jacf29 said:I don't want to waste money going to a gym in Japan. I'll be on a limited budget already as it is (240k yen/month). And I'm not sure why, but I hate lifting weights. I'd be willing to do it for a period of a few months (up to 6 months), but not any longer. I have always felt good back when I was thin and not built, so why get built up now?
Explain to me what is your definition of "built". Trust me when I say you will not get 22in guns, and 6 packs, and look like a walking mountain in a few months of working out. Will you get stronger? Yes. Will you look more define? Yes Will you be the Hulk? Hell no.
But if your goal is to get very lean and skinny. Then you are right heavy weight lifting is not for you. But still you need some form of weight resistance to maintain some form of muscle definiton. If you are going for the "runners body" very lean and very skinny. Then use a calorie deficit diet, and run for miles every day we are talking long distances of a few miles. Your body will burn, fat, carbs, and mucle lots and lots of muscles in the process
Define your goals and go from there. Weight training and eating right will help you lose fat and gain muscle mass. If that is not something you want to achieve. Then use the drive you mention you have to train the way a marathon would train and eat.