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Official Doom 3 Topic. (ALL POSTS ON THE GAME HERE)

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I honestly don't care what you guys say...but that rainbow weapons mod looks ugly as hell...and if it didn't drop the framerate so much, it would make the game much easier


Been using a different mod now, this one has a more subdued greenish colour and also casts realtime shadows for objects as well as enemies (previous mod only had enemy model shadows, but that may have been a problem on my end).

Multiple realtime shadows for both enemy models and environment:


I like this one :p

Imps everywhere aaaahhhh

Ecrofirt said:
2) what do you use to mod a game? There's always mods for FPSes, but I have no idea how they're done. What's the process?
For small mods like these, most of it is probably just extracting the original files and well...modifying them ;) Changing or adding code to create new lighting effects, changing textures to create a 'Hello Kitty' flashlight etc


Tag of Excellence
Pleasure to help you Society.

NEW MOD said:

Were you dissapointed by the lackluster sounds of Doom 3? Do you want your
pistol not to sound like a Nerf air gun? Wish the enemies made sounds that
could actually scare someone? Long for the far superior sounds by Trent Reznor?
Well look no further, for here they are! This mod changes the sounds for the
imp, the pinky, the zombie, the fat zombie, the zombie commando, the hell
knight, the pistol, the shotgun, the machine gun, the chaingun, the player,
that's it!

- Extract pak005.pk4 to your doom3/base directory (IE- c:\program files\Doom
- If you already have a pk4 file named pak005, rename this pk4 file to
pak006.pk4. If there is alredy a pk4 file named pak006, simpy rename this pk4
file to pak006.pk4, and so on if there's another sequential pk4 file.
- Start up Doom 3 and the mod will load automatically.

- Either move this pk4 file out of the base directory or delete it.

BIG IMPROVEMENT. Me thinks this is from the leaked beta, heh heh.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Heh, I'm also using that improved sound pack. :p

I believe the only weapons with replaced sounds were also in the alpha leak, so you might be right.


Tag of Excellence
Meh the replaced sounds were decent but I'd rather use the originals. Some of the sounds are also inappropriate for some characters (like the VO files).


If you got a current Radeon (R3XX based) card I'd reccomend the humus mod! There is a direct download at beyond3d forums. I just got that and extracted it over my old file. It gave me a substantial boost in this game! I'm averaging between 5-10FPS more than befofe. Timedemo 1 jumped from 38FPS to 47. In game I'm noticing a 5 to 10FPS jump depending on the area. Running the game in 1024 X 768 on high settings with everything on except AA. Best part is I can now enable 8XAF quality from the control panel with hardly a performance hit. Game looks better with AF enabled in the control panel. Well, it does for me. There is a direct download here:


Heh, it's been a long time since I've gone through so many different efforts to tweak a game. Well worth it though, the performance increases from various tweaks have been great.


*drowns in jizz*
Bottom line- should I buy this game? I was about to, but a friend is trying to convince me not to, as he claims it sucks. Mind you he is running it with a g4mx.

WIll it be able to show its stuff on my machine?

AthlonXP 2600+
1GB 3200 DDR
Radeon 9600XT


Tag of Excellence
Graphically you should do fine, just comb through the forum for any tweaks and tricks we've posted to modify and better your gaming experience.

A lot of people in this forum really enjoyed the game, essentially it's a corridor FPS with some scares and a decent difficulty (don't play on easy, medium or hard is the way to go). I reccomend it.


I have the game, but it runs a bit shit, so I'm gonna wait for my new cpu.

But I have a question.

Does this game scare the holy shit out of people ?? I thought Silent Hill 2 was bad but this is nuts, I don't know if I want to play it now.

I'm still at the start, just past where everything turns to shit.

Honestly, I can't play it for more than a few seconds if I'm by myself... Jeezus christ it's too much.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Does this game scare the holy shit out of people ?? I thought Silent Hill 2 was bad but this is nuts, I don't know if I want to play it now.

Really? Doom 3 isn't scary at all IMO...but I REALLY wanted it to be. Silent Hill games, System Shock 2, and Fatal Frame are all MUCH scarier than Doom 3. The problem is twofold...

First of all, there are simply too many enemy encounters. There was a time in the delta labs where they really tried to build up suspense...and I loved it. However, when the first enemy finally appeared...it was a freaking IMP. I'm so used to the imp (as I've seen hundreds of them) that it wasn't even SLIGHTLY scary. That's the real problem, you become used to the enemies simply because you see them so often and can clearly make them out. With some of those other games, you rarely get a good look at the enemies...and even when you do, it's very difficult to even make them out. Not only that, they also keep the encounter rate fairly low and give the impression that the enemies aren't just awaiting your arrival. The enemies in Doom 3 all pop out and start attacking you right away while making themselves clearly visible. I have jumped a few times from being suprised, but it wasn't because the creatures were actually scary.

Another thing that damages the creatures is how they are introduced. In most cases, each enemy first appears via a cutscene. These ARE cool scenes, I'll admit...but it gives you a good look at the enemy before you ever encounter them. What really adds to the fear in a game is seeing something for the first time and being unable to really figure out just what you have seen.

The other major problem is audio. The sound is pretty good, that's true...but most of it is ambient in the sense that they only play back the sound coming from the machines around you. There are a few moments where they kick in eerie sounding background noise that really sets the tone. That helps, but it occurs very rarely. They simply needed more sound that was creepier. Silent Hill hits you with some of the strangest audio you'll ever encounter. I mean, when you emerge from room 314 at the end of SH2...the audio plays a role as important as the visuals. This is shared among all of those scary games.

As a result, no matter how hard I have tried to allow Doom 3 to scare me...it just doesn't. It's way too "in your face" and that pretty much kills the mood. They needed more segments with very little combat and a focus on the surroundings.

Regardless, I really am enjoying the game. There are times when it has become a bit tiresome to trudge through tons of enemies, but most of the time, there are enough unique sections to keep me going. The game is also shockingly long...
Burger said:
I have the game, but it runs a bit shit, so I'm gonna wait for my new cpu.

But I have a question.

Does this game scare the holy shit out of people ?? I thought Silent Hill 2 was bad but this is nuts, I don't know if I want to play it now.

I'm still at the start, just past where everything turns to shit.

Honestly, I can't play it for more than a few seconds if I'm by myself... Jeezus christ it's too much.

One thing that I'm finding interesting about this game is how differently it affects people. Some people aren't scared by the game at all, while others find it to be the most terrifying game they've played. I don't htink I've seen such a wide range of reactions before from one game as far as fear goes.

I think next time i'm at eb or gamestop I'm gonna pick up clive barker's undying. I remember barely being able to make it through the demo, I want to try the full version. It's a shame that game gets no love...based on the demo it was scary as hell.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
I am having so much fun with this game. Just got to Delta sector 2. Intense!

The game runs great for how shitty my machine is...P4 2Ghz, 512 megs, GeForce FX 5950. I'm running the game at 1024x768 on medium detail along with a bunch of effects turned on (bright muzzle flashes, blue light plasma mod, self-shadowing and character shadow mod, as well as the trent reznor soundpack) and it's definitely playable.

But enough talk -- here's what I've seen in the last couple of days. I especially love the mechanical designs....










And ouch, teh slowdown...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I am having so much fun with this game. Just got to Delta sector 2. Intense!

Yeah, I just made it through there last night and currently have started sector 3 (though, it should be noted that Sector 2 is actually TWO levels for some reason).

Performance typically rocks as well. I can count the major sub-30 fps moments on one hand. The two that really stuck out for me were the end of the monorail section (with all the fire and tons of monsters) and the very beginning of Delta Labs Sector 3 (which ran really choppy for some reason). The game pushes 60 fps most of the time for me, with plenty of 30 (during fights)...but it rarely drops below. Without V-sync, it runs even better and generally maintains a very high framerate. However, the tearing drives me crazy in this game.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
personally, i can't decide whether to play this thing at 800x600 @ high detail or 1024x768 @ medium detail with 2X AA. both produce about the same timedemo results (35.7 fps).

damn, i haven't been into a shooter--or such a graphics whore for that matter--in a very long time. i'm just glad my 2 year old system can play this shit. i need more ram, to be sure.

doom 3 constantly amazes me with its attention to mechanical detail. it's almost compulsive obsessive on their part (and mine). some areas literally remind me of those super detailed panels that Katsuhiro Otomo penned for the Akira manga, with wires and tubes running like tendrils amok.

i kind of don't want this game to end. which is why i'm taking my sweet time.




Digital Foundry pixel pusher
chespace said:
personally, i can't decide whether to play this thing at 800x600 @ high detail or 1024x768 @ medium detail with 2X AA. both produce about the same timedemo results (35.7 fps).

damn, i haven't been into a shooter--or such a graphics whore for that matter--in a very long time. i'm just glad my 2 year old system can play this shit. i need more ram, to be sure.

doom 3 constantly amazes me with its attention to mechanical detail. it's almost compulsive obsessive on their part (and mine). some areas literally remind me of those super detailed panels that Katsuhiro Otomo penned for the Akira manga, with wires and tubes running like tendrils amok.

i kind of don't want this game to end. which is why i'm taking my sweet time.



Well, as I mentioned earlier, Delta Labs 1 is EXACTLY half way through the game...so there is a lot left. :)
I'm stuck...Anyone wanna help me out? I'm looking for the Plasma Inducer for that guy...And I'm sitting in front of a crane, with 1-9 on it. When I hit a number, it brings down the corresponding box...Where to heck do I go from here?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ToyMachine228 said:
I'm stuck...Anyone wanna help me out? I'm looking for the Plasma Inducer for that guy...And I'm sitting in front of a crane, with 1-9 on it. When I hit a number, it brings down the corresponding box...Where to heck do I go from here?

Well, look up to the right and you can see something on a ledge. I brought down crate #9. When it was placed on the pad, I hit the number again and the arm came back to place it in the proper place (the upper right hand corner). Simply jump onto the box and when it picks you up, you should be able to leap over the ledge. Grab the items and then crawl through the vent...


dark10x said:
Well, look up to the right and you can see something on a ledge. I brought down crate #9. When it was placed on the pad, I hit the number again and the arm came back to place it in the proper place (the upper right hand corner). Simply jump onto the box and when it picks you up, you should be able to leap over the ledge. Grab the items and then crawl through the vent...

ahh yeah...once you get in there remember
That's actually a nice little puzzle...fairly simple. You read the name on the tag, check his pda (which you should've got quite some time ago), and listen to his log. Then read his emails.


Jack Flack always escapes!
LOL, ID......

Click on this terminal to get a funny email...



I have a pic of Tablet #4, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone.
Stuck again...If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it.

I'm in the Delta Labs, with all the transporters...And there are Four Pads...I've been through them all, the bridge is destroyed, and I need to find the "Main Pad" I think...Can anyone help me out?
Never mind...I made it to Delta Labs Sector 4...And I'm just encountering the first...Hellnights I think? I can't believe there are freaking two of them! I can't even kill one! I only tried like three times though.


Jack Flack always escapes!
They were pretty easy for me to kill, I had plenty of BFG rounds and about 70+ rockets when I got to them...
Did I miss the BFG? I heard that you didn't get it until hell...I'm not quite there yet. I have a ton of rockets...And I emptied 5 of them into one...But he didn't go down.


ToyMachine228 said:
Did I miss the BFG? I heard that you didn't get it until hell...I'm not quite there yet. I have a ton of rockets...And I emptied 5 of them into one...But he didn't go down.

only if you ignored Dark and Me helping you out a few posts back

Gattsu25 said:
dark10x said:
Well, look up to the right and you can see something on a ledge. I brought down crate #9. When it was placed on the pad, I hit the number again and the arm came back to place it in the proper place (the upper right hand corner). Simply jump onto the box and when it picks you up, you should be able to leap over the ledge. Grab the items and then crawl through the vent...

ahh yeah...once you get in there remember


Steroid Distributor
I should be playing this game by next weekend. I bought a new pc, it's just getting built for me now. I will have it sometime Wednesday but then I'm going out of town on business from Wednesday to Saturday night. Ugh. But it will be worth the wait.

I went with:
AMD Athlon 64 3000
1gig of DDR ram
ATI Radeon 9800pro

I'm so excited. I've never had a pc that ran near peak performance when a big game came out. When ever new games would come out I would be turning everything down just to get it to run. I'm hoping I should be able to keep almost all the the effects turned on with this system.
Is there a site where I can get suggestions about what the best settings are for the game regarding your pc performance? Or is everyone just adjusting everything as they go??


this thread is a good start :"b

and yeah...you should be able to run this game at High with a smooth framerate...if you have performance to burn, i suggest you crank up the resolution before you try turning AA on


Steroid Distributor
Gattsu25 said:
this thread is a good start :"b

and yeah...you should be able to run this game at High with a smooth framerate...if you have performance to burn, i suggest you crank up the resolution before you try turning AA on
Is AA a resouce killer? I have a Radeon card now (8500 LE) and I honestly have no clue how to adjust everything.
To add to my last question. Is there a site that gives a good tutorial on what each feature/setting does and how it effects your performance? For instance I have never been sure how to actually set my video card so that I am getting the best preformance for what my system can offer. I kinda just mess with stuff. No real purpose.


the best way to learn is probably to mess around with the settings...that way you can get a good grasp at how your system handles all these effects and settings (is the loss of framerate worth the effect, etc.) I don't know of any good sites that offer a tech. glossary but one good, yet slow, way to learn is to just type the term into google and sift through those results

after you get your 9800pro setup, (in windows xp, should be similar for other versions) in display properties, go to the settings tab (where you can choose resolution) and hit the advanced button - this will bring up a window with a bunch of tabs, many will have the ATI logo on them, if you want to mess around with forcing VSYNC, AF and AA then you should head to the "3D" tab


Well I just finished the game. The
new cyberdemon was everything i could have hoped for, except that he was much less of a challenge. The ending was wayy too short, and it's such a lame setup for a sequel/expension pack :(

still an awesome game. 9/10.


Tag of Excellence
Quick thought process here.

I've shown this game to several "mainstream gamers" or just people who aren't really into games and every single one of them is completely blown away by this game. They all recgonize and acknowledge the relative simplicity of the game and some of them weren't even that scared of it but the unanimous opinion was "this game kicks ass." Hell even my girlfriend who isn't into games, religiously plays this one because she is constantly terrified of it and it presents a fun challenge.

Any of you guys experience the same thing? So far this game seems to really impress the mainstream consumer.
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