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Official DS Lite Japanese Launch Thread!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Viewtiful Darkness said:
That really isn't a fair comparison. The only way you can get full brightness on the PSP is to use the AC adapter to plug it into an outlet. When you use the battery only, no matter if it is fully charged or not, you wont' ever get the full brightness. PSP is designed to get full brightness only when you use the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet. It would have been more fair to compare the PSP's full brightness while it was plugged up with the AC adapter to the Nintendo DS Lite's highest brightness setting. The PSP screen would most likely be brighter.
that IS the highest setting, with the PSP plugged in.


Viewtiful Darkness said:
That really isn't a fair comparison. The only way you can get full brightness on the PSP is to use the AC adapter to plug it into an outlet. When you use the battery only, no matter if it is fully charged or not, you wont' ever get the full brightness. PSP is designed to get full brightness only when you use the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet. It would have been more fair to compare the PSP's full brightness while it was plugged up with the AC adapter to the Nintendo DS Lite's highest brightness setting. The PSP screen would most likely be brighter.

Yeah, because you always play handhelds with the AC plugged in. Oh wait.

Also, what Gaimeguy said.


More than a member.
Kseutron said:
welcome to 5 years ago !

So what?
TOE wasnt available in europe until PSP version...
SFA3 is still the greatest or one of the greastest...
DJMax , is new , and the best Musical game

I have some doubt for the psp beeing at full brightness with AC plug...its nowhere near that screen o_o a lot brighter


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Viewtiful Darkness said:
That really isn't a fair comparison. The only way you can get full brightness on the PSP is to use the AC adapter to plug it into an outlet. When you use the battery only, no matter if it is fully charged or not, you wont' ever get the full brightness. PSP is designed to get full brightness only when you use the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet. It would have been more fair to compare the PSP's full brightness while it was plugged up with the AC adapter to the Nintendo DS Lite's highest brightness setting. The PSP screen would most likely be brighter.
Oh look, someone let biased darkness in. *expects to see more review topics then ever before as soon as VD can make his own topics* It was already done, nothing can beat DS Lite's sun setting.


Viewtiful Darkness said:
That really isn't a fair comparison. The only way you can get full brightness on the PSP is to use the AC adapter to plug it into an outlet. When you use the battery only, no matter if it is fully charged or not, you wont' ever get the full brightness. PSP is designed to get full brightness only when you use the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet. It would have been more fair to compare the PSP's full brightness while it was plugged up with the AC adapter to the Nintendo DS Lite's highest brightness setting. The PSP screen would most likely be brighter.

Yeah, let's go plug in a portable and play it in the sun!

It'll be great ^O^


f@luS said:
I have some doubt for the psp beeing at full brightness with AC plug...its nowhere near that screen o_o a lot brighter
Photo give false impressions... Classical DS seems a lot brighter in real life also than on those shots. All you can do is relative comparisons...


Viewtiful Darkness said:
That really isn't a fair comparison. The only way you can get full brightness on the PSP is to use the AC adapter to plug it into an outlet. When you use the battery only, no matter if it is fully charged or not, you wont' ever get the full brightness. PSP is designed to get full brightness only when you use the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet. It would have been more fair to compare the PSP's full brightness while it was plugged up with the AC adapter to the Nintendo DS Lite's highest brightness setting. The PSP screen would most likely be brighter.

Ah, really ?

So I say that is another BIG BIG problem that the PSP has !!!

Definition of Portable Videogame System: he must work without be linked to the current, and he must have a good battery life.

The PSP has not the first, ni the second: BAH.


WOW at the brightness
LOL at PSP screen being brighter when plugged in
O'RLY? at people claiming PSP has better games
Meh at Nintendo for no Europen release date and no black DSlite
Viewtiful Darkness said:
That really isn't a fair comparison. The only way you can get full brightness on the PSP is to use the AC adapter to plug it into an outlet. When you use the battery only, no matter if it is fully charged or not, you wont' ever get the full brightness. PSP is designed to get full brightness only when you use the AC adapter and plug it into an outlet. It would have been more fair to compare the PSP's full brightness while it was plugged up with the AC adapter to the Nintendo DS Lite's highest brightness setting. The PSP screen would most likely be brighter.

Haha this is just funny. I have a DSL in my hands. I have a PSP in my hands.

The DSL is brighter, get over it. Not only that but it doesn't have the silly ass reflection and ghosting that the PSP screen has.

Granted the PSP screen still has crazy resolution, but brightness is not a contest.

Master Z

lancubap said:
Ah, really ?

So I say that is another BIG BIG problem that the PSP has !!!

BIG BIG problem? :lol Okay there buddy, keep telling yourself that.

kibitzer said:
O'RLY? at people claiming PSP has better games

Yeah, because people aren't allowed to have differnet opinions, AMIRITE?


I love that Sony fans bashed GBA for being full of ports, yet now that PSP is full of ports they defend it. :lol
stupid question maybe, but if I wanted to import the DS lite to the US, how much would I have to pay in import fees? That seems to be the thing people talk about....


KeepitGeriatric said:
stupid question maybe, but if I wanted to import the DS lite to the US, how much would I have to pay in import fees? That seems to be the thing people talk about....
It varies. The thing is in high demand so prices are shooting up like crazy.


Nintendo invented the pixel...
Jeez, looking at all of these images of the DS Lite, and knowing that my Play-Asia.com pre-order hasn't shipped yet (and may not ship for a while) hasn't exactly placed me in an excited mood...

I'm rather disappointed in Nintendo, to be honest.


Tamashii Sensei said:
Jeez, looking at all of these images of the DS Lite, and knowing that my Play-Asia.com pre-order hasn't shipped yet (and may not ship for a while) hasn't exactly placed me in an excited mood...

I'm rather disappointed in Nintendo, to be honest.

I'm in the same frame of mind right now. What is up with their production setup/demands that is so problematic? Is it the touch screen? Some other bizarre component that is screwing things up? It's not like the tech is cutting edge and the machine is curing cancer... so what's so hard to produce?
Probationsmack said:

yes and i loved my GBA. maybe having lots of ports really isnt that bad for a portable system. however it's questionable for an *expensive* portable system.


if anyone get the NDSL and found that the point paper is useless. pls do send it to me. I'm collecting them now. thx in advance.


Good God... look at those prices on eBay (link)!

I want one so bad, but I'm not about to pay the price of a PSP Giga Pack (or more) for one.

Gonna wait until supply gets better. All of you who scored it at retail price or below, congrats!
this thread is getting trolled pretty bad at this point. take it to a sales thread.

has anyone heard any word on the continued shipments?


hyperbolically metafictive
good original content is better than ports, but ports are better than crap, and crap is better than nothing. i could restate that briefly and concretely, using console names and inequality signs, but why derail such a charming thread.


In Front and Drawing Away


For a Finer World
Thread saved! Thanks Junkwaffle!

I can imagine one of the reasons for bickering and sales-measurement-size-comparisons is the intolerable, desperate fear of NOT getting a DS Lite next week... or the week after that... or the whole of March. I can't wait to hear from Play-Asia...

Does anyone have information what was the real cause behind the shortages? I read reports about problems getting the colour right even in the white models - has this been confirmed?


NCSX update:

Nintendo DS Lite Update for March 3, 2006
There are still no NDS Lite supplies available in Japan or Hong Kong for export as of last night which is somewhat unusual. NCS deals with a few entrepreneurial hustlers who work outside of normal distribution channels and are generally able to locate products and supplies in size when the big and well fed trading houses can't or won't. Hustlers had nothing for us.

When the other colors of the NDS Lite ship next week, we anticipate a repeat of the shortage and price hikes that NCS endured this week. Due to the supply problems, we're keeping all customer preorders on hold until prices stabilize and supplies become more readily available.

» The prevailing rate of the NDS Lite is currently US$236 but this and any other quotation is useless because there are no supplies available.

» We will not charge the prevailing rate of an NDS Lite and recommend that customers wait until supplies/prices are normal (possibly in 2 weeks time?).

D: Any japanese gaffers wanna help out yet? Gonna go look @ ebay now..


do you guy want to know how is the DSL screen visible angle?????

ok....i tell you

DSL playing finalfight at max bright level:
video here

GBM playing finalfight at max bright level:

video here

DSL screen visible angle is Unbelievable!!!!!!!!! o.o

also...someone say about the GBM,SP mark2 in dark screen have some noise...
DSL screen is fixed this problem!!^^
Am I the only one who always leaves his PSP on minimum brightness? If I'm playing in total dark any brighter is a pain on the eyes, and at any other time it doesn't seem darker unless I cycle through the settings and make an immediate comparison.

drohne said:
good original content is better than ports, but ports are better than crap, and crap is better than nothing.
That sums it all up really nicely, without the trouble of dozens of posts of back-and-forth.
neptunes said:
that's preference, I can play much better with the thumbstrap.

in which kind 'better'? at the beginning i played with the strap, felt it as more comfortable..
but meanwhile i m convinced that with the stylus you are faster..
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