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Official Doom 3 Topic. (ALL POSTS ON THE GAME HERE)

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Just beat the game. Awesome experience. I'd give it a 9.

Thanks id!




Steroid Distributor
m0dus said:
That's pretty similar to my system. I've been running the game at 1152 x 864, with high-detail settings enabled. my framerate is usually in the ~50-60 range, dropping around ~30 with lots of action onscreen. Never distracting, either. it stays smooth :) I try not to force settings through the ATI tab, however, as that can tend to give you a bigger performance hit than you might want. I don't mind nixing AA for higher res, personally, as the game seems to need AA less and less the higher res you go. . .
Sounds good. I'll have more questions when I actually get my comp up and running though.


Alright, beat Doom 3 and loved it. Right now I'm going through the game on nightmare mode with a mod. I took screen shots at all my favorite places and cut scenes. And I also messed around.

For those that thought the sentries were invincible...


Now, in all their Doom 3 gory glory......

On one corner, we have the awesome team of 6 sentries..


versus the two faced wailing demons.....forgot the name but it doesn't matter...


Lets get it on!!!









Join us next time for...

Sentries vs the Doom 3 Spiders!


And even i am moderately surprised
Finished Doom 3 tonight.
I liked it - not too taxing on the brain, fairly straightforward action, amazing graphics....

It's not the best game ever made, but it certainly held my attention.

Good stuff ID.

HL2 ... i'm ready.
Am I the only one who's disappointed by my rig's performance with Doom 3?

I've got:

3.2 Ghz P4HT
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256

and I'm getting 30-40 fps on High Quality mode with 2xAA and 8XAF. As soon as I try notching it up to 4XAA the fps tanks to ~20. While on Far Cry, I get nearly a stable 60 with the same settings.

Also, Far Cry looks much better texture-wise (everytime I get close to a texture in Doom 3 it gets blurred and low-res).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
No, I am also disappointed by the performance of your rig. :( :p

Also, Far Cry looks much better texture-wise (everytime I get close to a texture in Doom 3 it gets blurred and low-res).

I dunno, it just seems to me that Doom 3 is already way too hungry for texture ram. It seems that every texture is made up of multiple layers of different texture types whereas Far Cry only allows some of the more advanced layering on certain textures.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Certainly nowhere near your machine, that's for sure...

I'm on a P4-2.4 GHz + 9700 Pro + 1gb PC3200.

I am running at 800x600 with high-detail and v-sync enabled (with no AA). The game really seems to run at either 60 fps or 30 fps, as a result of v-sync. The majority of the time, it runs at 60 fps...but many encounters drop the framerate to 30. Timedemo on demo1 gives me 47.6 fps. Not the best performance, but it's solid enough to enjoy.
dark10x said:
Certainly nowhere near your machine, that's for sure...

I'm on a P4-2.4 GHz + 9700 Pro + 1gb PC3200.

I am running at 800x600 with high-detail and v-sync enabled (with no AA). The game really seems to run at either 60 fps or 30 fps, as a result of v-sync. The majority of the time, it runs at 60 fps...but many encounters drop the framerate to 30. Timedemo on demo1 gives me 47.6 fps. Not the best performance, but it's solid enough to enjoy.

That seems pretty good for your specs....you'd think a higher gfx card and another gig of processor speed would give me more than just a jump to 1280x1024 res and 2XAA? I have V-Sync enabled too.

Must...resist...urge to buy.....new gfx card.... :(


Jack Flack always escapes!
I knew Gloom was coming to Doom3, it was perfect for it. I should see about mapping for it, I worked with Teamreaction a lot with Q3 Jailbreak (my handle is even in the credits).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, finally finished it!

Playing on the initial hardest difficulty available, those last few levels were pretty tough...

I just tried out that parallax mapping mod. The performance isn't half bad (just a bit slower) and it looks very slick. It isn't really that shiny, overall...but the difference is pretty big in some cases.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
dark10x said:
Well, finally finished it!

Playing on the initial hardest difficulty available, those last few levels were pretty tough...

I just tried out that parallax mapping mod. The performance isn't half bad (just a bit slower) and it looks very slick. It isn't really that shiny, overall...but the difference is pretty big in some cases.

i just downloaded it and i want to try it... but how bad is the performance hit?

i have a very modest system, hence, i can't go nuts or else i'll hate my fps.


chespace said:
i just downloaded it and i want to try it... but how bad is the performance hit?

i have a very modest system, hence, i can't go nuts or else i'll hate my fps.



It's not very big, you have to have a graphics card thats compatible with dx9 though.

Incase you're worried about it, what you can do is put the pak file in it's own folder within doom3 and run it as a mod.

ex; C:/Doom3/Parallax

then go to the mods menu in game and run it from there. THats what I did.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Anyone else here struggling with the shotgun? I've never had a problem with it and always take down imps with one shot (and, if I make a mistake, two shots). A friend of mine is playing it and is claiming that it is taking 4 shots to kill an imp! That's just crazy! I mean, it takes TWO shots to kill a pinky demon...so it shouldn't take 4 to kill an imp.


It ALWAYS takes two shots to kill an imp for me. It was quite a letdown when the Pinky Demons only took 2 shots as well.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Slo said:
It ALWAYS takes two shots to kill an imp for me. It was quite a letdown when the Pinky Demons only took 2 shots as well.

Seriously? I've finished it on Vet difficulty (which is the highest possible from the get go) and killed virtually every single imp with just one shotgun blast. When an imp appears, I run straight at it and blast it up close (aiming more towards the head). One shot, instant death. I actually like fighting imps for that reason. When one appears, you try to make a mad dash towards him before he attacks...if I don't think you can make it in time, you can easily dodge his fire. Pulling back too far causes them to leap at you, which you almost can't avoid.

The only times it has taken more than 1 shot is when I was standing back a bit from the imp.

I had no idea people were having issues with that. I wonder if the per-poly hit detection is making a difference? I know that you can shoot a dead marine's gun and it will actually hit the gun rather than the marine. After killing him, you can go over and take a look at his gun and see exactly where you shot it.


Tag of Excellence
I tried the parallax mapping but was severely let down. Not because of the FP hit (which I didn't notice much of) but the absolute shit texturing that was the result of it. I'll agree that it makes the texture surfaces more 3D-ish than bumpmaps and also makes metallic objects seem that much shinier but if you run up to a surface you'll see some horrible artifacing on the textures. That completely ruined the mod for me, a definite graphical downgrade.


Imps took me two shot gun blast from medium range, and one shot gun blast up close. Pinky's were 3 medium, and 2 up close. I agree, the Pinky's should be tougher. Except it would be a loosing battle since your only chance would an open area. And the pinkys all appear and rooms or smaller areas.

On nightmare, the have to be super up close for a one shot kill.
Yea, as it is i beleive(although, keep in mind...I don't really know how parrallax mapping works) that it's calculating the "height" of the textures by estimating height using the normals (since all normals are are directions), without having an actual height map.

If you were to actually make heightmaps for each texture, it would look considerably better.

That is just what a non-tech head gathered while half-asleep reading the thread i linked to. I could be way off on that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
marsomega said:
Imps took me two shot gun blast from medium range, and one shot gun blast up close. Pinky's were 3 medium, and 2 up close. I agree, the Pinky's should be tougher. Except it would be a loosing battle since your only chance would an open area. And the pinkys all appear and rooms or smaller areas.

On nightmare, the have to be super up close for a one shot kill.

Yeah, that sounds about right. You can get up close to an imp without worrying, though, as they are usually in the middle of launching a fireball. You just close the gap while the pull back, get as close as you can, and fire. It was very simple to pull off and much safer than going for two hits. When facing the tentacle-wielding commandos, you could also take them down in one shot...but you had to be closer to them and it was much more risky. Those guys were faster and more powerful than the imps. When comes running, your timing needs to be very good to get a one shot kill...unlike the imps, where it is easy to do.

The pinky demons aren't that hard to kill, but they can seriously chase you down. In order to get a two hit kill, you have to be close enough...but if you can too close, you are unable to back away fast enough to avoid being hit while you try to bust out shot 2. They are quite powerful as well (much more so than the original pinky demons).

The enemies that really nailed me the most were those commando chaingunners. Good lord, they REALLY own you up. They seemingly take more damage than the tentacle commandos...but you can't get up in their face. So, a shotgun attack is almost worthless. Just standing in front of them for a short period of time will chew up health. Whenever I encountered them, I HAD to take cover and find a good way to take them down. I found the Hell Knights to be easier, as long as you kept control of them.

Revenants were also a bitch to fight, at least initially. The only really good weapon for these guys is the plasma gun and I saved most of that ammo just FOR those guys (with one of my mouse buttons set as a shortcut to it).

I do wish the Mancubus would have appeared more often, as they were very awesome to fight and took a lot of punishment. However, facing them in tight hallways would be a bit too difficult, I think.


dark10x said:
Yeah, that sounds about right. You can get up close to an imp without worrying, though, as they are usually in the middle of launching a fireball. You just close the gap while the pull back, get as close as you can, and fire. It was very simple to pull off and much safer than going for two hits. When facing the tentacle-wielding commandos, you could also take them down in one shot...but you had to be closer to them and it was much more risky. Those guys were faster and more powerful than the imps. When comes running, your timing needs to be very good to get a one shot kill...unlike the imps, where it is easy to do.

The pinky demons aren't that hard to kill, but they can seriously chase you down. In order to get a two hit kill, you have to be close enough...but if you can too close, you are unable to back away fast enough to avoid being hit while you try to bust out shot 2. They are quite powerful as well (much more so than the original pinky demons).

The enemies that really nailed me the most were those commando chaingunners. Good lord, they REALLY own you up. They seemingly take more damage than the tentacle commandos...but you can't get up in their face. So, a shotgun attack is almost worthless. Just standing in front of them for a short period of time will chew up health. Whenever I encountered them, I HAD to take cover and find a good way to take them down. I found the Hell Knights to be easier, as long as you kept control of them.

Revenants were also a bitch to fight, at least initially. The only really good weapon for these guys is the plasma gun and I saved most of that ammo just FOR those guys (with one of my mouse buttons set as a shortcut to it).

I do wish the Mancubus would have appeared more often, as they were very awesome to fight and took a lot of punishment. However, facing them in tight hallways would be a bit too difficult, I think.

Man were they trouble. (Commandos/chaingun) I had to use my gernades to keep them in check. The bastards were run up to you time to time when they just have you thinking they are anchored in a corner behind cover.

Without cover, the only way to take them out before they deliver massive damage is the bfg or the rocket launcher. Anything else will have those guys taking off points from your health.

If the pinky's have you in a corner your f***ed. Kind of wish I saw more of them in wider areas.

The Revenants, man were they tuff. But surprisingly, as I went through a door, one popped up and was face to face with me. I immediate gave it a shot gun blast to the head and prepared to run back and shoot it with the plasma gun from afar. To my surperise, I killed the Revanant with an up close between the eyes shot gun blast.

Who were the mancubus? Were they the two face demons with the tongue or the demon that had the predator type mouth and looked like they had feathless bare wings?

By the way Dark, did you check out my "Sentries Versus" pics from above? ;-).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Who were the mancubus?

Those large, fat creatures with the two fire ball/rocket launching arms. They didn't appear often, but you first encounter three of them in a strange sewer like room (one busts out in a cutscene). They were in Doom 2 as well. I'd post a pic, but I'd rather not risk spoiling them for someone as I had not seen them at all (the Doom 3 versions) until I encountered them in the game. When I first walked down those hallways and heard those sounds...I KNEW they were coming.

By the way Dark, did you check out my "Sentries Versus" pics from above?

Yep! Those things kick serious ass! The enemies barely stand a chance when you have ONE sentry...but an entire army?! It's a shame it kills the framerate so bad, as I would love playing through some segments with a whole crew of sentries. :p


dark10x said:
Those large, fat creatures with the two fire ball/rocket launching arms. They didn't appear often, but you first encounter three of them in a strange sewer like room (one busts out in a cutscene). They were in Doom 2 as well. I'd post a pic, but I'd rather not risk spoiling them for someone as I had not seen them at all (the Doom 3 versions) until I encountered them in the game. When I first walked down those hallways and heard those sounds...I KNEW they were coming.

Yep! Those things kick serious ass! The enemies barely stand a chance when you have ONE sentry...but an entire army?! It's a shame it kills the framerate so bad, as I would love playing through some segments with a whole crew of sentries. :p

Tee hee hee. I have another collection where I give the Spiders that gave me so much trouble some payback.


Tee hee hee hee





Tee hee hee Muahahahahahahahahahahaa .........


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Newbie said:
The Cyberdemon kicks all kinds of ass, so good looking.

Yeah, and he was quite a suprise! I swear I remember reading a while ago that he wasn't in the game and it was actually a spider mastermind who took the role of last boss. Hey, the mastermind is a good enemy...but the Cyberdemon was always a favorite. I honestly don't remember where I read that, though, but that stuck in my head throughout the game...so imagine my suprise when I enter that room and...a massive Cyberdemon shows up.


dark10x said:
Yeah, and he was quite a suprise! I swear I remember reading a while ago that he wasn't in the game and it was actually a spider mastermind who took the role of last boss. Hey, the mastermind is a good enemy...but the Cyberdemon was always a favorite. I honestly don't remember where I read that, though, but that stuck in my head throughout the game...so imagine my suprise when I enter that room and...a massive Cyberdemon shows up.

I enjoyed the cyberdemon very much. But after looking at all the cool art on the mastermind (big brain with robotic spider limps), I was really expecting things to get nastier and meaning in the end. Now I am at the point where I debate if this really was meant to be the end.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Alright, I'm having a problem with D3. I have a P4 2.4C, R9800, 512mb PC3500 ram, XP home, the latest Cat drivers (those betas, 4.9 or something?), and while I'm not necessarily having any framerate problems per se, it gets really jerky at times. Not really framerate dips, but they're like these random momentary freezes. Sometimes it's just flat-out random, although it mostly happens when I open a door or when something pops up on screen. Then, for the most part, it'll be smooth sailing with the framerate so obviously it's not really a framerate issue. WTF?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Newbie said:


I just had to take a picture of him on ultra for my backround

That's cool...but the pic doesn't even begin to convey his size during battle.

The Hell boss was the most impressive looking IMO. With those three active light sources flying around, self shadowing on all objects, and some great effects...it felt like I was playing CG (almost).


Well i would have said FarCry was better till i got to the Ape things. But this game is kicking my ass. I cant wait for more ass kicking goodness when i get up. even on the rig i have now this thing is giving me a good 20-30fps with my 9600xt on Ultra High at 1240-1080 which is just ok. I'm gonna put it down a bit but having it that high just goes to show that it looks even better.

I hate Spiders i hate them with a pasion. Sentry droids better take care of them soon enough though.

Man between this and FarCry i'm in FPS heaven. Now if only i can get CSCZ so i can get on CS: source then all will be good in the world.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
demon said:
Alright, I'm having a problem with D3. I have a P4 2.4C, R9800, 512mb PC3500 ram, XP home, the latest Cat drivers (those betas, 4.9 or something?), and while I'm not necessarily having any framerate problems per se, it gets really jerky at times. Not really framerate dips, but they're like these random momentary freezes. Sometimes it's just flat-out random, although it mostly happens when I open a door or when something pops up on screen. Then, for the most part, it'll be smooth sailing with the framerate so obviously it's not really a framerate issue. WTF?

One thing that may or may not help some is simply defragmenting the partition that you have Doom 3 installed on. The install for the game dumps quite a bit of non-continious data on your hard drive. There's also cache settings within the game's config file that you can screw around with that may help, though personally I didn't get any real results out of that.


I was fooling around with Fraps' video recording earlier, that stuff works great! Real easy to make a quick recording and the possibility to include sound is nice as well.

Here a short section where I'm attacked by two Imps. This is with Plasma light mod, although the vid doesn't show a lot of extra shadowing.

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