Tenguman said:I'm sure at least 20% was going to vote Kerry but forgot to register
Most of my friends actually were too lazy to register to vote. I am truly ashamed. <Sips Bacardi Bottle>
Tenguman said:I'm sure at least 20% was going to vote Kerry but forgot to register
Maybe so. But I don't want the government to make voting "compulary." That in itself is stupid. If I got slapped with a $25 because I didn't render my choice to vote, I'd be pissed off.Do The Mario said:Voting is compulsory in Australia, you dont have to vote if you dont want to just get your name crossed off.
With the amount of money Americans spend on enticing people to vote it would be simpler just making voting compulsory then making money when people refuse to vote by having a $25 fine.
The right to not vote is a very powerful right for Americans. It's kind of ironic really. We would flip out if the government tried to make it mandatory.Do The Mario said:Voting is compulsory in Australia, you dont have to vote if you dont want to just get your name crossed off.
With the amount of money Americans spend on enticing people to vote it would be simpler just making voting compulsory then making money when people refuse to vote by having a $25 fine.
Zaptruder said:To the people apathetic about voting because it doesn't seem to make an effect (which choice is taken)...
can I borrow your machine that lets you travel to alternate universes and timeline?
Tenguman said:I heard that only 17% of the youth vote bothered to vote, about the same as 2000
ourumov said:To all the people from out the US that is criticizing the result: WTF did you expect ?
I am not pro-Kerry nor pro-Bush.
1. Nearly all the media in Europe has been pro-Kerry. They have manipulated the news showing an evil Bush and an awesome Kerry.
2. People hates US citizens. Why ? Then again because of the media that show US as a conglomerate of fatass people without culture nor brain and big corporations ruled by evil. It's a natural reaction to hate the rich...
These are two considerations I wanted to make about media in Europe.
3. Anti-semitism on Europe. Yes, it exists although nobody admits it but ALWAYS Israel is the bad and Palestina the good. Hell...things are not black or white. Jew lobbies only can find faith in one person for now: Bush.
Perhaps anti-semitism is not the right word but I have yet to see news in which Israel is not the bad...
4. Fear. People in the US is afraid. They won't say nor admit it but they have the feeling all the world is against them and then it comes a man who sends he will kill the baddies...Guess who I am talking about ?
If people have voted Bush is because he and HIS TEAM (don't forgett the elections don't choose just a man but a TEAM) are the right people for the moment.
soundwave05 said:I hope Bush does reinstitute the draft, just to give some of these kids a kick in the ass.
gblues said:Also remember that if voter turnout is better this year than in 2000, then 17% of this year's turnout is a net increase in total youth votes, even if the youth segment itself didn't get any bigger.
DJ_Tet said:Wow. That's pretty harsh.
Tenguman said:Problem w/ Kerry is they played on the "anybody but bush" ticket for too long. They needed to convert Bush people who were leaning on the fence.
In fact, I think stuff like Moveon.org and Fahrenheit 911 made things WORSE for Kerry. Things like that got many semi-Bush-people to rally back around Bush -- people who otherwise would have had an open mind about Kerry.
Bush is winning by a landslide by the popular vote, and it shows the disconnect Kerry had with semi-right-wing voters.
snapty00 said:Forcing voting is stupid. Driving is a privilege. Should the government say, "Hmm, it appears you haven't driven today. $25 fine. Please drive your car tomorrow to avoid penalties."?
Forcing voting is stupid.
That's how I was. I wasn't anti-Bush, but I was definitely undecided. But that movie especially...I thought the agenda in that was so disgusting and strong that I couldn't even see myself being associated with Democrats after that. That's how much that movie swayed my opinion in the opposite direction of what it was intended.Tenguman said:fact, I think stuff like Moveon.org and Fahrenheit 911 made things WORSE for Kerry. Things like that got many semi-Bush-people to rally back around Bush -- people who otherwise would have had an open mind about Kerry.
BruceWayne said:So many gloomy faces and voices to be heard tomorrow conceding defeat(if they have any balls):
- Kerry
- Edwards
- Michael Moore
- John Stewart
- Dan Rather
- Peter Jennings
- Howard Stern
Feel free to add to the list.![]()
soundwave05 said:Why is that harsh? If there's military action in the future against Iran for example, this could happen. If it does, I don't think young people should then turn around and complain if they didn't bother to vote.
Just a hypothetical situation.
Like I said, that's stupid. And like xabre said, it goes against the very nature of a democratic system. I mean, forced voting...say that to yourself. That really does sound like a Socialist mandate.Do The Mario said:I will Stress that you dont have to vote, however you have to go to a polling station on Election Day and get your name crossed off.
xabre said:More than that it is totally undemocratic.
Realize that the name "Michael Moore" resonates a lot of anger among even the most slightest of republicans. Moveon.org tends to get lumped in with him.eggplant said:How did moveon.org and F911 hurt Kerry? There was plenty of negative stuff on the other side. Not only that, moveon.org was a wonderful grassroots organization.
snapty00 said:Like I said, that's stupid. And like xabre said, it goes against the very nature of a democratic system. I mean, forced voting...say that to yourself. That really does sound like a Socialist mandate.
Do The Mario said:I will Stress that you dont have to vote, however you have to go to a polling station on Election Day and get your name crossed off.
The right is TO vote, not to exercise your right NOT to vote!Do The Mario said:About as undemocratic as invading another country then forcing democracy on them?
Did people even read my post were I discuss how you can exercise your right not to vote?
Tenguman said:Realize that the name "Michael Moore" resonates a lot of anger among even the most slightest of republicans. Moveon.org tends to get lumped in with him.
I think things like F911 helped anger Bush's base and gave him a more solid ground to stand on.
Jak140 said:I've heard rumors that some people who used the electronic voting systems in Ohio ran into problems. Someone told me that two of his relatives in Ohio that voted Kerry ended up with reciepts that said they voted for Bush.
That really does sound like a Socialist mandate.
Meier said:It begins. :lol :lol :lol Gotta love the Dems.
Yes, it is true that the actual number of young voters is higher, but at the same time, the numbers are up for all the other groups too, and the youth vote didn't keep up or gain on the pace of other age groups. They were still an insignificant minority, as they always are.gblues said:Also remember that if voter turnout is better this year than in 2000, then 17% of this year's turnout is a net increase in total youth votes, even if the youth segment itself didn't get any bigger.
Do The Mario said:How is it socialist?
I about to pull out some political texts to check this out
Meier said:It begins. :lol :lol :lol Gotta love the Dems.
Oh come on. I made it clear that I wasn't buying it unless I heard confirmation from other people. I only posted that to see if anyone had heard anything similar. No harm in trying to stay informed.Meier said:It begins. :lol :lol :lol Gotta love the Dems.
Jak140 said:I'm going to make it clear that I might be talking out of my ass here, but I've heard rumors that some people who used the electronic voting systems in Ohio ran into problems. Someone told me that two of his relatives in Ohio that voted Kerry ended up with reciepts that said they voted for Bush. Of course if this was really widespread (or even true), it would probably be on the news by now, so I'm pretty skeptical, but I thought I'd share it with you guys anyway. Has anyone else heard anything like this?
Do The Mario said:About as undemocratic as invading another country then forcing democracy on them?
+xabre said:It’s easy to see where this apathy comes from; say if I vote for Candidate A and a million other people vote for Candidate B, exactly what difference have I made? In this context, voting contrary to that of the general public regardless of whether or not they’re right or wrong is totally futile. Another reason for apathy is to consider the fact that the voting power of the most intelligent and educated intellectual is equal to that of the most easily manipulated and downright dumb redneck. And yet another reason is that the general public is so easily swayed by the corporate media, general public sentiment and downright blatant government propaganda that the whole 'democratic' system itself is far too easily corruptible and manipulated.
At the heart of the matter though, is not the one person one vote principle, the problem is the environment the democratic process takes place in itself, it is so terribly flawed that it tends toward corruption, manipulation and what has been referred to as tyranny of the majority. It also tends toward this general apathy from those who ask what the point of the exercise even is, that those in positions of power and influence can simply manipulate their way into positions of government based largely on the use of fear driven rhetoric and mindless propaganda with typically little grounding in reality; and to vote against such is to be a drop of rationality an ocean of brain-dead idiocy.
Yes, Ann Coulter does resonate with a smaller group of Democrats than Michael Moore does with Republicans. If for no other reason than the fact that Moore is more bombastic, in your face, and interjecting himself into pop culture. Coulter, on the other hand, is pretty much little more than a pundit. She has a loud mouth, but she's pretty much confined to political news shows, talk shows, and newspaper column, as opposed to Michael Moore, who runs commercials, makes nationally distributed movies, and appears at the Oscars.eggplant said:Ann Coulter resonates with a smaller group of Democrats? And the Republicans can't tell the difference between moveon.org and Michael Moore? Hmm...
I told you the right to not vote is very powerful for Americans.Do The Mario said:About as undemocratic as invading another country then forcing democracy on them?
Did people even read my post were I discuss how you can exercise your right not to vote?