Edit I added a few links in the OP to T-Nation articles about fat loss.
My supps:
I get all my stuff from Biotest [
www.t-nation.com]. It's pricey but high quality--although you should put grains of salt in their sales talk, which tends to be, um, overly enthusiastic.
Surge [post-workout shake]
Metabolic Drive [protein powder]
Creatine [which I neglected to mention above, I think; sorry creatine]
Alpha Male [a testosterone booster, which will increase your test. to your body's natural limit; you don't need it if you're young, but I'm 32]
Flameout [fish oil; good for your joints and fighting inflammation generally]
I do total body workouts right now, with a leg exercise, upper body push, and upper body pull in every workout, 3 days a week. I might go in and do some lightweight work [shoulder DB work, arms, and the like] on a 4th day time and energy permitting.
Sunday I did:
Back Squats
5 sets of warmup
455 X 5
475 X 5
495 X 4
Incline Press and Dips
3 sets
A) IP 245 X 5
B) 10 bodyweight dips
Suppinated, wide grip, bodyweight + 70 lbs, 60 secs rest between sets
Ninja Warrior pullups [hanging from app. 2" flat edge; I use a support bar between pulley stations]
5 with some regular pullups thrown in at the end
I weigh 215 lbs or so, to give an idea of weight on the pullups. But that's a pretty typical workout. Lots of the basics with lots of intensity. I personally feel everyone who's not preparing for a bodybuilding career should stay away from machines as much as possible. Also, supplements can help you out, but nothing will replace heavy, complex movements, sweat, and eating huge stacks of clean food.