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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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lil smoke

Dark Octave said:
:lol :lol I've never seen that but I'd probably die right there in the gym from laughter. I can barley type this shit right now, just from imagining someone doing that.
:lol Well, to be honest, you probably wouldn't laugh. That's kind of a unspoken no-no to belittle someone in the gym like that.

However the idea is funny, and if it happened I'm not sure if i'd be more embarrased or ashamed of myself! I'm pretty sure that as a beginner, we've all done something similar in the privacy of a basement or backyard!


Dark Octave said:
:lol :lol I've never seen that but I'd probably die right there in the gym from laughter. I can barley type this shit right now, just from imagining someone doing that.

Heh. Truthfully, it's not that amusing, nor is it uncommon. I've seen it happen, and I had to do it more than a couple times myself in my first few years of lifting.

There are only two times I recall openly and uncontrollably laughing in a gym. One involved a kid intermittently spouting off explicit rap lyrics while vigorously using the captain's chair. The other involved a rather large individual who had an senselessly loud grunt that almost perfectly mimicked a Tusken Raider's battlecry every time he benched.


I got "stuck" when bench pressing once. Being tired + no spotter + lifting too heavy = failure. I didn't roll the bar off of my chest, instead I flipped the bar to the left to leverage it against the ground. Of course I was pretty embarrassed, but shit happens.


As a teenager, I did the classic maneuver where the bar teeter-totters back and forth loudly dropping weights on every shift until the bar is finally empty. Yes, I was that guy. :lol


there is joy in sucking dick
Slo said:
As a teenager, I did the classic maneuver where the bar teeter-totters back and forth loudly dropping weights on every shift until the bar is finally empty. Yes, I was that guy. :lol


Theres this dude at our Gym that my my gymmates call "The Wizard". He has real long hair (always in a ponytail) and the dude DOES NOT WEAR DEODORANT. We walked into the free weights room tonight and the guy stunk the whole room up with BO.

Hes also loud as fuck. Theres one other guy with him and they both cheer eachother on but its obscenly loud. The Wizard was also doing Hammer curls but he was swaying his whole body, then would jump down to lighter weights and do the same thing.


Mr. Snrub said:
For the fire department, we have to wear a 75 lb. vest for 3:00 minutes at a rate of 60 stairs a minute. It sucks.

You're a firefighter?

Grrr, the policeman's mortal enemy...

urk said:
Anybody else use kettlebells?

We just got a shipment of kettlebells for our detachment's gym. I've been pondering including them into my workout regimen, but not sure of the best way to do so.

Regarding stretching: Stretching is always a part of my warmup for martial arts classes, but I never bother with it before a strength/weight workout. *shrug*


Boogie said:
You're a firefighter?

Grrr, the policeman's mortal enemy...

We just got a shipment of kettlebells for our detachment's gym. I've been pondering including them into my workout regimen, but not sure of the best way to do so.
I uses kettlebells, fucking amazing combination of cardio with strength training.


Jirotrom said:
I uses kettlebells, fucking amazing combination of cardio with strength training.

Careful, Ace might pop in to tell you that there's no such thing as cardio + a full body/strength workout.
I'm not going to post the workout I did today, but the clothes I wore left the carpet wet where I dropped them, and I feel like I got hit by a car. Actually, I got hit by a pickup a few years ago, and this is worse.

Captain Glanton said:
I'm not going to post the workout I did today, but the clothes I wore left the carpet wet where I dropped them, and I feel like I got hit by a car. Actually, I got hit by a pickup a few years ago, and this is worse.


So did the driver live?
So i've been reading there are some protein powders that are high in iron (which is linked to heart disease).

I think I'm going to cut out the chicken. It's just too much. I'll buy a protein supplement instead, but which do you guys think has a good amount of protein and is also affordable?


Struct09 said:
I got "stuck" when bench pressing once. Being tired + no spotter + lifting too heavy = failure. I didn't roll the bar off of my chest, instead I flipped the bar to the left to leverage it against the ground. Of course I was pretty embarrassed, but shit happens.

That is ten times better when the person isn't using clips to hold the weight on. First it falls to the one side and all the weights slide off, so the only remaining weight is on the opposite side sticking up in the air, so of course that side slams down to the ground throwing shit everywhere. I've only seen this happen when the gym was rather empty, but there are a lot of "teams" at my gym (you know when 3-7 guys all show up and do the same exercise together, so they do one set about every ten minutes and are there for 3 hours) and one of these days a whole group is going to get taken out in one accident.

Ace 8095

Jason's Ultimatum said:
So i've been reading there are some protein powders that are high in iron (which is linked to heart disease).

I think I'm going to cut out the chicken. It's just too much. I'll buy a protein supplement instead, but which do you guys think has a good amount of protein and is also affordable?
EAS Whey. It cost $28 for 90 servings at Sams Club. It mixes great and tastes surprisingly good. But for ease of use and affordability you just can't beat whole milk, maybe you should at least try it again.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
So i've been reading there are some protein powders that are high in iron (which is linked to heart disease).

I think I'm going to cut out the chicken. It's just too much. I'll buy a protein supplement instead, but which do you guys think has a good amount of protein and is also affordable?
1) I would recommend learning to like chicken.

2) You get what you pay for.

3) I use Biotest. I was going to recommend Substance by Prima for you, but they seem to have stopped making it. I guess I might recommend Optimum


but I've honestly stopped following other brands since I started using Biotest.

Soka said:
So did the driver live?
The driver freaked out a bit when the pedestrian he hit--while making a left turn through the wrong lane--got up and started making smart ass remarks. He did not turn off his engine; we exchanged pleasantries and he drove off.


Biotest stuff is good but expensive as hell. It costs me like $70 to have 4 pounds of it shipped from the T-Nation website. I decided to get a 10lb bag of ON from Bodybuilding.com shipped for like $85. A much better value.


butthole fishhooking yes
Boogie said:
I've been pondering including them into my workout regimen, but not sure of the best way to do so.

Check out the forums over at dragondoor.com. There are dozens of military, ex-military, law enforcement, and firefighters posting there on a regular basis and they're all willing to give out great advice as long as you are polite and coherent. ;)

Just for starters, I'd say learn the basic swing, since it's foundational, and do 10-20 reps between whatever else you are doing. Once you have it down, you can mix in burpees, pushups, mountain climbers, etc. into your conditioning routine.

Clean and Military Press, Turkish Get-ups, Snatches, Shooter Curls, Long Cycle, the list goes on. Like we were saying earlier, they aren't the magical implement they've been made out to be, but if you're deployed and you only have a small amount of room and time to get a workout in, you're going to have a really versatile tool that will keep you strong and combat conditioned.


According to GAF's Truelize, who used to work in the supplement industry as a distributer, yes. Send him a PM maybe?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Boogie said:
We just got a shipment of kettlebells for our detachment's gym. I've been pondering including them into my workout regimen, but not sure of the best way to do so.
I once tried doing Turkish Get-ups, which are supposed to be a great full body workout, but it seems like an exercise that would be much easier with a kettleball than a dumbbell.


butthole fishhooking yes
demon said:
I once tried doing Turkish Get-ups, which are supposed to be a great full body workout, but it seems like an exercise that would be much easier with a kettleball than a dumbbell.

A dumbbell is generally not recommended for TGU's because the weight will tend to drift. The effect is even more pronounced with a barbell. That said, plenty of people do both without problem.
Boogie said:
You're a firefighter?

Grrr, the policeman's mortal enemy...

We just got a shipment of kettlebells for our detachment's gym. I've been pondering including them into my workout regimen, but not sure of the best way to do so.

Regarding stretching: Stretching is always a part of my warmup for martial arts classes, but I never bother with it before a strength/weight workout. *shrug*

:lol :lol :lol

I'm an aspiring firefighter. I had no idea there was a rivalry between PD and FD until I saw the Departed (the rugby match) and looked into it, haha.

Kettlebells are great. Definitely check out dragondoor.com, that's where it all started. Don't get into any of the politics between RKC vs. AKC, Hardstyle vs. Fluidstyle, Valery vs. Pavel, etc. It all works. There are firefighters and police officers who use both methods, and both methods work very well.
demon said:
I once tried doing Turkish Get-ups, which are supposed to be a great full body workout, but it seems like an exercise that would be much easier with a kettleball than a dumbbell.

TGU's with a barbell are hellish. I'd say learn them with kettlebells first.
urk said:
AKA "Circus Trick."

Haha, well, I wouldn't necessarily call it that. It challenges your grip and assistance muscles in a completely different way. Got a guy at my gym who clean and jerks 364 lbs who really likes em with a barbell.


Captain Glanton said:
I'm not going to post the workout I did today, but the clothes I wore left the carpet wet where I dropped them, and I feel like I got hit by a car. Actually, I got hit by a pickup a few years ago, and this is worse.

Everyday I work out, I don't leave the gym until sweat is all the way down my shirt, thing is I do cardio everyday as well so that helps:p... Im off on weekends though:D
Jirotrom said:
Everyday I work out, I don't leave the gym until sweat is all the way down my shirt, thing is I do cardio everyday as well so that helps:p... Im off on weekends though:D
I've been doing a half hour straight of shadow boxing and ab work/knuckle pushups/etc., in a 85 deg room, wearing about two layers of winter clothes and a knit hat. Shit gets wet.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Captain Glanton said:
I've been doing a half hour straight of shadow boxing and ab work/knuckle pushups/etc., in a 85 deg room, wearing about two layers of winter clothes and a knit hat. Shit gets wet.
is there a purpose to that, other than sweating out water weight?


Captain Glanton said:
I've been doing a half hour straight of shadow boxing and ab work/knuckle pushups/etc., in a 85 deg room, wearing about two layers of winter clothes and a knit hat. Shit gets wet.
nah... screw that, id rather not pass out, i honestly dont see the point in wearing all that stuff to sweat more unless you want to lose water weight, sweating is a response with the purpose of keeping you alive. To each there own i guess, i just play a few hours of rball:p
Captain Glanton said:
I was brought up in the school [i.e., wrestling] that the hotter it is when you work out, the more conditioning you get from it.

Hot air=less dense air (simply put). Same reason why cars perform better in cooler air conditions.


Nolan. said:
Well done with the recapping captain glanton.

:O how he doesn't injure his knee is a mystery.
people are built differently, I have never ever had knee problems, not a single one, but my wrists and ankles cause me issues. The guy is a freak.:lol :lol
My only suggestion is to bold the titles of each sections ("Toning," "Low Carbs and Diet," etc). Will make it easier for people to discern where one section ends and the next begins.
Jirotrom said:
nah... screw that, id rather not pass out, i honestly dont see the point in wearing all that stuff to sweat more unless you want to lose water weight, sweating is a response with the purpose of keeping you alive. To each there own i guess, i just play a few hours of rball:p
I'm moving to South Carolina in a few weeks, and I can't afford the $4000 to have pros move me [!!!!!!!!!!!], so I want my body to be ready to work in extreme heat.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Captain Glanton said:
I'm moving to South Carolina in a few weeks, and I can't afford the $4000 to have pros move me [!!!!!!!!!!!], so I want my body to be ready to work in extreme heat.

Soka said:
My only suggestion is to bold the titles of each sections ("Toning," "Low Carbs and Diet," etc). Will make it easier for people to discern where one section ends and the next begins.
Those were lost when I reclaimed the OP from Google, because GAF's database sucks. I hadn't even realized it.


Captain Glanton said:
I'm moving to South Carolina in a few weeks, and I can't afford the $4000 to have pros move me [!!!!!!!!!!!], so I want my body to be ready to work in extreme heat.
totally understandable my friend... I did a huge move last year and it was grueling. Pretty damn good workout actually.
Dice Man said:
Moving ain't cheap. It's always best to get your employer to pay for it.

So Captain Glanton, why aren't you getting your employer to pay for it?
They're giving me some, but not enough to have Atlas move me from another part of the country.
Alright. I just weighed myself on my digital scale and it says I am 178.6 lbs just in my underwear. I would like to be in the 160s range.

What foods should I be avoiding to hit my target? I have started swimming around a hour a day, and I bike somewhat.

I am 5"9 on the edge of 5"10 and male.
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