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Official DS Lite Japanese Launch Thread!

radioheadrule83 said:
Did anyone order a Crystal White model from GameChoiceClub?
I did. Ordered it on 3/29. Hasn't shipped yet, but the Crystal White one's "ship within a week", so they still have a few days. I did notice that they charged my credit card as of this morning, so hopefully that's a good sign. I'll post again when they've shipped.
Cool, I ordered from them earlier today. I expect it might not ship until this time next week, but I wanted white that much I'm prepared for the wait.

Had an absolute hassle with PayPal... I've been using paypal for years but for some reason never bothered to verify my bank account / card details. After paying some recent ebay fees, my spend limit was less than what I needed to buy a DSlite. I don't have a Visa or Mastercard, and Western Union requires credit cards / american centric cards too. I was almost gonna do a wire transfer when I realised it was gonna cost me an extra 20 pounds. Then a friend helped me out using his verified Paypal account.

Got there in the end!!

I've ordered MP:H from Liksang too. Tetris is out in this country in a few weeks so I'll pick that up then.
I don't suppose anyone knows if the big Yodobashi Camera near Sendai Station in... Sendai... has any DS Lites do you? I'm really only willing to get the white one though since I've seen how finger-printy those blue ones get. :)


I don't suppose anyone heard when new shipments of the White model are slated to arrive? I ordered from Play Asia on Feb 10th and I've got no idea when to expect one. A vague-ass timeframe would at least be nice.
RaidenZR said:
I don't suppose anyone heard when new shipments of the White model are slated to arrive? I ordered from Play Asia on Feb 10th and I've got no idea when to expect one. A vague-ass timeframe would at least be nice.

Within the wave of thousands of Lites emerging in Tokyo the last few days - white's are for some reason the most scarce ones. Still they are starting to arrive in much fatter numbers than before. April will be big for you guys who are waiting to import - count on it.


Picked up my DS lite today, in Ikebukuro. Seems like they got 'em in last night, but I went around 1:30 in the afternoon, and they have the navy blues still left. Simply lined up and got one easy. When I came back through to go home at 5 though, they were sold out. Seems like they are shipping more stock for it to last 12 hours instead of 1.



My DSlites are still in shipping limbo between here and Hong Kong, was hoping to get it today =(

I did get the 2 of the DSlite Smart Case from Keys Factory in the mail...




I guess I can pretend that foam block is my DSlite...
.hacked said:
My DSlites are still in shipping limbo between here and Hong Kong, was hoping to get it today =(

I did get the 2 of the DSlite Smart Case from Keys Factory in the mail...




I guess I can pretend that foam block is my DSlite...

Those are really nice. How much are they?


Nintendo invented the pixel...
How are those cases? I have a Hori case on pre-order at Play-Asia.com and only God knows when it's actually going to be released, so I may opt to cancel that order and get a Keys Factory case instead.


I have a Keys Factory GB Micro case (denim pouch one) and I love it. Really high quality and snug fit. I ordered this case from NCSX for fear of it too selling out. Now if only that damn DS Lite would come...


Dazzla said:
How many games can you squeeze into that? If it's not more than a few are there any decent carry cases just for games?

NCS got them today and their updates says it can hold a few games but I don't see how.

Now I don't have my DSlite yet but there are no extra pockets or anything. The reason I got this one was because it was small and will protect the DSlite from getting scratched up (like the cases I use for my Ipodnano and Ipodvideo) so just throwing in the game cards will do more harm than good.
My white DS lite on Lik-Sang seems to have changed from waiting for order to processing order.

it still says waiting for backordered product on some screens... maybe they are toying with my emotions yet again, but i thought id let the other lik-sang customers know. cant wait to recieve the last thing i ever buy from lik-sang. cheers!


[Edit -Nice timing meltpotato. Me too. Maybe new shipments arrived all over?]

Oh wow... Play-Asia updated my status to "received" and my credit card was finally charged. If anyone wants to compare that to theirs I pre-ordered on Feb 10th (Crystal White model).

Here's hoping it happens soon. And my Keys Factory case and screen guards already shipped out. Yeehaw.


You could prolly use the iPod ones. Those stretch out quite a bit and can probably accomodate the DS Lite dimensions since they managed to cover older gen iPods.
RaidenZR said:
[Edit -Nice timing meltpotato. Me too. Maybe new shipments arrived all over?]

Oh wow... Play-Asia updated my status to "received" and my credit card was finally charged. If anyone wants to compare that to theirs I pre-ordered on Feb 10th (Crystal White model).

Here's hoping it happens soon. And my Keys Factory case and screen guards already shipped out. Yeehaw.


PS for reference (i know ive posted it before, but for the new people) i preordered crystal white within an hour or two of being posted on the lik-sang site i believe.
Wow... GameChoiceClub shipped my Crystal White DSlite today by FedEx, and it should be here with me by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Notch up another impressed customer for that site please!


Gold Member
i hope PA would ship soon the whites. Can't check my order status here from my N70, but I made the order the hour the page went up. Meanwhile in Beijing, no trace of DS Lites here, white or not. Closest I've got is a white iQue DS. They also have iQue Game Boy Micros and tons of pirated DS games here.


RaidenZR said:
Oh wow... Play-Asia updated my status to "received" and my credit card was finally charged. If anyone wants to compare that to theirs I pre-ordered on Feb 10th (Crystal White model).

Play-Asia has also changed my Fed 9th order to recieved and charged me for it and my order for the hori case which is still on preorder. Hopefully, by the end of next week I'll have both orders in my gruby hands.


Ordered Crystal White from Gamechoiceclub on tuesday. Got confirmation it shipped last night.
God bless them. As for Lik sang, well.......


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
I'm tempted to just order a white one from GameChoiceClub or whatever.. It says they're "in-stock." My white DS was ordered from Lik-Sang on February 16. Do you think it's worth switching at this point?
I'm tempted to just order a white one from GameChoiceClub or whatever.. It says they're "in-stock." My white DS was ordered from Lik-Sang on February 16. Do you think it's worth switching at this point?
Do it. I canceled my Lik-Sang order and ordered one from GCC on Wednesday, and it's already been shipped. The white one.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What are the chances they make changes to the DS Lite before its American release? If I get one when the prices return to normal in Japan, are they gonna like..."now with brighter screen!" for the American version?
Y2Kevbug11 said:
What are the chances they make changes to the DS Lite before its American release? If I get one when the prices return to normal in Japan, are they gonna like..."now with brighter screen!" for the American version?

Nah I hear its pretty bright


It was actually daylight here. But someone turned a DSlite on, immediately fucking with the camera's auto-exposure system.


Can you spot the DSlite player?


This is God playing DSlite on one of its lower settings.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
Larry Bird said:
Do it. I canceled my Lik-Sang order and ordered one from GCC on Wednesday, and it's already been shipped. The white one.

Ok, I just took your advice :) Hopefully the white ones really are still in stock at GCC.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
BTW, for those of you who ordered from GCC... Did you find it odd that they never asked for your billing address? Because my billing address is different from my shipping address.
I never really thought about it.
You fill in one address there when you sign up, and in PayPal process you can leave a shipping address and a note so I imagine if you wanted it shipping somewhere specific you could do it that way.

The guy on MSN was extremely helpful. I'm really glad I used them now.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
Oh, I did credit card... Should I have not done that? :\ Also, on the main page of GCC, there's like a "Payment' link, and if I click that it seems like I can pay all over again. WTF?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Aight gents. I bought it.

On GCC, mailing address was billing address. Shipping was different than mailing.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
Ok, I just went into my profile and changed my address so that there won't be any confusion. Will this change be effective for my order?
Y2Kevbug11 said:
What are the chances they make changes to the DS Lite before its American release? If I get one when the prices return to normal in Japan, are they gonna like..."now with brighter screen!" for the American version?

Brighter than what the DSL currently is would probably give you skin cancer.


Tamashii Sensei said:
How are those cases? I have a Hori case on pre-order at Play-Asia.com and only God knows when it's actually going to be released, so I may opt to cancel that order and get a Keys Factory case instead.

I picked a black one up from toys 'r' us in Japan. Seems pretty nice. DS lite is a snug fit, but the inside has a really soft material lining so it should prevent scratching. Still can't work out whether its a bit 'girly' though - the white one definitely is.


Bah.. Ordered one, 200 dollars, luckily the currency rate is in my favor, the dollar is barely worth anything. Unfortunately I have to pay import duties here.


Did I mention it's time to cancel my Ratchet and Clank preorder yet?
My "Order Status" on GCC is 0. That's what it should be, right? :\
radioheadrule83 said:
Its no Micro but its no bigger than PSP afaik

Actually it's a good bit smaller than PSP:

DS Lite Dimensions: 133 mm wide by 73.9 mm tall by 21.5 mm thick
PSP dimensions: 170mm x 74mm x 23mm
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