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Official Bloodrayne 2 thread - No H8trs, No Movie Talk, No Pants

Swung by the Wallmart. You know, the one with the thirteen Atomiswave machines. Picked me up some skinless, boneless chicken breast, cashews, and Bloodrayne 2.

I'll come back and talk about why it's so awesome after I play it for the first time.


well not really...yet
Heh, I got it with my EB credit while looking for nocturne. Graphics are real nice and the games a hell of a lot more polished than the first. The over the top gore and dismemberments are hilarious. The epitome of a guilty pleasure.

I kinda prefer the way guns were handled in the first though

but yeah cant see anyone actually paying full price for this. Wait til it hits the bargain bins

Sho Nuff

Another turd from Terminal Reali-No H8trs

Er, I mean, ja ja!!! I am Uwe Boll and I hate zee mov-No Movie Talk



well not really...yet
Sho Nuff said:
Another turd from Terminal Reali-No H8trs

Er, I mean, ja ja!!! I am Uwe Boll and I hate zee mov-No Movie Talk

I just found out Micheal Madsen will be in the movie :( Uwe mustve signed a blood pact with the devil or something...it makes no sense :(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Haven't been able to play it yet (had a mid-term this afternoon, then a quiz in the class right after, and now I'm studying for a test tomorrow-- MAKE IT STOP), but my friend has been playing it all day and loves it; he says it's even gorier than the demo and the female enemies you encounter in the beginning are hilarious...let's just say that they *love* it when you do things to them. ^_^ I thought he was watching porn when I was talking to him over the phone. :lol
Truely the guiltiest of pleasures.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first game, obviously, and I'm interested where they take the franchise. Currently their gameplan reads like this, "Run it into the ground."

But really, why did the fans like the first game? Hot vampire titties, gore, cool motiff.
What does this game have? Hot vampire titties, gore, but no cool Nazi motiff, yet.

Combat system is a little like Buffys, but not as fleshed out. The big plus is that they did away with the stupid looking ultra fast animation fromt the first game. They added a lock-on system, which is optional, like Buffy's.

Enemies are just as braindead as in the first game, shooting ineffectively at you while standing there waiting for you to come up and do a cool "fatality" move on them. God, I hate that they actually used the term, "fatality," drawing parrallel to a franchise I despise, and making my enjoyment of this game all the flakier. The "death moves' are pretty cool though, especially the ones in which she inserts the needle from her MAGIC VAMPIRE GUNS to refill their blood supply.The gore is constant. Lotsa throwing dudes into wall mounted sharp things, probably like in those Soul Reaver games I refused to play.

Feels like they added too much. The Prince rip-off SPECTACROBATICS suffer big time from a camera that wasn't set up to frame the activity and jaggies out da ass. Jaggies are why the Prince did not spend time swinging around three story chain-link fences.

There is too much dialouge. I appreciated whenever Rayne spoke in the first game, because whe didn't do it very often. What a special treat to hear her dryly say "Fucker" when a zombie worm took a bite out of her leg. Now she talks all the time and the dialouge is straight awful. Plus, so much of the dialouge plays without regard to how many enemies are trying to talk to you, so you miss a lot of it.

They gave Rayne a sidekick, I think the same guy from the Relic Hunter show. This is really stupid and not needed. He talks to Rayne through a ear mounted radio which we never see. Best to assume a damphir of her class would have one, I suppose.

Also, I'm pretty sure two of the enemies were talking about the new Pontiac G6, but I was dropping a building on them so I missed a lot of that conversation.

I really think they spent too much time trying to create a combat system that they couldn't
really handle, and making Rayne's leather shine real good. Because it does. It shines real good.

Current Score: Awesome to the Max


Whoa, this slipped right under my radar. Once I take care of the DS, this is first on my list of things to pick up.

GameRush ahoy!
Bloodrayne 2 is so different from the first game. The first game was a very loose third-person action game, played with FPS controls. Rayne was completely overpowering to 90% of the enemies in that game, meaning that she could toy with whole squads at her leisure, absorbing untold bullets as she blitzed from soldier to soldier. The first game had few attacks, adding to your arsenal only extended versions of your base and rage combos, the base animating so fast that you never noticed what you were doing. There was no lock-on, Rayne would do her best to attack whoever was closest to her when you mashed the left trigger and would systematically cycle her guns to kill everyone in the room when you held the right trigger. The game required little explicit direction from you, and Rayne were only in danger while fighting bosses, or when she really overextended herself.

Bloodrayne 2 is plays very, very different. I cannot stress enough the parallels to the fighting system from Buffy, right down to the little slo-mos when you combo an enemy to the ground. The new game has typical third-person controls, with the left stick controlling Rayne in an eight way run and the right stick swinging the camera all around, again, just like Buffy. The melee system is now a two button affair, slash and kick, the latter being useful for knocking enemies down and disarming them. The combat looks infinitely better then the melee from the first game, and although you can modify what combo you are doing via the left stick, your choices are pathetically meager compared to Buffy.

As with many games, the lock-on system works very well when fighting only one enemy, but is nearly useless when you are surrounded. The lock-on can be used to have Rayne dodge around or flip over her prey, ending with unique moves that seems to dismember more often. Flipping over a foe with a club of some kind is a necessity because such armed foes will throw Rayne off if she tries to feed from the front. I’ve earned two 360 degree moves at this point, but getting them off in combat has proven nearly futile.
Rayne is dramatically less overpowering to the enemies this time around, the average street trash being able to knock her down and half her life if she’s not careful. Overextending yourself in the first game meant you just found the nearest enemy and fed from him, here the enemies must very often be disarmed first. This is a game where you fear the guys with table legs much more than the guys with shotguns.

Besides replenishing life, feeding also leads to the… sigh, “fatalities,” which themselves replenish her rage bar and look really badassed. Your rage bar lets you enter the bullet time and Blood Rage from the first game. It’s good to see that in Bloodrayne 2, the bullet time is not unlimited and is upgradeable. You can also cancel your feed at anytime in order to draw blood to your guns as well. These guns only hold 40 rounds at this point, after which they will fire while drawing from your life bar. Seeing Rayne flip behind a guy and stick the needles from her pistols into his back while handing underneath him hasn’t gotten old yet.

But I expect it will, because just like the first game, every thug that runs up to you can be dispatched the same way. Now in the first game it was just feed, feed, feed through twenty guys if you wanted to. Here it’s a bit harder, but you can still harpoon them and knock them down, then impale them on the ground. Very few enemies are able to counter your harpoon. So really, it’s on the player to not kill every guy the same way; and the developers has given you choices, but they’ve not made you use them, as in Buffy. I’m hoping that the enemies keep developing to keep me on my toes, but I highly doubt that they will, at least to the point where one strategy cannot be counted on time and again.

The touted acrobatics is nothing more than stealing from Prince to work in the platforming elements that we saw lightly dispersed in the first and third act of the first game. I’ll say this though, I like Bloodrayne’s pole swinging animation more than the Prince’s. In fact, save for her pole climbing animation, all of Bloodrayne’s animations are really good. Bloodrayne walk animation is my favorite since Dante’s from the original Devil May Cry; it seems to have perfectly proper weight to it.

Like the first game, Bloodrayne 2’s strongest feature is character appeal, which makes the camera so irksome to me. It’s bad enough that the camera goes nuts in close quarters like so many others we’ve seen, but in my opinion it keeps Rayne too far away. These guys put a lot of work in making Rayne look really damn good. I defy you not to be impressed by the way her leather shines from light sources. I can’t be sure, but I think her eyes have been made to glow like a cat’s in low light. I would not be surprised if her pupils dilated, but I’ll have to check. She generally just looks super cool and the camera pisses me off by never getting in close. We’re talking some choice silhouettes here. I touched upon the jaggies in my earlier post, and this game is a clear case of details lost in low resolution. The ribbons in Rayne’s hair might as well not be there, for all you see them.

I am disappointed in how the limb cutting in base combat has been toned down. In the first game, one out of every three guys lost at least one arm or leg, or had his head sliced in half. Dismemberments happen here, often with proper verbal responses from Rayne and the enemy, but comparatively rarely. Rage mode in the first game meant Rayne was a real blender, limbs flying everywhere in slow motion. A favorite memory from the first game was when the first soldier in a group went down having both legs cut off at the knees. While I dispatched the rest of his squad, he pulled himself along with his arms, screaming in German agony, and leaving big blood trails behind him before finally passing out. It was really something. In Bloodrayne 2, I’ve chopped a girl’s leg off and seen her try and hop away, but outside of… sigh, “fatalities,” that’s about all that stood out.

I also lament about how the intro to the game turned out. I’ve been following Bloodrayne 2 since the very first media, and the same scene kept turning up. I’ve got an amount of Bloodrayne artwork, all official by the way, and there are several concept drawing of Rayne entering a manor party via a grand staircase, trailing a long crimson cape which she releases to reveal herself to the stunned onlookers in a super slinky black dress. This same scene was rendered in the first CG teaser released. They even put Rayne in the dress on the cover. Now I can understand this entire obsession. They wanted to start the game having Rayne make a real entrance, impressing all with even more class and confidence than she’d shown before, simultaneously looking even more the sex object, if possible.

So the new game does indeed open with this sequence, and it looks awful. It’s jaggy, it’s poorly animated, directed, and voiced. The cape is gone. Most of the party goers don’t seem to notice her. What the hell happened? If they couldn’t pull I off in-game, then they could have used the damn CG scene they had already done. Holy hell; what a let down. Undoubtedly responsible for my concentration on (deserved) negative comments in my earlier post.

The first Bloodrayne deserved to be called a good game. Not great, or excellent, or innovative, or a must have. It was simply a game in which the good, just barely, managed to outweigh the negatives. It showed real promise as a games series. Rayne, of course, showed real promise as a marketable franchise. Now, I’ve still got lots to see in this new game. I’m aware of better vampire powers that I need to earn. But I knew I’d be enjoying this title pretty much since the ending of the first game last-minute hinted at the sequel, in rather bad taste I might add. There’s a lot of new good in Bloodrayne 2, with most of the old bad addressed and not much new bad added. Fans will love it, some h8trs might be won over; but I don’t think that this game has yet gone beyond merely earning “good.” I’ll keep at her.

Current Score: She’s still got it


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Despite some of the flaws, it sounds like a pretty solid action packed vampiric, borderline pornographic, romp. Excellent impressions.
dark10x said:
Despite some of the flaws, it sounds like a pretty solid action packed vampiric, borderline pornographic, romp. Excellent impressions.

The pornographic line fits it nicely.

I'm not too far into the game (I beat the first boss recently). But its alot of fun so far an a huge improvement over the original. I do have a few complaints though. The collision detection is a bit iffy at times. You'll be clearly hitting the enemies but their body doesn't indicate the hit at all. And as alot of 3D games are that allow the free cam, it seems like alot of the time you're having to take care of the camera rather than it helping you. There doesn't seem to be an automatic button that makes the camera go behind your back like in alot of games so you're always having to adjust it to do that. Those are really the only 2 things that have bothered me. Most of my complaints from the original have been fixed (the jumping, lack of combat options, lack of AI ect).

The harpoon is alot of fun to use. I've spent alot of my time going around throwing enemies into objects and into one another. :p


Gamespot review

In the end, BloodRayne 2 provides a viscerally enjoyable experience pretty much from beginning to end. The game certainly has its blemishes, and it's definitely not the deepest or headiest action title you'll ever experience, but underneath those problems is a stylish and gory action game with enough kills and thrills to keep you entertained. If you were a proponent of the original BloodRayne, or if you're even just a fan of good old-fashioned stylish action games, BloodRayne 2 is worth checking out.

dark10x said:
Despite some of the flaws, it sounds like a pretty solid action packed vampiric, borderline pornographic, romp. Excellent impressions.

I think you'll like the games graphics engine. It really reminds of AoD's but they handle it better in BR2. Lots of background interaction, no slowdown from what I can tell. Considering BR1's engine which wasn't anything great this is a very big upgrade.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SolidSnakex said:
I think you'll like the games graphics engine. It really reminds of AoD's but they handle it better in BR2. Lots of background interaction, no slowdown from what I can tell. Considering BR1's engine which wasn't anything great this is a very big upgrade.

It doesn't run at 60 fps like AoD though, does it?
Beat it. Took me about 12 hours to do it.

Things I liked:

- Big combat improvement
- The platform jumping has been decreased quite a bit. It doesn't rely nearly as much on it as BR1 did
- Background interactivity. You can basically destroy everything in the background in most areas.
- Graphics. Huge boost over the original. Its especially evident in Rayne's model.
- Level designs, especially the later areas. Really well thought out.
- As you go through the game each level you beat becomes unlocked and you can go an select that specific level/section to play any time. You can also view all the cutscenes as you go along.

Things I didn't like:

- Difficulty ramp. Some developers really need to work on this. Halfway through the game it goes from being fairly easy to be very hard without any sort of warning.
- Camera. It can get really crazy at times especially in the later faster paced boss fights.
- The ending
It's mostly a promo for BR3.

The extras once you beat it are:

Demo Real (the games trailer)
BloodRayne Movie Trailer (...WOW...)
The 3 FMV's in the game
An artwork slideshow

You also get a selection of new costumes for Rayne including a schoolgirl outfit, cowgirl outfit, multiple dresses and "Dark Rayne", which is my personal favorite.

The BR Movie trailer is so messed up. I don't have any idea as to how this movie cost 40 million. Loken has no resemblance to Rayne, she has a cheap costume and no actual arm blades (her weapons seem to be 2 nightsticks with blades on the end). The blood looks like red cool aid.

Overall I liked the game alot. It's definetly on my best games list for this year.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Pimpbaa said:
Is this game brutally hard or is it just me? I think it is harder than ninja gaiden. Didn't gamespot say something like it is too easy? I don't even think they played the game.



I was in Target yesterday, making up my shopping list of games that I'm waiting until January to buy at greatly discounted prices, and I noticed that Bloodrayne 2 had quietly tiptoed onto shelves. Did anyone else buy this?

I think it is harder than ninja gaiden.

Funny you should mention that: Check out the 1UP review of this game and the subsequent comments.
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