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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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jacf29 said:
I don't want to waste money going to a gym in Japan. I'll be on a limited budget already as it is (240k yen/month). And I'm not sure why, but I hate lifting weights. I'd be willing to do it for a period of a few months (up to 6 months), but not any longer. I have always felt good back when I was thin and not built, so why get built up now?

Explain to me what is your definition of "built". Trust me when I say you will not get 22in guns, and 6 packs, and look like a walking mountain in a few months of working out. Will you get stronger? Yes. Will you look more define? Yes Will you be the Hulk? Hell no.

But if your goal is to get very lean and skinny. Then you are right heavy weight lifting is not for you. But still you need some form of weight resistance to maintain some form of muscle definiton. If you are going for the "runners body" very lean and very skinny. Then use a calorie deficit diet, and run for miles every day we are talking long distances of a few miles. Your body will burn, fat, carbs, and mucle lots and lots of muscles in the process :p

Define your goals and go from there. Weight training and eating right will help you lose fat and gain muscle mass. If that is not something you want to achieve. Then use the drive you mention you have to train the way a marathon would train and eat.
BigGreenMat said:
Mr Snrub mentioned them being HIGH. Well besides that they aren't even real box squats. He is just going low enough that he is touching the bench. He is basically just using the bench as a marker for how low to go. There is more to a box squat than that.

This is a real box squat, executed by All Blacks prop Carl Hayman. http://youtube.com/watch?v=uKBMBTU57A0 Go to about the 4 minute mark to see them.

Yeah, box squats done right are not just a touch. And this is what makes them dangerous. Stopping at the bottom (or rocking at the bottom, another way of doing them) is "resting" but not really resting at all. You do it to learn how to utilize hip drive out of the hole. If you sit down on the box and exhale...goodbye, spine. Your breath acts as a cushion/support for your body.

So, you really have to be good at keeping stable with box squats, especially the rocking variety.


satori said:
Explain to me what is your definition of "built". Trust me when I say you will not get 22in guns, and 6 packs, and look like a walking mountain in a few months of working out. Will you get stronger? Yes. Will you look more define? Yes Will you be the Hulk? Hell no.

But if your goal is to get very lean and skinny. Then you are right heavy weight lifting is not for you. But still you need some form of weight resistance to maintain some form of muscle definiton. If you are going for the "runners body" very lean and very skinny. Then use a calorie deficit diet, and run for miles every day we are talking long distances of a few miles. Your body will burn, fat, carbs, and mucle lots and lots of muscles in the process :p

Define your goals and go from there. Weight training and eating right will help you lose fat and gain muscle mass. If that is not something you want to achieve. Then use the drive you mention you have to train the way a marathon would train and eat.

I don't even care to have a defined body. I thought runners needed to eat a lot more calories to give them the energy to run marathons, and not a calorie deficit. It would seem that the elliptical would do more than running since it involves more of the body. Don't get me wrong, I will switch to jogging when I get to Japan, as I used to jog in the past, but I'm looking to lose as much weight as possible before Japan.
JCX9 said:
I'm thinking about starting to work out again, but I don't know if I should try to lose weight first, then start lifting or to do both at the start.
Both. Eating and exercising properly will improve your overall body composition, which is the real goal here.


jacf29 said:
I don't even care to have a defined body. I thought runners needed to eat a lot more calories to give them the energy to run marathons, and not a calorie deficit. It would seem that the elliptical would do more than running since it involves more of the body. Don't get me wrong, I will switch to jogging when I get to Japan, as I used to jog in the past, but I'm looking to lose as much weight as possible before Japan.

Let me clarify... You mention in your posts you want to lose as much weight as possible but you have a few restrictions to help achieve that goal, ie time constraints and dislike of lifting weights. There for you need to eat less then your maintain calorie needs. Of course be sensible in it. Do not go lower than 500 off your maintain calorie, ie.

You also mention you do not want to have a "built" body. Again what is your definition of built. Therefore I I suggest doing long runs to keep you in the areobic state longer. I am not suggesting that runners train this way. Far from it. But I am suggesting you do because of the restrictions you have. Because its seems, lack of better words, your fears of lifting will prevent you from making any gains in the gyms with weight. If you do not have fun doing it, you wont do it well etc.

You set forth your goals, but you limit your self on how to get there. Earlier I mention through a proper diet, weight training, and hiit running. I was able to achieve my goal in a quick time frame. Mind you I did not use a calorie deficit diet because my training program calls for me to eat a lot of whole foods to feed the muscle I was building. I understand now this is something you do not want. Because I did lose weight but I also gain some muscle in the process.

I really do not know what else to say. I do not understand your reserve to lift weights, but I do understand your right to your own opinion. Maybe try the atkins diet then? What ever you do, I do wish you the best of luck.
Chest isn't bad for a skinny kid:



jacf29 said:
I don't even care to have a defined body. I thought runners needed to eat a lot more calories to give them the energy to run marathons, and not a calorie deficit. It would seem that the elliptical would do more than running since it involves more of the body. Don't get me wrong, I will switch to jogging when I get to Japan, as I used to jog in the past, but I'm looking to lose as much weight as possible before Japan.

If you've already made up your mind exactly what you're going to do, why are you asking questions?


satori said:
Let me clarify... You mention in your posts you want to lose as much weight as possible but you have a few restrictions to help achieve that goal, ie time constraints and dislike of lifting weights. There for you need to eat less then your maintain calorie needs. Of course be sensible in it. Do not go lower than 500 off your maintain calorie, ie.

You also mention you do not want to have a "built" body. Again what is your definition of built. Therefore I I suggest doing long runs to keep you in the areobic state longer. I am not suggesting that runners train this way. Far from it. But I am suggesting you do because of the restrictions you have. Because its seems, lack of better words, your fears of lifting will prevent you from making any gains in the gyms with weight. If you do not have fun doing it, you wont do it well etc.

You set forth your goals, but you limit your self on how to get there. Earlier I mention through a proper diet, weight training, and hiit running. I was able to achieve my goal in a quick time frame. Mind you I did not use a calorie deficit diet because my training program calls for me to eat a lot of whole foods to feed the muscle I was building. I understand now this is something you do not want. Because I did lose weight but I also gain some muscle in the process.

I really do not know what else to say. I do not understand your reserve to lift weights, but I do understand your right to your own opinion. Maybe try the atkins diet then? What ever you do, I do wish you the best of luck.

Sorry about the confusion. I've also been off caffeine as of 5 days ago, so my minds not completely working correctly right now. I'll take your advice and stick to those long runs mixed in with elliptical so I don't stress out my legs too much. I am at 1900 calories a day. Will going 500 calories under my maintain calorie with the amount of exercise I am doing put my body into starvation mode? I forgot to mention I also drink a lot of water throughout the day as well as green tea once in the morning and once at night.

Also, my friend says that colon cleanse products can make you lose 10-15 pounds in a few weeks. Is this accurate?

I have done weight lifting for extended periods of time much in the past, but it just always seems like a chore to me. I have weight lifted in the past both solo and with a friend. I just graduated this semester and promised myself for now on I would only do things I would enjoy on a daily basis.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the vibe that I seem to be getting here is that without going the weight training route it would be very challenging losing 35 pounds in the next 3-6 months while looking and feeling good about yourself.


Slo said:
If you've already made up your mind exactly what you're going to do, why are you asking questions?

I haven't made up my mind on the non weight training route I will take. I have, however, decided to stay away from weight training.


So guys I'm 17, 5' 6'', 246 lbs, yes im fat and huge, and I wanna start loosing the weight.

At my lowest I was at about 165 in December of 2006, but I let myself go, badly.

So what would be the best way to start out. I wanna be primarily lean and yeah, I have no
where to start.

I haven't had excercise and I haven't eaten healthily in the last 6 months so what to do.

I just go a gym membership at 24 so what should I start doing?


jacf29 said:
Sorry about the confusion. I've also been off caffeine as of 5 days ago, so my minds not completely working correctly right now. I'll take your advice and stick to those long runs mixed in with elliptical so I don't stress out my legs too much. I am at 1900 calories a day. Will going 500 calories under my maintain calorie with the amount of exercise I am doing put my body into starvation mode? I forgot to mention I also drink a lot of water throughout the day as well as green tea once in the morning and once at night.

Also, my friend says that colon cleanse products can make you lose 10-15 pounds in a few weeks. Is this accurate?

I have done weight lifting for extended periods of time much in the past, but it just always seems like a chore to me. I have weight lifted in the past both solo and with a friend. I just graduated this semester and promised myself for now on I would only do things I would enjoy on a daily basis.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the vibe that I seem to be getting here is that without going the weight training route it would be very challenging losing 35 pounds in the next 3-6 months while looking and feeling good about yourself.

No its entirely possible to lose 35 pounds with out weight training. A few basic info is needed. Your age, your current weight, your height. And most importantly a break down of your diet. You mention you have 5-6 meals every two hour. What are those meals consist of.

Drinking a lot of water is great. I drink a lot as well. I have no exp with colon cleanse products, sorry no help there.

Honestly the key to losing weight first and for most is your diet and life style.

To Mike:

At your age, anything you do at the gym will net you great results. First step and most important is really making sure you eat clean/whole foods. Cut the sugar and bad carbs.

In terms of what to do at the gym. IMO stay away from Machines for the most parts. Free weights is where you want to be at. And do exercie that works out more than one body parts. Dead lifts, Squats, etc. If you are serious about it, buy "Starting Strength" from Mark Rippetoe. It will explain in great detail on how to do the major work outs.

Also go for walks. I do not suggest jogging just yet. If you have not been active at all, start light on the cardio and work your way up. I suggest you also go to page one, and read what Cap posted. Great info there. Then after that devote an hour and read through all the posts :)

It will be hard at first but after a few weeks its going to feel great. Good luck bro.


Comics, serious business!
jacf29 said:
Sorry about the confusion. I've also been off caffeine as of 5 days ago, so my minds not completely working correctly right now. I'll take your advice and stick to those long runs mixed in with elliptical so I don't stress out my legs too much. I am at 1900 calories a day. Will going 500 calories under my maintain calorie with the amount of exercise I am doing put my body into starvation mode? I forgot to mention I also drink a lot of water throughout the day as well as green tea once in the morning and once at night.

Also, my friend says that colon cleanse products can make you lose 10-15 pounds in a few weeks. Is this accurate?

I have done weight lifting for extended periods of time much in the past, but it just always seems like a chore to me. I have weight lifted in the past both solo and with a friend. I just graduated this semester and promised myself for now on I would only do things I would enjoy on a daily basis.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the vibe that I seem to be getting here is that without going the weight training route it would be very challenging losing 35 pounds in the next 3-6 months while looking and feeling good about yourself.

The vibe we're getting from you is you're not prepared for the long road ahead. I mean, look at your above post - "colon cleanse" "I only do things I enjoy" "I want to lose weight quickly." It seems like you're looking for a cut and run approach. But it's just not the right thing to do.

I've done what you want to do. In the last 4 months or so I've gone from 190 to 170 and now I'm creeping back up with muscle. BUT THIS IS JUST THE STARTING POINT. I am committed to this journey for the rest of my life.

I will tell you what others have told you - working with weights is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Notice I'm not saying "diet" or "program" etc. You shouldn't be signing up for a quick hit diet. You should want a BETTER LIFE a BETTER PHYSIQUE a HEALTHIER BODY & MIND.

It's a fact that almost everyone that signs up for a diet fails. My personal feeling on this is the reason they fail is because their mind is preparing for a fling while their body needs something more along the lines of a marriage. If you diet your brain is going to work against you. It's going have cravings, it's going to want to eat bad stuff because when you eat bad stuff it realeases great chemicals into the brain - mmmm doesn't that feel good? Yeah, mmmm, eat that Big Mac, baby, it's all good! If you mentally prepare for a BETTER LIFESTYLE and realize this better lifestyle will make both your body and mind perform better, then we're good to go. I don't get the sense that this is what you're looking for.

Here's a great quote:

To relax when most would tense, to enter when most would shrink, to extend when most would contract, to find the position of balance and safety at the same time, to not infringe yet not be overwhelmed, to train safely using each other as biofeedback for self correction, to balance and unite mind and body as one, to breathe and to flow, to dream the impossible dream and then make it happen, to train till you drop and then give it one more go just for the sake of fine tuning good technique, to question everything and find out for yourself…

This is why we train.


satori said:
No its entirely possible to lose 35 pounds with out weight training. A few basic info is needed. Your age, your current weight, your height. And most importantly a break down of your diet. You mention you have 5-6 meals every two hour. What are those meals consist of.

Drinking a lot of water is great. I drink a lot as well. I have no exp with colon cleanse products, sorry no help there.

Honestly the key to losing weight first and for most is your diet and life style.

I am 24 (will turn 25 in September). I just weighed myself right now and I weigh 203 pounds. I am 5'11".

As For My Diet

Summer Meal Plan

Grape Nuts / Oatmeal
Banana / Raisins (1/4 cup) / 1/2 grapefruit / 1 cup low fat vanilla yogurt
2 Toast/ 3 Rice Cakes/ english muffin/ bagel with Peanut Butter (2 tbsp) / Cottage Cheese
Egg whites (3)
1-2 glass water
Green tea

Snack 1
2 fruits- Apple/Banana/Orange/ Raisins (1/4 cup)
Granola (1/4 cup)/ Trail mix/ non salted peanuts (30)/ 7 Multigrain pretzels
1 glass water

Chicken (2 cans) /Tuna (3 cans) salad
Green Pepper or Cucumber or Celery or Carrots
1 glass water

Snack 2
2 vegetables- Green Pepper or Cucumber or Celery or Carrots
Vegetable juice
Low salt popcorn / 7 multigrain pretzels
1 glass water

2 pieces of chicken / 2 pieces of fish
1 cup rice
Leafy vegetables (4 leaves)
1 glass water
Green tea

I eat this way every day.


RSTEIN said:
The vibe we're getting from you is you're not prepared for the long road ahead. I mean, look at your above post - "colon cleanse" "I only do things I enjoy" "I want to lose weight quickly." It seems like you're looking for a cut and run approach. But it's just not the right thing to do.

I've done what you want to do. In the last 4 months or so I've gone from 190 to 170 and now I'm creeping back up with muscle. BUT THIS IS JUST THE STARTING POINT. I am committed to this journey for the rest of my life.

I will tell you what others have told you - working with weights is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Notice I'm not saying "diet" or "program" etc. You shouldn't be signing up for a quick hit diet. You should want a BETTER LIFE a BETTER PHYSIQUE a HEALTHIER BODY & MIND.

It's a fact that almost everyone that signs up for a diet fails. My personal feeling on this is the reason they fail is because their mind is preparing for a fling while their body needs something more along the lines of a marriage. If you diet your brain is going to work against you. It's going have cravings, it's going to want to eat bad stuff because when you eat bad stuff it realeases great chemicals into the brain - mmmm doesn't that feel good? Yeah, mmmm, eat that Big Mac, baby, it's all good! If you mentally prepare for a BETTER LIFESTYLE and realize this better lifestyle will make both your body and mind perform better, then we're good to go. I don't get the sense that this is what you're looking for.

Here's a great quote:

This is why we train.

I am completely prepared to do this for the long run. Of course I won't go crazy like I am now once I get to Japan. There I'll do cardio 3-5 times a week with situps/pushups every other day. I'll also continue to eat healthy, just not as extreme as I'll be doing these next months. I absolutely hate eating unhealthy.


Slo said:
You have next to no protein coming in.

Each piece of chicken I have for dinner contains 23 grams of protein (it's Tyson chicken). So that's 46 grams right there. The 1 cup of rice is 4 grams. The 1 cup of yogurt is 7 grams. The 2 slices of bread are 6 grams together. 2 tbsps of peanut butter is 8 grams. The 30 peanuts are 8 grams. That's already about 80 grams of protein, not even counting the protein in the rest I eat throughout the day.

How is that next to no protein?


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Not to mention it isn't good to eat the same thing everyday. You need variety.

I'm not eating the same thing every day. the "/" in between the different items is dividing the choices I have.
jacf29 said:
Each piece of chicken I have for dinner contains 23 grams of protein (it's Tyson chicken). So that's 46 grams right there. The 1 cup of rice is 4 grams. The 1 cup of yogurt is 7 grams. The 2 slices of bread are 6 grams together. 2 tbsps of peanut butter is 8 grams. The 30 peanuts are 8 grams. That's already about 80 grams of protein, not even counting the protein in the rest I eat throughout the day.

How is that next to no protein?
As Slo said, 80 grams is hardly any. Also, you really should only count the protein from meats, dairy, and nuts. Breads, rice, and other foods are really 0 protein.


jacf29 said:
I am completely prepared to do this for the long run. Of course I won't go crazy like I am now once I get to Japan. There I'll do cardio 3-5 times a week with situps/pushups every other day. I'll also continue to eat healthy, just not as extreme as I'll be doing these next months. I absolutely hate eating unhealthy.
Don’t start anything you can’t keep up with.
It’s pointless to make a program you’re only willing to do for 4 months.

And seriously, if I’m going to see you type "Japan" one more time I’m going to slap you through the internet (and I mean in the nicest way possible).
Figure out what you are willing to do in the long run and work from there.

Again, diet is not some thing you DO, it’s something you CHANGE.
Training is not a project; it’s a way of life.


Slo said:
80g is next to no protein.

I forgot to mention the chicken/tuna salad in my protein calculations. According to about.com, with my amount of exercise I need 120 grams of protein per day.

The chicken/tuna salad adds 52 grams of protein to my 80, bringing it to 132, more than the 120 grams recommended.

Here's the link:

Edit: even taking out the bread and rice protein, that still puts me above the 120 grams.


Comics, serious business!
Captain Glanton said:
I have updated the OP with some words of guidance at the very top of the post. Every single new poster needs to read that section closely.

I don't see anything about triceps and/or Fight Club.


Captain Glanton said:
I have updated the OP with some words of guidance at the very top of the post. Every single new poster needs to read that section closely.
I’m still shocked you’re missing on one of the biggest aspects of strength training (second only to triceps kickbacks) in the OP.

So I’ll write a short blurb here, I hope you update your post –

Shark Testosterone
Probably the most important supplement known to man, key to achieving rock hard abs, giant pecs and hairline of a baby. Sheep and noobs may be put off by the testicular deformation it may cause, but real alphas who have their priorities straight (priority #1: threesomes, priority #infinity: everything else) know where it’s at.
As for brands, most shark testosterone comes from South America, and if you’re pressed for money you can probably make do with an Argentinean blue shark brand, but for best result you want to get the Chilean Bull Shark, best in the business, ICE COLD BABY.


should probably make a stealth edit to the OP and let all the noobs know that Monday is designated for training chest

but seriously i'm really guilty of it too, i just recently started doing legs on monday instead of chest, as i'm starting to prioritize legs as i havent trained them seriously in over 2-3 years, i usually just do 3-4 sets at 225 for 10, its pretty sad because i train with much heavier loads when i do chest every week lol

so i'm squatting twice a week now in the hope of getting back up to a respectable leg lvl


I am Wayne Brady.
Chichikov said:
I’m still shocked you’re missing on one of the biggest aspects of strength training (second only to triceps kickbacks) in the OP.

So I’ll write a short blurb here, I hope you update your post –

Shark Testosterone
Probably the most important supplement known to man, key to achieving rock hard abs, giant pecs and hairline of a baby. Sheep and noobs may be put off by the testicular deformation it may cause, but real alphas who have their priorities straight (priority #1: threesomes, priority #infinity: everything else) know where it’s at.
As for brands, most shark testosterone comes from South America, and if you’re pressed for money you can probably make do with an Argentinean blue shark brand, but for best result you want to get the Chilean Bull Shark, best in the business, ICE COLD BABY.

lol "do i look like i have funny balls to you?"
RSTEIN said:
I don't see anything about triceps and/or Fight Club.
dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips dips
Jason's Ultimatum said:
What can it do to your body? I guess I should eat it only twice a week.
From what I understand, if you eat a can of tuna every day, you're at the lowest level of risk for mercury poisoning. If you eat it all day, then you're at a pretty high risk.
Everytime I feel like giving up after a squat, or really any exercise, I think back to (I think Glanton's) image of "wanting to run through walls." Squats and lunges on the same day feel GOOOOOOOOOD.

I've been using this as my post-workout shake, and suggestions for adding or removing ingredients? Considering adding a bit of creamy peanut butter. Also thinking of doubling the servings of everything to fill myself up a bit better.

1/2 a fresh banana
1 carton of low-fat low-sugar yogurt (any flavor, usually strawberry or strawberry/banana)
a "shot" of skim milk (about a 1/4cup I think)
1 tbsp of flax seeds
1-2 icecubes
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (~20g of protein in this)
1 tsp of sugar (weaning myself off of this, was closer to a tbsp but eventually going to eliminate it)

On months where I cycle in my creatine, I'll be adding it to this I think.

Any comments or suggestions about this concoction?
Also for your workout shakes I strongly recommend freezing bananas (peel them and leave them in the freezer in a ziploc overnight) and blending one of those in any shake. It makes a great thickener and will melt in your mouth kind of like icecream.

All I do for my shakes is powder(s), skim milk, frozen banana and maybe some blueberries if I'm feeling crazy.
Soka said:
Everytime I feel like giving up after a squat, or really any exercise, I think back to (I think Glanton's) image of "wanting to run through walls." Squats and lunges on the same day feel GOOOOOOOOOD.

I've been using this as my post-workout shake, and suggestions for adding or removing ingredients? Considering adding a bit of creamy peanut butter. Also thinking of doubling the servings of everything to fill myself up a bit better.

1/2 a fresh banana
1 carton of low-fat low-sugar yogurt (any flavor, usually strawberry or strawberry/banana)
a "shot" of skim milk (about a 1/4cup I think)
1 tbsp of flax seeds
1-2 icecubes
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (~20g of protein in this)
1 tsp of sugar (weaning myself off of this, was closer to a tbsp but eventually going to eliminate it)

On months where I cycle in my creatine, I'll be adding it to this I think.

Any comments or suggestions about this concoction?

My shakes consist of:

2 TBS of flax seed
2 TBS of honey
1/2 cup of walnuts
Egg whites
couple of ice cubes
I dunno. I think there are traces of it still in the shake, but most of it gets blended with everything else. What I'm really surprised by my new blender is how it completely obliterates the walnuts! :lol


Brian Burke punched my mom
Captain Glanton said:
From what I understand, if you eat a can of tuna every day, you're at the lowest level of risk for mercury poisoning. If you eat it all day, then you're at a pretty high risk.

T-Nation had an article on tuna & mercury a while ago. Chunk light tuna is the safest since the fish are younger. I used to eat 2-3 cans daily but i've toned it down to 1 a day and 2 when i'm feeling lazy. After seven years the only side effect I got from eating tuna excessively is bad gas and an irritable bowel which can be deadly for those next to you, you also have to floss twice as much.


While Health Canada has a standard for mercury in fish that is among the most stringent in the world, occasionally some fish products may exceed this standard and therefore Health Canada has provided consumption advice for some groups. Today we are updating this advice. However, Canadians can rest assured that there is no reason to stop eating canned tuna.

Data collected by both Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency over several years have shown that levels of mercury in most canned tuna are well below Health Canada's standard. Levels in canned albacore tuna are higher than levels in other types of canned tuna, but are generally below the standard as well. Health Canada's standards for mercury in fish and consumption advice are based on overall dietary exposures; occasional consumption in excess of the recommended amount will not put the average consumer at risk.

It is important to note that canned albacore tuna is not the same as canned light tuna. Canned light tuna contains other species of tuna such as skipjack, yellowfin, and tongol, which are relatively low in mercury. Canned light tuna also tends to be lower in cost relative to albacore tuna. Based on lower mercury levels, Health Canada does not consider it necessary to offer any consumption advice specific to canned light tuna.

Jason's Ultimatum said:
My shakes consist of:

2 TBS of flax seed
2 TBS of honey
1/2 cup of walnuts
Egg whites
couple of ice cubes

I have some mild allergies to things like walnuts and pecans, and severe allergies to tree nuts, so I just try to avoid nuts in general. Flax seeds apparently don't cause me any issues though, but I think they are in a completely different family from the traditional nut or legume. I'm majoring in dietetics, I should know this :lol

The freezing bananas idea I will keep in mind, but I get plenty of thickness currently with the yogurt and icecubes. Thanks for the ideas though.


I love TC's sense of humor.

I got lucky. I didn't have too many perceptions set in stone, and my choices kept my prism pretty clean. I lived in several towns. By the time I was 30, I'd worked, in no particular order, as an armored car guard, an assembly line worker for the Ford Motor Company, a laboratory tech at a hospital, a landscaper, a painter, a stock boy, a cook, a dishwasher, a telephone solicitor, a male model, a personal trainer, a gym owner, an apartment manager, a car salesman, a technical writer who wrote books on how to take apart nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, a mailman, an English teacher, and a security guard at an old folk's home.

And those are just the jobs that come to my mind at the moment.

I also accrued a lot of socks and underwear during that time.
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