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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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God's Beard said:
I was reading a women's health site and they said that dark chocolate is good for you if you have a little bit every once in a while. Is that true? Can I have delicious delicious dark chocolate and still cut the fat?

Only if you like 100% Cocoa. The 72%-90% bars are popping up in the super market because those, to me still taste delicious, but they are still a cheat. The 100% is the only Healthy option for chocolate, i believe the rationale is that its a good natural source of caffeine and loading with anti-oxidants (The current healthy buzz word). And in my opinion 100% is vomit inducing taste wise and I love the 72-90%.
Greg said:
Been working out every other day for about 4 months, and although I don't eat as much as I should, the pains I notice aren't things that prevent me from working out... I just do too many reps of the previous weight, and not what I want to be doing on my current weight. It's like I'm ready for a heavier weight, but increments of 10 are too much.

I don't know - for example, when I'm doing curls my arms aren't tired but the inside of my elbow bothers me when I near my 8 reps. If I drop to my previous weight I'm fine, but it takes 12+ reps to feel the good burn.
It might [stress might] be that you're straining the muscle. Inspect your form closely on those reps and make sure you're curling the weight up and not swinging or hoisting it up.

I strained something in my left arm close to where you're describing while helping a friend move a few months ago, and it still feels like crap if I twist it wrong or overexert it--even holding the phone with that hand will bother it.


Milabrega said:
Only if you like 100% Cocoa. The 72%-90% bars are popping up in the super market because those, to me still taste delicious, but they are still a cheat. The 100% is the only Healthy option for chocolate, i believe the rationale is that its a good natural source of caffeine and loading with anti-oxidants (The current healthy buzz word). And in my opinion 100% is vomit inducing taste wise and I love the 72-90%.

The high % dark chocolate bars are still ok. They're just going to have sugar and fat to make them palatable. It's not exactly desirable from a health standpoint, but there's still quite a bit of cocoa in there as well, unlike a Hershey's bar which is not much chocolate and a whole lot of milk fat.

Cocoa consumption is linked primarily to cardiovascular benefits -



Captain Glanton said:
Breakfast: maybe add an egg
Lunch and Dinner: I like what you have here, but I'd add a little natural peanut butter or something on the side. It takes calories to bulk, and these meals are very lean.
900 cal shake: I'm a little dubious of getting so many calories from one shake, if it's coming out of the package like that. What brand is it? What's giving it so many calories? I'd also avoid eating so many calories before bed.

Overall, I like the nuts and the attention to fruits and vegetables. Aside from the super shake, your diet is practically a 'cutting' diet, though. It takes calories to grow, and like I said above, don't be afraid to go to a Quizno's-type place on a regular basis. If you really want to add 20 lbs of muscle, then you'll have to tolerate getting a little 'puffy cheeks' too and then drop your bodyfat back down afterward.

Ah, thanks for the recommendation. Well, I couldn't remember the name so I dropped by my local GNC; the shake is Cytogainer (from Cytosport). I was mistaken about the 900 calorie value -- that's just the estimate after you add 2 cups of milk (I always take shakes with milk rather than water anyway). The base calorie value is 580 per serving.

By the way, how many Quizno-type meals per week are we talking here? I don't eat bread often because I typically avoid high-GI foods, but I'm certainly willing to modify my diet to meet my own goals.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Milabrega said:
Only if you like 100% Cocoa. The 72%-90% bars are popping up in the super market because those, to me still taste delicious, but they are still a cheat. The 100% is the only Healthy option for chocolate, i believe the rationale is that its a good natural source of caffeine and loading with anti-oxidants (The current healthy buzz word). And in my opinion 100% is vomit inducing taste wise and I love the 72-90%.
I down a spoonful of Cocoa powder with water usually once a day lately.
Tristam said:
Ah, thanks for the recommendation. Well, I couldn't remember the name so I dropped by my local GNC; the shake is Cytogainer (from Cytosport). I was mistaken about the 900 calorie value -- that's just the estimate after you add 2 cups of milk (I always take shakes with milk rather than water anyway). The base calorie value is 580 per serving.

By the way, how many Quizno-type meals per week are we talking here? I don't eat bread often because I typically avoid high-GI foods, but I'm certainly willing to modify my diet to meet my own goals.
I looked at Cytogainer, and I can't say I'm a fan. I think that if you were to make double-scoop shakes with your usual protein powder and throw in a few extra ingredients [blended bananas, peanut butter, etc], you'd get the same results with more natural ingredients.

It's hard to judge how much 'extra' eating to do while bulking; it's all about what your body can handle. I'm a Former Fat Boy, and if I followed Mark Rippetoe's advice about drinking milk, I'd have a double chin in about two days. If you're going to use Quizno's, I'd get a few Medium sandwiches a week and see what happens. If you get love handles, cut back. If you don't gain squat, go up to Larges.


Keldor said:
Anybody have any thoughts on the Keto diet? I understand it works, but is it healthy or worth the trouble over just doing a 40/40/20 diet?

I will add my piece here. I tried atkins for a few months, and transition over to a keto cycle when I started heavy lifting and cross training. Before I started I was at 220 pounds, did atkins and dropped to 200ish. I started lifting with just atkins but I notice my lifts were suffering so I introduce clean carb ups and it has done wonders.

The first two weeks suck ass so much, and it takes some will power. But if you are worry about the health issue of eatting tons of meats and fats, dont worry. All you really are cutting off is carbs. Matter of fact I eat more Veggies now then I ever did, and I just got back the results of my blood works I had done a few weeks back. The Dr is amazed with the health I am in. The bad choles is down and the good is up. Sugar levels is better than norm, and quite honestly I am feeling better than ever. Now the main reason why I cut carbs is acutally both my parents has type 2 Diabties and I know I was in danger.

So I was going to cut back in carbs anyways. I just decided if I am going to lower my carbs intake, might as well go for it all :p

If you are really active you can try a TKD diet. I will go more into detail if anyone is interested but gotta take off from work.

Regardless, just make sure you eat clean/whole foods carbs or no carb. With a good diet and being active the rest will fall into place. Cut the sodas/cake/candy etc, and it will pay dividences in your progress. Just make sure you eat near your daily mant in calories or just slightly below and you will be fine. my 2 cent

If you are wondering I am 5'9 now 175 pounds, and currently on a bulking phase. Yeah being 220 at 5'9 was not fun, and down right dangerous...

mr stroke

mr stroke said:
Week 1

Mon-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Wens-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)

Then next week:

Week 2

Mon-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/b]
Wens-Squat, bench press, power clean (weighted pullups, time permitting)
Fri-Squat, shoulder press, deadlift (weighted dips, time permitting)[/B

Loving Chich's split vs my old 6 day split so much that I put the wife on it too(instead of cardio)
I don't think there are any women in this thread, but what are yours guys thoughts on having a women do this same workout?(mainly for weight loss and tone)
had her do dead lifts and squats with me yesterday and she can't walk today:lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
Loving Chich's split vs my old 6 day split so much that I put the wife on it too(instead of cardio)
I don't think there are any women in this thread, but what are yours guys thoughts on having a women do this same workout?(mainly for weight loss and tone)
had her do dead lifts and squats with me yesterday and she can't walk today:lol

You gone love that ass on her.

There's an Entourage joke with Drama in here somewhere.


Captain Glanton said:
I looked at Cytogainer, and I can't say I'm a fan. I think that if you were to make double-scoop shakes with your usual protein powder and throw in a few extra ingredients [blended bananas, peanut butter, etc], you'd get the same results with more natural ingredients.

It's hard to judge how much 'extra' eating to do while bulking; it's all about what your body can handle. I'm a Former Fat Boy, and if I followed Mark Rippetoe's advice about drinking milk, I'd have a double chin in about two days. If you're going to use Quizno's, I'd get a few Medium sandwiches a week and see what happens. If you get love handles, cut back. If you don't gain squat, go up to Larges.

Are there any mass gaining shakes that you are a fan of? :p If not, what's the best type of protein shake I can get? I love the taste of peanut butter and bananas but -- and here I may show my ignorance of food science -- I'm concerned that, like fruit juices, I'll be consuming fructose at a much faster rate if the bananas are completely blended than if they were whole.

But as far as my body type, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I have a super fast metabolism; I could eat only McDonalds for months and not gain an ounce. The only cure I found for my thin frame was the 2200 calorie shakes, but of course I don't plan to return to those.

EDIT: By the way, what's wrong with the Cytogainer shake? Not asking out of impertinence, but ignorance. The only reservation I had was the soy lecithin, but that's the last ingredient listed.


mr stroke said:
Loving Chich's split vs my old 6 day split so much that I put the wife on it too(instead of cardio)
I don't think there are any women in this thread, but what are yours guys thoughts on having a women do this same workout?(mainly for weight loss and tone)
had her do dead lifts and squats with me yesterday and she can't walk today:lol
And as for strength training for women, abso-fucking-lutely.
It's even extra important for them because of osteoporosis - squats, deadlifts etc are some of the best things you can do for bone density.
As for aesthetics, well, show me a girl that can squat and I'll show you a great ass and an amazing pair of legs.
Like I always say = sister, get the fuck off the thigh master and into the power cage, you'll thank me later.

You may need to promise her she's not going to accidentally turn into Nicole Bass.
Tristam said:
Are there any mass gaining shakes that you are a fan of? :p If not, what's the best type of protein shake I can get? I love the taste of peanut butter and bananas but -- and here I may show my ignorance of food science -- I'm concerned that, like fruit juices, I'll be consuming fructose at a much faster rate if the bananas are completely blended than if they were whole.

But as far as my body type, I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I have a super fast metabolism; I could eat only McDonalds for months and not gain an ounce. The only cure I found for my thin frame was the 2200 calorie shakes, but of course I don't plan to return to those.

EDIT: By the way, what's wrong with the Cytogainer shake? Not asking out of impertinence, but ignorance. The only reservation I had was the soy lecithin, but that's the last ingredient listed.
Most 'mass gainers' are just protein powder with lots of fat thrown in for empty calories. Also, with supplements, the company rep matters a lot and you get what you pay for, and that company doesn't look like a great one [GNC isn't held in high regard in general, either]. I just think that you can make a better one yourself with a good protein powder and a blender. If you already have that one, and you are comfortable with the results vs. cost ratio you get from it, go ahead and use it. But it would not be the route I would go. On the other hand, I bulk easily and have a harder time staying lean.

As far as protein powder companies, I use Biotest at t-nation. Other people in the thread use other companies, so you might ask them for recommendations.


I recommend Optimum Nutrition; their mass gainer, Pro Complex, is 60g protein, 650 calories, mostly from protein, only 6g sugar, 7g fat. I also take their 100% Whey Gold after training, and then their 100% Casein before bed. It can be pricey using these on a daily basis, especially the gainer if you use it twice a day, but I've gotten great results and you can't beat their taste.


Trigunner said:
I recommend Optimum Nutrition; their mass gainer, Pro Complex, is 60g protein, 650 calories, mostly from protein, only 6g sugar, 7g fat. I also take their 100% Whey Gold after training, and then their 100% Casein before bed. It can be pricey using these on a daily basis, especially the gainer if you use it twice a day, but I've gotten great results and you can't beat their taste.


60g protein @ 4 kcal/g = 240 kcal
6g "sugar" @ 4 kcal/g = 24 kcal
7g fat @ 9 kcal/g = 63 kcal
total kcal = 327 kcal

That doesn't add up right.

mr stroke

Chichikov said:
, get the fuck off the thigh master and into the power cage, you'll thank me later.


Its funny you say this as most women never get anywhere close to weights and if they do its mostly machines. I rarely ever see women squat or deadlift either. Every time I see a female trainer they are showing aerobics, elepticals, and light machine weights.

I think most are affraid they will turn out like this-




learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
YYZ said:
please do not post pics like the above, instead use pics like this:


She'd prob snap your head off by accident if you ever went down on her.


Yeah, about to head out to a 6 month workout camp, errrr, I mean Iraq. Good times there, nothing to do but eat good and workout, cannot wait.


Futureman said:
How long does it take you to ride 10 miles?

I've been running a lot lately, doing pushups and sit ups and eating better. I like the results.

It took me 33:00 last night, almost on the dot. I wasn't pedaling like a maniac until the last .75 mile or so. I've been trying to just keep a good pace, for now. I'm so far out of shape that once I hit about the 3.5-mile mark, I'm already sweating and stuff. But I know if I stick with it, I'll see improvements soon enough.


methos75 said:
Yeah, about to head out to a 6 month workout camp, errrr, I mean Iraq. Good times there, nothing to do but eat good and workout, cannot wait.

Are you in the Armed Forces? Good luck, regardless.


Dice Man said:
Awesome, hope you're home for Christmas.

Edit: Just realized you probably won't be. That's a bummer.

No big deal really, I have spent 6 X-Mas's in the Middle East, one more will not hurt.


I'm thinking I've been using my routine for too long and want to switch it around.

But one aspect of the routine is twice a week squatting and deadlifting.

Now I understand it's important to change your routine regularly so you don't fall into a rut and stop taxing your muscles as much as possible.

But it seems like the squat and the dead are just so good and so complete that I don't want to remove them.

Are there any equivalent exercises that I could do for 6-8 weeks for a change of pace?


Draft said:
I'm thinking I've been using my routine for too long and want to switch it around.

But one aspect of the routine is twice a week squatting and deadlifting.

Now I understand it's important to change your routine regularly so you don't fall into a rut and stop taxing your muscles as much as possible.

But it seems like the squat and the dead are just so good and so complete that I don't want to remove them.

Are there any equivalent exercises that I could do for 6-8 weeks for a change of pace?

Heavy Goodmornings in place of deadlifts.


Captain Glanton said:
Draft, do you do heavy barbell rows? If you combined them with Romanian DLes, it would hit your upper and lower back very well.
I do, on the day I don't squat or DL.
Draft said:
I do, on the day I don't squat or DL.
You might do heavy BB Rows and Romanian DLes in place of your DLes, and Front Squats and Front Hack Squats in place of your Squats. I'd be surprised if you really need to do it for 6-8 weeks, though. You'll probably feel ready to go back to your regular routine in a month.

Deleted member 17693

Unconfirmed Member
bjork said:
It took me 33:00 last night, almost on the dot. I wasn't pedaling like a maniac until the last .75 mile or so. I've been trying to just keep a good pace, for now. I'm so far out of shape that once I hit about the 3.5-mile mark, I'm already sweating and stuff. But I know if I stick with it, I'll see improvements soon enough.

That's actually really fast, isn't it? I've been averaging like eight miles in 40 minutes, so I have a long way to go yet I guess. How much do you weigh, out of curiosity? And how long have you been cycling the ten miles for?
bjork said:
I just started out on a stationary bike. I did 10 miles yesterday and 10 just now. Seems like a good place to start because I get a sweat going, but I don't feel like I overworked at all. Once I get used to that, maybe I'll increase that and then add something else to it. Baby steps.

I personally hate running (no idea, just hate it - can't find a good pace).
So I started the stationary bikes 3 times a week about a year ago. 13 miles (20km) at 140~145 pulse, takes about 35-40 minutes @ 90RPM and 130-160 Watt. I'm just hooked at it. I know running is supposed to be so much better, but this works for me and has helped my feel extremely much more energized, and drop body-fat percentage to around 13%. (and even better blood-fat figures)

Stick at it - it really works - although it is probably considered the nerdiest activity in the gym.
Draft said:
I'm thinking I've been using my routine for too long and want to switch it around.

But one aspect of the routine is twice a week squatting and deadlifting.

Now I understand it's important to change your routine regularly so you don't fall into a rut and stop taxing your muscles as much as possible.

But it seems like the squat and the dead are just so good and so complete that I don't want to remove them.

Are there any equivalent exercises that I could do for 6-8 weeks for a change of pace?

I'm the same way and refuse to remove either from my routine. :D I probably will remove deads eventually, but sub in heavy rack pulls and partial deads instead. I say keep the squats in--why not? Change up the style or the rep scheme and you should be fine.


a child left behind
2 questions.

1. I take Mass XXX after the end of my workouts one of those weight gainer products. Is that good after you workout or I should take something else.

2. With squats are you suppose to feel some kind of soreness in your hamstrings and glutes?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Qwerty710710 said:
2 questions.

1. I take Mass XXX after the end of my workouts one of those weight gainer products. Is that good after you workout or I should take something else.

2. With squats are you suppose to feel some kind of soreness in your hamstrings and glutes?

Never heard of Mass XXX, but in regards to question 2:

YES. Otherwise, you aren't doing them right. Your entire lower body should be feeling some type of soreness.


Jealous Bastard
Mr.City said:
Light mayo on tuna sandwiches: yay or nay?

reminds me of an episode of curb your enthusiasm where larry thinks he's dying. he's calling all his friends and loved ones one-by-one to his death bed to give them his dying words. when he calls his manager jeff over, he pulls him in close and says,

"jeff. . . when you get a chicken salad sandwich. . . don't put mayonnaise on it. there's mayonnaise in the chicken salad. it's just too much."

beelzebozo said:
reminds me of an episode of curb your enthusiasm where larry thinks he's dying. he's calling all his friends and loved ones one-by-one to his death bed to give them his dying words. when he calls his manager jeff over, he pulls him in close and says,

"jeff. . . when you get a chicken salad sandwich. . . don't put mayonnaise on it. there's mayonnaise in the chicken salad. it's just too much."

Shit. I thought he meant "can I mix mayo in with my tuna." If you're putting mayo on top of your tuna salad that already has mayo in it, don't do that. That's gross.


Jealous Bastard
i think he was probably talking about what you think he meant, and not what larry was warning against. he did say "tuna sandwich," after all.

still, mr. city, be sure to put plenty of thinly sliced red onion, black pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice on that tuna sandwich.


Hellman's sells olive-oil based mayo. You can always substitute some mustard for mayo too (which is surprisingly not that bad).


Jealous Bastard
JB1981 said:
Hellman's sells olive-oil based mayo. You can always substitute some mustard for tuna too (which is surprisingly not that bad).

or fat free plain yogurt spiked with a little white vinegar or lemon juice, if you're just looking for that creamy mouth feel. i agree, though, that a nice spicy mustard with tuna wouldn't be bad at all.


Looks like I finally got back to 193 after a long hard week. I wasn't eating healthy for about 1.5 days because I had this heart monitor on me that was completely making me depressed. But I'm glad I'm at 193 again. Yay :)

So i'll go ahead and post an update on week 7:

Start: 203 pounds

End of week 1: 201 pounds

End of week 2: 199 pounds

End of week 3: 196.5 pounds

End of week 4: 194 pounds

End of week 5: 193 pounds

End of week 6: 194.5 pounds

End of week 7: 193 pounds
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