Matlock said:
When you're knee deep in sand, and your brother is being deported for his sexuality...I'll laugh.
But for now, I'll just laugh at the fact you're laughing at Democrats for the same bullshit you pull as a Nintendo fanboy.
Every time you bring up this bullshit about gays being deported blah blah, you just look like an idiot. You act as if John Kerry had differing views on gay marriage as well. Both he and Bush were for unions and against marriage. How is he ANY better in that case? Is it just because he isnt George Bush or is it because when we think of homosexuals, we think of extremely left-leaning Democrats, so John Kerry's viewpoint on the subject is somehow less harsh?
As for your second comment, it's total fallacy. I'm one of the very few Nintendo fans at this board who is completely and totally in acceptance of their fate and understands that they should be more concerned about staying alive as a company than making the GameCube more popular. This generation is over for them and has been for some time. Likewise, I'm not a fanboy. I love Nintendo, but I love video games as a whole -- why else would I spend so much time and money on them?
The Xbox has been my system of choice for well over a year and a half now and you'll find me commenting in more or less every major game that's been released for it since then because I play them all. I havent bought a new Cube game since Mario Kart basically (I will be getting Prime 2 on day 1 though), while I've picked up a solid 10 Xbox titles or so in that timespan at full price. The company for me will always be my preference because they got me into games. If I were a fanboy, as you apparently are for the Democratic party, I would completely oppose anyone who competed against them and would make it a point to constantly berate said other companies.