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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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a child left behind
What do you guys mean by huge someone that can squat over 500 lbs and bench 450+???? I don't think I'm going for a huge look basically I want to look some what healthy/fit/bulky look like I've mention in the past I don't like the way I look I have a body of like 13 year old boy.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Captain Glanton said:
The only problem is that albacore rocks and light tuna sucks.

I don't know about that a glass of minute made fruit juice & chunk tuna is a deadly combo with a side of rice. :lol I used to hate eating tuna now I just love it
OMG! Albacore is NASTY. It's so goddamn chunky and it just tastes so ruff! I toast some Pumpernickel bread in the oven, slap the Starkist tuna on it with mayo, which has omega 3, and BAM! Slice that bitch in half with a half grapefruit on the side.

P.S. Anyone ever had coconut flavored butter? I was at some fancy restaurant a few days ago and they brought out bread with coconut butter. BEST FUCKING BUTTER EVAR!


Qwerty710710 said:
What do you guys mean by huge someone that can squat over 500 lbs and bench 450+???? I don't think I'm going for a huge look basically I want to look some what healthy/fit/bulky look like I've mention in the past I don't like the way I look I have a body of like 13 year old boy.

It doesn't matter! At all. No seriously. The thing people seem to refuse to accept is that it doesn't matter right now if you only want to gain 10 pounds of muscle or if you want to gain 100, the path you start off on is the same. This is not a fork in the road! The paths both start out exactly the same, at least for the first 10 pounds. Start eating well, lifting heavy and hard, and if you accidentally put on an 11th pound of muscle and are repulsed by the behemoth that you've become, you can lose it again. Chances are, that won't happen.
Slo said:
It doesn't matter! At all. No seriously. The thing people seem to refuse to accept is that it doesn't matter right now if you only want to gain 10 pounds of muscle or if you want to gain 100, the path you start off on is the same. This is not a fork in the road! The paths both start out exactly the same, at least for the first 10 pounds. Start eating well, lifting heavy and hard, and if you accidentally put on an 11th pound of muscle and are repulsed by the behemoth that you've become, you can lose it again. Chances are, that won't happen.

He's right. There aren't two different paths for "lean" muscles and "huge" muscles. There are SOME differences to the TYPE of muscle you build, but for all intents and purposes, you don't need to worry about that. To keep it simple, think of a huge guy as someone who had gotten to a decent level of muscularity, but wanted to keep going. It's the same path.
Mr. Snrub said:
Real men eat the can, pussy.

I hate tuna.
Mr. Snrub said:
Real men eat pussy.

A dish best served hot
It's true. Whenever I get my midnight delight on I can hit the gym twice a day. I don't know what it is but I tell my girlfriend that pounding is essential in my workout plan.


I don't like meat and fish (not a vegetarian, just don't like most kinds), so what are some good alternative sources of protein? Should I buy protein powder?

I am also wondering how many days per week I should lift. Back in high school I did 3 days a week, but that didn't seem to be enough.


there is joy in sucking dick
JCX9 said:
I don't like meat and fish (not a vegetarian, just don't like most kinds), so what are some good alternative sources of protein? Should I buy protein powder?

From what I've read, Protein Shakes are a suppliment and shouldn't replace natural sources of protein. With that said, heres a list...

EGGS  ( 1 medium size )  6 grams 0 g
MILK  ( 1 pint or 568ml) 19 grams 24 g
MILK  ( 1 glass ) 6.3 grams 8 g
SOYA MILK  Plain  (200 ml) 6 grams 1.6 g
TOFU (100 g) 8 grams 0.8 g
LOW-FAT YOGHURT (plain)  150g 8 grams 10 g
LOW-FAT YOGHURT (fruit)  150g 6 grams 27 g
FISH    (cod fillets 100g or 3.5 ounces) 21 grams 0 g
CHEESE  cheddar 100g (3.5 ounces) 25 grams 0.1 g
ROAST BEEF ( 100g or 3.5 ounces ) 28 grams 0 g
ROAST CHICKEN 100g ( 3.5 ounces) 25 grams 0 g
OTHER MEATS AVERAGE (100g or 3.5 ounces) 25 grams 0 g


He guys, well me and 2 of my friends started a jog routine. We start from 9 PM to 10 PM. I gotta lose weight now also i need a good diet. any suggestions on a diet?. Also one or 2 hours of basketball :D. Im just doing this to lose some weight

"Your diet should be based on lots of water, lean protein [chicken, tuna, lean ground beef, eggs or egg whites], vegetable, fruits, and some whole grains. This means real food, too--an apple instead of apple juice, and chicken instead of chicken nuggets. Chicken nuggets aren't real food.
" - OP

I see TY TY.



I just wanted to share my progress. I started a body-for-life-ish training regime.

3 days of cardio
3 days of weight training
I've cut the shit out of my diet.
I've added extra small meals during the day.

I'm 1.80 and where's the progress so far.

Start: 88.5kgs
Week1: 87.95
Week2: 87.4
Week3: 86.85


Nooreo said:
He guys, well me and 2 of my friends started a jog routine. We start from 9 PM to 10 PM. I gotta lose weight now also i need a good diet. any suggestions on a diet?. Also one or 2 hours of basketball :D. Im just doing this to lose some weight

"Your diet should be based on lots of water, lean protein [chicken, tuna, lean ground beef, eggs or egg whites], vegetable, fruits, and some whole grains. This means real food, too--an apple instead of apple juice, and chicken instead of chicken nuggets. Chicken nuggets aren't real food.
" - OP

I see TY TY.

Nooreo, not trying to be rude or anything, but it is really quite simple. Here, Jim Wendler can put it better than I can:

Jim Wendler @ EliteFTS said:
Call it a curse or a gift but when it comes to training, I have a tremendous need to break things down to the basics and cut away all of the fat. I have been doing a lot of research on diet recently and decided to do the same. Like many people, I get confused with the amount of information on diet. The “gurus” seem to make things much more complicated than they need to be. So after reading through a mess of articles and books I’ve come up with a basic nutrition quiz which should help you with your diet.

1. Is candy good for you?
a) Yes
b) No

2. Is fast food good for you?

a) Yes
b) No

3. Should your protein come from chicken, lean beef, lean pork, eggs and protein powder?

a) Yes
b) No

4. Are fruits and vegetables good for you?

a) Yes
b) No

5. Should your carbohydrates come from rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, oatmeal and potatoes?

a) Yes
b) No

6. If you want to gain weight you should;

a) Eat more calories
b) Eat less calories

7. If you want to lose weight you should;

a) Eat more calories
b) Eat less calories

Tips and Tricks

1. All of these diet gurus are missing the boat with diets and helping athletes. Since most athletes do not eat 6 perfect meals a day, how do they expect them to drastically change their diets right away? Start out by eating one or two good meals a day and (maybe) one protein drink per day and progress from there. You wouldn’t throw a beginner into an advanced training routine; diet should be no different.
2. On gaining weight; try increasing your calories by a small amount and let your stomach and body get used to the increase. Don’t try to go from 2,000 calories/day to 10,000.
3. On losing weight; decrease portion size and take it slowly.
4. Use your fist as a guide; your portions should be the size of your fist.

We all know what to eat but often choose not to eat good, healthy foods. I am certainly not perfect, but you cannot tell me that diet is that complicated. Everyone knew the answers to the questions listed above. So the next time someone ask about diet and all of its wonders, ask them the seven questions and they will realize that it’s not about knowing what to eat (we all do) it’s really about the discipline to do it correctly.

Advanced Nutrition


Realistically, how much will doing crunches and push-ups daily do over a period of weeks/months? I walk about 4-5 miles daily.


there is joy in sucking dick
Meier said:
Realistically, how much will doing crunches and push-ups daily do over a period of weeks/months? I walk about 4-5 miles daily.

Wouldn't the muscles that work while doing these workouts just get used to your own body weight? I guess you can intensify by placing weights on your chest or back (or angling the push-ups to use more bodyweight)

I think it'll be slow going though since Months is what it seems to take to see medium gains when you go to an actual Gym.

You'll probably want to look into Calisthenics



A few years back, I did that along with pull-ups every night and seemingly noticed an improvement in my abs... I think a lot of it was from the pull-ups though and I don't have a bar in my place any more so I'm curious if this would do much. I don't really mind if it doesn't, just kind of curious.


Army death height crane group location world
My abs get sore when I do lots of pull-ups.

I posted this on my blog. This might be of interest to the thread. :)

I bought fish oil for dogs....for me...

I've been using the cod liver oil from Whole Food for awhile. It's not too expensive. 9 dollars for 12 ounces. I've only been taking a table spoon a day. I think I need more. I want to try it and see what happens. I've been taking 2 the past few days, and pretty soon I'll take 3 a day.

The problem with doing that with cod liver oil, is it contains tons of Vitamin A and D. Too much Vitamin A and D is toxic. They're fat soluble, meaning your body can not get rid of the excess. I'm not sure of the exact mechanisms behing it, but that's how it goes.

I've been wanting to switch to regular salmon/fish oil for the longest time. The problem with that, is you can only seem to get them in capsules, not straight oil. That makes them outrageously expensive.

But one day, I searched on Amazon for fish oil. They have straight salmon oil for dogs, at a cheaper price than straight cod liver oil for humans! The websites claim to have toxin extraction processes, antioxidants added to prevent rancidity, etc.

As far as I can tell, dog salmon oil is of the same quality of salmon oil made for humans, but sold in straight oil form, and at a greater volume than usual, so the price is actually decent!

I bought the 2 pound version for $30. If I get good results from taking 3 table spoons a day, and I can consume it fast enough that it doesn't go rancid, next I'll buy the 5 pound version for $50. :)

I think this is the best way. I'll let you all know if something goes bad!


Neo Member
I have no idea whats wrong with me but my arms and upper body's soreness isn't going away, its been about 3 days since I have even been to the gym :-/ I haven't even been able to drink protein regularly because my schedule's been hectic but anyone know why its not going away?
Do I need to take creatine on non-training days? Or is it enough if I take on training day and the day after to help with the recovery? I rest 3 days between workouts.
Dice Man said:

I believe you can find his e-mail address somewhere on the site I linked if you want to get him to correct it.

Did I mention I'm an English teacher?

fid said:
I have no idea whats wrong with me but my arms and upper body's soreness isn't going away, its been about 3 days since I have even been to the gym :-/ I haven't even been able to drink protein regularly because my schedule's been hectic but anyone know why its not going away?
Soreness can depend on your experience with training [the longer you've been doing this, the better your body recovers from the stress] and on your daily protein intake. More protein means faster physical recovery means less soreness.


After 1 week of doing things my way (situps 3 times every other day, 30 minutes cardio a day, and eating healthy) here is my progress report:

START: 205 pounds

Week 1: 201 pounds

I will be weighing myself every Sunday morning and updating with a progress report.


Question: I have been jogging one hour for 2 days and parts of my body are sore mostly my legs (duh) and my lower chest area. Should i stop jogging for today or when the soar feeling goes away or continue.


Nooreo said:
Question: I have been jogging one hour for 2 days and parts of my body are sore mostly my legs (duh) and my lower chest area. Should i stop jogging for today or when the soar feeling goes away or continue.

A few questions:

1) Are you stretching before or after you jog? Are you stretching at all?

2) Did you just get into jogging or have you been doing it for a while? I just started jogging again recently and personally won't do more than 30 minutes every other day.

Edit: I'll respond when I get back from the supermarket


well gaf... since I posted my first post in this thread... my belly has gone from 47 inches to around 43... I'm actually pretty surprised as my goal was just to drop an inch and a half:lol :lol


jacf29 said:
A few questions:

1) Are you stretching before or after you jog? Are you stretching at all?

2) Did you just get into jogging or have you been doing it for a while? I just started jogging again recently and personally won't do more than 30 minutes every other day.

Edit: I'll respond when I get back from the supermarket

1) I am stretching before i start jogging and i stretch for about one minute.

2) I used to jog before which lasted around 3 weeks and i haven't jogged for like 6 months. SO two days ago i found out 2 of my best friends were jogging regularly and told me to come along. So i did just that, i started jogging 2 days ago


Nooreo said:
1) I am stretching before i start jogging and i stretch for about one minute.

2) I used to jog before which lasted around 3 weeks and i haven't jogged for like 6 months. SO two days ago i found out 2 of my best friends were jogging regularly and told me to come along. So i did just that, i started jogging 2 days ago

You should stretch either before or after for a bit longer than a minute. I give myself 5 minutes of stretching but some people I know suggest up to 10.

The big problem is that you are jogging for too long given the 6 months it's been since you last jogged. The same thing happened to me when I tried to jog along with my friends prematurely. You need to ease yourself up to an hour. I would wait until the soreness goes away then start back up again. This time do 20-30 minutes for your first few weeks and work yourself up from there.


Finally got my arms to around 18 inches and my chest to 53, now I look like I have stick legs though my Legs tape out at 29 inches and my calves at 18.5.

mr stroke

Captain Glanton said:
Real men eat their tuna straight out of the can, with water to wash it down. With plain lettuce or carrots for dessert.

This sounds like eating Hillary Clinton's gash on a hot day.

chicken breast yes, but tuna out of the can followed by water :(


there is joy in sucking dick
mr stroke said:
chicken breast yes, but tuna out of the can followed by water :(

Its actually not that bad. I've done it that way and I've taken it out of the can and mixed it with diced tomatoes (and eaten it that way). Great way to cut the bread out of your diet if your a Tuna fiend.


50lbs! I'm now at 291 :)

I started in Nov '07

Height: 6'
Starting: 342lbs

2lbs a week on average has been my goal and will continue to be my goal for the next year.

I eat:
Oatmeal, fruit, chicken, fish. Diet Soda and light popcorn or pretzels if I want something to snack.

Never ever fast food. I do go out to a restaurant a couple of times a month or so, but I try to choose health(ier) meals than I'd normally would otherwise.

And I walk 20min a day during my lunch break @ work. I find it helps to have some music going while I walk outside. It gives you a frame of reference (ie, so you can tell by what songs are playing if you're slower than usual or speeding up)

I've started drinking veggie+fruit v8 juice and more water. I plan on adding some light weight work soon. 20 more lbs and I won't even fit in old clothes anymore lol


trilobyte said:
50lbs! I'm now at 291 :)

I started in Nov '07

Height: 6'
Starting: 342lbs

2lbs a week on average has been my goal and will continue to be my goal for the next year.

I eat:
Oatmeal, fruit, chicken, fish. Diet Soda and light popcorn or pretzels if I want something to snack.

Never ever fast food. I do go out to a restaurant a couple of times a month or so, but I try to choose health(ier) meals than I'd normally would otherwise.

And I walk 20min a day during my lunch break @ work. I find it helps to have some music going while I walk outside. It gives you a frame of reference (ie, so you can tell by what songs are playing if you're slower than usual or speeding up)

I've started drinking veggie+fruit v8 juice and more water. I plan on adding some light weight work soon. 20 more lbs and I won't even fit in old clothes anymore lol

Congrats man :). Now that is what this thread is all about. What's your goal weight btw?


Does maths and stuff
Is Jamba Juice unhealthy? I've been drinking a regular sized smoothie for breakfast 3 or 4 times a week, but I'm concerned it might be too sugary.


jacf29 said:
Congrats man :). Now that is what this thread is all about. What's your goal weight btw?

Thanks! Doing this for myself was a long time coming. I've been overweight since 2nd grade, and I'm sick of it.

I don't really have a goal weight. I just want change my lifestyle. But I guess I'd love to be what I should be at my height, which is about 180. Looooong way to go! :)
trilobyte said:
50lbs! I'm now at 291 :)

I started in Nov '07

Height: 6'
Starting: 342lbs

2lbs a week on average has been my goal and will continue to be my goal for the next year.

I eat:
Oatmeal, fruit, chicken, fish. Diet Soda and light popcorn or pretzels if I want something to snack.

Never ever fast food. I do go out to a restaurant a couple of times a month or so, but I try to choose health(ier) meals than I'd normally would otherwise.

And I walk 20min a day during my lunch break @ work. I find it helps to have some music going while I walk outside. It gives you a frame of reference (ie, so you can tell by what songs are playing if you're slower than usual or speeding up)

I've started drinking veggie+fruit v8 juice and more water. I plan on adding some light weight work soon. 20 more lbs and I won't even fit in old clothes anymore lol

Congrats, man.

And congrats to myself! I did back squats today, up to 405 X 5 and 425 X 3, with no knee pain and minimal clicking in the joint.
I did my first lot of squats last night. It's actually a pretty tough workout and I found that if I keep my form right, I don't put that much tension on my bad ligament. I'm going to be conservative about the weight though.

Lately my sleeping patterns have been sparodic because of work and social life. I make up for a lot of it on Saturday mornings, but I'm worried that this is impeding my progress. What's the word on this?
viciouskillersquirrel said:
I did my first lot of squats last night. It's actually a pretty tough workout and I found that if I keep my form right, I don't put that much tension on my bad ligament. I'm going to be conservative about the weight though.

Lately my sleeping patterns have been sparodic because of work and social life. I make up for a lot of it on Saturday mornings, but I'm worried that this is impeding my progress. What's the word on this?
Look into a product called ZMA. It is a mineral supp, and it will help you get into a deeper sleep pattern, as well as give you some very strange dreams.
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