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Official Burnout 3 Thread - Sparks Let Me Touch You!


BeOnEdge said:
my one gripe about burnout3 and its been this was since the 1st game. at a blistering 60fps with superb camerawork, effect and graphics, WHY THE FUCK CAN'T THEY ANIMATE FLAGS BLOWING IN THE WIND PROPERLY!!!! american flags line the streets and they animate at like 10 frames a second!!!! WTF!!!

Outrun 2 will have the best Flag Shading ever!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
BeOnEdge said:
my one gripe about burnout3 and its been this was since the 1st game. at a blistering 60fps with superb camerawork, effect and graphics, WHY THE FUCK CAN'T THEY ANIMATE FLAGS BLOWING IN THE WIND PROPERLY!!!! american flags line the streets and they animate at like 10 frames a second!!!! WTF!!!

OMG let's return the game this obviously makes the game suck. ;)

I have no idea how you noticed that while playing... really....


I just got the game (PS2).. Excellent!

But how do I turn OFF some of the music? Only some tracks can be turned off it seems? The rest only have the options "Menu, Race and Always" .. Gargh..


Heh, I remember one of the reasons Criterion partnered with EA (Before the buyout) was to take advantage of EAs knowledge in placing correct music with the game overseas (Overseas being NA). The soundtrack for this game is getting ripped apart. Oh sweet irony.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Mrbob said:
Heh, I remember one of the reasons Criterion partnered with EA (Before the buyout) was to take advantage of EAs knowledge in placing correct music with the game overseas (Overseas being NA). The soundtrack for this game is getting ripped apart. Oh sweet irony.

Yeah, I am thinking that the EA Trax thing has went from something to enhance to play experience, as was used in NFS:HS2, to just a money making venture. Though I did really like the NFS:U soundtrack and the NFL Street soundtrack. Hopefully NBA Live will buck this trend of wackass soundtracks that EA has fallen into.
heavy liquid said:
Even if you didn't care about entering your names for the records, you can't access the records while playing crash or racing (you have to exit and go into the records section), which makes competition difficult. It's like they actually tried to make it disappointing for offline multiplayer.

It's too bad, because I also loved the offline competiton in Burnout 2, and logged at least 100 hours playing with friends except it was mostly in crash mode. Before, we could just pass the controller around, and enter our name if one of us got a high score.

Gawd dam :(

I will probably be getting Xbox Live but this pisses me off as I really enjoy the offline multiplayer racing a lot.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mrbob said:
Heh, I remember one of the reasons Criterion partnered with EA (Before the buyout) was to take advantage of EAs knowledge in placing correct music with the game overseas (Overseas being NA). The soundtrack for this game is getting ripped apart. Oh sweet irony.

That's true, the soundtrack sucks...however, Burnout 1 and 2 also had extremely generic and boring music (by default).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The soundtracks for B1 and B2 perfectly fit the arcade racing atmosphere and blended more dynamically with the overall experience. I'd take them over the EA Trax mix we got for B3 any day, or even my own custome soundtrack on most days.


Party Pooper
offline scores not reflected in online scoreboards? boo

they couldve made a seperate section like BO2's boards...

i remember getting up to like... #147 in crash mode totals


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
kaching said:
The soundtracks for B1 and B2 perfectly fit the arcade racing atmosphere and blended more dynamically with the overall experience. I'd take them over the EA Trax mix we got for B3 any day, or even my own custome soundtrack on most days.

Yeah, the dynamic blending was cool...but the actual songs were REALLY REALLY bad. Could the music be more generic? I think not...

Thankfully, custom soundtracks saved the day.

Oh, and I've finally had a chance to spend more time with the game on XBOX now. Like I said before, the image quality between the two versions is almost exactly the same...but the XBOX version is a bit cleaner looking.

However, what bothers me is the blur on XBOX. It looks almost as good, but they just fell a bit short of matching the PS2 effect. This also happned with BO2 and NFSU. WHY do developers have such a hard time pulling that off? BO3 is so close, yet comparing the two confirmed my complaint. Ah well, custom soundtracks are more important...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Eh, they weren't that bad to my ears. Taken by themselves, outside the game, I can see that they might be more forgettable but that's really not the point - they suited the game well and worked with the overall sound environment which helped enhance their presentation.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Damn, BO3 rocks online...

However, I can't say I'm a huge fan of BO3 style racing. The traffic bothers me. It's fun to dodge through, but every time I hit an empty mountain region...I really got back into drifting (and that's where I kicked tons of ass), but as soon as we hit the streets with tons of traffic, it took me out of my groove. The way I drive through the curves really doesn't work well in a traffic filled environment.

That's just how the game is...

It's still a blast to play, however.

Oddly enough, I had the chance to play with the #1 ranked guy in the world (at this point). However, I'm not sure I understand how his driving worked. As soon as the race started, his car literally blasted off and was gone from my view within seconds. That's not the kind of racing I enjoy...but oh well.

F*ck, I am so SICK of traffic. Coming over a f*cking hill to meet a semi head on SUCKS. I know it's part of the game, but it would be so much more enjoyable without traffic getting in the way of driving. Traffic based driving is fun sometimes, but I'd rather concentrate of mastering the track rather than avoiding random elements.
dark10x said:
Damn, BO3 rocks online...

However, I can't say I'm a huge fan of BO3 style racing. The traffic bothers me. It's fun to dodge through, but every time I hit an empty mountain region...I really got back into drifting (and that's where I kicked tons of ass), but as soon as we hit the streets with tons of traffic, it took me out of my groove. The way I drive through the curves really doesn't work well in a traffic filled environment.

That's just how the game is...

It's still a blast to play, however.


yeah i know what you are saying (been playing a lot of single player, and zero online so far) but the game actually does play quite a bit different than BO1 and 2. Much more emphasis on combat. And the cpu AI is WAAAAAY more aggressive. I remember in BO1 or 2, you used to be able to just play with the CPU cars and sort of "lead" them into crashes, now the CPU does that shit to you and is always on your ass. its all good though, it just puts more emphasis getting Takedowns and building up that boost. Its actually very Mario Kart-ish in a way.

as for traffic, does anyone else think its actually easier driving AGAINST traffic than with?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One thing that annoys me online is the fact that you have to unlock cars in order to run well...

I end up playing games with people who have access to superior vehicles and I'm left in the dust. It especially sucks when you have to play the compact class and get stuck with the worst possible car in the game. They're slow and they drift like ass. Bleh.

It really does play a LOT different than BO1 and 2, and that is a GOOD thing IMO. I enjoyed those games, but this just feels a lot better. The older games also felt as if they were lacking a soul...


Yes, its quite fun online. Especially the mode where there are two teams (red and blue) that battle eachother.

Has anyone else tried out the NFS:U2 demo on the PS2 Burnout disc? Looks nice, is it just me or does it feel a lot more realistic now?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
What's with the lack of replays anyways?

Oh, and I REALLY wish they would have kept the PS2 style blurring on XBOX. I REALLLLLY love the way that looked. I don't understand why it had to be changed...


0G M3mbeR
First month's sales? Anybody take a guess? I really hope it gets the attention it deserves now that EA is handling advertizing and marketing.


4 lockups in one hour of playing online. FOUR. the friends list is broken, too. i tried to join a friend's game for a half-hour, and the damn game was telling me "unknown room" the whole time. and when i finally connected to a few games, the host room would invariably disappear after one race, and i would be booted back to the game browser.

there are serious problems with this game. i blame ea and their horrible network.

edit: oh, i'm using the xbox version.


I haven't had any lockups *crosses fingers*

This game is just so damn great. I love when there are 6 people who are around the same skill level. I just had a race where 5 of us were neck in neck the whole 3 laps. We kept taking each other out like crazy. Got 7 in one race :D

[edit] ps2 version, btw







"Phone rings*


God i fucking hate this online bullshit. Fucking piece of shit EA, horrible setup, cant enter rooms, kicking me off after every race, black screens.


XBox impressions:

Image Quality is great
Blur and Sparks are decent
Game looks great
Emphasis on Takedowns in every mode is bleh
Enemy AI is lacking IMO
Multiplay is great
Singleplay is average
Don't have XBL



The only reason I'm even playing singleplayer is to unlock more shit for the multiplayer modes. I'm not enjoying the single player as much as I did other arcade racers, including Burnout 2's. Takedowns are fun in the Road Rash(?) mode, just 'there' in the others...but combine that with the mandatory nature of them and I feel as if I'm being forced to play the game in ways I wouldn't, in the 'racing' events. Oh well, it's not like I really give a shit if you guys disagree with me (or see my reasons for calling one aspect of the holy grail of racing games 'average') anyways :b

DarienA said:
You don't HAVE to do takedowns in regular races if you don't want to...

Is that so? Well, I'm not quite as good as you, then. I find it rather hard to complete races without 'upgrading' your gimped boost meter.


23rd in rank. Lost a few ranks when I wasn't playing, but got them back. :p
11th in takedowns. :D
Only problem is that I hate how people avoid you when you're high ranked...sigh.
Gattsu25 said:
The only reason I'm even playing singleplayer is to unlock more shit for the multiplayer modes. I'm not enjoying the single player as much as I did other arcade racers, including Burnout 2's. Takedowns are fun in the Road Rash(?) mode, just 'there' in the others...but combine that with the mandatory nature of them and I feel as if I'm being forced to play the game in ways I wouldn't, in the 'racing' events.
What did you do in Burnout 1 and 2 when you and an opponent- AI or other- were battling neck and neck?


Gattsu25 said:
The only reason I'm even playing singleplayer is to unlock more shit for the multiplayer modes. I'm not enjoying the single player as much as I did other arcade racers, including Burnout 2's. Takedowns are fun in the Road Rash(?) mode, just 'there' in the others...but combine that with the mandatory nature of them and I feel as if I'm being forced to play the game in ways I wouldn't, in the 'racing' events. Oh well, it's not like I really give a shit if you guys disagree with me (or see my reasons for calling one aspect of the holy grail of racing games 'average') anyways :b

Well, it sucks to be you.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Gattsu25 said:
The only reason I'm even playing singleplayer is to unlock more shit for the multiplayer modes. I'm not enjoying the single player as much as I did other arcade racers, including Burnout 2's. Takedowns are fun in the Road Rash(?) mode, just 'there' in the others...but combine that with the mandatory nature of them and I feel as if I'm being forced to play the game in ways I wouldn't, in the 'racing' events. Oh well, it's not like I really give a shit if you guys disagree with me (or see my reasons for calling one aspect of the holy grail of racing games 'average') anyways :b


Is that so? Well, I'm not quite as good as you, then. I find it rather hard to complete races without 'upgrading' your gimped boost meter.

Wow do people slog through a game they don't like.... just so they can bitch about how much they don't like it?

Musashi Wins!

I've had some issues with the online servers, just like with all the EA games this year, but I love the single player. It's about 10x as interesting as the previous games and I thought those were decent. Online is great too when it works well and you don't have a room full of strangers.

And yea, I prefer oncoming traffic but twice they've turned to hit me on purpose :)


Mike: I overtook them :b In regards to what your next predictable statement will be, read my previous edit

Darien: Finding one half of the game average and another half of the game a blast is far from hating it.

Yusaku: Agreed `_`


For future EA XBL games, Microsoft need to be more involved with the online componant. Set up a standard for usability and design. They cant let publishers take the piss.


Party Pooper




i'm about 11 hours in, and 86% done. just trying to get in alot more XBL time now...


0G M3mbeR
oncomming traffic is way easier to navagate through cause the headlights can be seen from far away. You would think that the red lights on the back of other cars would be easy to see, however they seem to just appear out of nowhere sometimes.....
goddamn the cpu AI is fuckin RUTHLESS (especially on the later tracks). Someone should remind them this is a RACE not a friggin' destruction derby.


Anyone have any idea about the difference between the cars in each class?

Anyway, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to beat the Coupe Dominator in the Coupe Face Off. I'm using the Coupe Assassin and everytime I crash, I lose like 10 seconds to him. And if I don't boost while chasing him, I continue to lose more time. This is ridiculous.......


ElyrionX said:
Anyone have any idea about the difference between the cars in each class?

Anyway, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to beat the Coupe Dominator in the Coupe Face Off. I'm using the Coupe Assassin and everytime I crash, I lose like 10 seconds to him. And if I don't boost while chasing him, I continue to lose more time. This is ridiculous.......

What I did was to try to take him down early in the race, so my boost meter is full. Once hes taken out, race without boost so long as he's behind. The moment he overtakes you, use the boost to try to take him out. Repeat until you are close the the finish line..then just boost all the way.


ElyrionX said:
Anyone have any idea about the difference between the cars in each class?

Anyway, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to beat the Coupe Dominator in the Coupe Face Off. I'm using the Coupe Assassin and everytime I crash, I lose like 10 seconds to him. And if I don't boost while chasing him, I continue to lose more time. This is ridiculous.......

You know what's a complete pain in the ass? The downtown track that you have to clear in 1:03:00 to get a gold medal. I swear to God, it's the only bronze I have and I can't get anything higher. The car you have to use is too fast to really clear all of those track pillars.
Christ, it's impossible to enjoy more than a few sessions of online crash party without the game just hanging forever! Fucking EA!!!

And anyone else noticed that they try to gank your Live! account data for their own use at the very first time you connect with EA servers? Fucking bitches should die of herpes.


Shogmaster said:
Christ, it's impossible to enjoy more than a few sessions of online crash party without the game just hanging forever! Fucking EA!!!

And anyone else noticed that they try to gank your Live! account data for their own use at the very first time you connect with EA servers?

It was one of the major points of contention between EA and Microsoft. EA wants to know who's playing their games, they get that information with their PS2 and PC players, may as well round it off, no? If Microsoft didn't concede that one thing, you'd be forced to get the PS2 version if you wanted online play.


Gold Member
xsarien said:
You know what's a complete pain in the ass? The downtown track that you have to clear in 1:03:00 to get a gold medal. I swear to God, it's the only bronze I have and I can't get anything higher. The car you have to use is too fast to really clear all of those track pillars.

Phew, I thought it's just me who's a crap player. Coming out from the alley, there is virtually no way not to crash. I have tried tens of times, I'm down to 1:07 with one crash. that's one goddamn hard track, that.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Lathentar said:
From all the races I've played... its the same annoying Rubberband AI from Burnout 2.

Wait... you mean you're surprised there's rubberband AI in this game? More than few reviews have mentioned it's still there.


Wow, first racing game I've seen for my PS2 that didn't support the NegCON. Thank GOD I didn't buy it right out the gates, but instead got my hands on a copy to test with my favorite racing controller before purchase. I'm sure it'll seem like a fetish thing to many of you, but my two best friends and I have been totally runined on console racing without the NegCON. Once you've used it, you'll never go back to trying to control a car using an analog stick or a steering wheel you have to bolt to your table. Hell, we buy games just cause we want something new to play using our NegCONs.

DAMN! What were you thinking, Criterion? I know it's not hard to do; the support is BUILT INTO THE FRIGGIN' PSX CONTROLLER LIBRARY. It was the first third-party contoller supported by the library, actually. It's got the second lowest controller code next to the original PSX pad, IIRC.

You just lost 3 sales! ;_;
Ninja Scooter said:
goddamn the cpu AI is fuckin RUTHLESS (especially on the later tracks). Someone should remind them this is a RACE not a friggin' destruction derby.

Wait until you get to the Super Class. It's taken me a few tries to get 20 takedowns in a Road Rage event. And the tracks in Asia are just insane, with the amount of traffic and the beauty of the landscape. Stare too long and you're going to get upended.

70% complete, working on the final continent and a lot of crashes...

NEGCON? What a stretch, I think the bigger question is how many people actually OWN a NEGCON AND continue to use it. I'm sure Criterion/EA don't care about 3 lost sales.

As for privacy issues, I can understand why people are so sensitive to their data. Some people don't want their gaming patterns known. They don't want EA to get that info, yet they don't realize what MS can do to use their data. And btw, it's not much different from EA's intentions. Partners would include the folks at AXE Body Spray, compiling numbers for the press in regards to online usage, and renting out your name to companies who may want to promote a product to you.
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