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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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I've been watching this thread a bit, figured I'd finally chime in.
I had a horrific rotator cuff injury ~ 2 years ago, which is finally starting to come around. I figured it's time to start getting back into the weight lifting grind.

I've been lifting on and off since graduating high school (I'm 26 now)
I'm pretty up to date w/ proper nutrition, and eat very healthy( 6-7 meals, complex carbs, protein, healthy fats, et.al )

~12% bf

Break into single digit bf
Maintain BW(more or less)
Improve leg/shoulder strength (my squat strength is pathetic, and shoulder/military press is not far behind)
Want to implement more diversity to my training routine. I very rarely change up my routine, and I know it hinders my muscle gains.

Training Tips/Supplement advice would be appreciated.


It sounds like you're reasonably healthy already, but if you want people to give you tips you should be more specific about what you're already doing.


Current Routine(more or less, my routine for the past 2-3 years) - :


DB Bench Press * 6
Shoulder Press *3
Overhead Tricep Extensions*4
Weighted Dips/Dips *4
Front Raise(or some variation) *3
Lateral Raise(or some variation) *3
Face Pulls *5
Abs *5

Pullup/Weighted Pullups *4
BB Rows *3
Machine Row *3
BB Curl *5
Face Pulls *5

Calf Raises*4
Shoulder Press*4
Front Raise(or some variation) *3
Lateral Raise(or some variation) *3
BB Curls*5
Face Pulls *5
Abs *5

Any advice for routine variations/new exercises would be appreciated.


Slo said:
It sounds like you're reasonably healthy already, but if you want people to give you tips you should be more specific about what you're already doing.

Ya, I'm willing to share any advice I have regarding nutrition/training.

I'll try to help as best I can.
biggkidd32 said:
Hopefully, he comes back. He's a great resource.
Agreed, I was actually gonna respond to him yesterday telling him not to go. He's been such a huge help to me and many other people here. I was just worried about being too sappy to a tough guy, lol. Figures it was Amir0x though. Meh.

In any case, I'll get off that subject. I normally don't talk about my progress too much, but I hit a milestone today especially after these past two shitty weeks it's a nice change.

Anyway, I've been working for 4 months now. I have never once worked out in a gym before, except for once in my high school gym class 8 years ago. All I did was bench press a bar once, and that was it. :lol

So, I peaked at around 270 in my weight from lack of exercise and horrible eating habits. I cleaned up my diet a bit, went back to school, so I had more activity and steadily lost over 20 pounds over a couple of years. Then I decided to take my life even more seriously and get into shape. I started this all at 244 lbs, extremely weak. As of today I weighted 203lbs, meaning I finally topped the 40lbs lost mark. It still boggles my mind.

Not only that but today I also finally saw a strength boost. I complained about it in one of my earlier posts. Today I finally hit a new rep on my bench press with my highest weight. I also fully completed two sets of my pushups instead of the usual one. It felt absolutely great.

Even though I've got a ways to go, my life feels so much different than it did when I started, let alone a few years ago. I think I look nice half the time I see myself in the mirror. Confidence is a lot higher. My general health as been better, haven't been as sick or tired. It's great. I'm glad I finally found my love for working out and getting healthy, it's definitely a part of my life that's here to stay.

Well, let me shut up now. :lol


jacf29 said:
Been about a month and a half. Here's my update:

START: 203 pounds

NOW: 191.5 pounds

It's strange. I am a lot lighter now but I still feel fat, and my stomach keeps changing shapes when I look in the mirror. Some days I look fat, and other days I look thinner.

11.5 lb loss in a month a great progress. The question now is what percentage of that bodyweight loss is muscle, and what percentage is fat.

1) How has your lifting strength held up during the weight loss?
2) What does your diet look like ( Protein/Carb/Fat intake)?
3) In regards to "looking skinner" - it takes time.. Usually a couple months before you see a drastic difference. Keep doing what your doing.

Congrats on the weight loss btw.
Draft said:
Being driven off by Amirox is lame enough, but nuking the OP? Childish.

yes, saying this will surely make him want to come back.

I don't know all the details, but I can definitely understand his anger. He's put a LOT (as have some others) into this thread, and it has become a big deal on this forum. He felt like he was being disrespected, so he took his work and he went home. It's unfortunate, and i hope he comes back but I can feel where he's coming from. This thread is his baby and if the mods or whoever can appreciate/respect that, then he has every right to take it with him.

Incidentally, I did full squats to near failure for the first time today, with surprisingly little weight. What a huge difference full squats make when compared to the ones I used to do...


joeblackisback said:
yes, saying this will surely make him want to come back.
He is ostensibly an adult. You don't coddle an adult who behaves like a petulant child.

The man created one of the best, largest OT threads, a thread which I checked daily. And how he's skittered away because some moron called him a pussy? And he took the proverbial ball home with him? Ridiculous. No way for a man to act. Especially such a huge man.
Draft said:
He is ostensibly an adult. You don't coddle an adult who behaves like a petulant child.

The man created one of the best, largest OT threads, a thread which I checked daily. And how he's skittered away because some moron called him a pussy? And he took the proverbial ball home with him? Ridiculous. No way for a man to act. Especially such a huge man.

fair enough.

Well, with or without Glanton, I hope this thread can continue to thrive. Because its awesome.


I'm totally new to this thread, and I've been getting into shape on my own lately.

I'm pretty close to being in shape, so it hasn't taking me much to get back.

I'm 5'6 and 155 lbs currently. My goal is 145-150 sustained lbs (I'm 26 so its time to make permenant lifestyle changes so I stay healthy).

I don't drink sodas, coffee, caffeine, dairy - pretty much just drink water, and gin and tonics when I get my drink on.

I don't eat any fast food (for at least the past 2 years, just Subway - Tuna or Turkey)

I avoid cheese, and most dairy, but do eat chocolate once a week as I'm a recovering addict. Usually go with dark, dark, dark chocolates when I reward myself.

My day starts with boiled eggs, and bananas, sometimes some oatmeal. Thinking it's time to start adding some carbs into the morning though. Eat alot of deli-meats, grass fed lean beef, chicken, tuna in the pouch. My veggies are usually brocolli, asparagus, green-beans, or tomatoes, but I eat pretty much everything in the veggies group. All of my meals have some protein with them though.

I play the drums (rockband - expert - lol) for about an hour every other day and get myself sweating from that. Then I go for a run that consists of sprinting and walking to keep the heart rate up (usually just a 1.5-2 miles). And come back and do some arms (dumbells at home, and tension ropes), and lots of abs. I'd say I excersise a good hour and half 3 times a week.

I'm not a member of a gym yet, I've never been motivated enough to get myself to one (and I like to work out by myself at home mostly). But I think I want the coaching so I can learn a good routine.

My goal is to have a fit physique. Not trying to bulk up, but slim down and have nice looking abs. Being shorter (5.6) I think I would look funny if I beefed up too much. My upperbody would probably develop pretty easily as I have a v-cut body, so that's something to think about.

I've been really ramping up the diet and exercise lately. Any pointers or advise, anything stands out that I'm doing wrong?

I'm already back to my average waist size (32) and even that is getting pretty loose on me.

I guess things worth mentioning is that I have some minor acne around my jaw-line which I've been trying to clear up with diet (though I'm starting to think its my longish hair), and I have some solid sinus problems and deviated septum (why I avoid dairy). Getting in shape should help my sinuses and acne, so hopefully that starts improving.


Troblin said:
Lethargy may be a result of too few calories.

What do you eat in the average day?

Thanks. My strength has been going up as every other day I have been doing pushups/situps. I eat 2,000 calories a day. I eat fruits, vegetables, meat, and bread etc. Very balanced diet. Maybe what I feel is the weight going away?


Honorary Canadian.
Dirtbag-- do you drink cola? I used to get horrible acne when I drank a TON of cola. I went on accutane and it killed it, but since Accutane has killed people then I suggest cutting out all dark sodas. Stick to sprite or just water.

That's one thing I think will help me a LOT is killing pop. I only drink diet soft drinks now but still, I'm really out of shape and I'm thinking that so much can be improved on just the little stuff I ignore. Too much cola, eating <3 Hrs before bed, no breakfast, etc. I figure if I do that and get into a regular habit of running, even 3 days a week, I should be good and that should be enough to compliment my normal weightlifting and actually get me doing mor ethan just increasing my bench again, but looking/feeling better, too.


whytemyke said:
Dirtbag-- do you drink cola? I used to get horrible acne when I drank a TON of cola. I went on accutane and it killed it, but since Accutane has killed people then I suggest cutting out all dark sodas. Stick to sprite or just water.

That's one thing I think will help me a LOT is killing pop. I only drink diet soft drinks now but still, I'm really out of shape and I'm thinking that so much can be improved on just the little stuff I ignore. Too much cola, eating <3 Hrs before bed, no breakfast, etc. I figure if I do that and get into a regular habit of running, even 3 days a week, I should be good and that should be enough to compliment my normal weightlifting and actually get me doing mor ethan just increasing my bench again, but looking/feeling better, too.

None at all. I haven't had any type of cola for what is going on 2 years now. Even b4 that I rarely drank soft drinks. I can pick out the syrup taste too easily to enjoy a cola.. It just kind of grosses me out.
Dirtbag 504 said:
Then I go for a run that consists of sprinting and walking to keep the heart rate up (usually just a 1.5-2 miles).

Sounds like you're doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). You should look into more details about it online, but it's essentially a short period of time (~30-45 seconds) sprinting, and then an equal amount of time (so, ~30-45 seconds) walking. Do that for a while and you'll really feel it. I do them on stairs rather than sprints, and it's a killer. You probably won't manage 2 miles if you keep the timing consistent though, but it's something you might want to look into further.

I'm not a member of a gym yet, I've never been motivated enough to get myself to one (and I like to work out by myself at home mostly). But I think I want the coaching so I can learn a good routine.

Be careful of trainers. Besides being pricey, they don't always have the best suggestions available, with their ultimate goal being to push you only very slowly so that you keep paying their bills every week. I'd really suggest just listening to the advice given by those in this thread, but to each their own!

My upperbody would probably develop pretty easily as I have a v-cut body, so that's something to think about.

Trust me, you won't just sprout massive arms and a ripped chest over night. Don't be afraid to lift heavy weights out of fear of growing too big. Besides, if you are some freak of nature that did grow incredibly quickly, you can always just cut back on the lifting and your muscles would atrophy back to a smaller size. No harm done!

I've been really ramping up the diet and exercise lately. Any pointers or advise, anything stands out that I'm doing wrong?

No cheese or milk? I'd say you may be running a bit of a calcium deficiency. Could you manage a single cup of milk a day perhaps; also, I don't think I understand why a deviated septum limits your dairy intake, if you could explain it that'd be great for me, I like learning new things nutrition-related. I think it'd do you some good in the long run, though, to add a bit of calcium. Otherwise, your diet seems pretty nice for your goal (to lose a bit of weight and not bulk up massively).

Glanton will be missed, and it's a real bummer he took his OP with him. Think we could get a team effort in here to re-write one, and have a mod edit it in or something? Also, with Glanton gone, it just means we'll need to use our collective knowledge to try and keep things going (with Snrub at the wheel!)


Dirtbag 504 said:
I'm totally new to this thread, and I've been getting into shape on my own lately.

I'm pretty close to being in shape, so it hasn't taking me much to get back.

I'm 5'6 and 155 lbs currently. My goal is 145-150 sustained lbs (I'm 26 so its time to make permenant lifestyle changes so I stay healthy).

I don't drink sodas, coffee, caffeine, dairy - pretty much just drink water, and gin and tonics when I get my drink on.

I don't eat any fast food (for at least the past 2 years, just Subway - Tuna or Turkey)

I avoid cheese, and most dairy, but do eat chocolate once a week as I'm a recovering addict. Usually go with dark, dark, dark chocolates when I reward myself.

My day starts with boiled eggs, and bananas, sometimes some oatmeal. Thinking it's time to start adding some carbs into the morning though. Eat alot of deli-meats, grass fed lean beef, chicken, tuna in the pouch. My veggies are usually brocolli, asparagus, green-beans, or tomatoes, but I eat pretty much everything in the veggies group. All of my meals have some protein with them though.

I play the drums (rockband - expert - lol) for about an hour every other day and get myself sweating from that. Then I go for a run that consists of sprinting and walking to keep the heart rate up (usually just a 1.5-2 miles). And come back and do some arms (dumbells at home, and tension ropes), and lots of abs. I'd say I excersise a good hour and half 3 times a week.

I'm not a member of a gym yet, I've never been motivated enough to get myself to one (and I like to work out by myself at home mostly). But I think I want the coaching so I can learn a good routine.

My goal is to have a fit physique. Not trying to bulk up, but slim down and have nice looking abs. Being shorter (5.6) I think I would look funny if I beefed up too much. My upperbody would probably develop pretty easily as I have a v-cut body, so that's something to think about.

I've been really ramping up the diet and exercise lately. Any pointers or advise, anything stands out that I'm doing wrong?

I'm already back to my average waist size (32) and even that is getting pretty loose on me.

I guess things worth mentioning is that I have some minor acne around my jaw-line which I've been trying to clear up with diet (though I'm starting to think its my longish hair), and I have some solid sinus problems and deviated septum (why I avoid dairy). Getting in shape should help my sinuses and acne, so hopefully that starts improving.
Few things -
First of all, you will not get too bulked up by accident, don't worry about that (dammit this shit was on the OP).
Also, if you're serious about getting in shape, I strongly suggest you consider getting a gym membership.
As to why you're not meeting your goals, well, probably just don't train enough -

If you can list exactly what's your routine (how many intervals, what type of DB exercise etc.) it would be easier to help you.
And playing Rockband does not count.


Soka said:
Glanton will be missed, and it's a real bummer he took his OP with him. Think we could get a team effort in here to re-write one, and have a mod edit it in or something? Also, with Glanton gone, it just means we'll need to use our collective knowledge to try and keep things going (with Snrub at the wheel!)

Being around internet message boards for awhile, I know he'll be back sometime in the very near future. But Chichikov did say he grabbed the OP in full from Google cache, so I guess we can use that in the meantime. It's all good though, there's a lot of intelligent know-how guys in this thread anyways!


Soka said:
No cheese or milk? I'd say you may be running a bit of a calcium deficiency. Could you manage a single cup of milk a day perhaps; also, I don't think I understand why a deviated septum limits your dairy intake, if you could explain it that'd be great for me, I like learning new things nutrition-related. I think it'd do you some good in the long run, though, to add a bit of calcium. Otherwise, your diet seems pretty nice for your goal (to lose a bit of weight and not bulk up massively).

Oh just the dairy promotes excess mucus, which I don't need. I have a hard enough time breathing regulary without the added bonus of extra mucus production. I drink soy-milk. The dairy thing is something new I'm trying.

Having trouble breathing can really impact a normal workout, so its something I closely monitor.


Dudes I need some help. My goal the last year or so has been to lose around 40 pounds, and on two separate occasions I've lost 20 or so, and then I seem to just give up and don't go the rest of the way. I dont know wtf is wrong with me, but about halfway through it I just seem to lose interest or something. What do you guys do to stay motivated about it? Losing the weight for me is generally easy, but I cant seem to stay 100% committed to it.


Junior Member
Can someone tell me the truth about boiled eggs? If I eat something like two/day, including the yolk, will I be doing good or bad to my body? I've heard so many different things that I don't know what to believe now.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Sullen said:
Dudes I need some help. My goal the last year or so has been to lose around 40 pounds, and on two separate occasions I've lost 20 or so, and then I seem to just give up and don't go the rest of the way. I dont know wtf is wrong with me, but about halfway through it I just seem to lose interest or something. What do you guys do to stay motivated about it? Losing the weight for me is generally easy, but I cant seem to stay 100% committed to it.
Personally, I think that it takes courage to size yourself up in the mirror and ask yourself what you can do to get better. It will invariably be painful seeing yourself in perspective. But anybody who was ever successful at anything has had to do that. If there is an instinctive motivation, it's a motivation to change, to never be completely happy with anything in reflection. One can be apathetic about the work. Everybody at some point wonders if it would just be easier to give up. What you can't be apathetic about is that desire to change. It's important to be conscious of the decisions that you make. Don't talk about it as if it's some unexplainable phenomenon that just happened to you one day. Make a real effort so that you want to be healthy, perhaps desperately so, and fight through the moments where you feel like giving up.

I also find that cardio and weight lifting both give me more energy. There are some days where I want to do nothing, but some exercise in the morning is enough to change my entire day. Perhaps they can help with motivation.


We should have a NeoGAF Fatbet.net group.
Check it out at www.fatbet.net

You can chart you weight lost, post messages to others in your 'bet'.

As for me I started at 203 on 5/5 and I am at 196 today. Not a huge lost, but I really haven't been doing much other then removing soda and drinking more water. Doing 2 mile walk/runs with the dog daily and have indoor soccer on Wednesday.

My goal is to hit 175 to 170 by Sept.
Vish said:
So if I am doing 5 rep sets, I am doing heavy weight right?

Yes, it is relatively heavy weight. However, I consider HEAVY to be within 90% of your 1RM. Still, 5 reps is relatively heavy--5 reps is a magic number!

Naked Snake said:
I haven't been to the gym in weeks, I feel terrible about it.

Lame! Why not?

Trident said:
This puts a lot of extra pressure on Mr. Snrub.


jacf29 said:
Been about a month and a half. Here's my update:

START: 203 pounds

NOW: 191.5 pounds

It's strange. I am a lot lighter now but I still feel fat, and my stomach keeps changing shapes when I look in the mirror. Some days I look fat, and other days I look thinner.

It sounds like it's because you're losing weight...but it's not like your body is transforming or anything. You're just losing bodyweight and fat. And the way you look does vary day by day and depends largely on what you just ate, how much water you're carrying, etc.

Troblin said:
Current Routine(more or less, my routine for the past 2-3 years) - :


DB Bench Press * 6
Shoulder Press *3
Overhead Tricep Extensions*4
Weighted Dips/Dips *4
Front Raise(or some variation) *3
Lateral Raise(or some variation) *3
Face Pulls *5
Abs *5

Pullup/Weighted Pullups *4
BB Rows *3
Machine Row *3
BB Curl *5
Face Pulls *5

Calf Raises*4
Shoulder Press*4
Front Raise(or some variation) *3
Lateral Raise(or some variation) *3
BB Curls*5
Face Pulls *5
Abs *5

Any advice for routine variations/new exercises would be appreciated.

How often do you do this? What are your goals?

Regarding all the Glanton controversy...
Well, it sucks. I try to stay out of much of the arguments, especially regarding gaming here. Anyways, basically: Glanton's departure is definitely a loss, but I disagree with his decision to remove the OP. Seems immature, and it's not like a guy like Amir0x would be looking in this thread. So if Glanton is reading this, you oughtta say "Fuck it and Fuck Ami" and come back.

Hopefully he'll come back within a week...otherwise and/or in the meantime, I'll start looking/compiling info for an OP, if we can get a mod to edit it in. Would hate to have to start a new thread or something.


YYZ said:
Can someone tell me the truth about boiled eggs? If I eat something like two/day, including the yolk, will I be doing good or bad to my body? I've heard so many different things that I don't know what to believe now.

Perfectly fine. People think that the higher cholesterol content in egg yolks is bad for the health, but dietary cholesterol has little to no influence on your blood cholesterol. I come from a family of people with cholesterol problems, but despite eating 2-3 whole eggs per day my blood work is perfect.


Mr. Snrub said:
Regarding all the Glanton controversy...
Well, it sucks. I try to stay out of much of the arguments, especially regarding gaming here. Anyways, basically: Glanton's departure is definitely a loss, but I disagree with his decision to remove the OP. Seems immature, and it's not like a guy like Amir0x would be looking in this thread. So if Glanton is reading this, you oughtta say "Fuck it and Fuck Ami" and come back.

Hopefully he'll come back within a week...otherwise and/or in the meantime, I'll start looking/compiling info for an OP, if we can get a mod to edit it in. Would hate to have to start a new thread or something.

I hope he comes back because he was a great contributor and people seemed to accept his advice more readily than that of the rest of us, but if he doesn't then life will go on.

Motivation shouldn't be external.


jacf29 said:
nope i feel tired and like shit.
well, this can mean one of two things or just the both of them together. You arent eating enough and you are overworking. Most likely you are overworking and not eating enough at the same time, this is why I fucking hate the scale. Use a tape measurer instead, scales screw people over, especially if you are trying to sculpt your body. You will gain muscle and it will slow your weight loss down even if you are losing body fat. FUCK THE SCALE.

and my message to Glanton: Taking the fucking ball and going home brings to Amir0xs level, thats just childish.


Comics, serious business!
With Glanton gone... there could be a... power struggle... in this thread.



GET IT????????

beelzebozo said:
do you guys lose your appetite on days you don't exercise?

Yup, but as long as I'm on a schedule, I still eat well.

If I take a week off...fuck. I don't eat nearly enough. Something about being off a schedule just gets to me.


Chichikov said:
Few things -
First of all, you will not get too bulked up by accident, don't worry about that (dammit this shit was on the OP).
Also, if you're serious about getting in shape, I strongly suggest you consider getting a gym membership.
As to why you're not meeting your goals, well, probably just don't train enough -

If you can list exactly what's your routine (how many intervals, what type of DB exercise etc.) it would be easier to help you.
And playing Rockband does not count.

I don't have the technical terminology on alot of the things I do, so please bear with me.

I do 3 sets of dumbell curls (15 each) - standing up straight.

I then start the workouts with the tension ropes (the ones you stand on and pull up and over your head). There are about 3 different excercises I do here, kind of hard to explain them on the net, but I switch up between the 3 and work on this for about 15 minutes.

I do about 10-12 hand-stand push-ups (against the wall) next and at the end of my workouts, very slowly emphasis on muscle control.

I do about 30-40 slow crunches, really focus on the abs.

Then stretch out my legs straight while laying flat on my back - legs slightly spread, and do a crunch with reaching down (hands out-streched) and push forward between my legs - then come back down to rest. Then I crunch up to my left, and then right while in this same position. I just keep alternating between the three spots and do this about 25 times. Usually abs are burning good by this time.

Then I stretch out one leg and keep it above the ground and bend the other (like normal crunch position) and do about 15 more crunches (if I can handle it at this point).. and repeat on the other side same number. I try and rotate up a little bit to work the obliques as much as I can.

Then I just lay straight on my back (rest a minute - enjoy the burning) and eventually lift my legs about 6 inches off the ground and hold it as long as I can, when I can't hold it anymore I push them straight up in the air and rest them there and bring them back down slowly a few times.

By now I'm a big sweaty mess, so I go running.
Sprint - walk - Sprint - walk. I was always told this was a better way to run because your heart rate does half the work. So I do that around my neighborhood.

After that I rest for a few minutes, then do those handstand push-ups again I was talking about, and sometimes if I'm feeling particularly masochistic I do a few more crunches, but usually not.

That's about it.
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