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Official DS Lite Japanese Launch Thread!


neo2046 said:
GOOD NEWS for those guys who plan to import the DSL
it seems the DSLs shippment is increased
During the weekend in Hong Kong, the price of the 2 blue colors have been dropped around US$40
(white color is still rare )
and I hear that even more stocks are coming starting from next week

so if anyone want to buy/import DSL, just wait 1 (or 2) more weeks
the price will be more reasonable soon :D



RaidenZR said:
I'll believe it when I actually have the damn thing in my hands. This wait feels like forever... Ridiculous Nintendo.

I know what you mean. :(

I ended up with a 360 much sooner after launch, and that's saying A LOT.


For a Finer World
I'm impressed by Play-Asia - they probably aren't making much profit from these sales, but they'll reap a lot of goodwill by taking care of their committed preorders.

Not to mention that I preordered my Crystal White from there on 10th Feb, so I'm extremely happy to hear these news - here's hoping it ships this or next week :)

Other Play-Asia customers, please chime in when your systems ship!


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
I'm also impressed with Play-asia. Still no word from my late February Crystal white preorder though
and I hope the free gift won't make the package too big, I wouldn't want to get VAT for a mere pouch :p
Damnit yea I preordered the white.. I have a feeling I shouldnt have done it through NCSX. They seem to always be the slowest of the 3 big sites.

Was Play-Asia's still 169 for the preorder? Thats insane how goodwilled they are to give a free item too.

I will say I will from now on preorder and buy items through Play-Asia from now on. I ordered a Play-Yan Micro last week.. Guaranteed coupon and at the same time it was 1-4 day shipping and I got it in 2 days. FROM HONG KONG HOLY FK :p AND... I ordered something from NewEgg in California 2 minutes after the Play-Asia order and I got it TWO days after the Play-Asia one and it was a 1-4 ship days shipping too.

Play-Asia, why the fuck didnt I order from you :lol

(and I got free stickers for Onimusha DoD, and Okami!)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
almokla said:
Question: Are there any units with dead pixels?

Both the systems I bought have one dead pixel each. The Ice Blue that I kept has one dead pixel on the very bottom of the top screen; you can't even see it most of the time, so I don't mind it at all, and the navy had a red dead pixel on the touch screen off to the right, which wasn't bad either.


Gold Member
omg omg! Fantastic news! Hope my two white Lites ship soon. In other news, I'm in Beijing right now, couldn't resist and played Brain Age most of the flight - holy crap most addictive game ever!!

Lee N

BudokaiMR2 said:
Yes there are, but doesn't seem to widespread.

But there are always going to be dead pixels when it comes to LCD screens.
Well, the DS lite isn't exactly widespread, either :p At least not yet.
heavy liquid said:
Fuck yeah! My play-asia order has finally changed to "preparing order"! FINALLY. :D

what color is it?

it seems like white has now become the most rare. which is what ive had ordered since january 27th :(
meltpotato said:
what color is it?

it seems like white has now become the most rare. which is what ive had ordered since january 27th :(

Navy. I placed the order the morning of 2/10, right after they announced the Navy and Ice colors.

It does seem like the white one may be harder to find based on the anecdotal evidence here, with Nintendo currently shipping more of the other two colors.
heavy liquid said:
Navy. I placed the order the morning of 2/10, right after they announced the Navy and Ice colors.

It does seem like the white one may be harder to find based on the anecdotal evidence here, with Nintendo currently shipping more of the other two colors.

yeh. my guess is that a good deal of the white is being held back for an impending US release.


Magicpaint said:
That seems reasonable, I wonder if i'll get one if I place an order today?

I was gonna have them ship mine out at the $209, but then I realized the shipping is $8 and the tax is $17.50 So that would have brought it to $236, and thats still to damn high for this system.
aparisi2274 said:
I was gonna have them ship mine out at the $209, but then I realized the shipping is $8 and the tax is $17.50 So that would have brought it to $236, and thats still to damn high for this system.

Yeah, but I'm in the UK, so that's still pretty cheap for me, considering the circumstances.

Tony HoTT

My order is "preparing" at Play-Asia. I ordered the 2nd week of February. It says the estimated shipping date is Mar. 02 but I'm not sure if it will ship sooner or later.


PezRadar said:
i need to fork a bit more cash over to ncsx tommorow so i can get mine T_T damnit

I'm going to go ahead and bit the bullet as well and pay the difference since I already paid the inital preorder amount. I emailed them and they said the difference I'd need to pay is $40. I've waited too long already....so I figure "fuck it, I'll pay it".


Yeah, between stuff like this, the $5 off coupons and stickers with every order, the random sweepstakes, the cheap-ass discount weekly games, and the Asia Xbox360 game compatibility list Play-Asia is seriously my favorite store that I've ever shopped at. I've been doing all my import orders with them for a few years and I will continue to solely use them until the end of time because I want to support these guys who are doing such an excellent job to their customers.

PS. My 2/10 pre-order looks like it's shipping too :D


neo2046 said:
GOOD NEWS for those guys who plan to import the DSL
it seems the DSLs shippment is increased
During the weekend in Hong Kong, the price of the 2 blue colors have been dropped around US$40
(white color is still rare )
and I hear that even more stocks are coming starting from next week

so if anyone want to buy/import DSL, just wait 1 (or 2) more weeks
the price will be more reasonable soon :D

great news
i will probably ask my brother to get me one from Hong Kong, or i will ask you to get it for me :D
Bebpo said:
Yeah, between stuff like this, the $5 off coupons and stickers with every order, the random sweepstakes, the cheap-ass discount weekly games, and the Asia Xbox360 game compatibility list Play-Asia is seriously my favorite store that I've ever shopped at. I've been doing all my import orders with them for a few years and I will continue to solely use them until the end of time because I want to support these guys who are doing such an excellent job to their customers.

PS. My 2/10 pre-order looks like it's shipping too :D

dammit.. i guess i really should have gone with them.. ordered Bleach DS from them around the same time i preordered my Lite. should have just stuck with them for the Lite as well.
Bebpo said:
Yeah, between stuff like this, the $5 off coupons and stickers with every order, the random sweepstakes, the cheap-ass discount weekly games, and the Asia Xbox360 game compatibility list Play-Asia is seriously my favorite store that I've ever shopped at. I've been doing all my import orders with them for a few years and I will continue to solely use them until the end of time because I want to support these guys who are doing such an excellent job to their customers.

PS. My 2/10 pre-order looks like it's shipping too :D

I completely agree. And their shipping is very reasonable.

As long as they stay this consistent with their quality, I'll happily support them. :)


Chittagong said:
omg omg! Fantastic news! Hope my two white Lites ship soon. In other news, I'm in Beijing right now, couldn't resist and played Brain Age most of the flight - holy crap most addictive game ever!!

So this confirms that GAF can be accessed from China! :p


well yesterday Poppin Fresh and I managed to pick up 2 ds lite Navys at a Kojima store near Iogi station in Tokyo. they still had the sold out sign up but in the cage where they kept there stock I saw 2 navy dslite boxes and turns out they were for sale only 16500 Yen! each.
Its been said like 1000 times already but the new design really is so nice!
Have been playing alot of Bleach and really starting to get into it. When I get back to Australia ill get the Wifi cranking and play some gaffers online.

Stock levels everywhere else have been sold out and id say its best to focus your efforts on regional stores in residential areas.
radioheadrule83 said:
What can I expect to pay for shipping to the UK from NCSX?

And does anybody know what kind of penalty UK customs apply to this type of goods?

I ordered Metroid Hunters and Tetris from NCSX - they marked them both as being worth $10, so I didn't pay a fee. They'd probably do the same for DSLs.


NCSX is finally get some in. They're going to have them Wednesday, but the price has gone up to $209, if you want to go ahead with your order now.
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