JackFrost2012 said:I know! You'll get a cool new outfit, to see the world, to shoot strange people in foreign lands! And they shoot back! If that's not exciting, I don't know what is!
I'd laugh, but that applies to me, too.
JackFrost2012 said:I know! You'll get a cool new outfit, to see the world, to shoot strange people in foreign lands! And they shoot back! If that's not exciting, I don't know what is!
The majority of this country is bigoted in more than one way. Don't act like that's a bold claim.Zilch said:As a church-going Christian, I definitely agree that Christians need to be much more accepting of certain cultural and societal changes... remember when rock and roll was the devil?
However, I don't think they're wrong to hold fast to the belief that marriage is between only one man and one woman. Hell, that's a belief that most non-religious people have. I don't understand how you all can get so bent out of shape that this kind of stuff isn't changing instantly.
If being against gay marriage makes you a bigot, then the majority of this country is 'bigoted'.
For what? (I mean, you're welcome, but I'd like to know what I'm welcoming you for.)
CrimsonSkies said:"Worst Post Ever
WTF are you smoking,
I study international politics
And undermining the UN is sure is hell not the right thing to do."
Obviously you're a failure as a student.
"Take Dubya's cock out of your mouth and pop one of these."
Stating the obvious about the liberal reaction to these results does not warrant the childish images and posts.
Zilch said:As a church-going Christian, I definitely agree that Christians need to be much more accepting of certain cultural and societal changes... remember when rock and roll was the devil?
However, I don't think they're wrong to hold fast to the belief that marriage is between only one man and one woman. Hell, that's a belief that most non-religious people have. I don't understand how you all can get so bent out of shape that this kind of stuff isn't changing instantly.
If being against gay marriage makes you a bigot, then the majority of this country is 'bigoted'.
enjoy bell woods said:The majority of this country is bigoted in more than one way. Don't act like that's a bold claim.
Do The Mario said:How do you explain many other first world countries having economic booms during this time?
For example
Despite the formation of the EU cutting ties with many of our trading partners
The Asian Crisis
The rising cost of Oil
And Dot com crash the Australian Economy is a strong as ever?
How did that happen??
Zilch said:Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you how much I hate blacks and women.
You people...
I never said you were a bigot. Don't start victimizing yourself. If you think the majority of this country supports things such as interracial relationships, you're fooling yourself.Zilch said:Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you how much I hate blacks and women.
You people...
xexex said:Arnold vs Hilary 08 :lol
Zilch said:As a church-going Christian, I definitely agree that Christians need to be much more accepting of certain cultural and societal changes... remember when rock and roll was the devil?
However, I don't think they're wrong to hold fast to the belief that marriage is between only one man and one woman. Hell, that's a belief that most non-religious people have. I don't understand how you all can get so bent out of shape that this kind of stuff isn't changing instantly.
If being against gay marriage makes you a bigot, then the majority of this country is 'bigoted'.
Willco said:Because we live in America and they don't. Our economy is dependent on entirely different factors than those over in Europe and abraod. It's true that in a way, there are a global factors that we're on dependent on, but America's economic system is a different monster.
Regardless of how you want to think about it, there's no debating that this recession started with Clinton. It's not like Bush inherited a super healthy economy. It's just another political tactic to get you to vote for one party or another, as both parties are guilty of blaming economic problems on a President, despite the fact that the problems probably occured before a certain party took office.
I agree. Shit like that boggles the mind.
enjoy bell woods said:I never said you were a bigot. Don't start victimizing yourself. If you think the majority of this country supports things such as interracial relationships, you're fooling yourself.
Zilch said:But the Bible says that marriage is between one man and one woman. How in the world can you be a Christian and justify gay marriage?
Christians DO NOT hate homosexuals. Don't think that people with "God Hates Fags" picket signs are the majority of Christians. But if what they (gays) want goes against what Christians believe, what should we do? It's like today you can't be against any cause without being called a 'bigot'. Pretty pathetic.
Well, okay, you enjoy walking through the South as a white man with a black girlfriend.Willco said:If you were to ask every single person in the United States of America that question, I think you'd be wrong. Are there bigots? Yes. Is there racism? Yes. But your commentary is absurd at best and it's the kind of comments that continue to polarize the nation.
xsarien said:To some it still is, remember Marilyn Manson?
That's entirely possible. Remember when the majority of this country thought black people shouldn't marry white people? Bigotry doesn't stop at religious or ethnic boundaries. Which says nothing to the fact that writing such an obviously religious-based "law" into the books says that the line between church and state has been smudged to near illegibility. Here's an idea: Keep your religion out of my life. My doing something that goes against your Christian sensibilities does nothing to impede your faith, whereas hard liner Christians imposing their beliefs on everyone affects everyone.
Do The Mario said:It has nothing to do with the fact that other countries have strong fiscal polices that have enabled growth despite the world economic slump?
What Fiscal policy has Bush implemented over the last 4 years to stimulate the American economy?
DarkAngyl said:Holy shit.... :/ It's attitudes like this that give conservatives and Christians a bad name.
You know, it was the gay marriage amendment that got me out to vote. To vote against it. Granted I live in Georgia so it was all but useless, but I tried. And yes I am a Republican/Christian. So we aren't all evil.To the Christians that do think that this amendment is a good thing....I just don't know what to say. I don't think God would want any of his children considered less than citizens...less than human, no matter how much he disagrees with the way they live their lives. I'm not convinced that he's all that upset about gays to begin with. The Old Testament condemns and oks a lot of things that are flipped today. You can't pick and choose. If you are gonna go with one rule, go with them all.
Christianity should be about love and tolerance, not alienation. Bigotry should have no place in our religion.
Willco said:I never said that. Political policies and national infrastructure are one of those variables that make foriegn countries different than our own, as I've already stated.
This is where I will agree with you. Bush has stayed the party course of roughing out the recession with a war mentality and tax cuts, and things have begun to turn around. I disagree with this method and it's one of the reasons why I did not vote for him.
Regardless of that, you're still skirting around the fact that the economic slide started before he took office and he's certainly not responsible for it.
enjoy bell woods said:Well, okay, you enjoy walking through the South as a white man with a black girlfriend.
Kerry is not some windsurfing pussy that wants to legalize abortions for gay marriages and Bush is not some evil monkey that will invade a country on some whim.
Please dontSpike Spiegel said:Wow...![]()
I've gotta say, reading the 60+ pages of this thread was an astonishing, headache-inducing experience. Emotions put on display here ran from unbridled enthusiasm and premature optimism, to spiteful bitterness and partisan divisiveness, hitting every conceivable stop along the way. All in the span of a single day.
Please, PLEASE tell me that this thread's going into the archive for posterity.
xexex said:Arnold vs Hilary 08 :lol
Zilch said:If being against gay marriage makes you a bigot, then the majority of this country is 'bigoted'.
Do The Mario said:Thanks for a great response, but I dont think it has anything to do with when the problem started.
The fact is the cabinet should be able to remedy it in some form via fiscal policy; the bottom line is the Bush government did stuff all to fix the economy.
By your logic no one has to try to fix the economy because it was broken before we got elected?
KE04 said:I highly doubt Barack will be running in 2008. If you think the attacks on John Edwards service record were bad, just wait until the republican machine gets a hold of a 3-4 year junior term senator from "LIBERAL" Illinois. I say give him more time...
What the hell good can Bush do for us?
There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about what bigotry is. Bigotry does not equal racisim. Sure at times they do go hand in hand, but they are not the same thing.If being against gay marriage makes you a bigot, then the majority of this country is 'bigoted'.
DarkAngyl said:The Bible also says judge not lest ye be judged yourself. I don't see how allowing gays the rights that every other American has is in any way in accordance with what the Bible teaches. We don't have the right to enforce our will on them because they live their lives a different way. A civil union isn't going to do any damage to the institution of marriage, and a damn site less harm than a lot of Christians who cheat on their wives/husbands or believe that you gotta smack the old lady around to keep her in line do. Intolerance is intolerance no matter how you wrap it up.
Hell the Bible also says you should not allow a witch to live. Are we going back to witch burnings too? The Bible, for all the good that is in it, is still a document that was translated by men, men with an agenda. There are some wonderful things in it, there are some not so wonderful things in it. Sometimes they are diametrically opposed. You know, for a while there the whole WWJD bracelets were popular. What would Jesus do? Do you think he would deny people rights because of their sexuality? He would try and bring them into the fold with love, not an iron fist.
I'm also not saying all Christians hate gays. Like I said, I am a Christian. You don't think I am, but then again I don't believe that determination is up to you. It's up to me, and to God. I've accepted Jesus years ago. I also am able to think for myself and to realize that not everyone that gets behind a pulpit is preaching direct from God.
I got up this morning hoping some Christmas miracle occured...instead I just realized it's over and I couldn't be more disappointed...this is just going to be a sad day...KE04 said:I didn't want to wake up today.
KE04 said:I highly doubt Barack will be running in 2008. If you think the attacks on John Edwards service record were bad, just wait until the republican machine gets a hold of a 3-4 year junior term senator from "LIBERAL" Illinois. I say give him more time...
GG-Duo said:Please try to seperate the Gay Marriage Ban issue with the Bush re-election issue.
The failure to do was probably what got us here in the first place.
You can be opposed to Gay Marriage, yet vote against George Bush.
Yes, Christians, you can do that too, y'know![]()
unfortunately it was pounded into their heads that a vote for Bush is a ban on gay marriage...and vote for Kerry was an open door to men marrying men, men marrying dogs, and men fucking machines...GG-Duo said:Please try to seperate the Gay Marriage Ban issue with the Bush re-election issue.
The failure to do was probably what got us here in the first place.
You can be opposed to Gay Marriage, yet vote against George Bush.
Yes, Christians, you can do that too, y'know![]()
Thaedolus said:And many people did, which is probuably one reason why the election was somewhat close
Mermandala said:2008 better be Oprah time! this is not a joke post.
DarienA said:That saddest part of all of this? The Redskins lost for nothing... and now Bush can triumphantly proclaim that he broke the urban legend.![]()