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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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JB1981 said:
The weighted Ninja warrior pullups have me confused, though.....
You're just trying to simulate doing pullups hanging from a ledge. It's inspired by Stage 3 from the greatest show on television.

I was thinking about my eternal hatred of Go Fitness this morning, and I thought we could start doing product reviews, if people are interested. Rather than use the OP, I could cut and paste other people's into post 4500, which I saved last night. And then I could put a link in the OP and make some reminder posts as we go.


RSTEIN said:
I'm the Anti Glanton. If you need help with split routines, muscle-specific movements (e.g. tricep kickbacks, supine curls, hammer curls, flys, ab work) I'm your man.
Yea I'm torn between doing a standard split routine and doing the kinds of workouts recommended by 'Toe and Glanton.

I am going to miss doing isolation exercises but I will give this routine a shot. BTW, my knees have just started to ache after a few weeks of squats - is a little aching normal?

Tsunami: I do walking lunges right between all the machines - i cut a path right through - and the people all look at me annoyed. I don't give a fuck, though .... hardly anyone in the gym even does these things ... and I need a runway. So fuck 'em.


Comics, serious business!
JB1981 said:
Yea I'm torn between doing a standard split routine and doing the kinds of workouts recommended by 'Toe and Glanton.

I am going to miss doing isolation exercises but I will give this routine a shot. BTW, my knees have just started to ache after a few weeks of squats - is a little aching normal?

Tsunami: I do walking lunges right between all the machines - i cut a path right through - and the people all look at me annoyed. I don't give a fuck, though .... hardly anyone in the gym even does these things ... and I need a runway. So fuck 'em.

In all honesty you have to find the routine that works best for you - body type, time constraints, physical limitations (e.g. bad back, bad knees). Starting with the program that Glanton recommended for you is probably your best route right now. That's a lot of bread and butter stuff - squats, deads, pulls, etc.

You will ache, of course. If you feel the aches and pains you have aren't exactly normal then STOP. Make sure you REST a lot at the beginning. Make sure you have a disciplined post workout meal plan - lots of carbs & protein. At the beginning you should aim for minimum .50 gram of both carbs and protein per pound of body weight. Then work this up to 1 gram and eventually 1.5 grams.


Yeah, my diet's in order. And I usually cook my own fresh foods. I am not looking to gain all that much, really.

I'm currently 5'11 172lb - i could gain 8lbs and be happy. I don't want to bulk, just increase strength mostly.
kozmo7 said:
Just to make this clear, it's generally a good idea to do a light warm-up then do most of your stretching after your lifting during cool down, right?

What were the negative effects again when it comes to stretching too much before lifting? I used to know this stuff but I haven't worked out for awhile and my mind went to goo along with my gut. :lol

I posted this several pages back:

Practical Programming page 136 said:
The majority of data available indicates that pre-training stretching neither reduces the frequency of injury nor effectively improves flexibility, the two areas in which it is supposed to provide benefit. Studies of marathon participants failed to show a difference in injury rates between athletes who stretched before the race and those who did not. But wait, there's more! Evidence from studies on vertical jump and broad jump performance indicates that pre-event stretching actually reduces power output, and other studies suggest that this is true for other explosive activities, such as weightlifting, as well. This may be due to a reduction in the effectiveness of the stretch-reflex portion of the concentric contraction caused by proprioceptive reset during the stretch.
If pre-training stretching doesn't increase flexibility or reduce injuries, what does? Proper warm-up safely does both. The loaded human body moving through its maximum range of motion actually provides a stretching stimulus for the antagonist muscle groups, the very ones that are tight. (The agonists cause the motion around the joints, while the antagonists resist or decelerate that motion. A lack of extensibility in the antagonists is the usual cause of flexibility problems.) A number of studies have shown an increase in flexibility as a result of complete-range-of-motion weight training. Improvements in hip and knee flexibility on the order of 40% or better are commonly experienced. Thsi is because proper form requires complete range of motion of the involved joints and, if proper position is maintained, the weight puts the body into a properly stretched position at the bottom of each rep, exposing the antagonists to a stretch stimulus each time the load is moved. This obviously requires good form, and good coaching. Properly done, each weighted rep provides a better stretch than an unweighted traditional stretch, because the complete range of motion is easier to reach with the help of the weight. More importantly, and most especially for the hamstrings, the postural position of the back--the very critical lumbar extension that must be maintained to fully stretch the hamstrings--is best accomplished with a loaded spine, since the load gives the spinal erectors some resistance to contract against for efficient curvature. It is common to see athletes attempt to stretch the hamstrings with a rounded lower back; this cannot be done effectively.
If traditional stretching exercises are desired, they should be done at the end of the workout, when the muscles are warm and the stretch will not interfere with performance.

This isn't a "I'm right, you're wrong" post, but this is what I go by. Everyone has a different point of view.


anyone know where i can buy some good pulling rope? I want to wrap kettle bells at the end and go to a field and pull .... watched some awesome videos at Gym Jones
JB1981 said:
See, the thing is I love doing legs and I want to incorporate them into basically all of my workouts. I actually just got home from doing my Monday routine and I did cut it a bit short because the squats/lunges wipe me but overall, the routine is actually working in my favor. I have made big gains in size and my stamina has increased. I actually do agree with you guys that the routine is too much ... do you have any suggestions on how to change it up? I basically want to deadlift, squat, bench and press twice a week.

Today's workout I did 4 sets of squats, 3 sets of walking lunges. 3 sets of bench. 3 sets of presses, pullups, bent over rows and straight bar curls. I actually don't think that's too much .... what do you guys think? Can you help me come up with a modified version of the routine I posted earlier?

Why not just move to a three day a week routine? I squat three days a week. It's...wonderful.


Mr. Snrub said:
Why not just move to a three day a week routine? I squat three days a week. It's...wonderful.

My knees ache a lot today for some reason. I think I need to lower the weight and work on bettering my form. I'm feeling very little soreness in my ass/glutes. That can't be good, can it?
Bajan32 said:
Well i been kinda reading this thread for a long time and i wanna finally get off my ass and get in shape. Im in no means terrible shape but im tired of wishing i was in better shape.

Few quick stats before a couple questions.
30yo, 5'10', 180ish lbs. was 205lbs few months back

So i just ordered the book "Starting Strength", I've got a gym membership already.
Ill be starting(trying to annyway) w/ the training come next week, and already changing out the foods around my house to the low carb high protein, more fruits and veggies.

So my questions...

1) How do I go about finding good starting weights for these exercises? Dont want to over do it and get hurt, or use too less weight and waste time.

This is all explained in the book, don't worry.

2) I don't want to bulk up or get big so much as i want to get cut/defined. lose my little gut and get better some muscle size/definition especially my chest arms and back. Does the book get into secondary exercises for such things?

If you're small, worry about getting big first. Rippetoe's plan WILL get you there--it's designed for undertrained small people. Expect at LEAST a 20 lb gain in 2-3 months. Follow the plan exactly and you'll probably hit 40 lbs in six months. I did it for about 6 months and gained twenty pounds, with little bodyfat increase, and I've been lifting for some time.

3) Will doing my HIIT training using a bike going up a hill be good for the fat loss/cardio section? And should i do it on my off days from the weights or do i have to get into my HIIT while at the gym?

Fat loss/cardio isn't really a part of the Rippetoe program. If I were you, I'd just focus on getting bigger and stronger (the focus of Starting Strength) and worry about getting "cut" when you get bigger and stronger. It's hard to do both.

4) How long till i see some kind of tangible changes in my physique(its the main reason i always stop working out, never seem to see anything happening and i give up =/ )

Pretty damned soon if you follow it right. Within a month, easily.
JB1981 said:
My knees ache a lot today for some reason. I think I need to lower the weight and work on bettering my form. I'm feeling very little soreness in my ass/glutes. That can't be good, can it?

Not good. Are you hitting parallel or lower on your squats?
JB1981 said:
I go lower than parallel. How low should the bottom of my ass be in relation to my knees?

If you go lower than parallel, your ass will always be below your knees.


Lower the weight. If the strength of your tendons and other connective tissue doesn't not "match" the strength of your muscles, you're going to have problems. Do you squat high bar or low bar?


Mr. Snrub said:
If you go lower than parallel, your ass will always be below your knees.


Lower the weight. If the strength of your tendons and other connective tissue doesn't not "match" the strength of your muscles, you're going to have problems. Do you squat high bar or low bar?
High bar squat. Yea my knees and shins are very achey today .. I'm not happy. I thought I was doing my movements right. I should probably take a few days off, no?


Captain Glanton & Mr Snrub thank you guys for your answers..

I'll do my best to follow through w/ the program and try my best to eat right.
Now I need to ask my friend to be my spotter for a couple weeks or so till I'm comfortable back in the gym.

Gonna be a tough next couple of months... but really I'm out of excuses.
JB1981 said:
High bar squat. Yea my knees and shins are very achey today .. I'm not happy. I thought I was doing my movements right. I should probably take a few days off, no?

My knees were never very comfortable with high bar squats, BUT--I think it's because I always used too much weight. I think the knees take more stress in the high bar squat, which does NOT mean don't do them--but you must be even more aware of knee health and not be afraid to set your ego aside and start light and slowly build up. One thing I never knew about properly executed low bar squats is that the motion of sitting back loads your hips and hamstrings and sets you up for hip drive. What this also does is keep your hamstring loaded, and this keeps your knee in place--slide the knee forward/getting more upright (as in a high bar squat) removes the hamstring/hip drive from the movement, and your ACL is in charge of keeping your knee in place instead of your hamstring. And so it goes...

So just be careful, warm up properly, start light, and build up slowly. Stay off your toes! Even consider getting some weightlifting shoes, as they are designed for olympic style high bar squats and put the knee in an advantageous position!


Man, how do you guys do flat dumbell presses with high weights. I'm doing 50lbs each hand and I can barley get in position after doing a couple sets.


Mr. Snrub said:
My knees were never very comfortable with high bar squats, BUT--I think it's because I always used too much weight. I think the knees take more stress in the high bar squat, which does NOT mean don't do them--but you must be even more aware of knee health and not be afraid to set your ego aside and start light and slowly build up. One thing I never knew about properly executed low bar squats is that the motion of sitting back loads your hips and hamstrings and sets you up for hip drive. What this also does is keep your hamstring loaded, and this keeps your knee in place--slide the knee forward/getting more upright (as in a high bar squat) removes the hamstring/hip drive from the movement, and your ACL is in charge of keeping your knee in place instead of your hamstring. And so it goes...

So just be careful, warm up properly, start light, and build up slowly. Stay off your toes! Even consider getting some weightlifting shoes, as they are designed for olympic style high bar squats and put the knee in an advantageous position!

I'm having like aching, shooting pains down my knees and shins today :(

I think I was also doing my walking lunges wrong. I was extending down too far and my knee was too far out in front of me. I am going to take a week off of legs, recover and then redo my squats with much lower weight and a better focus on form.


venison crêpe
I have a question for you wise people. I've just started going running again after a 6 week hiatus (I stopped around the time of my exams to focus on that). I wouldn't say I was a great runner before. I could do 5k in 30 minutes comfortably.

Anyway so I've started up again. I didn't do anything too intense to start off with but I'm already suffering from some pain around some joints, the inside-back of both knees and my elbows. (I wish I knew the names of these muscles!) Any meaningful stride I would do would pull especially in the knee area and so I'd have to stick to simple jogging.

I don't know if it's just getting the rust off or something I should be proactive about treating. (not doctors as such, but maybe putting some tiger balm or something on it?) I play Tennis, Football(soccer) and Basketball so quick sprinting is key to me and I'd like to get back into doing some HIIT for which I need my long strides back :D

Oh and my vital stats: 6'6", 190lbs, 23yo
JB1981 said:
I'm having like aching, shooting pains down my knees and shins today :(

I think I was also doing my walking lunges wrong. I was extending down too far and my knee was too far out in front of me. I am going to take a week off of legs, recover and then redo my squats with much lower weight and a better focus on form.
Are you taking any joint supplements, e.g., fish oil or glucosamine?


I've been reading that Gym Jones website all day. How awesome would it be to go train there for a few weeks? Damn .... they inspired me to buy a rope, kettlebells and a medicine ball and go to the local park and run around and do some crazy shit. I love his comments about the local gym and what passes for 'working out' these days. Really an eye-opener. I wish there was a gym like that around here.
JB1981 said:
I take fish oil daily. Not taking glucosamine, although I do take glutamine
I don't think glutamine [as an extra supplement] does anything; your body needs glutamine, but last I heard the research could not show your body could absorb extra gluamine in powder form through the stomach. Check out glucosamine.

And Gym Jones is the shit.

Edit: But the Gym Jones videos are over at www.marktwight.com, which seems to be coded by the same morons who put GAF together.


Glanton, what's your take on egg whites? I find that they're pretty expensive if you're big eater like I am. I like to mix them with regular eggs to make a little omelet.


Comics, serious business!
Wes said:
I have a question for you wise people. I've just started going running again after a 6 week hiatus (I stopped around the time of my exams to focus on that). I wouldn't say I was a great runner before. I could do 5k in 30 minutes comfortably.

Anyway so I've started up again. I didn't do anything too intense to start off with but I'm already suffering from some pain around some joints, the inside-back of both knees and my elbows. (I wish I knew the names of these muscles!) Any meaningful stride I would do would pull especially in the knee area and so I'd have to stick to simple jogging.

I don't know if it's just getting the rust off or something I should be proactive about treating. (not doctors as such, but maybe putting some tiger balm or something on it?) I play Tennis, Football(soccer) and Basketball so quick sprinting is key to me and I'd like to get back into doing some HIIT for which I need my long strides back :D

Oh and my vital stats: 6'6", 190lbs, 23yo

:lol I had the same experience today. I was doing some shoulder presses a while back and tweaked my neck pretty badly. I went out today for the first time in a couple weeks and I was a mess. My knee hurt, my ankle, my shoulder (??), hell, I got a cramp in my upper right abnominal muscle and I almost keeled over. I think we're both rusty. Try again, if it hurts, try again, and if it still hurts stop :D
Mr.City said:
Glanton, what's your take on egg whites? I find that they're pretty expensive if you're big eater like I am. I like to mix them with regular eggs to make a little omelet.
I used to use egg whites; now I use real eggs. I don't think some eggs in the morning will kill you, and I find it pretty funny that the same health experts who are down on eggs will tell you to eat cereal for breakfast.


Captain Glanton said:
I used to use egg whites; now I use real eggs. I don't think some eggs in the morning will kill you, and I find it pretty funny that the same health experts who are down on eggs will tell you to eat cereal for breakfast.

I usually like to take a cup of whites mixed with one egg. Recently though, I'd like to mix 2 eggs with half a cup of whites.

While we're on the subject, I should probably just post my breakfast

1/2 cup of egg whites mixed with 1-2 eggs
1 cup of oatmeal mixed with 1 cup of milk (sometimes I'll sub in bran cereal)
1-2 oranges


Brian Burke punched my mom
aznpxdd said:
Man, how do you guys do flat dumbell presses with high weights. I'm doing 50lbs each hand and I can barley get in position after doing a couple sets.

You're supposed to hitch the weight and push them with your thighs at the same time.


I noticed there's a muscular imbalance in my back. My right lower back muscles are stronger than the ones on the left. How exactly do I fix that?

lil smoke

Me too. I'd guess that most people (not pros) have imbalance especially in the back. You can easily see mine when I flex... slight asymmetrical :lol


Captain Glanton said:
Remember to round your back and bang the bar against your shins.
question: when I'm coming down with the weight, should I always have the bar against my shins? same when pulling up?


I have already lost about 11 pounds in a month and a half the normal way (exercise, eat healthy), and want to lose another 20 pounds in the next 2 months. My sister suggests just eating less for a few months. Basically counting calories and living on an extreme calorie deficit. She does this all the time to lose weight and she has always been very skinny.

She is actually doing this right now for a month to lose 7 pounds before she see's her boyfriend (he lives in another state). She eats about 1000 calories per day for a month (she weighs 150 pounds). She suggested I eat 1500 calories a day for 2 months (I weigh 193 pounds).

Should I follow this advice? I can't see any downside to it other than acting like I'm a complete bitch for 2 months because I'm starving? I imagine though if I just keep eating all day long (just a small amount) (like 10 meals a day) then I won't be starving.
JB1981 said:
question: when I'm coming down with the weight, should I always have the bar against my shins? same when pulling up?
Yes. A rounded back is just as bad coming down as it is going up.

salva said:
I go to the gym 3 times a week for around an hour and a half each time. You guys think that's good enough?
It depends entirely on what you do while you're there.

jacf29 said:
I have already lost about 11 pounds in a month and a half the normal way (exercise, eat healthy), and want to lose another 20 pounds in the next 2 months. My sister suggests just eating less for a few months. Basically counting calories and living on an extreme calorie deficit. She does this all the time to lose weight and she has always been very skinny.

She is actually doing this right now for a month to lose 7 pounds before she see's her boyfriend (he lives in another state). She eats about 1000 calories per day for a month (she weighs 150 pounds). She suggested I eat 1500 calories a day for 2 months (I weigh 193 pounds).

Should I follow this advice? I can't see any downside to it other than acting like I'm a complete bitch for 2 months because I'm starving? I imagine though if I just keep eating all day long (just a small amount) (like 10 meals a day) then I won't be starving.

A lot of women follow this approach. It does work, if your only goal is to have a lower number on the scale, but it isn't very healthy and it has a terrible cost/benefit ratio. By that I mean that you'll feel like total crap for diminishing results.

You will be a lot better off eating more calories that come from lean meat, fruit, and vegetables and exercising four times a week. You might lose fewer pounds, but you'll look better because you'll lose the right pounds. I've known so many women who think they're making progress because the pounds go down, but they look worse [or the same], because if you starve yourself like this, your body eats its muscle before its fat. It's entirely possible to weigh less and still have the same jiggle/softness/etc., and I don't see the point of that.

Take home gender-based generalization: women tend to be more disciplined in their dieting, but their diets tend to be sort of bad ideas, and they pay too much attention to numbers and not enough to the mirror.
Does anyone have any recommendations for creatine (especially if it can be ordered from Amazon)?

The type I used to get from Amazon is currently unavailable since they sent me two orders (original + replacement) of defective product. I don't know if it was the heat or what, but the powder had solidified. It was like a sandstone creatine rock in the bottle.

Also, where the hell do you buy weightlifting shoes? I have tried fitness/sports stores, but the only shoes they have are running/crosstraining shoes with the air bubble/pockets in the heel. On this topic...are weightlifting shoes even worth the money? Or should I just grab a pair of Chuck Taylor's and call it a day?

oh yeah...thanks for the help on the deadlift questions I had earlier. Doing the double overhand grip fixed the problem. Good stuff. Thanks Glanton and Snrub


so i just got done with my workout

i decided to go very light on my deadlifts and focused on my form. It was pretty awesome. My lower back got amazingly tight and I got an awesome rush thru my entire body near the end - sick exercise. Even with light weight (a 45lb plate on each side) I struggled .... I have a question about the pulling motion. Do you guys pull HARD up and squeeze at the top or do you essentially do a slow, controlled motion ... and do you bang the floor with the weights and then pull back up or do you not let the weights hit the foor?
JB1981 said:
so i just got done with my workout

i decided to go very light on my deadlifts and focused on my form. It was pretty awesome. My lower back got amazingly tight and I got an awesome rush thru my entire body near the end - sick exercise. Even with light weight (a 45lb plate on each side) I struggled .... I have a question about the pulling motion. Do you guys pull HARD up and squeeze at the top or do you essentially do a slow, controlled motion ... and do you bang the floor with the weights and then pull back up or do you not let the weights hit the foor?
Most people bounce the plates off the floor at the bottom, but true strict form is to set the weight down and re-grip between each rep. It denies you that momentum from the bounce.

Slow and controlled is going to be your best bet with most things in the gym.
So, my second day of gym happened. On the first one, one of the gym guys gave me a sort of "generic" routine including some cardio first, then some weight machines doing mainly arms and pecs. I don't really know the technical names, but I started on Tuesday and this morning I had this stiffness/stitches/don't really know the word on my upper body, but I still wanted to do something today, so I went and did about 40 minutes between running on the treadmill and stationary bike, and 4 x 15 abs in between. Tomorrow is probably weights again, I guess. Let us hope that my chest, arms and shoulders have stopped hurting >_<

On the sweet side, my girlfriend joined me on the gym, and since I brought her, I got a few extra passes for the spa. It's gonna be sooooo good.

So, any advice? Or should I let the trainers at the gym do their job with me?
J. M. Romeo said:
So, my second day of gym happened. On the first one, one of the gym guys gave me a sort of "generic" routine including some cardio first, then some weight machines doing mainly arms and pecs. I don't really know the technical names, but I started on Tuesday and this morning I had this stiffness/stitches/don't really know the word on my upper body, but I still wanted to do something today, so I went and did about 40 minutes between running on the treadmill and stationary bike, and 4 x 15 abs in between. Tomorrow is probably weights again, I guess. Let us hope that my chest, arms and shoulders have stopped hurting >_<

On the sweet side, my girlfriend joined me on the gym, and since I brought her, I got a few extra passes for the spa. It's gonna be sooooo good.
Be careful. You can get heat stroke doing that.
Captain Glanton said:
Be careful. You can get heat stroke doing that.

Hey, don't worry, it's one of these big ones with jacuzzis, waterfalls, mud pools and shit. It's more about relaxing. I might go there on Saturday, since on the weekends is mixed gender and we can go together.

Oh, and today a guy wouldn't stop staring at my ass and dick (at full force) on the showers. Or maybe he was looking at my qmark tattoo. I've always been proud of my ass!


Not sure if this is anything to be proud of, as with what I ate today I could of dropped out of exhaustion during my attempt.

But today I ran 5 miles. All I ate all day was a piece of pizza and a frap from starbucks. I figure now if I can do 5 miles eating complete shit I can do 5 miles easily eating healthy that day.
Here's something a bit specific, how does one go about increasing the definition of their "runner's girdle"? I already have one, but it's not to the standard I want. Any tips Gaf?
J. M. Romeo said:
On the sweet side, my girlfriend joined me on the gym, and since I brought her, I got a few extra passes for the spa. It's gonna be sooooo good.

So, any advice? Or should I let the trainers at the gym do their job with me?

Here's the thing you gotta remember about the trainers at health clubs/gyms: most don't know shit, and machines are recommended because you don't have to have a spotter (i.e. trainer), they're fast (more people get to use them=better business), and they're quiet ("Free weights are loud and disruptive to customers").

Read the OP thoroughly and then ask questions if you have them. Free weights all the way! What are your goals?
KibblesBits said:
Here's something a bit specific, how does one go about increasing the definition of their "runner's girdle"? I already have one, but it's not to the standard I want. Any tips Gaf?

What the fuck is that?
So I got lectured for about 20 minutes on my squat form today. I guess it was really bad. All the guy's advice just made it feel really awkward though, so I don't know... it was a lot easier to go lower and keep myself from leaning froward though. He basically had me rest the bar lower, more on my back, wear a belt, and look more upwards than straight ahead.

If anything it was a huge confidence knocker. I didn't ask for his help, he kinda just called me over and started lecturing me rather loudly. Not that I mind, I could use the advice. I just wish I could've seen him squat before he started correcting me. He looked like Captain Glanton though... scary guy. :(
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