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Heh, MSNBC reporting that Bush will try to "reach out to Kerry supporters"... heh. That should be interesting, the only reason that there were Kerry supporters was that they couldn't stand Bush.



Willco said:
If you were to ask every single person in the United States of America that question, I think you'd be wrong. Are there bigots? Yes. Is there racism? Yes. But your commentary is absurd at best and it's the kind of comments that continue to polarize the nation.

If you asked the same question 50 years ago, the results would have been different. What's obvious to me is that some day gays will have the same rights as anyone else, apparently it's just not today. Martin Luther King had the same vision 50 years ago for blacks. It's only a matter of time, but it will happen.




DarienA said:
That saddest part of all of this? The Redskins lost for nothing... and now Bush can triumphantly proclaim that he broke the urban legend. :(

I'm a Cowboys fan and I voted for Bush....so you can see how conflicted I was..:p There was no way I wanted the Redskins to win...like ever. ;)


Do The Mario said:
Do Americans not see the dangerous precedent set down by there unilateral actions?
Al Qaida and Islamic fundamentalists have been attacking the US and US targets (Cole, embassies, etc...) abroad for over a decade now...

I think Americans saw the dangerous precedent set by Clinton's unilateral inaction...

Whether the anti-Jew UN likes it or not, America has little choice but to go after terrorism and Islamo-fascism...


impirius said:
Heh, MSNBC reporting that Bush will try to "reach out to Kerry supporters"... heh. That should be interesting, the only reason that there were Kerry supporters was that they couldn't stand Bush.

Yeah, right. In 2000, Bush said he was a "uniter, not a divider." He did the complete opposite.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Yeah right thats why all the republicans thought CLinton bombed afghanistan in order to divert attention from the monica lewinksi. Hypocrits...

Also its sad that saddam was actually doing a better job of controlling the fundementalists in Iraq.


efralope said:
Whether the anti-Jew UN likes it or not,

Oh, fuck that shit. Seriously. Just because the UN doesn't support Israel at every turn doesn't mean they're a bunch of anti-semites.


If you asked the same question 50 years ago, the results would have been different. What's obvious to me is that some day gays will have the same rights as anyone else, apparently it's just not today. Martin Luther King had the same vision 50 years ago for blacks. It's only a matter of time, but it will happen.

What an insult to Martin Luther King to associate his fight for racial equality with sexual deviancy.
I can see it now, Republicans are all excited because Bush has been re-elected. Its been 3 years since 9/11, large portion of Americans believe we are safe because of Bush. It doesn't matter 9/11 happened on his watch, but somehow he's a great defender of this nation. The first attack on the WTC happened in 93, 8 years later WTC is attacked again but this time result is 3000 dead and the Pentagon hit at aswell.

3 years has past and everything is all gravy, not one attack. What was that guy name that said terroist cells plan their attacks and that it could take years before they attack again.

It amazing how easily people forget, after all the investigations, articles, news reports and news conferences that the guys that flew those 747 passenger planes into the WTC, had been in America for years before they actually carried out the attacks.

Whats even more strange is the State that the WTC is based in, voted Democratic.

OBL sends a video to Al-Jazzera, telling the American people that neither candidate can protect them. Also included that are safety was in our hands. Naturally attacks Bush and his administration and foriegn policies.

He's supposedly on the run, but he has time to sit and film a long ass video. His cloths look like they have been to the cleaners and pressed. Where the video was filmed didn't look like a cave, which I assumed he would be in since he's on the run. Whats even more fucked up, this man on the run also had enough time to obviously sit down and watch Michael Moore's Farenheit 9/11.

I don't have much to say on the war in Iraq, I'll just say, smart people think things through. Intelligent people do research, weigh the pros against the cons. They plan to the most accurate %.

We don't just live in America, we live in a world. There is no force field over the U.S. Every action has a consequence, whether that consequence is good or bad depends on the action.

Who here thinks the insurgents are gonna give up?



The president, for example, garnered 47 percent of the female vote, up 4 percent from 2000, while Bush lost the Latino vote -- winning 42 percent to Kerry's 55 percent. Other candidates split the remainder -- he gained 7 points from four years ago, which could have made a difference in states like Florida and New Mexico with large Latino or Hispanic populations.

The president captured 43 percent of the urban vote, up 8 points from 2000. Reports of high turnout in several traditionally Democratic cities may have had less impact on the final result than some pundits anticipated.

The GOP ticket did 4 points better among Catholics, which narrowly sided in 2000 with Gore. Bush essentially split the vote with Kerry, himself a Catholic.

The president improved 5 points among Jewish voters, though he still lost this group decisively to the Massachusetts senator 76 percent 24 percent.

Also 24% of Gays voted for Bush as did 11% Black which is up for 2000.


What an insult to say that being what you were born as is "deviant".

Main Entry: 1de·vi·ate
Pronunciation: 'dE-vE-"At
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Etymology: Late Latin deviatus, past participle of deviare, from Latin de- + via way -- more at WAY
intransitive senses
1 : to stray especially from a standard, principle, or topic
2 : to depart from an established course or norm

I can't help if people are insulted by reality.


I have the hardest time believeing any of this.

Everyone I know, even Bushies voted Kerry. There were lines out the ass in Kerry areas, and people don't wait in line for 3 hours for more of the same. And Kerry not asking for a recount is Bs.

This is the beginning of the fall of America. The kind of conduct and behavior exhibited by this administration is simply self destructive in all ways and has been reinforced by an ignorant electorate.


akascream said:
What an insult to Martin Luther King to associate his fight for racial equality with sexual deviancy.

I think YOU just insulted Martin Luther King's legacy with remark. I don't think you understand what he was all about.
I didn't think people were confusing Bush with the anti-Gay-Marriage thing on this thread. It's come up as a topic because it's part of the election news.

It's also one of my bigger concerns becuase:

1) I could be wrong about Bush and his handling of the war or the economy going forward, and even if I am not, it's only 4 more years

2) The environmental policies swing with whomever is in office, they will change.

3) State amendments and the general political trend abotu gay marriage is not going to change as easily.

Bigots score big today.


Doc Holliday said:
Bush fucks everything up so bad that the whole country goes democrat in 08!

I often don't think it matters how good or bad he performs. It seems there are way too many people groomed and ingrained with extreme and/or stubborn political beliefs from an early age. I'm sure everyone knows people who unwaveringly vote for their party year after year without any hesitation or deliberation. The fact that there only seems to have been a handful of "battleground states" these last two elections is depressing. It'd be nice to see a majority of the states in play rather than essentially conceded before the election even starts.


Ignatz Mouse said:
1) I could be wrong about Bush and his handling of the war or the economy going forward, and even if I am not, it's only 4 more years

Problem is that the Democratic party will most likely not recover in 4 years, and will not put up a strong candidate. It should have been Dean this time.


xsarien said:
I see that when Bush outlined his reasons for going into Iraq in the first place, it was a blatant lie. Don't you see? If Bush is so intent on freeing people, there are plenty of other countries that should've gotten priority over Iraq. How come we didn't go into the Sudan with the same fervor as we did Iraq? Isn't demonstrating to the world that we won't tolerate genocide a better deterrant to our "image problem" than destabliizing the mideast just to flex your military muscles?

This has nothing to do with political affiliation, or blind faith to some DNC mantra. I pride myself on being an independent, a very socially progressive one. That being my leaning, Bush has completely alienated me on those grounds alone, his myopic, selfish, and "my way or the highway" foreign policy really just add fuel to my already intense fire.
A lie would mean he intends to not tell the truth...

when you have the CIA, MI6 British intelligence, and Russian intelligence telling you Saddam probably has weapons, then I don't consider using those sources the same thing as "blatent lie"...

The reason we don't go around freeing everybody is that there is also a strategic reason for changing the Middle-East, where terrorism against the United States is being breed...

I agree there are plenty of countries that need help, but Iraq, which is right next to Iran and Syria, could be a magnificent achievement if freedom were to prosper there, with Israel already a democracy and now Afganistan as well going democratic...

The Middle East looks very different now than it does 4 years ago, and I'm not so sure temporary insurgencies and setbacks are worse than what was there when the US had no presence there except some bases in Saudi Arabia...
akascream said:
What an insult to Martin Luther King to associate his fight for racial equality with sexual deviancy.

You are a fucking joke. It's obvious from your posts that forty years ago you would have opposed integration and civil rights. I bet your parents did, judging by how you turned out. Don't you dare cloak your naked homophobia in feigned appreciation for King's legacy.
and I'm not so sure temporary insurgencies and setbacks are worse than what was there when the US had no presence there except some bases in Saudi Arabia...




Ripclawe said:

Also 24% of Gays voted for Bush as did 11% Black which is up for 2000.
as I mentioned earlier, even those supporting civil unions went for Bush...


efralope said:

-Bush won the Catholic vote overall, and won devout Catholics but lost slighly more loose Catholics...

-he improved among Black and Hispanic vote...

-He got 40% of the Hispanic vote

-He got 23% of the GLBT vote

-39% of responded had pro-life stance

-Bush won the pro-civil union vote (51-48%) and got 22% of pro-same sex marriage vote

-Bush lost the Jewish vote, but improved by 5 points to 24% this year...
akascream said:
Right to what?.. participate in deviant behavior?

It's absolutely hilarious for you to be preaching about "DEVIANT" behavior when you, akascream, spent months in a rehabilitation center because of drug addictions. Don't you dare fucking chastise someone's lifestyle when you can't control your CHOICE OF USING DRUGS, YOU DEVIANT.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Dude dont bother, thse guys are all hypocrits, they all lack empathy until they are affected personally. Look at rush limbaugh, I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunch of the hardcore right wing christian types, note i didnt say republicans, are closet homosexuals.


KE04 said:
It's absolutely hilarious for you to be preaching about "DEVIANT" behavior when you, akascream, spent months in a rehabilitation center because of drug addictions. Don't you dare fucking chastise someone's lifestyle when you can't control your CHOICE OF USING DRUGS, YOU DEVIANT.

Whatever you think you know about me, I'm not here preaching for drug addict rights or whatever. Ironic you compare sexual deviancy to drug addiction though, don't you think?


KE04 said:

I didn't go on a anti-Bush book reading marathon earlier this year and have my views skewed by people with an agenda...

look, I feel bad that everybody got excited about a Kerry victory, but everybody (bush supporter or kerry supporter) should have excercised caution...

heck, I took a nap yesterday afternoon just about ready for a President-elect Kerry...
Well, I can't say I ever expected to see a moral majority homophobe sporting a pavement avatar on an internet message board. It takes all kinds, I guess.


akascream said:
I'm confused.. were african americans ever limited in thier right to fuck?

Probably limited to who they could. Like white people, for instance. In the South, for instance.

Just saying is all.
efralope said:
I didn't go on a anti-Bush book reading marathon earlier this year and have my views skewed by people with an agenda...

look, I feel bad that everybody got excited about a Kerry victory, but everybody (bush supporter or kerry supporter) should have excercised caution...

heck, I took a nap yesterday afternoon just about ready for a President-elect Kerry...

I really hate you people. You said something incredibly stupid, comparing the insurgency today to what was happening in the past, WHICH IS PLAINLY WRONG, then when called otu on it, you resort to the "YOUVE BEEN READING MATERIALS WITH AN AGENDA FOR LAST FEW MONTHS LOLOLOL".

No, idiots, they are called FUCKING FACTS.

You cannot say with a straight face that "and I'm not so sure temporary insurgencies and setbacks are worse than what was there when the US had no presence there except some bases in Saudi Arabia..." when it's SIMPLY NOT TRUE.

Were 1000's of US soliders dying at this time? After all, you say you're not so sure if it was worse back before our invasion.


AniHawk said:
Probably limited to who they could. Like white people, for instance. In the South, for instance.

Just saying is all.

Thats true. So gays want to fuck white women? I say go right ahead!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on

Seriously it's now spiralling out of control. Election is over, close up shop, turn off the lights, go home.
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