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Official GAF Halo 2 Clan Topic


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
duderon said:
Everyone that's close to 50 are standby'en/boostin bastards. I can't wait till Bungie resets the rankings and they quit playing.

I didn't realise the rankings where that fucked. At what point does the rank become unreliable?


Yea I have my doubts about anyone over 20,I regularly play 30's and up in Rumble Training and win easily,I just know how hard it is to maintain a level like 17+ and I just can't see this many people reaching 30+ and staying there.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Cerrius said:
Anyone up for some games tonight? I'll be on at around 9pm EST or earlier.

I should be on for a bit, around the times I normally see you. I want to hit a little matchmaking again, havent done any for a while.


who was that kid that was on my team last night right before I left? omg he was annoying. I think we might have lost because he wasnt backing people up in that team ball game. i was gonna leave after that game anyway but man I was gonna have to put that kid on mute.


hgplayer1 said:
who was that kid that was on my team last night right before I left? omg he was annoying. I think we might have lost because he wasnt backing people up in that team ball game. i was gonna leave after that game anyway but man I was gonna have to put that kid on mute.


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I played some Matchmaking last night, non MLG types. It was really fun and I did pretty well. MLG types does make you a lot better with the battle rifle when you get it though. I played some head to head as well. god, I suck balls at that. got beaten by a 6 and an 8. then I beat an 11 and stopped playing that.

find plasma pistol/BR


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
gahh I've just been hitting team slayer by myself. 2 times I got kicked to the reconnecting screen to find myself as the only one in the game when it comes back. It seems to be recording it as a win though. anyone had that?


Yea,it happens to me all the time...the game says you won,but I think the game still continues on and you're the only one that dropped,not sure how it works out for rankings and such.


From this week's weekly update:
Fixing Cheats and Glitches: UPDATED

Autoupdate for the Masses

As it stands, the Autoupdate is scheduled to be a small Xbox Live download, and when it becomes available (as soon as testing is finished), it can be implemented by logging any Xbox with Halo 2 onto the Live service. While we encourage non Live users to borrow an account, try a free trial membership or take their box to a Live-using friend's home, we are looking at ways to distribute these improvements to a wider audience and we'll have more news about this soon.

With the sheer number of variables on the Xbox Live service, the fantastic numbers of players involved and the vast disparity between ISPs, modems and quality of service, it took time for us to identify all the cheats, glitches and exploits. And unlike a PC game, even once you've addressed all of the problems, the solution isn't as simple as posting a patch on a website. A console game is largely immutable, and implementing changes is a significant task. The fixes we've implemented required a great deal of testing, tweaking and retesting to ensure the autoupdate process would go smoothly and provide satisfactory results for every Halo 2 player on Xbox Live.

With all that aside, what follows is a partial list of the changes, bug fixes and anti-cheating measures we have implemented so far.

Split Screen Enhancement

Split screen players have long complained that their screens are too muddled with interface and messages to see what's going on clearly. The Autoupdate also removes the more trivial pop-up messages (like ammo pick up, for example) that have plagued split screen gamers. The downside is that they no longer see those messages, but in testing and polling, we've found that the cleaner screen presentation makes that a small price to pay. "Important" messages will continue to display as before.

Geometry Glitches

Flag Bouncing: We're fixing the super high flag bounce caused by collisions with certain objects – like the conveyor belt in Colossus. Teams would often simply bounce the flag from one side to the other, thus ruining a vital aspect of that map's intrinsic design.

We've fixed the flag-grab-through-solid-walls problem (although you can still toss a flag through legitimate places, like gates and windows). This will have a huge effect in CTF games on Beaver Creek, Zanzibar and Coagulation.

Elite melee ghosting – a glitch allowed a player (using a short sequence of button presses) to exit a vehicle and continue to an objective while all other players viewed the player as an invulnerable stationary "ghost" at the original point of disembarkation. This was caused by forcing the Xbox to "lose track" of the player.

Sword flying will be gone from multiplayer, though we'll keep it in Campaign mode. This was basically an exploit that allowed players to "fly" by locking onto a target with a Sword while riding in a vehicle – then later releasing a pent-up Sword lunge, and basically soaring, unhindered through the air. Although a noisy part of the community feels this was a fun, unexploitable bug, we have witnessed it used for cheating, and when we fix other problems, any we left in deliberately would be exploited all the more.

We've addressed the "ghosted dropped weapon" problem, which was caused by a difference in object location tracking between different machines - a gun you just couldn't pick up, for example – and is easily encountered during games between Pal and NTSC machines.

We've fixed the tie resolution problems that automatically defaulted the red team as winner in a tie.

We've made some changes to the way our system works when entering Clan matches – basically making it easier to enter even when conditions are less than ideal. The measures used before were perhaps too strict and prevented some players from entering games with their clan.

We've addressed the bug on Beaver Creek that caused double-teleporting – this was related to poor bandwidth, and it would cause a player to bounce back out of the teleporter rather than passing cleanly through.

We've fixed the glitch that would allow seemingly destroyed gun turrets to be used before they respawned.


We've addressed the modem standby cheat. Can't say how, but we've implemented several fixes to help alleviate this problem. We can't stop people from pressing suspend modem, but we can make it less worthwhile to them. We've also added a number of ways to make it more difficult for players to abuse the fact that they are the host of a game.

This is just a sampling of what we're fixing. Some things are insignificant, some you won't even have heard of, and others we don't want to discuss at this time. All in all, it should be a very pleasant and painless experience and one that improves your experience significantly.

This is a partial list. Many of the changes we've implemented will be invisible to players. Some are simply minor tweaks to networking or performance code. Some are more important, but happen in the background. Some fixes will simply remain undisclosed to prevent further abuse of the system, and we realize that even this tremendous run of changes won't be entirely complete and that abuses by unsportsmanlike players will continue, but we're confident that these tweaks and adjustments will improve the experience for beginners and experts alike.

--sounds like Bungie has degay'd the game--

customs >> matchmaking, period, tho.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
last night I conducted an experiment with what would happen if I went and played roughly 10 games straight in TS by myself.

It turns out what happens is this:

You get matched with fuckwits who couldn't hit the side of a barn.
You get matched with some high ranked guy that only speaks in a whisper.
You get matched with some fuckwit who tells you all at the start of the game that he is trying to "de-rank his character, now hold still while I betray you, so you can kick me from the game" Then he calls you a retard while you try and play and then sits on grenades until he has negative 7 fucking kills.

End result, I dropped an entire rank. Had the occasional good game, mostly dire though. Matchmaking with friends kids, it's the only way.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
My solo team slayer experiment continues. I am almost a level 13 now. Dear god I have been averaging probably about 14 kills a game as well. Probably played some of my best team slayer games ever and still lost approximately 80% of games


Fixed2BeBroken said:
kinda amazing that blizzard can patch a MMORPG faster than Bungie can patch a FPS

thank god the damn patch is coming "soon" tho

i kinda miss halo 2

you know the "soon" coming patch isn't going to actually make you good at the game, right? :D

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Ramirez said:
:lol :lol

I'd say 70% of my TS games were where I played by myself :p

Hitting team games by yourself is like gambling. I got my rank back to 16 in Team Skirm by going solo, but now in Team slayer, it's like I have been put in the pool of frickin rejects. Either no microphone or no brain :( I'm going to persevere and see how this averages out over time.....


catfish said:
Hitting team games by yourself is like gambling. I got my rank back to 16 in Team Skirm by going solo, but now in Team slayer, it's like I have been put in the pool of frickin rejects. Either no microphone or no brain :( I'm going to persevere and see how this averages out over time.....

I hope you have better luck than Ive had. Ive been back and forth between 14 and 16 for like over a month. Ive had some really bad games where I had no excuse as to why I sucked so bad but most games Im the leading scorer on my team. I kind of like the randomness of the teams you get I just hate the idiots that are online for no other reason than to quit or team kill or just be an ass. Im not even sure I want to reach anything higher than 16. from what Ive seen thats when the standby cheating starts and all you hear people talking about is whether or not they have host and is the other team cheating or not.

I actually had 3 guys on my team talking for the first half of a game about standby cheating and "boosting" in clan matches and once they shut up for a second I got on the mic and told them how weak they are to have to cheat to get their rank up. of course they come back with momma jokes and telling me how bad I am since I dont have the lead in kills. never mind the fact that I was hardly playing at that point and I think at least one person on the other team had quit. they even started saying that they dont even cheat even though thats all they talked about for the first half of the game. I finally just shut up and turned my volume down and finished the game and then sent them bad feedback. I cant believe I actually waste my breath arguing with those idiots.

team skirmish is a cesspool of cheaters and shit talkers. period.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
what is "boosting"? I've heard this mentioned as well. Is that a cool nickname for being a cunt online?

I played these guys the other day and one guy got the beam and somehow got WAAAY up high on the map, like you could almost not see him without zoom. Top of some of the rocks on Burial mounds. something to do with a warthog apparently.


I have no clue why people even play matchmaking if there's enough for a custom game on...
the abuse of getting stuck playing ANOTHER Assault Burial Mounds?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
can someone send me another clan invite?

i quit out a while back when i was having internet issues and generally not playing much, but now i miss the huge pool of players that ACTUALLY play halo 2 on my friends list (clan list, specifically). i'm jonesing for some custom games!
Scoot said:
you know the "soon" coming patch isn't going to actually make you good at the game, right? :D

i play to have fun. i really dont give a shit if i can beat a nerd who plays the game 24 7.

got more important shit to worry about.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
i play to have fun. i really dont give a shit if i can beat a nerd who plays the game 24 7.

got more important shit to worry about.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
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