Question about pull-ups:
So now that I've started lifting again I've realized just how weak my back is, partly because it's been a while and partly because I neglected it when I lifted in high school (I'm in college now). I've also realized that I'm terrible at pull-ups, so I'm wondering what's better:
- 3x8 assisted pull-ups (a decent amount of assistance required to make it all the way though)
- 3 sets of pull-ups to burnout, ending by hanging for 30 seconds or so once I can't pull up anymore (this would most likely be something like 3 reps, 1 reps, and 1 reps for the 3 sets)
- Use other exercises instead to strengthen my back first until I can do a reasonable amount of pull-ups without assistance
404Ender said:
Never got answered, hoping for a bit of advice.