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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Slo said:
Day's only half over dude, I've got a couple meals left. :lol I said in my first post that I get 2200 a day. I usually maintain at about 3000.

haha I am sorry, this is why I should only post at home and not at work. Trying to run a department and Gaf don't mix!


beelzebozo said:
fair enough. i do think that's a little fib less built and more overweight people like to tell themselves on occasion, though--that all that sweet muscle they have is why they're not within the range, and that they can freely continue mainlining tubs of frosting

I understand what you're saying, but I don't feel like qualifying myself to you. We do however, both seem to agree that I should lose weight, so any further advise on my question would be appreciated.
Slo said:
I've been dieting for exactly 1 month now, and I feel like absolute shit. I'm down to 184 from 191, with a noticeable amount of fat loss, but I'm not all that impressed with my results and I'm still plenty soft. My energy levels are low, I feel frail, and I leave the weight room feeling like the I just got into a car accident.

What should I do, GAF? I'm getting between 7-8 hours of sleep a night, at least a gallon of water a day, 2200 cals and atleast 180 grams of protein.

Can someone please volunteer to lift the weights for me?
Slo, I've read over all your posts, and I think that you're not allowing yourself enough calories. Don't try to lose too much too fast. What was your target weight? What was your target appearance at that weight? If you are still finding yourself "too soft" now, it sounds to me like you overestimated your muscle mass and underestimated the number of calories you need to sustain it.

The feelings you're describing are common to bodybuilders prepping for a contest, but only after several months of dieting and at lower bodyfat %s. That's why I suspect you've cut too many calories.

onemic said:
Oh yeah, and glanton, she now says she isn't going to prom anymore.
:( I'm sorry.


Jealous Bastard
sorry if it came across as if i were interrogating you or something. in regards to your fatigue, i really can't say. i have a flipped routine compared to yours (running then lifting, and not nearly so intense in the lifts), but i always feel much better when i leave the gym than before i went. i take some vitamins and glucosamine for my joints, but beyond that my diet is pretty similar to yours (oats, fruits and veggies), but i don't make any specific effort to avoid any food come dinner time. as far as losing any weight you want to lose, i would suggest adding more cardio or upping the intensity of that which you're doing now. again, though, that's coming from the perspective of someone who went through an intense weight loss years ago and used cardio as a primary tool to do so; there may be differing opinions on what the correct course of action would be
yacobod said:
where do you train at westside?

Gold's Gym here in Clearwater, Fl.

Eddie Robison trains at my gym:


Too bad he doesn't look like that anymore. :lol


Captain Glanton said:
SLO! Where are your dietary fats?

Fat makes you fat! Did you learn nothing from the '80s?!?!

I skipped my fish oil today, and I usually have some beef or pork instead of chicken to give me a better ratio.

Slo, I've read over all your posts, and I think that you're not allowing yourself enough calories. Don't try to lose too much too fast. What was your target weight? What was your target appearance at that weight? If you are still finding yourself "too soft" now, it sounds to me like you overestimated your muscle mass and underestimated the number of calories you need to sustain it.

The feelings you're describing are common to bodybuilders prepping for a contest, but only after several months of dieting and at lower bodyfat %s. That's why I suspect you've cut too many calories.

You're probably right, I'll up my calories a bit. I expected to get down to around 175 by the end of May, and I wasn't expecting to see veins in my earlobes when I got there, just the outline of abs.

Honestly, my motivation is to finally lose the slop I carry around so that when I bulk again I can more accurately tell how much fat I'm gaining, and tolerate it better. Right now I look like hell when I'm bulking, and I look like hell when I'm not. :\


BlueTsunami said:
Not thinking, I accidentally enjoyed a tall 2 Cups of Whole Milk with 3 Hard Boiled eggs. God help me

Yoy learn to love food that should taste bland when bulking. Its an aquired taste eating hard boiled eggs in such quantity. I'm not even kidding. I now take great pleasure to eating hard boiled eggs whereas before I would barf just at the thought.


there is joy in sucking dick
GHG said:
Yoy learn to love food that should taste bland when bulking. Its an aquired taste eating hard boiled eggs in such quantity. I'm not even kidding. I now take great pleasure to eating hard boiled eggs whereas before I would barf just at the thought.

Its not that I don't like Hard boiled eggs its just that Milk (Whole Milk at that) and Hard boiled eggs don't really go together (theres going to be some fucked up shit going down in my stomach later).
Slo said:
I generally do a 5x5 scheme.

Here, I'd recommend this, and have my explanations for why:

Deads: 1 or 2 sets of 5 reps (5x5 with deads can be VERY taxing),
Lunges: 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps (heavy lunges can be pretty taxing),
Shrugs: Do you use straps for these? Many people can shrug a LOT of weight and fail to realize how taxing that weight is on their nervous system

Press: Whatever you do here should be fine, as long as you aren't overloading
Row variant, bicep and tricep work


Squats: 5x5 (This can actually be pretty damned tough, if you use the same weight across the sets. Kills me every week)
Shrugs: Again, careful heavy weights here and its effect on your system
Calves, abs, etc. Cardio.

Friday: A rowing movement (chins, barbell/dumbell rows, etc), a pressing movement, bicep and tricep work. Cardio.
Sat and Sun: Off

Why not condense it to a simpler, three day per week routine, if you feel like you're dying?
Slo said:
Fat makes you fat! Did you learn nothing from the '80s?!?!

I skipped my fish oil today, and I usually have some beef or pork instead of chicken to give me a better ratio.
Extra virgin olive oil, man. And take your fish oil!
Captain Glanton said:
There's a lot of interesting stuff going on in that image.

He's really short in real life. Like 5'6. Has a daughter who's like 6'0 ft tall. :lol

Hulk Hogan and his family use to train in the mornings at my gym a lot a few years ago. Macho Man came in once, did some upright rows with 25 pounds on each side and left. :lol
beelzebozo said:
isn't 184 around ten pounds overweight for someone who's 5'10"? i know there's a lot of talk around here that amounts to "muscle weighs more than fat" and all that, but generally speaking it takes quite a bit of buff to explain away not syncing up with the numbers, from what i understand. maybe i've been misinformed.

Heeell no. I'm 5'11", 190 lbs, and I feel small. You can tell I work out, but I'm not jacked or anything.

Bodyfat percentage has EVERYTHING to do with it.
Slo, I would drop the shrugs completely and let those arm exercises slack off. I don't even understand why people do shrugs. My traps get all the work they can handle from pullups. Also, I suspect you need to find a way to manage your cardio better. Is it possible to do your 20 minutes in a separate workout?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
The powerlifters at my gym use the old school converse shoes. Flat at the bottom, so perfect for deadlifting or squating. Either thay or you can go barefoot.

P.S. So many people at gym have world records for benching, squating, and deadlifting. :D

Nice. I have some Chucks I lift in. Need to get some weightlifting shoes once I have the money.

Tryin to get these:
Jason's Ultimatum said:
He's really short in real life. Like 5'6. Has a daughter who's like 6'0 ft tall. :lol

Hulk Hogan and his family use to train in the mornings at my gym a lot a few years ago. Macho Man came in once, did some upright rows with 25 pounds on each side and left. :lol
I was referring more to the black cock [air gun] and white pussy [pussy] imagery, and the fact that she doesn't even have a head, much less a face, making it more like rape.

What were we talking about?
Captain Glanton said:
Slo, I would drop the shrugs completely and let those arm exercises slack off. I don't even understand why people do shrugs. My traps get all the work they can handle from pullups. Also, I suspect you need to find a way to manage your cardio better. Is it possible to do your 20 minutes in a separate workout?

Oh wow, in my mind I was thinking of Power Shrugs.

If you are going to do shrugs, do power shrugs. They are literally GUARANTEED to make your traps grow if you've been having trouble. Literally, noticeable effects in two weeks for me, and most everyone who does it. Traps respond well to HEAVY weights.
What do you mean power shrugs? I started doing shrugs again over the past month and they've gotten bigger. I was actually complimented on them today. I do 4 sets of dumbell shrugs, 4 sets of reverse shrugs, and 4 sets of the machine shrugs. This is the equipment that has the handlebars on each side and you stack the plates.

I think traps is one of those muscle areas that really shows how well your body built.


Mr. Snrub said:
Oh wow, in my mind I was thinking of Power Shrugs.

If you are going to do shrugs, do power shrugs. They are literally GUARANTEED to make your traps grow if you've been having trouble. Literally, noticeable effects in two weeks for me, and most everyone who does it. Traps respond well to HEAVY weights.

I meant power shrugs. I don't know what's heavy for you, but my girly grip can't handle any more than 405, even with straps.

Thanks for all your help guys, I'll start changing things up tomorrow. Olive oil in the whey. Olive oil in the oatmeal. Olive oil in my water jug. :)
Slo said:
I meant power shrugs. I don't know what's heavy for you, but my girly grip can't handle any more than 405, even with straps.

Thanks for all your help guys, I'll start changing things up tomorrow. Olive oil in the whey. Olive oil in the oatmeal. Olive oil in my water jug. :)

Well, there you go. Power shrugs could have a big part of it. I actually think Rippetoe doesn't recommend more than 1-2 sets every 1-2 weeks of power shrugs because even though they're a great exercise, you're working with a supramaximal load for multiple reps, and that takes a pretty drastic toll on your body. I do one set of 10-12 a week, and it's all I need.


there is joy in sucking dick
Bishman said:
Anyone else just do the big three? Squat, deadlift, and bench press?

For me, I find that heavy Squats take so much out of me that doing heavy Bench Presses wouldn't be possible.
Bishman said:
Anyone else just do the big three? Squat, deadlift, and bench press?

I was, sort of. Rip/Bill Starr focus on Squat, bench/press, and power clean/dead. Now I've moved onto a more advanced program, but will probably reuse the classic every few months, if I can.


I'm more of a full body workout guy. I really hate isolations. Plus I don't want the body of a bodybuilder. 'Ya know? Want to keep my long, agile look but at the same strong as hell. I'm 5'11" and 190. Bench 225. Squat 295 as of today. And Deadlift 315.
Sigh. I jumped on the scale this morning at the gym. Losing a lot of weight lately. I'm not going to say how much, but I'm not really happy. I know it's around my mid section and legs that's for sure. Odd thing is that I'm getting stronger though. I'm up to 100 pound dumbells doing flat presses. My traps have been getting bigger too. Arms and backs haven't gotten smaller.

I'm just too damn scared to eat anything after having a huge breakout on my face last year. I'm pretty much clear now, but I still get a a couple every few days. I don't know if it's my diet or what. I drink organic milk now, the only cereal I eat is Product 19, I eat oatmeal everyday with flax seed mixed in (which is suppose to be good for acne), sliced bananas. For lunch I eat a turkey/cheese sandwhich with half a slice of grapefruit. I drink lots of water everyday. The ony thing left I can think of is dinner, but even then, I still eat healthy. My only guess now is it's either the rice, noodles, cheese, or yohgurt.
After a month taking my protein , running and lifting weights ( first time of my life ) Ive become alot stronger , tiny body definition ( from being a fat slob ) and my arms are getting bigger.

But Im lacking in ...the chest department. Can anyone help me out here? I want to build my chest, whats the best way to start/new protein?/diets? and which exercises should I start doing on a daily basis?

SuperAndroid17 said:
After a month taking my protein , running and lifting weights ( first time of my life ) Ive become alot stronger , tiny body definition ( from being a fat slob ) and my arms are getting bigger.

But Im lacking in ...the chest department. Can anyone help me out here? I want to build my chest, whats the best way to start/new protein?/diets? and which exercises should I start doing on a daily basis?

Lots of flat and incline barbell presses, and then some dumbbell presses. Don't bother with dumbbell flyes and cable work--just keep pressing.


Loaded With Aspartame
Hey, is it worthwhile (for a relative beginner like myself) to do lateral raises or upright rows to target the lateral deltoid? Or would it be more worthwhile to just do shoulder presses, even though they focus mostly on the anterior deltoid? I can press a lot more weight with shoulder presses, so I'm wondering if lateral raises are really doing much of anything.
Trident said:
Hey, is it worthwhile (for a relative beginner like myself) to do lateral raises or upright rows to target the lateral deltoid? Or would it be more worthwhile to just do shoulder presses, even though they focus mostly on the anterior deltoid? I can press a lot more weight with shoulder presses, so I'm wondering if lateral raises are really doing much of anything.
Unless you're going to be a bodybuilder, I'd stick with lots of shoulder presses. The only shoulder work I do is overhead presses, and [if I may say so] mine are pretty massive. My general philosophy is to stick with the basics [like overhead presses] and do them really well than to spend a lot of your time doing things like lateral raises.


Loaded With Aspartame
Captain Glanton said:
Unless you're going to be a bodybuilder, I'd stick with lots of shoulder presses. The only shoulder work I do is overhead presses, and [if I may say so] mine are pretty massive. My general philosophy is to stick with the basics [like overhead presses] and do them really well than to spend a lot of your time doing things like lateral raises.

Awesome, that's what I figured. Thanks dude. Time to go back and edit my routine...

In that same vein, would you recommend rowing, or just focusing on alternating deadlifts and pull-ups for the back?


SuperAndroid17 said:
After a month taking my protein , running and lifting weights ( first time of my life ) Ive become alot stronger , tiny body definition ( from being a fat slob ) and my arms are getting bigger.

But Im lacking in ...the chest department. Can anyone help me out here? I want to build my chest, whats the best way to start/new protein?/diets? and which exercises should I start doing on a daily basis?


From my own experience, when I first started lifting a few years ago, I had a hard time developing my chest. After a few months a friend convinced me to quit using machines for chest exercises, and primarily do: (i) bench, (ii) incline bench, and (iii) decline bench. Sticking with the basics of the three bench press exercises IMO has a very high work-reward ratio.

Also, make sure your routine is balanced. When I first started lifting I felt like I was constantly hitting plateaus. Finally I got serious about back, leg, and shoulder exercises. Once I had developed a full body workout and switched over from machines to mostly free weights, it was much easier for me to increase my chest strength / size. Stick with the basics, and avoid gimmicky machines / lifts.
Trident said:
Awesome, that's what I figured. Thanks dude. Time to go back and edit my routine...

In that same vein, would you recommend rowing, or just focusing on alternating deadlifts and pull-ups for the back?
Rows are aweome.


I've been noticing some discomfort in my lower back when I try to do bridges. I also don't seem to be feeling anything in the area of my stomach when do I a bridge.


I haven't used it, but from what I've heard it's so safe that you shouldn't even bother using it. Most fat burners just aren't the same now that they no longer include ephedra.
Thanks Again fellas

I guess free-weights it is then! My daily routines consist per 2 days...Ive been doing alot of benching and free-weights ( Including bench incline and some bench flys and some other arm workouts ) I guess I'll have to do some adjusting.

Ace 8095

Bishman said:
Anyone else just do the big three? Squat, deadlift, and bench press?
There are so many good reasons to do the Military Press and the Power Clean. I strongly suggest you add them into your program. According to Mark Rippetoe these five are the only necessary exercises to completely develop the body.


lawblob said:
(iii) decline bench.
I never understood the point of the decline bench press.
(I totally agree with the rest of your post).

Ace 8095 said:
There are so many good reasons to do the Military Press and the Power Clean. I strongly suggest you add them into your program. According to Mark Rippetoe these five are the only necessary exercises to completely develop the body.
I would suggest a regular overhead press over a military press.
Is Hydroxycut safe?
What Slo said. They made all the really effective stuff illegal.

Bishman said:
I'm more of a full body workout guy. I really hate isolations. Plus I don't want the body of a bodybuilder. 'Ya know? Want to keep my long, agile look but at the same strong as hell. I'm 5'11" and 190. Bench 225. Squat 295 as of today. And Deadlift 315.
How long have you been doing this? Because those are respectable numbers for someone starting out, but they aren't going to cut it for 'strong as hell.' I have found that if you want to get strong on an exercise, or three exercises, or a hell of a lot of things in life, you have to bust your ass on that exercise plus another one. To squat big, you have to squat big every week but you also have to lunge big. Wanna bench big, you also need to row big.


So I was debating a purchase and thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I am thinking about buying the Perfect Pushup. Has anyone had any experience with this? I thought it would be a good idea to start doing push ups and sit ups just to stay in some sort of shape.


daw840 said:
So I was debating a purchase and thought this would be a good place to ask this question. I am thinking about buying the Perfect Pushup. Has anyone had any experience with this? I thought it would be a good idea to start doing push ups and sit ups just to stay in some sort of shape.

Somebody else brought this up already, but you'd get better bang for the buck if you bought some hex dumbells and used them the same way.


Slo said:
Somebody else brought this up already, but you'd get better bang for the buck if you bought some hex dumbells and used them the same way.

sorry, i read some of the thread, but it's kind of big.
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