a lot of accounts, made the experience worse. I just can't believe you're being serious here.


_Alkaline_ said:

Hold on! Give me a sec. Deep breaths. Deep brea-BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAH

You're the embarassment dude.

And wtf is with your statement that Wii has no traditional hardcore games? Umm, let me just go over this for you - in just one and a half years, Nintendo gave you:

A new Metroid
A new Mario
A new Zelda
A new Paper Mario
A new Fire Emblem
A new Smash Bros.
A new Mario Kart
Along with others, not to mention 3rd party games.

And, you know, those 'casual' games that are embarassing gaming, like Wii Sports, you realise they might actually be fun? Wow!

Gosh, you Nintendo fans are so touchy. I argue that all those games would be better on a system that was HD and had traditional controls.

I have Wii Sports. Fun, yes for a little while. That is the perfect example of what I don't want to see.

My biggest concern is not what Nintendo is doing. Let them do it and make tons of money. I do not have to buy those games. What I am very concerned about is the ripple effect the Wii has on the other companies. Why would any company invest in new tech when they can just slap some gimmicky control on it and repackage an old system as new with a bigger pricetag.

I want the games I like. I feel the Wii is going to really effect that in the future.
ComputerNerd said:
Probably already posted, but PS3Forums is at it again.


Posted by MohQ
Wii is doing very well, but this still doesn't mean the war is over in any way, things can change.

As someone else pointed out, GTA4 was released on April 29th. Some places people sold it early but the official launch was 29th. Obviously for 2 days of sales, you aren't really going to see the result of system selling by GTA4. We will have to wait for May's numbers and see what comes of it.

I will be shocked if the consoles don't outsell the Wii, I mean this is a BIG game...if my theory about games being very important to win console are true, then GTA4 should help move a lot of units. Price could be a factor too, but I think that overall PS3 should sell 500k.


I love this part especially:

I will be shocked if the consoles don't outsell the Wii...I think that overall PS3 should sell 500k

If PS3 is going to outsell the Wii in May, it'll need to sell a little bit more than 500K. :lol
Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.
You know, over the past week, I've been playing Lost Odyssey. Before that, it was Smash Bros. Before that, it was Assassin's Creed (sucked). Before that, was Earth Defense Force (awesome). Before that, DMC4. Before that, Mario Galaxy, Trauma Center: New Blood, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Not all of us play systems, we play games.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Kagari said:
The issue there is that it still wont because people aren't buying the good games (third party). Thus third parties decide to focus on casual stuff and what not.

I say this every fucking month when this argument is made.

Name one HIGH PROFILE WELL ADVERTISED TITLE that deserved to sell well and did not on Wii. If Zack and Wiki is the best you can come up with, then don't even bother.


Super Member
GTA's diminishing role as a headliner of the industry might be good.

Now the public might not think that gamers are blood-thirsty morans.

And in the end, isn't that what really matters?


soldat7 said:

Okami. That's spelled O-K-A-M-I. Here's a link for more information:


One of the best games made in the past 5 years.

Your arogance is annoying and childish.

By chance, do you have a link stating Capcom's expectations were in relation to Okami Wii sales? Maybe you could dig up a link for us stating Capcom's Okami Wii shipment, sell-through?


The Autumn Wind
schuelma said:
I say this every fucking month when this argument is made.

Name one HIGH PROFILE WELL ADVERTISED TITLE that deserved to sell well and did not on Wii. If Zack and Wiki is the best you can come up with, then don't even bother.
I've been trying to get soldat7 to do that for the last couple of pages to no avail.
Bastion said:
Gosh, you Nintendo fans are so touchy. I argue that all those games would be better on a system that was HD and had traditional controls.

I have Wii Sports. Fun, yes for a little while. That is the perfect example of what I don't want to see.

My biggest concern is not what Nintendo is doing. Let them do it and make tons of money. I do not have to buy those games. What I am very concerned about is the ripple effect the Wii has on the other companies. Why would any company invest in new tech when they can just slap some gimmicky control on it and repackage an old system as new with a bigger pricetag.

I want the games I like. I feel the Wii is going to really effect that in the future.

Oh i see, so you're just a troll. I get it now.
All these doom and gloom posts. Lots of lol's

Really, if a person was really hardcore, they wouldn't see this as the death of gaming. They would be able to find the good stuff and stick with it. Only the hardly-core people (I'm loving that meme) are shortsighted with limited views on the industry as a whole.

Sure a person can have console preferances. But really, a change in market leader and target audiences won't hurt people. I mean really if a person is so shallow as to stop gaming due to changes in the industry then they should quit the hobby. Their fault for missing out on the fun.


soldat7 said:
All I'm saying is that people complaining about the lack of good third-party games on the Wii have no grounds to complain when they are not buying the third-party titles that are available.

Let's hope Mad World breaks this trend (oh wait, those devs worked on the original Okami...maybe there is no hope after all

What fucking trend?

-No More Heroes is Suda's most successful game by far.
-Guitar Hero III is the second highest selling SKU and has sold 3 million worldwide already.
-Mario and Sonic at the Olympics is Sega's highest selling game in well over a decade.
-Okami's development costs were not high at all, as the game is a two year old port by an outside developer.
-Red Steel almost sold as much as Resistance in the U.S.

I think the only game that "fits" being a sales disappointment is We Love Golf in Japan.

EDIT: Do you know why EA is in the red? It's because they had ONE release for the Wii this fiscal quarter, and the quarter before that they didn't put their biggest game on the system (Rock Band).

I've seen Itagaki be disappointed in his sales for Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I've seen companies like Majesco and Sega have their hottest sellers and most profitable games on Wii. I've seen Factor 5 shift consoles and I've seen the UK and Japan sales charts fill up with more third party Wii titles than PS3 titles total. I've also seen RE: UC outperform DMC4 and an updated old RE4 become a million seller.


Link said:
This industry doesn't revolve around you. Expansion is good. Look at what the PlayStation ended up doing for videogames by getting people interested who didn't care before. Don't cry just because you're not the focal point anymore. It's not like there won't still be games tailored to your tastes.

You still didn't answer my question. Do you just love where the Wii is headed with gaming? You must remember that all the great Nintendo games would be great on any system. Look specifically at the Wii.


Link said:
The only game you've even mentioned is Okami. That's not exactly an argument.

Okami wins in every argument. If you'd ever played it, you'd understand.

Flakster99 said:
Your arogance is annoying and childish.

By chance, do you have a link stating Capcom's expectations were in relation to Okami Wii sales? Maybe you could dig up a link for us stating Capcom's Okami Wii shipment, sell-through?

I'm not being arrogant. My argument is simply infallible (Okami).


formerly sane
Bastion said:
My biggest concern is not what Nintendo is doing. Let them do it and make tons of money. I do not have to buy those games. What I am very concerned about is the ripple effect the Wii has on the other companies. Why would any company invest in new tech when they can just slap some gimmicky control on it and repackage an old system as new with a bigger pricetag.

I want the games I like. I feel the Wii is going to really effect that in the future.

I find this point chock full of irony

The same companies that don't like to compete with nintendo now borrow from them, which is true for all the players including nintendo. Anyone else find it funny they can copy nintendo's control, gameplay ideas and mechanics, and yet still after 4 generations these companies can't take a hint about quality control in terms of polish only to wonder why their sales are shit in comparison.


soldat7 said:
Okami wins in every argument. If you'd ever played it, you'd understand.

Answer the question.

By chance, do you have a link stating Capcom's expectations were in relation to Okami Wii sales? Maybe you could dig up a link for us stating Capcom's Okami Wii shipment, sell-through?


Bastion said:
For people that absolutely love that Nintendo is kicking arse right now, I have a question for you.

Are you more excited that Nintendo in general is winning a console race once again or are more excited about how great the Wii and it's games are selling?

I used to like Nintendo until they "sold out" this generation. The Wii is an embarrassment to gaming. I have loved traditional hardcore games for over two decades and this casual stuff makes me sick.

The main reason it really ticks me off is because now game companies will start spending more money on Wii games which takes away from the real consoles. It ticks me off that a game like Fatal Frame 4 is not on PS3/360. It should never be a Wii game, at least not the main iteration.

I can't fault Nintendo for doing what they did. They are making tons of money which is every businesses goal. I do not have to like it and can give my opinion on it.


1) Apparently Pokemon Mystery Dungeon can do what the main series never has, which is to sell about on par with both of its versions. Strange.

2) Poor DS. :( The best library of this gen, but its sales are slowing in Japan, its sales are slowing in NA, and the situation isn't likely to get better since Nintendo has shifted development away from it in favor of Wii and gone remake-only with Pokemon Platinum, Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe, and Fire Emblem DS. Day one for all of those, absolutely--Pokemon being my favorite series, and Kirby Super Star being my favorite overall Nintendo sidescroller of any breed--but still, this sucks.

3) GTAIV's lack of hardware bump gives one serious cause to wonder how sales of MGS4 and FFXIII will affect anything.

RBH said:
Some software numbers from thesimExchange:

The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000
Not unexpected, but still... Burn, baby, burn. :( :( :( My favorite Square non-Enix title since Chrono Trigger, likely killed off by some unholy anti-synergistic combination of being a new IP and carrying the Square-Enix Tax. (And, hey, it's worth mentioning that I didn't buy it until May either. :( In an attempt to redeem myself, I did sell two other GAFers on it, and wrote three separate and increasingly flipping huge posts of praise and dedication to say just why it rocks so freaking much.) Just thinking that it would have actually sold if they'd called it "Final Fantasy: The Word Ends With You" without any particular reason is practically a heart wound.

Hcoregamer00 said:
In the media-create thread I said screw you Japan for Valkyria Chronicle sales.

In this thread I say this, Screw you America for not buying The World Ends With You
And screw Square for not promoting its awesomeness.

george21000 said:
The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000

Are you watching SE? $40 DS games don't sell, you can't charge more just because the game has your name on it, you're not Nintendo and they only add $5 not $10
Yes, precisely. :mad: $40 for their games only works when they have "Final Fantasy" on the front. (Or "Dragon Quest," but that's only in Japan and this is the NPD thread.) And even Nintendo doesn't hit the $35 price point on all of its games; I'm pretty sure that every game or very close to every game out of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Clubhouse Games, Elite Beat Agents, Kirby Squeak Squad, Magical Starsign, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2, Nintendogs, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Ranger, Star Fox Command, Super Mario 64 DS, Tetris DS, and Yoshi's Island DS cost $30, for example.

With only a few odd exceptions like Kirby Canvas Curse and Super Princess Peach, they generally reserve their highest price for their most proven, most successful series: like Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World, and Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. And when all of those are sitting at the $35 mark, any game being next to them at $40 just looks like horrible form. It'd be like releasing an $80 non-peripheral game next to Halo 3 and Gears of War. Even if it was actually a better game, the price point would still look obscene to the majority of buyers.

DiddyBop said:
Maybe SE will learn its lesson and stop pricing its DS games at 39.99.
Nah, they won't. And the real problem is that I can't legitimately say "go ahead and keep sabotaging your own games, guys, you're only hurting yourselves," because that's not true. It indirectly hurts gamers' potential future when S-E's new experiences don't pan out. :/ I've never been more ticked off at the Square-Enix Tax than now.

Tristam said:
[The VC is] a less-than-impressive collection of retro titles
What? Not at all. In under twenty minutes you could dig up probably a good 80-100 posts involving me complaining about the future of VC with NOA's borderline mental slowed-down schedule from the VC thread alone--I more or less dominate that thread with more or less daily criticism--but even I'll give them credit for having dozens of great games already available. Virtual Console was kicking serious tail for very nearly all of 2007. There are loads of reasons that Wii's online is horrible, but what VC has done so far isn't one of them.

Bastion said:
My biggest concern is not what Nintendo is doing. Let them do it and make tons of money. I do not have to buy those games. What I am very concerned about is the ripple effect the Wii has on the other companies. Why would any company invest in new tech when they can just slap some gimmicky control on it and repackage an old system as new with a bigger pricetag.

I want the games I like. I feel the Wii is going to really effect that in the future.
Don't worry. I hated when 2D adventures and 2D platforming were killed off because people came to believe that 3D gaming was the only thing that would sell on a home console, and just look at how things are n--
--oh. I see your worry.


MisterHero said:
Are you saying with absolute certainty that they are not working on it? Yes or no will do.

XBL is also a paid service. Which Microsoft is throwing away millions away on. Which is why Nintendo, a business-minded company, is approaching it with caution. And that doesn't stop them from working on it.

The Core 360 (the retail equivalent of Wii) doesn't even have a Hard Drive and has a memory card with a mere fraction of the Wii's internal Flash.

Besides, if companies really cared that much they could make their own solutions. Sega did for PSO on GC, and EA does it for Wii to have a community for their own games.

Of course I don't know with absolute certainty if they are working on it -- what I do know with absolute certainty is that they should have launched a competent online service or, at the very least, shown that they understand customer dissatisfaction and are willing to do something about it. Instead you get bullshit PR rationale that Nintendo fans gobble right up.

What company isn't "business minded"? And moreover, why do you care about Nintendo's additional profits when theirs are so high already?

Re: Core 360. So? Microsoft at least allows customers the option to pay for a hard drive if they want to.
It seems I'm a bit late to the lulzfest.

I really don't care about 360's numbers because the voracious gaming appetite of the North American userbase pretty much ensures that it will continue to receive good games. Nintendo is just...wow.
Bastion said:
You still didn't answer my question. Do you just love where the Wii is headed with gaming? You must remember that all the great Nintendo games would be great on any system. Look specifically at the Wii.
Would Mario 1 have been better on the Genesis than the NES? Sure.

It didn't happen that way. The games fall where they are and they're no less fun for being on the systems they are.

You know, in a lot of ways, I'm pissed RE5 is on the PS3/360. It'll look so amazing, but it will be such a step backward from RE4 Wii. However, if it were on the Wii, it would control amazingly, but not look anywhere near what it could.

Games are not where they will always fulfill their maximum potential. Big fucking deal. They never have and never will. FFXII would have done some amazing shit on the XBox. It wasn't on there, but it was a great looking PS2 game.
Hooo-lleeeeee shiiiiiiiiiiii :lol :lol :lol @ those numbers and this thread.

My jaw literally dropped when looking at the numbers.

And I'm literally lolling at some of the comments in this thread. I don't like the term, but really: bitter bitter tears. :lol Anyway, the self proclaimed "hardcore" gamers shouldn't worry too much. This gen has been great so far for both 360 and PS3 with lots of quality games. That isn't changing any time soon.

But damn, look at the Wii. I don't think anyone expected that much ownage. Good lord. Most exiting NPD thread since long (ever?).


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
lol.. and people said I was crazy for thinking Wii could pass 360 before July. Not only COULD it pass 360 in July, but unless things change drastically from, oh, the last 5 months, it WILL surpass 360 next month.

and wow at MKWii hanging in with GTAIV, and nice (and deserved) legs on SSBB.

edit - and what the fuck is with everyone claiming the wii will be the death of gaming? Zack & Wiki? No More Heroes? Mad World? RE4Wii? PES2008? Trauma Center? MOH:A? LostWinds?ALL the nintendo releases? Wii has plenty of traditional gaming on it that would be difficult or downright impossible to provide the same experience on the other systems while still appealing to the core gamer crowd.


_Alkaline_ said:
Oh i see, so you're just a troll. I get it now.

How am I trolling? It is a fact that companies copy other companies when they are successful.
Why would Sony or Microsoft invest money into new tech after looking what the Wii did?


The Autumn Wind
Bastion said:
You still didn't answer my question. Do you just love where the Wii is headed with gaming? You must remember that all the great Nintendo games would be great on any system. Look specifically at the Wii.
My girlfriend enjoys playing the Wii with me. My parents enjoy playing the Wii with me. These are people that would have never bothered playing videogames just two years ago. I get to share the hobby I've loved for the past two decades with the people that matter in my life. So yes, I do love where the Wii is headed with gaming, because I get all that and also know that traditional games are still a viable alternative that I also enjoy. (I own a PS3 as well, and am a huge MGS fan.)

soldat7 said:
Okami wins in every argument. If you'd ever played it, you'd understand.
I own it and played it two years ago when it came out. If you read my posts you'd have seen that. But thanks for proving you don't have an argument at all.


_Alkaline_ said:
Why are you using a flawed, overpriced 2 year old port of a PS2 game that sold like shit on PS2 as your main argument?

Because there are several folks complaining about the lack of good third-party titles on the Wii. I merely presented a good one that seems to be slipping under the radar: Okami.


Bastion said:
Gosh, you Nintendo fans are so touchy. I argue that all those games would be better on a system that was HD and had traditional controls.

I have Wii Sports. Fun, yes for a little while. That is the perfect example of what I don't want to see.

My biggest concern is not what Nintendo is doing. Let them do it and make tons of money. I do not have to buy those games. What I am very concerned about is the ripple effect the Wii has on the other companies. Why would any company invest in new tech when they can just slap some gimmicky control on it and repackage an old system as new with a bigger pricetag.

I want the games I like. I feel the Wii is going to really effect that in the future.

Impressive how you've managed to combine whining and trolling. Not an easy feat.

Don't act like you represent some sort of hardcore/'real' gamer. 'Real' gamers just play games. They enjoy all types. And guess what? We 'real' gamers have a hell of a lot of choices right now. This week I've been playing the hell out of GTA on my 360, Mario Kart on my Wii, Jeanne D'arc on my PSP and The World Ends With You on my DS.

Gosh, gaming is just getting so horrible! :lol

This 'sky is falling' bullshit has been laughable since the beginning. And by beginning I mean when people stopped hoping that their 'It's just a fad!' prayers were coming true.


Super Member
Tristam said:
Of course I don't know with absolute certainty if they are working on it -- what I do know with absolute certainty is that they should have launched a competent online service or, at the very least, shown that they understand customer dissatisfaction and are willing to do something about it. Instead you get bullshit PR rationale that Nintendo fans gobble right up.

What company isn't "business minded"? And moreover, why do you care about Nintendo's additional profits when theirs are so high already?
Not that Nintendo's 'Money matters' matter to me, but it does matter that they have money to spend working on software, hardware, marketing, and everything else.

Microsoft is well aware of all the money they are down, and if you can't acknowledge how bad their situation is then you are a fool.
Re: Core 360. So? Microsoft at least allows customers the option to pay for a hard drive if they want to.
Yeah, but it isn't out of the box for $250.

PS: let us not forget the "quality assurance" of the RROD.


There's a link earlier in this thread to a Capcom dude on the Capcom forum stating that Okami Wii sales in NA were inline with expectations, or something similar.
soldat7 said:
Because there are several folks complaining about the lack of good third-party titles on the Wii. I merely presented a good one that seems to be slipping under the radar: Okami.

Firstly, you don't have the sales numbers for Okami Wii, and you seem to be ignoring the fact that its meeting Capcom's expectations.

Besides, I wouldn't classify a flawed 2 year old PS2 port as an AAA, must-have game. Okami's good, but it's never going to sell as well you would like. Whether it be on PS2, Wii or 360/PS3. If it couldn't sell on PS2, a software monster, it wasn't going to sell on anything else.


Oh come on Bastion..
You seem to hate the idea of companies actually spending money and making Wii games, wheneven afternearly 2 years..the situation is basically the same..

Like EA releasing collector's editions of Madden on PS3 and 360, but not Wii...the same publisher that is releasing Rock Band Wii next month, but as a port of the PS2 version..
The same Tecmo you're taking that is releasing Ninja Gaiden II, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Dead or Alive 4 on the 360 and PS3..
Konami with Metal Gear Solid 4, Rockstar's GTAIV, Capcom's Resident Evil 5 (even after all the Resident Evil tests on Wii)..

Sorry..but where' are those high-budget third party Wii games you seem so angry that the Wii is getting..? Fatal Frame moved consoles on the PS2 and Xbox? How many millions the previous games sold?...Monter Hunter 3? In Japan on the PSP is selling amazing...will that translate into sales on the Wii sequel? Who knows..the console version of Monster Hunter were not "as hot" as the PSP version, though still managed to sell great...

The rare times that they do release "new" games on the Wii the barely advertise them, rush them and release them as if they were just releasing another game..while they go around and continue making their PS3 and 360 games..

So I don't know why you're so pissy about the current trend of Wii outselling the compeitition, when it's been like that for nearly 2 years..and aside sales numbers, barely nothing has changed..
Bastion said:
How am I trolling? It is a fact that companies copy other companies when they are successful.
Why would Sony or Microsoft invest money into new tech after looking what the Wii did?
Maybe they shouldn't have priced themselves out of the market in the first place?
Yah, the biggest story is GTA's apparent inability to push significant amounts of systems.

It's still premature, of course, so we'll have to wait until the May numbers are released to give a definite answer.
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