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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic

Wasn't it coming up with something like "Invalid Playlist" or something? And then a couple non-clan people jumped on and then to be honest we could have been doing better in those Big Team matches then we were.


I really don't even try in those BTB games,Im usually laggin so I don't exert to much energy :p

I just had the absolute worst game ever though,went through an entire TS match getting only one kill.I swear everytime I turned around I either got sniped or found the dude with a Ghost or rocket.Then my nerdy ass teammates kept being dicks telling me good job and shit,God forbid someone have a shitty game.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
seriously, I find the best online experience with halo to be 4 on 4. Big team is always somebody lagging, in those custom games yesterday, there were 2 or 3 guys with teleporting abilities....


Ack glitchers! ><

On Coagulation, there was a guy who could ride the Banshee from the "garage" to where the flag is. He went in, grabbed the flag and jumped out of the top. o_O
Same map and same game, someone on their team was sniping through the building. I dunno how they're done and it's the only time I've ever experienced those, but it was annoying as hell to get sniped while surrounded by walls.


Rorschach said:
Ack glitchers! ><

On Coagulation, there was a guy who could ride the Banshee from the "garage" to where the flag is. He went in, grabbed the flag and jumped out of the top. o_O
Same map and same game, someone on their team was sniping through the building. I dunno how they're done and it's the only time I've ever experienced those, but it was annoying as hell to get sniped while surrounded by walls.
Wow, that sounds pretty bad. Reminds me of the Half-Life 2 DM glitch.
Who is the GAF clan leader?

I'd like to arrange a challenge from my clan to yours. We are called "New Nemesis". A fairly new clan with only 10 members, but pretty devoted players for the most part. We would love to do a 4 on 4 game with you sometime. My gamertag is Uno Ill Nino, so send me a friend request and we will meet up for it sometime. We all usually play late at night though. Most of us hop on around 10 PM Central time. If you've got a crew that plays around those hours, come and find us.

We're also recruiting if anyone is looking for a new clan. We play 3-4 nights a week and are all getting better each time. We really try to learn from our losses and pickup new strategies from the other teams. I'd say Friday and Saturday nights are our weakest nights for having people online, but the rest of the time we're pretty good.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
If my timezone allows it, I'll be happy to play you, I'll add you anyway and see if it works out.


I hate people online,how the fuck are you gonna brag about beating someone in TS when you have them outnumbered?Then they call me a faggot and laugh about how a level 7 had more kills than a level 8 (me),I said good job I guess,then all I get is a sling of faggot lines.These little nerdy motherfuckers wouldn't even begin to say that shit in real life,ugh.


You like me, you really really like me!
Ramirez said:
I hate people online,how the fuck are you gonna brag about beating someone in TS when you have them outnumbered?Then they call me a faggot and laugh about how a level 7 had more kills than a level 8 (me),I said good job I guess,then all I get is a sling of faggot lines.These little nerdy motherfuckers wouldn't even begin to say that shit in real life,ugh.

:lol :lol


Yea,and it was such a huge number difference too!His 17 to my 15,not to mention they had the sword all game (Midship),I just hate online people.


Ramirez said:
Yea,and it was such a huge number difference too!His 17 to my 15,not to mention they had the sword all game (Midship),I just hate online people.
I hate when people talk a ton of shit with the voice masking on. You can tell they're little pissant 12 year olds because when they try to curse it sounds so forced.
Ha! I have got a story that will make all you guys smile. Gather 'round and listen up:

Its Minor Clan Nuetral Bomb on Beaver Creek. Each team has all four members. My team is a bunch of guys in their early to mid twenties and their team has got to all be around 16 or so. We are level 6, they are level 9.

The game begins. Somehow, we just don't have our shit together AT ALL. The opposing team grabs the bomb, the overshield, and just walks right in and plants that thing in our base. Much bragging ensues. I got called a bitch, faggot, and punk as two of them were basically gangraping me (I'm the last guy alive in our base cuz two other guys were outside and the remaining one died inside just before me). They then proceeded to talk serious shit. My favorite lines were:

"Oh they got OWNED!"

"They didn't just get owned, they got P'ZOWNIOED"

"What some bitches! This will be easy!"

Oh man did that piss us off. From that point on, we dominated those fuckers. We had the rockets, the overshield was always in our posession, and our assault team had fulyl charged plasma pistols to take down shields. I ran the bomb into their base for the first time and when I planted it, I said,

"Oh no! Who got P'zonioed now, junior?"

That really pissed one of them off. He started in with,

"I didn't get fucking P'zonioed, YOU GOT P'ZONIOED! We are the ones who do the P'zowning, faggot!"

So we responded by running the bomb into their base again. This time though, one of my guys killed their last guy right on top of the bomb drop point. So while holding the bomb, I squatted over his corpse and said,

"Oh yeah! Planting the bomb with my nuts on your tonsils!"

They just got real pissed and played poorly from then on out. We easily got the final bomb plant. They took off before we even got back to the lobby.

:) Feel better?


Uno, your story reminds me of a Major Clan match the GAF had. It was one flag CTF on headlong, and we were playing a clan that was ranked six in major clan match. IIRC, GAF is ranked nine. Well, I decided to check the other teams stats, and each of them was a level 18, so they obviously had some time invested in the game. Well, first round they grabbed the flag and planted it. Second round, we failed to plant it. Third round, they failed to plant it. Last round, we grab the flag and run it home, and proceed to win. It returns us to the lobby, and the other team was going crazy. They were screaming at how much we suck, and the fact that we were only like level 11's while they were level 18's. The funny thing was that we beat them. They were so freaking humiliated. It was absolutely awesome. I can't remember who played in that game though.


Ironclad_Ninja said:
Uno, your story reminds me of a Major Clan match the GAF had. It was one flag CTF on headlong, and we were playing a clan that was ranked six in major clan match. IIRC, GAF is ranked nine. Well, I decided to check the other teams stats, and each of them was a level 18, so they obviously had some time invested in the game. Well, first round they grabbed the flag and planted it. Second round, we failed to plant it. Third round, they failed to plant it. Last round, we grab the flag and run it home, and proceed to win. It returns us to the lobby, and the other team was going crazy. They were screaming at how much we suck, and the fact that we were only like level 11's while they were level 18's. The funny thing was that we beat them. They were so freaking humiliated. It was absolutely awesome. I can't remember who played in that game though.

:lol :lol I can't believe they really were level 18's. You could tell they were shocked it took them around 30 seconds to score in the first round


Cubsfan23 said:
:lol :lol I can't believe they really were level 18's. You could tell they were shocked it took them around 30 seconds to score in the first round
Were you in that game? What your tag cubsfan?


:lol I was in that one too. Everyone was talking trash after the win (on both sides). Someone kept repeating "LOOK WHO'S ON TOP WE WON WE'RE 1 AND YOU'RE 2 WE WON" after they kept saying how easy it was for them to score and how much we sucked. After a while you couldn't really understand what anyone was saying except one person that kept shouting out "WWW.GAMING-AGE.COM!"

Good times.
Rough night for New Nemesis tonight. We just can't get it together for Major Clan matches somehow. We get organized now and then, but our win ratio is only like 50%. Had some rough losses but one of them was because we were lagging out really bad. I'd hit the grenade trigger and watch as nothing happened for a second or two. Enemies were teleporting all over the place and it was a mess. Plus we were outnumbered.

Our minor clan rules though. We have won over half of our minor clan stuff, I think. Especially Team Slayer. Most of the time we can really rock the TS. We seriously need more numbers though. Its hard to get a full 8 people on. How many does the GAF clan get on a random night? We always wanted to have a bunch of really avid players so we could have one major clan team, and a couple of minor clan teams all going on at the same time. I wonder if any clans have that luxury?

Seriously though, if any of you are looking for a decent clan that wants to be on a lot, hook up with us. I even have thoughts of merging with gaming-age if I can find that there's a decent number of you that play each night. :p

*edit* D'oh! Stupid bungie.net makes it look like people are in your clan when you send them clan invites. :( Still at only 11 members.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
"We are the ones who do the P'zowning, faggot!"

I'm going to try to work that into a real life conversation tonight.


Cubsfan23 said:
damn you're as lazy as me! It's on the first page

*hangs head in shame* I really am lazy. Sorry I missed that. It was a great match though wasn't it. I forget though, who made the cap on that one.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna be on in 2 hours 20 minutes. Anyone up for some of the running and the jumping and the flag waving?

Also, Had the single best defensive round of my entire halo 2 career last night on zanzibar, they pretty much nicked the flag within the first minute and got it approximately 3 feet from the capture point, but then me, Sembe and Usoalii (all from the clan, but not a clan game) then took the beach and beat the shit out of them until the flag returned :). I emptied an entire sniper rifle and right as the flag returned was when my battle rifle also ran out of bullets, literally my last bullet killed a guy. Sembe sat on the turret and absolutely ruined their shit.

Half of our offense was spent saying "Shit, how about that defense" good stuff.

Also, awesome defensive strategy on burial mounds, if you can snag the warthog off the offensive team, get a guy on the gun and grab the ghost + sniper when the bomb is about to reset and head to their base. We absolutely screwed a team over doing this 2 rounds straight, their first offense failed and then they spent the rest of the time at their base getting shot in the face. A couple of us racked up running riot badges by being on the gun on the warthog.


Also, Had the single best defensive round of my entire halo 2 career last night on zanzibar, they pretty much nicked the flag within the first minute and got it approximately 3 feet from the capture point, but then me, Sembe and Usoalii (all from the clan, but not a clan game) then took the beach and beat the shit out of them until the flag returned . I emptied an entire sniper rifle and right as the flag returned was when my battle rifle also ran out of bullets, literally my last bullet killed a guy. Sembe sat on the turret and absolutely ruined their shit.

That was indeed really focking cool!!! We went on a pretty good streak there again eh, catfish?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
cochese said:
That was indeed really focking cool!!! We went on a pretty good streak there again eh, catfish?

not bad. last night wasn't so flash, but bing bong was my friend who never plays borrowing our houses dummy sort of spare account. Last time I go hit any kind of ranked doing that I think. Esp team slayer. You guys play long after I left?

Oh, and I just checked bungie.net, next set of games for team skirmish, we have to do well outright or it's bye bye level 12 for both of us :lol Definately gotta hit the training ground for a couple of rounds first with a decent team this time. I must see what level 13 looks like! If stupid flag on lockout didn't keep robbing me.....


You guys play long after I left?

kinda...i took the team to join up with Op1vy and some dudes from OA. But after 2 matches usualii and apex left. I stood around for afew more matches then everyone left except me and Op1vy. Our last game...we destroyed this other team in team slayer. They were at -1 for a while, but they winded up with around 10 kills or so. Very cool.

We should start in some training grounds next time.


Tag of Excellence
Hah this is the first time I've ever had GA members join my party. Just a random game of discovering bugs and screwing around with a good friend of mine. The second thing I hear (out of realization that it's a member of the GA clan) out of one of them is whining about spawn camping. Sadly I'm not suprised.
Ok so are you guys ever going to play against New Nemesis here or what? I want to hand Mike Works his ass and teabag him. We mostly play at night, but I will try to arrange for something earlier if we have to. Still, we've only got like 10 guys and your clan has what, 100? I'd think you'd have a few guys in that bunch that could come out and play at any given time.


Uno Ill Nino said:
Ok so are you guys ever going to play against New Nemesis here or what? I want to hand Mike Works his ass and teabag him. We mostly play at night, but I will try to arrange for something earlier if we have to. Still, we've only got like 10 guys and your clan has what, 100? I'd think you'd have a few guys in that bunch that could come out and play at any given time.

out of the 99 we have I would say half dont play on a regular basis at all and those of us that do play regularly are never on at the same time on any given night. its been real sporadic for me anyway. Ive gone a couple days at a time without loggin in and when I have played its just been with whoever we could manage to srape up. our clan is pretty unorganized :lol
Well you must be doin something right. You guys are 10 minor and 9 major. My clan is 9 minor and only 5 major, but that's because we are a small clan and its hard to get 8 people on sometimes. Besides, we clearly don't have our game together for major stuff yet. We are still hasing that out.

But alright then, why don't you guys add me to your friends lists and we'll just try to go from there? My gamertag is the same as my handle here.


Yea,I have no problem with playin you guys,I'm one of the more active people since this is basically the only game I play these days :p

GT: DaAnswer3


Someone needs to send Bungie an email or something telling them to fix 1 Flag CTF on Zanzibar,dudes on my team just now like got it on the stairs or something then they could grab it from outside,its whack.
Ramirez said:
Someone needs to send Bungie an email or something telling them to fix 1 Flag CTF on Zanzibar,dudes on my team just now like got it on the stairs or something then they could grab it from outside,its whack.

Heh. That happened against a couple of us the other day... I was watching them do it from the outside. The one guy could not for the life of him get it through the wall. He sat there jumping against the wall for like 30 seconds before I finally went up and killed him. "If you are going to glitch at least do it right". Another guy then ran up and pulled it through right away. Later in that game they tried the same trick again, but they dropped the flag too far away from the wall for it to work. So I'm sitting there watching a couple of them jumping at the wall trying to get it through, and start talking to them, "You guys dropped it too far back, you'll have to go in for it"

Then after the game the other team was like "That guy was saying we were taking the flag through the wall" well I saw them do it so yeah I was telling my team to watch out for it.


Bah no one even tries to get the flag the old fashioned way anymore. Hopefully there will be a coagulation and zanzibar fix soon.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
KiNeSiS said:
Gamertag- KinesisKoncrite

You are sooooo fucking in the clan.
Donkey69 will send you a friend request, thats me with a clan invite. I'm gonna do that right now.

EDIT: Sent.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Hey clan staffers/overlord, what say we start erasing people?

I barely see half the clan members, and if they never play, that's probably not great for clan ranking anyway. what say we give some players that are ranked 7 or below on the clan page a week to register interest in this thread and then boot them.
catfish said:
Hey clan staffers/overlord, what say we start erasing people?

I barely see half the clan members, and if they never play, that's probably not great for clan ranking anyway. what say we give some players that are ranked 7 or below on the clan page a week to register interest in this thread and then boot them.

I agree with clearing out members who aren't playing regularly and replacing them with people who are. That seems to be working fairly well so far. I'm not comfortable with kicking people out based on ability. The clan playlist rankings are only based on the clan playlist games, not on a member's individual rankings, so it doesn't harm the clan ranking to have non-hardcore players in the clan. I just ask that you have a competent party together before you go off playing clan matches. Team Skirmish/Big Team Battle are decent ways to find this out.


Not sure how much support this idea will get but anyway:

My suggestion would be to create another GA clan. (Neo-GAF) have our best 20(initially) people join up, while the current Clan stays stays for the people just looking for games. and Neo-GAF will add more players as time goes on from the pool of players we have from that group but they will have to prove that they are actually good.
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