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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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reilo said:
His recovery time in the first week is going to be LONG. Especially when that routine has him doing HIIT. He can lose those 10lbs within 4 weeks, but that first week should be treated as a "get your muscles adjusted to working out and get your form right so you don't hurt yourself" routine.

Edited the routine posted, and added a small paragraph in regards to it. Good catch on both of your parts (Chich and yourself).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Soka said:
Edited the routine posted, and added a small paragraph in regards to it. Good catch on both of your parts (Chich and yourself).



Add in 3x8 (with each arm) DB Curls, 3x8 DB Shrugs, 3x8 (each leg) DB or BB Lunges, and 3x8 (each arm) DB Bent-over Rows and you'll feel pretty fucking awesome by the end of the routine.

Make sure he understands that you do just ONE to TWO of those, and not ALL of them.


reilo said:
Since starting to lift heavy with a barbell routine over 3 weeks ago:

Actually, it's probably more than just hunger, the big compound movements release human growth hormone and testosterone.


salva said:
If you're trying to get stronger and bigger you should be eating, a lot.
If you're hungry you're most likely not eating enough (again, this is obviously a ridiculous over simplification, but you get my drift).

A body is built in the kitchen, not in the gym.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chichikov said:
Actually, it's probably more than just hunger, the big compound movements release human growth hormone and testosterone.

Who knows, but I know I've made much better improvements in a shorter time, at least with my diet.

I've also split it up so that I intake Muscle Milk before working out, and eat a Myoplex Deluxe bar after the work-out.

Taking both before work-out is just too much especially since I workout at night after a big dinner.
Chichikov said:
If you're trying to get stronger and bigger you should be eating, a lot.
If you're hungry you're most likely not eating enough (again, this is obviously a ridiculous over simplification, but you get my drift).

A body is built in the kitchen, not in the gym.

ok then


reilo said:
Who knows, but I know I've made much better improvements in a shorter time, at least with my diet.

I've also split it up so that I intake Muscle Milk before working out, and eat a Myoplex Deluxe bar after the work-out.

Taking both before work-out is just too much especially since I workout at night after a big dinner.
Well, our body is a very complicated machine, regardless, it seems like you find something that works great for you, this is awesome!
Right now I'm heading to the gym for my first session with free weights, and it was Glanton who inspired me into losing the "skinny fat" first a few months ago and also one of the ones who pushed me from machines to this. I hope he comes back. I can understand his reaction, it's a very natural one, but ultimately the ones that are more affected by it are his fellow forumers, so to speak, and not so much the person that pissed him off.

Anyway, have fun, all of you. Be back in a couple of hours.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chichikov said:
Well, our body is a very complicated machine, regardless, it seems like you find something that works great for you, this is awesome!

I hope so. We'll see 6 months from now though. ~3 weeks is too short of a time to chart up any real progress - unless you do this shit for a living like a MMA fighter or something where you work-out 3x a day.

Seeing incremental improvement is the way to go. The way I think about is that I didn't "just" gain .25-.5" around my arms in a month, but that if I keep this up and improve my workouts, I'll be adding 3"+ inside a year. Now, that is a lot and that is a big difference.

It takes time, and I think most people fail to realize that.
J. M. Romeo said:
Right now I'm heading to the gym for my first session with free weights, and it was Glanton who inspired me into losing the "skinny fat" first a few months ago and also one of the ones who pushed me from machines to this. I hope he comes back. I can understand his reaction, it's a very natural one, but ultimately the ones that are more affected by it are his fellow forumers, so to speak, and not so much the person that pissed him off.

Anyway, have fun, all of you. Be back in a couple of hours.




Even though the instructor guided me to start slowly with the free weights and I've only done some alternating curl reps and triceps lying on the bench (don't know the proper name in Engrish) with pussy 6 kilos dumbells on each hand, damn, it hurts. But I guess that's the price you pay when the only free weight that you've ever lifted is a controller with a rumble pack.

I even got one of these funky protein/carb bars after the workout. Hopefully, some results will come in a bunch of weeks.



My progress, i took that first photo a long time ago for inspiration and today is the first time ive compared.. quite shocking.
reilo said:
I can attest to that...

First 6 months of the year weight gain by just eating and "okay" exercise:


Since starting to lift heavy with a barbell routine over 3 weeks ago:


Mwahahaha! It begins...
painey said:

My progress, i took that first photo a long time ago for inspiration and today is the first time ive compared.. quite shocking.

Next step: buy some shirts that fit! :D
Congrats man, huge improvement! That's quite an accomplishment.


nyong said:
Ok, so this might be more advice than anyone is willing to give. I have the summer off at this point and I'm not getting a job or taking classes. In otherwords, I have all day, every day, to devote to exercising. I want to get in the best shape possible in the next 4 weeks.
Four weeks isn't a lot of time. Average non-obese person tends to lose about two pounds of fat max per week (although your scale lbs may fluctuate more than that, due to losing water weight, especially in the first week or so of starting a diet / exercise program). Add to that the fact that untrained individuals rarely see real muscle building gains until about the six week mark of consistent training (there's a reason most diet / exercise programs will advertise results in 6-8 weeks specifically), and you're likely to lose about eight pounds of fat, while improving your existing muscle tone (ie your muscles will appear fuller) and gradually becoming adapted to strength training so you can build muscle mass down the line. If you plan on sticking with consistently exercising for at least a couple of months after this period (if not your whole life), then I'd say start on a gradual, progressive, full-body strength training program focusing on basic compound exercises lasting for an hour about 3x a week, while limiting your caloric intake, etc etc. If you really are just going to go crazy these four weeks and then let everything else go to crap, I'd say ditch the weight lifting and just diet + do intervals 5x a week.


Awesome, thanks Soka (and others).

I'll start my Day 1 weight routine today. Do you think it's overkill to walk for several miles on top of all this? For instance...yesterday I ran 5 miles early in the morning, then walked 4+ later in the afternoon. My legs feel pretty good right now but I'm a little afraid I'll overdo it. I'm trying to walk pretty much everywhere at this point (or bike) and leave my car parked. Doing this, I figure I'll tack on an extra 3-8 miles per day. I'm hoping this isn't overkill.

My diet is pretty decent I think. I had 2 bowls of shredded wheat (2.5 cups total), 1 cup 1% milk, 8oz low sodium v8, can of tuna w/mustard, 3 slices 100% whole wheat bread, and 1 lemon yesterday. I semi blew it at Hancock just now (which sucked...the movie) by endulging in popcorn...maybe 2 cups total.

Today I'm going to make pinto beans w/brown rice, cheddar cheese (not much), avacado, cilantro pesto, and yumm sauce (cafe yumm...if you're from Oregon you'll know...it's not bad for you). I also have carrots, spinach, blueberries, kim-chi, alaskan salmon, chicken, and whole wheat pasta. I'm going to try for about 4oz of meat daily, and throw some dairy in there for extra protein. I'm aiming for 1500 calories daily, which is probably under what I should be getting for the weight routine...we'll see. I'm also working my way into eating a ton of veggies and healthy starches.

Hmm...maybe I pick up some whey protein too? If I'm cutting back on calories I would imagine that I would want most coming from protein sources if I plan on increasing strength?


Couple questions:

1) why is Mr. Snrub banned?

2)what constitutes as a "small meal" when it comes to a weightlifting diet? Like would a banana, protein bar, and a 20 oz glass of water be enough for one of my daily 6 meals?

3) On my cardio days, my routine for running is doing a 5 minute warmup jog, then 90 seconds of all-out running followed by 90 seconds of light jogging and I repeat that sequence for the next half-hour. Is that efficient for a HIIT approach?

Many thanks


I am Wayne Brady.
dabig2 said:
Couple questions:

1) why is Mr. Snrub banned?

2)what constitutes as a "small meal" when it comes to a weightlifting diet? Like would a banana, protein bar, and a 20 oz glass of water be enough for one of my daily 6 meals?

3) On my cardio days, my routine for running is doing a 5 minute warmup jog, then 90 seconds of all-out running followed by 90 seconds of light jogging and I repeat that sequence for the next half-hour. Is that efficient for a HIIT approach?

Many thanks

wow snrub got banned? wtf

also for HIIT from what i've seen you might not be doing enough. I've been told many times that if you can do more shit after 15 minutes of work you should probably push harder. Regardless what you're doing sounds pretty hardass.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

Why is Snrub banned?! Don't tell me it was because of that Chrono post?


dabig2 said:
Couple questions:

1) why is Mr. Snrub banned?

2)what constitutes as a "small meal" when it comes to a weightlifting diet? Like would a banana, protein bar, and a 20 oz glass of water be enough for one of my daily 6 meals?

3) On my cardio days, my routine for running is doing a 5 minute warmup jog, then 90 seconds of all-out running followed by 90 seconds of light jogging and I repeat that sequence for the next half-hour. Is that efficient for a HIIT approach?

Many thanks

It depends on how many total calories you're trying to consume. If you're going for 4000+ per day, that meal isn't really going to cut it. Are you trying to gain weight or lose it? How much do you weigh now?

Also, the protein bar isn't exactly quality food. If you need a lean, portable protein source, go get a bag of jerky.


Jirotrom said:
thats scary... whats your height?

5"11'. Ive got alot of muscle in my arms and calves but apart from that im still fat.. not pudgy but full blown ugly fat that I need to get rid of. I think the oversize shirt in the pic hides it, but it was only worn for comparison.


Congrats on the huge weight loss, but to be frank, you'll look like death if you lose another 35 pounds. I understand you that you still have some chud and you want to get rid of it so you can see your abs, but you need to concentrate on building some musculature so you don't end up looking like Skeletor.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
painey said:
5"11'. Ive got alot of muscle in my arms and calves but apart from that im still fat.. not pudgy but full blown ugly fat that I need to get rid of. I think the oversize shirt in the pic hides it, but it was only worn for comparison.

What you should be concentrating on is replacing that excess fat you got with muscle.

Your goal right now should be to lower your body fat percentage not your overall weight mass, which means, hit the weights.


Soka said:
They're both very taxing on an individual, but as far as muscle groups are concerned, squats is heavy on leg usage, and deadlifts are heavy on back usage with a bit of a lift from the legs. It's not impossible to do both in a single routine, and though it might not be for everyone, with a 4 week deadline, I was thinking of a crash course routine to do as much as possible in that time with a reasonable amount of rest between days of lifting and running.

Would you suggest squats and deadlifts for separate days?

Thanks, I may try to switch to some variation of the HIT program that you posted above.

I’ll also give leg raises a shot. Are we talking hanging leg raises from the pullup bar, or seated ones from the dip station?


Chichikov said:
If you're trying to get stronger and bigger you should be eating, a lot.
If you're hungry you're most likely not eating enough (again, this is obviously a ridiculous over simplification, but you get my drift).

A body is built in the kitchen, not in the gym.

I fully agree with the nutrition aspect of lifting, however, don't overdo the eating.

I’d say a clean bulk of 200-500 calories above maintenance should be sufficient.

Everyone’s maintenance caloric level is different, depending on your metabolism. For a general gauge, mine is ~3100 calories @ 185lbs.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
beelzebozo said:
just got back. 5.5% body fat

Height, weight? That's crazy ass low. How much did it cost, or was it covered by your insurance?


Slo said:
It depends on how many total calories you're trying to consume. If you're going for 4000+ per day, that meal isn't really going to cut it. Are you trying to gain weight or lose it? How much do you weigh now?

Also, the protein bar isn't exactly quality food. If you need a lean, portable protein source, go get a bag of jerky.

5'10" and right now at 158 lbs. I'm pretty lean looking so I'm looking to gain quite a few pounds in muscle (trying to lose a couple inches from the waistline as well). I'm been attempting a 3500-4000 calorie diet. So yeah, I was thinking too that I probably need to add in some other stuff. I'll look into the jerky as well.

Sol.. said:
also for HIIT from what i've seen you might not be doing enough. I've been told many times that if you can do more shit after 15 minutes of work you should probably push harder. Regardless what you're doing sounds pretty hardass.

Yeah, that's what I've heard as well. Though I'm pretty noob at the HIIT approach in general so I've been baby-stepping it for the last month. I've been laying on my ass the past 6 months being lazy, so when I first did the HIIT method I was astonished at how much it was kicking my ass :lol So I've been doing a lower paced HIIT for now since my main goal is muscle bulk anyways.


perryfarrell said:
Shredded is when you have muscle AND low body-fat.

true enough but why else would you want to get your %bf measured

i just assumed he was shredded, because if he's just skinny and posting his %bf then what's the point imo


133 at 5'10", go eat something, lean and mean if you leave the mean part out lol


Jealous Bastard

pretty happy with it. the trainer said i was in great shape. i think from my posting here you guys know i'm not a huge bulky dude--shooting more for that "lean and mean" look, physically speaking--but i'm where i want to be.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
beelzebozo said:

pretty happy with it. the trainer said i was in great shape. i think from my posting here you guys know i'm not a huge bulky dude--shooting more for that "lean and mean" look, physically speaking--but i'm where i want to be.

I don't know, right now I just picture you as skin and bones.
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