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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Once the patch drops, we need lot's of custom games to try every old exploit, see if they missed anything. I don't want any shitty surprises come matchmaking....

TJ Bennett

TJ Hooker
Yeah we definitely need to master the new levels as soon as possible. Getting 8 of us in a room and running around a level would be a quick way to learn the ins and outs of the new maps. God I hope they wipe the stats when the download finally comes out.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
TJ Bennett said:
Yeah we definitely need to master the new levels as soon as possible. Getting 8 of us in a room and running around a level would be a quick way to learn the ins and outs of the new maps. God I hope they wipe the stats when the download finally comes out.

Can't see a stats wipe ever happening. It would incite rage and possibly murder. I would like it though.


rollin' in the gutter
Good games tonight guys. I love hearing the words "I know" coming from Ramirez, cuase you know he just got owned :)


I wish I'd made my XBL name something different. Hearing Ramirez Kentuckian accent say "Scoot Owned" drives me insane, and it sounds better than the equally often heard "Ramirez Owned" :)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I love shotguns on Midship.

I always get an early lead, until I have 6 kills, then my shotgun fucking refuses to kill people after I shoot them in the god damn face 4 times.

Shotguns are one crazy ass mode. I need much more practice at this, swords and sniping. I'm usually pretty good with a sword, till everybody has one :(

I'm starting to dislike BR starting weapon as well. seems like you spawn and move about 10 steps before somebody starts chipping off your shield. I think I prefer having the BR being a weapon you seek out.

I wish I'd made my XBL name something different. Hearing Ramirez Kentuckian accent say "Scoot Owned" drives me insane, and it sounds better than the equally often heard "Ramirez Owned"

Eh, at least your unofficial name isn't "DonkeyDick" or "DonkeyBalls" which gets yelled by every stupid ass in the entire matchmaking community BEFORE games.


I'm tellin ya,the BR start is so lame,none of the other weapons are even seeked out :lol

It would be ok on bigger maps,but for LO,IT,MS,etc. it just doesn't work,IMO.


rollin' in the gutter
Jesus, i can't believe you guys are actually complaining about the BR start. It actually gives you a chance when you spawn, instead of trying to spray someone with your SMG that has a one hit kill weapon. It does make dual weilding more difficult and shorter maps more spread out, but it requires more skill.

More games tonight!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
yeah thats a good point, but I find that it essentially stops you wanting to dual wield most times because everyone will just be chipping off your shield from way back. I think it's to powerful to give to everyone at start. Much like the old pistol.


You like me, you really really like me!
catfish said:
yeah thats a good point, but I find that it essentially stops you wanting to dual wield most times because everyone will just be chipping off your shield from way back. I think it's to powerful to give to everyone at start. Much like the old pistol.

I don't really mind starting with the Battle Rifle, what really bugged me from some of the games last night was the fact that while duderon was party leader he didn't have SMGs set as secondary weapon. SMG as secondary is essential or else the whole BR start-thing becomes very repetitive and boring IMO
You may say that dual wielding is pointless while everyone has BRs but sometimes I rather just spray with SMG and Plasma rifle at close range and get some kills.


Cerrius said:
I don't really mind starting with the Battle Rifle, what really bugged me from some of the games last night was the fact that while duderon was party leader he didn't have SMGs set as secondary weapon. SMG as secondary is essential or else the whole BR start-thing becomes very repetitive and boring IMO
You may say that dual wielding is pointless while everyone has BRs but sometimes I rather run around and spray bullets everywhere nonsensically.
:D Fixed.

The reason SMG secondary is off is because that's the way the MLG games are played. Duderon knows he's doing himself and Bear Maul no favors if he plays with SMG secondaries on, if you want to dual, scoop one of the SMGs on Ivory, they are on each side of the map IIRC. There might only be the one under the shotgun lift tho, I don't know.


Really,who gives a fuck how MLG plays,are we in MLG?No.

-No duel wielding whatsoever
-No sword


teh ghey

Ya know you have grenades with your SMG you can use ;)

Oh and there is a reason Bungie doesn't have the BR as a starting weapon,it just doesn't work on most maps!Nothing like spawning and havin 10 BR's coming at you,you have a "chance" then too I guess :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
MLG gametypes are ok, but what good does it actually do us? once they fix matchmaking, it would probably be better to practice with default weapon sets if you want to advance.


catfish said:
yeah thats a good point, but I find that it essentially stops you wanting to dual wield most times because everyone will just be chipping off your shield from way back. I think it's to powerful to give to everyone at start. Much like the old pistol.

Yeah, the pistol is the most overpowered starting weapon ever. It is a handheld sniper rifle. The minuses are obvious. However, with Halo and everyone having the best (non RL) weapon in the game, at any time a good pistol could get you out of trouble because it was two shots to the body and one to the head.

The BR is different because its a bit more utiliarian, maybe even more primitive than the pistol. At long range it's only good to annoy a sniper (the carbine is more accurate at long range and its damage scale was toned down as a result). At midrange it's undoubtedly the best weapon in the game the FSK (four shot kill) is key.

However, up close, the BR is outclassed by almost all of the dual combos, SMG+Magnum, SMG+Plasma Rifle, PP+SMG (though this is admittedly the weakest of the four worth while dual combos) and PP+Magnum (the most lethal, period).

So it's all about the attainability of those duals. Two Plasma Rifles drain shields almost immediately and then a melee will finish the deal.

I like Battle Rifle start because the weapon is the most useful and it also requires a degree of skill to operate. I really don't think dual wielding takes that much skill at all, and the BR stresses the importance and usefulness of grenades, something else that dual-wielding overlooks.

That said, I definitely see the validity in the lack of SMG on Ivory Tower argument.

EDIT: And to Catfish's above comment, that's a good question. I think the Bungie modes are horrid, useless and having radar on is retarded and starting with shit weapons is terrible. Phantom Team King on Foundation Rumble Pit comes to mind as one of their crowning achievements.

But I also don't give a shit where my rank advances or doesn't advance to in this game. The new content will come out and the new matchmaking lists and everyone will run to it for a month and then the cheating will kick up again and everyone will be back in custom games again.

Customs should = less slayer, more Team Ball, KOTH Crazy.


duderon said:
Jesus, i can't believe you guys are actually complaining about the BR start. It actually gives you a chance when you spawn, instead of trying to spray someone with your SMG that has a one hit kill weapon. It does make dual weilding more difficult and shorter maps more spread out, but it requires more skill.

More games tonight!

More custom games sounds good to me, got to practice shotty, and the noob stick I always get pwned with them on matchmaking.


damn you guys bitch about this game even when it comes to custom games! :lol

I wish they had the race modes from Halo. I thought those were fun though I can see a very small percentage of people here liking it.


hgplayer1 said:
damn you guys bitch about this game even when it comes to custom games! :lol

I wish they had the race modes from Halo. I thought those were fun though I can see a very small percentage of people here liking it.

I remember playing 16 player Race on Hang em high.. good times. :)

But isnt something like this(game mode) easily added through a download content/patch?


Ramirez said:
Really,who gives a fuck how MLG plays,are we in MLG?No.

-No duel wielding whatsoever
-No sword


teh ghey

Ya know you have grenades with your SMG you can use ;)

Oh and there is a reason Bungie doesn't have the BR as a starting weapon,it just doesn't work on most maps!Nothing like spawning and havin 10 BR's coming at you,you have a "chance" then too I guess :lol

wow 10 on 1. under no circumstance will you win if everyone has any weapon.
but if I spawn with SMG and spawn near someone with a dual I just dropped a guy for no reason. With the BR you always have a chance.

Your argument holds weight in the fantasy land that you spawn in a room where everyone is shooting you, but you're dead regardless. 1 v. 1 and even 2 v. 1 with a BR and 2 grenades you still have a chance.

At least, I do. And so do you, Ram. :D


Midship is the best map in the game with default settings,it's not even close.It's close quarters all the time,you can pick people off with a BR if you wish,slash their ass with a sword,shotgun your way through, and it's easily the best map for stickies as well,it combines all of the best aspects of the game with no gay snipe camping. :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sorry if I offend someone, but

who the fuck is Ch1n3s3K1llA (or roughly that) that kid is a cock.

"Don't take the sniper"
"Who took the sniper?"
"Give me the sniper, I'm better than everyone here" (at the time I quit I had 10 more kills and a shit load more flag grabs)

the one time I got the OTHER sniper this kid yelled at me for taking his "ammo"

Sorry about that Pink, I really had to go for other reasons as well, it just encouraged my exit a bit quicker.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
who was that guy that just sat on the grav lift the whole game?


Yeah... who were those people? That guy who was like, "I'm neutral, don't kill me!" was annoying. Donkey, yeah.. that kid REALLY annoyed me too. I was glad he was on your team so I could kill him :lol. Oh well, I hope to see you guys tonight.


rollin' in the gutter
Everyone that's close to 50 are standby'en/boostin bastards. I can't wait till Bungie resets the rankings and they quit playing.
wow.....after lots of WOW and movies....i decided to try halo 2 out again....just to see if il find any enjoyment out of the dumb game...

and no, same ol tired gameplay.....

wont be playing this till after patch, hopefully itll make it fresh....
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