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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt

Fuzzy said:
Who said we're getting all the free games at the same time?
The news update on my 3DS made it sound like that for the NES games.



Drkirby said:
Anyone want to take bets on if Nintendo will actually get all 10 games out on that day?

I'd do it, if I were them. Meting them out slowly would draw attention away from the paid offerings on the eShop more effectively, which is already going to be a problem.


BocoDragon said:

Nintendo doesn't mind AT ALL if someone was enticed to buy a 3DS immediately to get the 20 games PLUS $170 price.
This. I wasn't going to purchase a 3DS for a good while, even $169 seemed a bit too much. But $169 + 20 NES/GBA games, insta-buy for me.


Wait, we aren't gettting the GBA games on Sept 1? The fuck?

I don't wanna wait 'til the end of the year to possibly play Minish Cap... god damn it Nintendo, now you're fucking with me. I'm going to feel like absolute shit if I buy Minish Cap in a week and then you offer it for free.


napkin dispenser
Anth0ny said:
Wait, we aren't gettting the GBA games on Sept 1? The fuck?

I don't wanna wait 'til the end of the year to possibly play Minish Cap... god damn it Nintendo, now you're fucking with me. I'm going to feel like absolute shit if I buy Minish Cap in a week and then you offer it for free.

Just hold off, it's not really that great a game. I'd buy the Oracle games over Minish Cap. (If you have yet to play them)

Anyways, it's really not that long off until we get the GBA games. (Only about 3-4 months out)

Mass Attack, Star Fox, etc. come out soon, so just occupy yourself with them if need be.


Anth0ny said:
Wait, we aren't gettting the GBA games on Sept 1? The fuck?

I don't wanna wait 'til the end of the year to possibly play Minish Cap... god damn it Nintendo, now you're fucking with me. I'm going to feel like absolute shit if I buy Minish Cap in a week and then you offer it for free.
The original press release made it perfectly clear that the GBA games were not coming on September 1st.
Javier said:
We will get 10 NES games starting September 1st.

Keyword bolded.

Actually it's:

"Staring September 1st, Ambassadors will be able to download 10 NES games."

Not the placement of "Starting".
At the beginning of a sentence implies that we will be able to download them on and after that date.


isny said:
Just hold off, it's not really that great a game. I'd buy the Oracle games over Minish Cap. (If you have yet to play them)

Anyways, it's really not that long off until we get the GBA games. (Only about 3-4 months out)

Mass Attack, Star Fox, etc. come out soon, so just occupy yourself with them if need be.

I have them. I own every Zelda game except Minish Cap. And I'd like to finish them all before Skyward Sword is released. Please don't fuck me nintendo ; _ ;



Anth0ny said:
Wait, we aren't gettting the GBA games on Sept 1? The fuck?

I don't wanna wait 'til the end of the year to possibly play Minish Cap... god damn it Nintendo, now you're fucking with me. I'm going to feel like absolute shit if I buy Minish Cap in a week and then you offer it for free.

This isn't exactly new news. Where have you been for the last couple of weeks?


AceBandage said:
Actually it's:

"Staring September 1st, Ambassadors will be able to download 10 NES games."

Not the placement of "Starting".
At the beginning of a sentence implies that we will be able to download them on and after that date.
Well, yeah, that's what I meant. I don't believe we'll get them all at once.

I'm calling 2 games a week during September.


tmc is half bad-oracles blandness and half best 2d zelda ever greatness.

so overall, i'd say it's pretty good. and it's also kinda required playing if you want to get used to the director's directoring (for skyward sword)


AniHawk said:
tmc is half bad-oracles blandness and half best 2d zelda ever greatness.

so overall, i'd say it's pretty good. and it's also kinda required playing if you want to get used to the director's directoring.
Kinstones for everybody!
I got to return my 3DS because the Home button stopped working in like 3 days since I've owned it.

Am I now screwed over the free games when I get an exchanged?


HomerSimpson-Man said:
I got to return my 3DS because the Home button stopped working in like 3 days since I've owned it.

Am I now screwed over the free games when I get an exchanged?
Better contact Nintendo just in case and/or even send it to them for repair.

Unless you returned it already?

I didn't return it yet, only had it for 5 days. Thought it was just a fluke when it started happening 3 days after I bought it, but Home button still not working.
HomerSimpson-Man said:

I didn't return it yet, only had it for 5 days. Thought it was just a fluke when it started happening 3 days after I bought it, but Home button still not working.
Dude send it to Nintendo. They'll fix it.


HomerSimpson-Man said:

I didn't return it yet, only had it for 5 days. Thought it was just a fluke when it started happening 3 days after I bought it, but Home button still not working.
Just send it to Nintendo. They'll probably repair it for free.


ViperVisor said:
The news update on my 3DS made it sound like that for the NES games.

Damn, I have no ambassador news on my 3ds and I'm guessing its cause I didn't download the new update before 8/11. I thought all you had to do was go on to the eshop before 8/11.

I no doubt Nintendo will repair it but, yeesh, only 5 days and I got to send it off to Nintendo already, but 20 games is lot to lose if I don't. Will, I guess I'll enjoy Zelda a little more first.


rac said:
Damn, I have no ambassador news on my 3ds and I'm guessing its cause I didn't download the new update before 8/11. I thought all you had to do was go on to the eshop before 8/11.
It's been gone after 12th.

If you launched the shop you're golden.
HomerSimpson-Man said:

I no doubt Nintendo will repair it but, yeesh, only 5 days and I got to send it off to Nintendo already, but 20 games is lot to lose if I don't. Will, I guess I'll enjoy Zelda a little more first.

Didn't they say that you can transfer the games over to another 3DS?
AceBandage said:
You will be able to eventually, but you need both 3DS units.

True, I couldn't remember if it was mentioned when the ability to transfer was going to be come available. I was just thinking he could try and take the 3DS to the store and show them that it was messed up, while some how convincing the employees to let him transfer the games first before swapping for a new one.


GeekyDad said:
This isn't exactly new news. Where have you been for the last couple of weeks?

for some reason I was under the impression that we were getting 20 free games on September 1st. Guess not.

Fuck it I'm buying Minish Cap next week. And Mother 3. They better not give us Mother 3 for free.
Anth0ny said:
for some reason I was under the impression that we were getting 20 free games on September 1st. Guess not.

Fuck it I'm buying Minish Cap next week. And Mother 3. They better not give us Mother 3 for free.

They won't even give us the chance to PAY for it...


napkin dispenser
Boney said:
MC is third best Zelda.

Jaded Alyx said:
From the bottom up maybe.

Anth0ny said:
for some reason I was under the impression that we were getting 20 free games on September 1st. Guess not.

Fuck it I'm buying Minish Cap next week. And Mother 3. They better not give us Mother 3 for free.

You're probably going to be disappointed with MC.(Especially if we end up getting it for free) Minish Cap is just an OK game. Nowhere near the top three. LTTP/LA/OOT/GBC games -> Minish Cap.


isny said:
You're probably going to be disappointed with MC.(Especially if we end up getting it for free) Minish Cap is just an OK game. Nowhere near the top three. LTTP/LA/OOT/GBC games -> Minish Cap.


it is important


napkin dispenser
Gravijah said:

it is important

I'd say both of those games are better than Minish Cap. I'd probably put MC before the two Zelda NES games, but all of the GB/N64/Wii games -> MC.


napkin dispenser
MooMoo said:
The important thing here is that Minish Cap>Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

True, forgot about those. They were kind of terribad. I'd put the NES games before those two and MC before them all.
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