My abs get sore when I do lots of pull-ups.
I posted this on my blog. This might be of interest to the thread.
I bought fish oil for dogs....for me...
I've been using the cod liver oil from Whole Food for awhile. It's not too expensive. 9 dollars for 12 ounces. I've only been taking a table spoon a day. I think I need more. I want to try it and see what happens. I've been taking 2 the past few days, and pretty soon I'll take 3 a day.
The problem with doing that with cod liver oil, is it contains tons of Vitamin A and D. Too much Vitamin A and D is toxic. They're fat soluble, meaning your body can not get rid of the excess. I'm not sure of the exact mechanisms behing it, but that's how it goes.
I've been wanting to switch to regular salmon/fish oil for the longest time. The problem with that, is you can only seem to get them in capsules, not straight oil. That makes them outrageously expensive.
But one day, I searched on Amazon for fish oil. They have straight salmon oil for dogs, at a cheaper price than straight cod liver oil for humans! The websites claim to have toxin extraction processes, antioxidants added to prevent rancidity, etc.
As far as I can tell, dog salmon oil is of the same quality of salmon oil made for humans, but sold in straight oil form, and at a greater volume than usual, so the price is actually decent!
I bought the 2 pound version for $30. If I get good results from taking 3 table spoons a day, and I can consume it fast enough that it doesn't go rancid, next I'll buy the 5 pound version for $50.
I think this is the best way. I'll let you all know if something goes bad!