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Official Fitness Thread of Whipping Your Butt into Shape

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Jealous Bastard
reilo said:
I don't know, right now I just picture you as skin and bones.

eh, okay. here, to give you an idea of my body type, this is me:



far from skin and bones, i assure you. not a hugely muscular person either, though.


Jealous Bastard
har, har, har. like i said, i'm not looking to get huge. running comes first, lifting a distant second. appreciate the positive feedback there, slo, old buddy old pal.


painey said:

My progress, i took that first photo a long time ago for inspiration and today is the first time ive compared.. quite shocking.

Wow man congratulations! How long of a time frame are we looking at in between photos? I ask because I've recently started working out and I'm in the same weight range as you in terms of starting. I've gotten 15 off rather quickly but the rest is being quite stubborn. It sucks going from seeing results to not seeing them lol.
For those who swim, are you aware of any handy guides on more intermediate swimming techniques? I can dog-paddle, breaststroke, and freestyle all I want, but when I get in a pool with a woman like last night, I get embarrassed. She was swimming 6-8 lap sets without stopping, complete with underwater flip turnarounds. I want to be able to do flip turnarounds.

Loving the swimming, but wish I was more advanced than I am. I also find that when breaststroking, I start swimming sideways. I don't know if goggles would help with this or not. As of now, I'm swimming blind underwater.

Also found the chart last night that explained laps to miles ratio. Apparently every 9 laps is equivelant to running a mile. So awesome.


Sallokin said:
Wow man congratulations! How long of a time frame are we looking at in between photos? I ask because I've recently started working out and I'm in the same weight range as you in terms of starting. I've gotten 15 off rather quickly but the rest is being quite stubborn. It sucks going from seeing results to not seeing them lol.

First pic was 2 years ago, but I only lost 20lbs in my first year.. when I got back from the states after my 21st birthday I went gung ho. I've found it very easy to lose weight eating normal food, but my progression has been a bit slower because often i would balls it up by eating a pizza or eating late at night and wiping out a weeks worth of weight loss and also i tried not to lose too much in a week so i didn't get left with lots of loose skin.


painey said:
5"11'. Ive got alot of muscle in my arms and calves but apart from that im still fat.. not pudgy but full blown ugly fat that I need to get rid of. I think the oversize shirt in the pic hides it, but it was only worn for comparison.
I'm 5'11.5 and I remember being 5'10 and weighing 145, I was really really cut though, only reason I even got to that weight was because I was marching corps, If you are wanting to get that light in a healthy fashion you are going to have to work hard. Honestly at 175, you are at the perfect weight for toning and building some muscle. I don't even think its possible for me to weigh 175 anymore:lol :lol


How the fuck did Mr Snrub get banned? He has no recent posts that are anywhere near controversial.

Him and Glanton leaving at the same time is going to make this thread far less effective(No intended disrespect to other knowledgeable posters like Reilo).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wraith said:
How the fuck did Mr Snrub get banned? He has no recent posts that are anywhere near controversial.

Him and Glanton leaving at the same time is going to make this thread far less effective(No intended disrespect to other knowledgeable posters like Reilo).

I've learned all my stuff from them!

We still got chichikov.

We definitely need both Snrub and Glanton back though, they made this thread what it is [along with chich, of course].

mr stroke

reilo said:
We definitely need both Snrub and Glanton back though, they made this thread what it is [along with chich, of course].

I missed something here? Glanton and Snrub are banned?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
mr stroke said:
I missed something here? Glanton and Snrub are banned?

No, Glanton left because of an argument with Amir0x. Snrub was banned for, what I am assuming, trolling Chrono Cross.


reilo said:
No, Glanton left because of an argument with Amir0x. Snrub was banned for, what I am assuming, trolling Chrono Cross.

I guess you could take Snrub's post in the Chronometer thread that way but it seems kind of far-fetched. I can't imagine that was the issue.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wraith said:
I guess you could take Snrub's post in the Chronometer thread that way but it seems kind of far-fetched. I can't imagine that was the issue.

I don't see anything else that could have gotten him banned.


No worries guys. Hopefully one or both will be back soon, but until then the rest of us just need to step up.
reilo said:
I don't see anything else that could have gotten him banned.

Maybe inappropriate PMs -- many reasons why a mod might ban somebody.

On topic: anyone in here play racket sports? Like tennis or squash. I'm looking to get better at my racket skills and would like to know of some good drills.


And many of them are bullshit. I just got off a one month ban because I was fooled by selective quoting from an article in a thread and I replied without reading the whole thing. A month! I think that mod's ePeen grew at least a millimeter that day. Good for him.
I just bloodied my first shin doing deadlifts tonight! Huzzah!

incidentally, at the gym I noticed a trainer and his, uh, trainee (both big guys) doing major exercises like incline press, bench and barbell shoulder presses. The thing is, they were only taking them down about halfway. Does anybody know what type of benefit this could possibly have for someone?


perryfarrell said:
Maybe inappropriate PMs -- many reasons why a mod might ban somebody.

On topic: anyone in here play racket sports? Like tennis or squash. I'm looking to get better at my racket skills and would like to know of some good drills.
I play racquetball nearly everyday, except for this past week because of my MCAT studies.


I just figured posting pics would be the best way to see if you all think I have a ways to go before I look skinny. I have 2 months, tell me if you think it is possible.




Of course I will continue to workout after 2 months, but I would like to look as skinny as possible when I get to Japan.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Doesn't look like that much weight, to be honest. But it all depends on how hard you train and how careful you are with your diet.

You really have to get into that mindset that you want to go to the gym. You should feel like shit on your off days - literally speaking because you are sore from working out - and mentally because you feel like there is part of your life that is missing and you need it to feel "whole."

Yes, it sounds like a lot of pretentious bullshit, but getting into the right mindset is just part of the battle to achieving the goals you want.


reilo said:
Doesn't look like that much weight, to be honest. But it all depends on how hard you train and how careful you are with your diet.

You really have to get into that mindset that you want to go to the gym. You should feel like shit on your off days - literally speaking because you are sore from working out - and mentally because you feel like there is part of your life that is missing and you need it to feel "whole."

Yes, it sounds like a lot of pretentious bullshit, but getting into the right mindset is just part of the battle to achieving the goals you want.

I'll be working almost every day and have a lot of stuff to do until I make the move to Japan. So I came up with an excellent plan. I make a fruit, vegetable, and snack bag and bring water and green tea with me to work. I also leave wheat bread at work (I work at dominos), and make chicken sandwiches for lunch and dinner (with the chicken they have there, which is actually pretty healthy).

As for exercise, this is where my great idea comes in. I bring my jump rope to work and wear loose work shorts and tennis shoes. In between deliveries I can do intensive jump roping outside. Sure I will be sweaty and all, but I will get my exercising done at work. Couple this with running quick laps outside the store.


joeblackisback said:
I just bloodied my first shin doing deadlifts tonight! Huzzah!
One of us! one of us!

joeblackisback said:
incidentally, at the gym I noticed a trainer and his, uh, trainee (both big guys) doing major exercises like incline press, bench and barbell shoulder presses. The thing is, they were only taking them down about halfway. Does anybody know what type of benefit this could possibly have for someone?
Partial movements can be used to target a specific part of a muscle or tendon.
However, the utility of a partial bench press to a lock is fairly esoteric and advanced, so I'm guessing they are just a couple of fools who want to show off their heavy racking.


Potentially stupid question: Is it a bad idea to start lifting weights when I'm just trying to lose weight? Will it slow my weight loss progress or what? I definitely want to build some muscle, but I'm not sure if I should wait until after I hit my weight loss goal to start or just get started now.
Troblin said:
Thanks, I may try to switch to some variation of the HIT program that you posted above.

I’ll also give leg raises a shot. Are we talking hanging leg raises from the pullup bar, or seated ones from the dip station?

My dip station has two portions, one for dips, the other that sort of has a backing to it, with handles and supports for my forearms; I do leg raises on that. I would do them hanging from the pullup bar, but by the time I get to that point in my routine my arms are shot. Try both. If one seems head over heels more effective, stick with it.

Sullen said:
Potentially stupid question: Is it a bad idea to start lifting weights when I'm just trying to lose weight? Will it slow my weight loss progress or what? I definitely want to build some muscle, but I'm not sure if I should wait until after I hit my weight loss goal to start or just get started now.

The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask! Lifting will increase your metabolism and burn calories, which will help burn off some fat. Of course, as you build muscle (muscle weighs more than fat), your overall body weight may increase. The key here isn't to focus on the number on the scale, but to look in the mirror. You overall weight may increase, but if you're eating properly and lifting, or even doing cardio on top of that, you should be reducing fat weight and increasing muscle.

Summary: Lifting is good for losing fat, especially if your long-term goal includes building muscle anyway.


Soka said:
The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask! Lifting will increase your metabolism and burn calories, which will help burn off some fat. Of course, as you build muscle (muscle weighs more than fat), your overall body weight may increase. The key here isn't to focus on the number on the scale, but to look in the mirror. You overall weight may increase, but if you're eating properly and lifting, or even doing cardio on top of that, you should be reducing fat weight and increasing muscle.

Summary: Lifting is good for losing fat, especially if your long-term goal includes building muscle anyway.

Thanks. I tried weight lifting before, but I always feel 'lost' with it. With cardio, I just go out and run and that is that. With weight lifting, I look at the bench we have and my weights, and I just have no idea where to begin.

edit: To further clarify, I dont have much of an idea of what a solid base of exercises to do with my bench are, and I worry about doing them incorrectly I guess. All I have is a bench, a couple hundred pounds of weights, and a normal bar.


Absolutely start lifting weights right away, even if you're trying to lose fat. You want to keep any muscle you have while trying to lose. It's common for people to focus solely on losing as much weight as possible every week at all costs, only to be disappointed that at the end of it all they still have have belly fat despite only weighing 140 pounds.


Sullen said:
Potentially stupid question: Is it a bad idea to start lifting weights when I'm just trying to lose weight? Will it slow my weight loss progress or what? I definitely want to build some muscle, but I'm not sure if I should wait until after I hit my weight loss goal to start or just get started now.

Weight lifting should be the core of your weight loss routine. Your diet is the most important factor in losing weight, but lean mass is better at fat burning than any type of cardio out there. Of course cardio is helpful as well.
After playing basketball with my family over the weekend I was left winded and realized how pathetic I've become. This morning I went for a 45 minute jog and my chest was killing me after 15 minutes. I've got a lot of work to do for sure but have one question for you guys. I'm working on giving up soda but for the life of me I just cannot drink plain water with meals. I've started using those crystal light packets to put in a glass of water and they're great with like 5 calories. Are they ok or are they going to impede my quest to stop being a fat nerd?


funkmastergeneral said:
After playing basketball with my family over the weekend I was left winded and realized how pathetic I've become. This morning I went for a 45 minute jog and my chest was killing me after 15 minutes. I've got a lot of work to do for sure but have one question for you guys. I'm working on giving up soda but for the life of me I just cannot drink plain water with meals. I've started using those crystal light packets to put in a glass of water and they're great with like 5 calories. Are they ok or are they going to impede my quest to stop being a fat nerd?

They're fine. Diet soda is fine too, just obviously don't drink either as a substitute for water.
aznpxdd said:
Drink juice or tea instead?

I can't drink tea at night because I'm very sensitive to caffeine and I'll be up all night :( And I do like juice it's just pretty expensive compared to these packet things.

Struct09 said:
They're fine. Diet soda is fine too, just obviously don't drink either as a substitute for water.

That's good to know. I was thinking they were too good to be true. Now I just don't know what to do about the 20 Mountain Dew in my fridge


funkmastergeneral said:
That's good to know. I was thinking they were too good to be true. Now I just don't know what to do about the 20 Mountain Dew in my fridge

Crack them open and pour them down the sink. Seriously :)


funkmastergeneral said:
I've started using those crystal light packets to put in a glass of water and they're great with like 5 calories. Are they ok or are they going to impede my quest to stop being a fat nerd?
Couldn't find the ingredients in it on the web, generally speaking though, while ok from a pure caloric perspective, they contain artificial flavoring that can't be good for you. Don't get in the habit of using it as water replacement.

aznpxdd said:
Drink juice or tea instead?
Most fruit juices have a lot of calories, while they are all healthy (the natural ones at least), drinking OJ as a water replacement is not prudent approach to weight loss.

funkmastergeneral said:
I can't drink tea at night because I'm very sensitive to caffeine and I'll be up all night :( And I do like juice it's just pretty expensive compared to these packet things.
Get green tea, there are so many great things about it.


Jealous Bastard
Struct09 said:
Crack them open and pour them down the sink. Seriously :)

or give them away to a homeless person who could actually use the extra calories and sugars, i guess. it'd probably make some dude's day.


I drink a half a gallon of Crystal Light almost daily at work. It's a nice alternative to plain water.

Stay away from juices, except as a treat. They are basically just nature's sugar water.


Tried the leg raises yesterday, rather than the machine crunch.

Pretty brutal. I fatigued more from hip flexor rather than ab exhaustion tho. Doesn’t matter as I’ve been been trying to get my squats up as well. Stronger hips should equate to better squat gains.
funkmastergeneral said:
for the life of me I just cannot drink plain water with meals

This is just plain pathetic. There really is no excuse for being so spoiled & whiny. Everybody can drink water. Take a sip, swallow. For cryin out loud.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Water during anything is the best shit ever.

Got cookie dough stuck in your teeth?


Got chicken stuck in your teeth with marinara sauce and some pasta?


Got a pube stuck from going down on some hairy girl?



"I can't drink tea at night because I'm very sensitive to caffeine and I'll be up all night :( And I do like juice it's just pretty expensive compared to these packet things"

Go with herbal tea. No caffeine and it makes you feel so calm and relaxed. My personal favorites are:




perryfarrell said:
This is just plain pathetic. There really is no excuse for being so spoiled & whiny. Everybody can drink water. Take a sip, swallow. For cryin out loud.

Dude what's with the personal attack? When I eat food I just hate drinking plain water, I like to have something with flavor. Maybe it's because I was just used to drinking milk and kool-aid with meals as a kid but I just can't stand it.


I don't know if it's as much of a personal attack as it is questioning your commitment level. Drinking an unflavored glass of water isn't really that much of an inconvenience is it? You can handle a little bit of sacrifice can't you? :lol

Anyway, check out Crystal Light. It'll give you your Kool-Aid fix. Oh YEAH!


funkmastergeneral said:
Dude what's with the personal attack? When I eat food I just hate drinking plain water, I like to have something with flavor. Maybe it's because I was just used to drinking milk and kool-aid with meals as a kid but I just can't stand it.

I used to feel the same way, but I got used to it. I hardly drink soda now. In fact, I can't stand the stuff anymore (with the exception being root beer)


Jealous Bastard
funkmastergeneral said:
Dude what's with the personal attack? When I eat food I just hate drinking plain water, I like to have something with flavor. Maybe it's because I was just used to drinking milk and kool-aid with meals as a kid but I just can't stand it.

incoming wal-mart product endorsement: they have sugar-free, calorie free flavored drink mixes right by the crystal light that you can mix with your sweetener of choice (i like equal) and it comes out tasting like kool-aid. zero calorie kool-aid? that's pretty sweet. i love the stuff.

but yes, for the most part, water does me just fine.


Question: Does anyone know any good cookbooks/recipe books for those who work out and want to eat high protein diet? I know the basic foods that are good for me to eat, but I want some variety.
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