Bulla564 said:
This is the first time I'll pursue a routine+diet (just broke up w/ 3yr gf so I need to get back in the game).
I'm 23,
200 lbs
I don't look obese, but I am bulky, have a double chin, and I am VERY self-conscious about my man boobs. I just signed up at LA Fitness, and plan to go 3 days out of the week, with cardio days in between (1hr cardio workouts in the morning, and later HIT).
-I want to reduce my body fat % to about 13-14%.
- Grow muscle, especially chest (get rid of man boobs), shoulders, back, and arms (but not get ripped)
- I this doable with weight training 3 days, and cardio 2 days AND a sensible diet? Is there anything I should focus on more?
- I don't have skinny legs. If I am just worried about defining my upper body, are squats and lower body workouts all that really necessary?
- Should I consider paying $30 per session for a personal trainer? Maybe I need the focus and guide to achieve my goals in 6 months.
Thanks for the input.
Okay, first, congrats on deciding to make some changes in your life. I was a fatty at that age, too. But:
--Your exercises should focus most of your work on legs and back. I guarantee you that your legs need to get a lot stronger. Doing this will best improve your overall fitness.
--I would lift 4 days, and do 2 days of cardio. If you do that and eat right for many months, you will get fit.
--Don't pay a personal trainer. Most are fucking idiots. All of them will gear the instruction to keep you happy and paying them money. The things that we talk about here are the opposite of happy/fun, but they work.
--I'm not quite sure what LA Fitness is, but walk away from it as fast as economically possible. Best case scenario, you want the gym with the primitive equipment and the surly owner. If you have to stay at LAF, then stick to the free weights, stay away from the area where the depressed former yuppies gather to pretend to exercise, and be as surly as possible.
--I'm glad you're setting an optimistic bodyfat goal, but you should know that 13% is probably what most people mistake for "cut" and "ripped." It's very lean.
Let us know how your progress goes.