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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


I dont mind the sniper rifles as much as I do the plasma/BR combo. when youre sniping youre mostly stationary and an easy target for ambush especially if youre zoomed in to someone. one game I was in the other night was nothing but plasma/BR combo for almost their whole team except the guy with the sword. I havent resorted to that particular combo in a game yet but I might have to in order to keep up with teams that do.

I dont mind spawning with the SMG too much. it combos pretty evenly with just about any other weapon. I would hate for the other team to be spawning with BRs more than I would like to be if you know what I mean.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
the battle rifle is usually the first weapon I look for apart from the overpowered ones, but spawning with it might be more annoying than not, I mean spawning in near somebody with a battle rifle could be pretty annoying you would start getting nailed from half way across the map nearly instantly.

I'd like to try it, not sure how it would work though.


Wanna see how many times you have died since Nov 9, how about your kills, head shots and killing sprees, stickies. etc.

check this site out. just enter your gamertage in that tab and wait about 24 hours for your stats to be up.



Battle Rifle/Plasma Pistol is the biggest n00b combo in the game.I always laugh when I see the higher levels because I KNOW thats what they do...and I'm always right.There is absolutely no way to defend against it,I've crouched behind walls and shit and the plasma still curves its way around and gets me,terrible.The Plasma Pistol shouldn't track anyone unless they are like right in front of you,havin it track from half way across the map is garbage.

And that sounds sweet Nutter,can't wait to find out my stats :D


at the very least the plasma pistol should only lock on if you can get a red reticule. when using the plasma/magnum combo Ive been able to get a charge to lock on to people a good distance away.


You like me, you really really like me!
iD0pRimE said:
Wanna see how many times you have died since Nov 9, how about your kills, head shots and killing sprees, stickies. etc.

check this site out. just enter your gamertage in that tab and wait about 24 hours for your stats to be up.


Wow. This is what Official Halo 2 stats SHOULD be like on Bungie.net

thanks for the site

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
that is a sweet site! is that guy just importing the data straight from bungie.nets website?

Against common sense I played last night with no friends on, further destroyed my rank in team slayer, won 2 lost 3. You know what's worse than a quitter? Some dude that just walks away from the controller to take a shit/cook dinner whatever leaving his body there to milk kills off.

Played one round of Team skirmish and got matched with level 11,12 and 13 on my team. Having a level 16 and above gets you treated like royalty! "Hey 16 guy you want the rockets? You want the sniper?" I didn't have the heart to tell them I suck balls with the sniper :lol.

Also lowered my sensitivity to 5, better with the sniper now.

Also, a really sweet strategy guaranteed to piss off the opponents is for 3 people to rush zanzibar and bring the flag out the right side (when facing the base from outside) low door. If the last person is standing near the camo, he can pretty much snipe whoever is chasing to make for a reasonably quick score, worked perfectly for me last night. If they can get over and through the fan and then up to the sea wall it's pretty easy to get away.


catfish said:
that is a sweet site! is that guy just importing the data straight from bungie.nets website?
Yup, Straight from Bungie. Although it doesnt track Custom games.

edit:: one slight thing you should keep in mind while checking out your stats when posted.

The stats will be obviously be lower then what they should be because it counts games which STILL have full stats in bungie's database (have not been purged). But from here on out your stats will be all accounted for in those that they put up.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
i hope mine get posted soon, i have it bookmarked and i check every couple hours... hopefully it's up tomorrow before i go to the halo 2 lan party (not sure if anyone likes me there, last time i went, i had no less than a 6:1 kill to death ratio every game :lol )


DopeyFish said:
i hope mine get posted soon, i have it bookmarked and i check every couple hours... hopefully it's up tomorrow before i go to the halo 2 lan party (not sure if anyone likes me there, last time i went, i had no less than a 6:1 kill to death ratio every game :lol )
So you wont be on Live tomorrow?

We gotta play some more Skirmish, me you and ramirez were kicking butt yesterday.
And i want lvl 16. :/


Not bitter, just unsweetened
iD0pRimE said:
So you wont be on Live tomorrow?

We gotta play some more Skirmish, me you and ramirez were kicking butt yesterday.
And i want lvl 16. :/

i might be on later on at night... it starts at 3, last time i think i left around 10~11 EST or so and it started at about 5 (though, they might have cut it off so short because a... too many people were watching other people play half-life 2 and b... i was absolutely crushing them)

It got so bad last time i sat out a game, and 1 team was winning 32-5 or something and one dude on the losing team said "Heck! Even DopeyFish (yes, they were using my nickname) can't even come back from this landslide!"

So I demanded the controller.

I still lost... albeit only 50-49 :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member

I get home at 3am from the pub to play a little late night drunk halo and xbox live says I am suspended till the 30th of jan? that's a one day ban. No reason no fucking nothing..... this is bullshit, I've never cheated, never nothing and there is no fucking explanation. FUCK THIS.


catfish said:

I get home at 3am from the pub to play a little late night drunk halo and xbox live says I am suspended till the 30th of jan? that's a one day ban. No reason no fucking nothing..... this is bullshit, I've never cheated, never nothing and there is no fucking explanation. FUCK THIS.

:lol :lol Could be the swearing ban ;)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
when you're banned for cursing, your headset is banned and that's it.

They're investigating my ban as we speak

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
those punk bitches.

You were bandwidth throttling weren't you Dopeyfish. Oh you bad man.

I'm calling them now, The best guess I have now is that when my flatmates in my house use bittorrent and start seeding things it ruins my connection, which is usually fast as fuck. Would this look like standby cheating?


I'll post my results. this sucks because thats the ban before the credit card ban :(

EDIT: AHA It turns out I am apparently an Xbox live asshole who copped a ban, along with 10000 other people, for having negative feedback.

I'm willing to bet my left nut that dopeys dirty mouth got us banned :lol. It's not cheating though. So that's a good thing. great, now I have to use my flatmates account for 2 days. if anybody wants to play with me my temp GT is Bing Bong2


rollin' in the gutter
catfish said:
I'd invite you dude, but apparently 2 of the staff of this clan are banned from live because one of the staff has a dirty dirty mouth. NOT LOOKING AT DOPEYFISH IN PARTICULAAAR!

:lol holy shit, can't believe that happened.

I better not get banned for cursing out those goddamn lag cheaters.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
catfish said:
I'd invite you dude, but apparently 2 of the staff of this clan are banned from live because one of the staff has a dirty dirty mouth. NOT LOOKING AT DOPEYFISH IN PARTICULAAAR!

#$%#$% #$#%#$%#$ #$%#$%$#%#$ #$%$# CAN YOU #%$#%#$ #$%#$%#$% #$%#$% #$%# $%# #@#$#$&... right?


It pisses me off, that bungie is banning people because of "Dirty Mouth";
Yet i havent seen many bannings when it comes to those Fucking cheaters.

Me, Iron, Duderon, Rameriz got cheated on Coag. and one of the guys even had an icon that isnt in the Bungie database yet. WTF?


yeah thats pretty lame, havent logged on in a few days b/c my bro took my damn router (which is even more lame) but i cuss out cheaters every chance i get ... :lol


iD0pRimE said:
It pisses me off, that bungie is banning people because of "Dirty Mouth";
Yet i havent seen many bannings when it comes to those Fucking cheaters.

Me, Iron, Duderon, Rameriz got cheated on Coag. and one of the guys even had an icon that isnt in the Bungie database yet. WTF?
Yeah, that was absolute garbage. Just like always, I felt like chucking my controller out the window but managed to refrain myself. I shot off an e-mail to the xbox live support team regarding this guy and his odd icon and hopefully they will do something about it, but I am highly skeptical.

On a lighter note, I hit 16 in slayer, but I am about to lose it so that means no slayer unless I can get a full party of gaffers.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
iD0pRimE said:
It pisses me off, that bungie is banning people because of "Dirty Mouth";
Yet i havent seen many bannings when it comes to those Fucking cheaters.

Me, Iron, Duderon, Rameriz got cheated on Coag. and one of the guys even had an icon that isnt in the Bungie database yet. WTF?

I think it's just creative thinking that you see those icons.

I've seen one that looks like a puppy... an angry face.. etc

but yeah, cheaters suck. Getting banned for cussing out cheaters while they roam free... sucks even more.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Initially when I called the lady told me that our clan had been cheating and we were all banned. I told her that wasn't true and then she came back and told me that it was just negative feedback. I say "Ok, which kind of negative feedback" Apparently that's fucking classified or some shit. what a whore.

Also I found another glitch. booo. At least the guy on our team was doing it. On foundation neutral bomb assault if you go up the air vent with the bomb, you can throw it onto the roof and can't pick it up again. Just like midship.

EDIT: Apparently 10000 people were banned in mine and dopeys banning. Isn't that about 10 % of the userbase for Halo? :lol

Also, from the cheating faq, if you report glitchers as cheaters, they will get looked at and the possibility of a Ban is there. Basically don't glitch or you could cop a 2 day ban, especially if you swear a lot (note, I don't glitch in games)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Damnit I haven't seen you guys on in ages. I'll be on in about 7 hours from now if anyone wants a late game. You know you do!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
iD0pRimE said:
Wario, Dopey, Cerrius, Donkey... GET ONLINE.

1.36pm on a working weekday dude :( I'm about 6 hours away from enjoying my newley unbanned-ness.
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