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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt

danootz said:
And this thing about during the week of August 15th...

"During the week of August 15th, Nintendo will launch a website that will allow customers to enter their Nintendo 3DS serial to check their Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program eligibility Once the website is live, you will receive a message with the link."

Any concern to be had by customers who payed the Target/Walmart 169$?

I paid $250 for mine. Now, I realize that was my choice, and I had/have no issue with it. But the games are for those people. Not people who used a store-created/receipt loophole to try to get both.


slick7rick said:
excuse my skepticism, but what is so difficult in porting warioware: twisted?

- requires work due to different hardware
- would be the first time it's released in Europe, which makes it pretty unlikely ... they would not make such a title a ambassador exclusive


meltingparappa said:
If you're going to submit a fake list to **********, you might as well go all-out on the fakeness and include Earthbound Zero and Mother 3 on there for maximum disappointment potential.

Can you imagine if they actually did this? The only way to get a legit Mother 3 copy is to have bought a 3DS before the deadline. The value of launch window 3DS units would skyrocket.


Junior Member
If Minish Cap and Super Mario Advance 4 do indeed end up on there, it will really increase my chances of getting a 3DS this year. Even if I have to pay for those games upon full release, at least I won't have to pay $35 for each of them.


RedSwirl said:
If Minish Cap and Super Mario Advance 4 do indeed end up on there, it will really increase my chances of getting a 3DS this year. Even if I have to pay for those games upon full release, at least I won't have to pay $35 for each of them.

Although we never say "never", Nintendo currently has no plans to make these 10 Game Boy Advance games available to the general public on Nintendo 3DS in the future.
wsoxfan1214 said:

I paid $250 for mine. Now, I realize that was my choice, and I had/have no issue with it. But the games are for those people. Not people who used a store-created/receipt loophole to try to get both.

Shiggy said:
Although we never say "never", Nintendo currently has no plans to make these 10 Game Boy Advance games available to the general public on Nintendo 3DS in the future.
Keyword = currently.

Nintendo will happily get people to pay for these games in the future.


Shiggy said:
- requires work due to different hardware
- would be the first time it's released in Europe, which makes it pretty unlikely ... they would not make such a title a ambassador exclusive
Again, it wouldn't be the first time we get imports on the Virtual Console.


Javier said:
Again, it wouldn't be the first time we get imports on the Virtual Console.

Yeah, but those games are sold. With these GBA ports Nintendo isn't putting any effort into them. No multiplayer support or anything, but completely changing the game code to make WW Twisted work? No way.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
M3d10n said:
If you downloaded anything, it's very easy to proof you connected before August 11th.
Yeah, you're right. Nintendo will probably fix any issues I have if I email them.


Possibly silly question: on August 11th I connected to the eShop and got a message in the "News" section telling me flat out that I was an ambassador. I log in today and that message is gone, seemingly replaced by a new message titled "3DS Ambassador Update". Should I be worried that the initial message was removed? There's no message in the News section that tells me I'm an ambassador anymore.
Moodkip said:
Possibly silly question: on August 11th I connected to the eShop and got a message in the "News" section telling me flat out that I was an ambassador. I log in today and that message is gone, seemingly replaced by a new message titled "3DS Ambassador Update". Should I be worried that the initial message was removed? There's no message in the News section that tells me I'm an ambassador anymore...

It was removed for everyone so that it wouldn't show up for non-Ambassadors.


To have you guys calm down, I just repost this once again:

How to register from August 12th, 2011

You can still register for the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Programme, but in order to do so you will need to EITHER:

a) Have created a Friend Code and connected to the Internet with your Nintendo 3DS system prior to August 12th


b) Have retained your original receipt or proof of purchase for your Nintendo 3DS system

Even if something did not work out, you are able to show them your original receipt as proof.
Pancakes R Us said:
Keyword = currently.

Nintendo will happily get people to pay for these games in the future.
Absolutely. But if you're not part of the Ambassador program, whether or not a game is on the list shouldn't make any difference. Either way, there's no guarantee they'll come out anytime soon. And whether or not Minish Cap or some other specific Nintendo game is part of the program, there's no telling how soon or late it will be part of the standard VC releases.
Moodkip said:
Possibly silly question: on August 11th I connected to the eShop and got a message in the "News" section telling me flat out that I was an ambassador. I log in today and that message is gone, seemingly replaced by a new message titled "3DS Ambassador Update". Should I be worried that the initial message was removed? There's no message in the News section that tells me I'm an ambassador anymore...
Everyone probably sees the exact same messages, so they'd just remove the "Yep, you're an ambassador!" message once people are getting into the shop who don't qualify. As long as their system has a record of your system showing up sometime, they'll know you're in.


There's a new message in the eShop News section regarding an update in the Ambassador program. Sometime during next week Nintendo will launch a website that will let you check if you're in the Ambassador program by entering the 3DS serial code. There will be another message when the site is live.


Shiggy said:
- requires work due to different hardware
- would be the first time it's released in Europe, which makes it pretty unlikely ... they would not make such a title a ambassador exclusive

Wow really? We got it here even in New Zealand. *Feels special for once*


Javier said:
There's a new message in the eShop News section regarding an update in the Ambassador program. Sometime during next week Nintendo will launch a website that will let you check if you're in the Ambassador program by entering the 3DS serial code. There will be another message when the site is live.
Though reminds me of that rumor (that only one site reported) about Nintendo asking Wal-Mart for the serial numbers they sold earlier. Imagine if that turned out to be true and that's the reason they're issuing a "put your serial number to check" program. XD


preview of things to come, thread will be updated soonish

wsoxfan1214 said:

I paid $250 for mine. Now, I realize that was my choice, and I had/have no issue with it. But the games are for those people. Not people who used a store-created/receipt loophole to try to get both.

They're not affecting what games you get; why should you give a crap?


Peagles said:
Wow really? We got it here even in New Zealand. *Feels special for once*
It was supposed to be released, magazines did reviews and all, but for some reason it was delayed again and again and finally never came out.
DSN2K said:
while working on this Im wondering how much the GBA games will take up the screen....my guess has been...

If it's just running them in DS mode for now, it should be either

GBA in DS frame, unscaled


GBA in DS frame, scaled

Well, the actual image wouldn't need to have that division between dark gray and black, but I thought it would be helpful to see the GBA/DS/3DS split.


I'm curious if the GBA games will register in our menu systems' play logs, since Nintendo claims those games won't be offered in the future for sale.


GeekyDad said:
I'm curious if the GBA games will register in our menu systems' play logs, since Nintendo claims those games won't be offered in the future for sale.
Well, Excite Bike does right? There is no reason why the GBA games shouldn't.

About that list... no way in hell Pokémon will be available. I still think Nintendo will put out Minish Cap, Fire Emblem 7/Advance Wars, Warioland 4 and one game no one will care for.


Sadist said:
Well, Excite Bike does right? There is no reason why the GBA games shouldn't.

Yeah, but that's my point. Excitebike is available to everyone on the eShop. The GBA games will be exclusive to ambassadors.


Sadist said:
Well, Excite Bike does right? There is no reason why the GBA games shouldn't.

About that list... no way in hell Pokémon will be available. I still think Nintendo will put out Minish Cap, Fire Emblem 7/Advance Wars, Warioland 4 and one game no one will care for.

Excitebike is a 3D Classic, though. Who knows how exactly these will work.


So am I the only one who feels really, really suckered by Nintendo? Those smart enough to wait got to have their cake and eat it too - they spent $80 less than me and also got the 20 free games.

I know, perils of early adoption and all that, but this one really stings for some reason. I won't be buying new hardware on release again.
Risible said:
So am I the only one who feels really, really suckered by Nintendo? Those smart enough to wait got to have their cake and eat it too - they spent $80 less than me and also got the 20 free games.

I know, perils of early adoption and all that, but this one really stings for some reason. I won't be buying new hardware on release again.

You obviously felt it was worth $250 when you bought it.
You have no one but yourself to blame here.
Risible said:
So am I the only one who feels really, really suckered by Nintendo? Those smart enough to wait got to have their cake and eat it too - they spent $80 less than me and also got the 20 free games.

I know, perils of early adoption and all that, but this one really stings for some reason. I won't be buying new hardware on release again.

Well, if it helps, you also got 3D Classics: Excitebike and 11 3D trailers which they'll never get to own on their 3DS. Ever. Unless someone hacks it. I'm also sure most of the people that bought one now didn't get a free Ocarina CD unless they bought the game at launch. Plus, if you bought one from amazon, you got some sweet $25 game credit. You also got to own a 3DS one month before the people buying it now. That has to be worth something.

I bought one at launch and I still have no regrets. Just from buying the 3DS and its games at amazon, I've gotten $65 worth of credits too.
Shiggy said:
To have you guys calm down, I just repost this once again:

Even if something did not work out, you are able to show them your original receipt as proof.

Uh those things wouldn't work for me as I live in Norway. Another thing is I have not done any friendcode stuff, only read you had to connect to the E-shop. Internet connection should be enough to register my 3DS I think.
carfo said:
So, to me, their plan was to sell it overpriced, and if for some reason it doesn't sell, there would be room to fall back on and still hit profits. I am sure Nintendo had a contingency plan. I thought consoles weren't really supposed to generate revenue for companies; the real profits are coming from games / accessories. Maybe someone can come here and spit out some statistics about how much profit (or loss) the company gains or loses for each 3DS sold, before + after the price cut. It would be interesting to know that.
Nintendo doesn't work that way. They have never sold a game system for a loss until now, it's one of the reasons they can remain profitable even when their system is selling the worst among their competitors. They just don't believe in the idea of giving away the razor to make money on the razor blades, they view the game system as just as much a source of profits as the games. And it's very obvious this was NOT part of Nintendo's plan at all - their execs took huge pay cuts for failing the company in this, and being forced into such a drastic step.

carfo said:
I don't think that the Ambassador Program is worthy compensation. I think most people would rather have funds placed in their Nintendo account, or some kind of gift card that can be used only for Nintendo products. I think I know WHY Nintendo won't do this, because they'd essentially -lose- the money instead of just routing the purchase compensation to their store which they could give away free items and not lose anything.
Yes, their sales are down, but only relatively. They are still making huge profits.
Of course you would rather be handed a wad of cash for free, duh. But Nintedo isn't a charity, they didn't have to do anything at all. In fact, it's rather unheard of for Nintendo to just give away so many of their best, most popular games, let alone 20 of them. The way Nintendo runs the VC, they wouldn't even *sell* all those games for years, we'd get them at a very slow trickle, with a dozen Alleyways between each Metroid Fusion.

carfo said:
Nintendo's mistake was not releasing it originally at $170. I assume that the reasoning behind their price cut is because the more people who own a 3DS, the more profit they will receive from games and accessories.
The reasoning behind the price cut is to keep the 3DS from flopping. It's an emergency measure they were forced to do, without it they would have had to remove the 3DS from the market entirely to minimize losses like they had to do with the Virtual Boy. The system was selling so poorly that no developers were making games for it - 3DS games were being canceled left and right, big publishers weren't hiring developers to make new 3DS games, etc. Big developers were deciding that even the iPhone's super tiny profits were better than 3DS because so few people owned 3DS's, and that situation would just get worse when Sony's PSVita came on the market for the same $250 (Sony has ALWAYS been about selling their systems for a loss).

carfo said:
They make it even worse by not letting the "late adopters" have access to the games. What's the point of this? To make early adopters feel special? Are most gamers that selfish? I'd rather everyone have access to the game that way the community for that game gets as busy as it can be.
It's because, as I said, Nintendo doesn't work that way with the VC. Their plan for the VC is obviously, keep the games coming weekly to keep interest in it, and release the best games at a slow trickle, both to keep interest in the VC going, and to keep people buying third party VC games and games that might not be quite as awesome as Nintendo's biggest AAA games. The GBA itself probably wouldn't have been seen in the VC for a couple years if not for this. This is a one time dump of Nintendo's best games to the small number of people who paid full price for the 3DS as an apology for the price drop, to minimize bad feelings.

Cru Jones

Electivirus said:
They're not affecting what games you get; why should you give a crap?
Isn't it obvious? Nintendo put this program in place as a reward for those who spent an extra $80. If those who purchased for the $170 price are getting this, Nintendo may as well have not instituted the program in the first place. It now does nothing to reward the early adopters as they still could have waited for the price drop and be in the exact same situation as the $170 crowd. I can't believe this actually has to be spelled out for you.
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