I expected GAF to vote: MGS3>1>4>2
Sounds about right, but I still find it odd why such a limited scope. I guess I can understand leaving out non-canon games(though imo Ghost Babel should 4th on that list). Leaving out the Metal Gear games seems odd, especially with them playable in the HD collection. Metal Gear 2 is pretty much a 2D version of the PSX game.
That's beside the point, they are already some of the most unappreciated games around, you just made it even worse by not even listing them. While in quality they are good enough to be ranked in the top. The games aged really well. Pretty sure they atleast have a higher significance than MGSDo you think that either MG1, MG2, or Ghost Babel would have gotten enough Top 3 votes to have made a difference? Just curious.
Do you think that either MG1, MG2, or Ghost Babel would have gotten enough Top 3 votes to have made a difference? Just curious.
MGS2 > MGS4?
Yeah okay. GAF's irrational hate of MGS4 continues.
Do you think that either MG1, MG2, or Ghost Babel would have gotten enough Top 3 votes to have made a difference? Just curious.
MGS2 has the best and most balanced gameplay in the series and Raiden was a fantastic bold move.
2 should be lower.
But overall it's a good list. Maybe pw a tad higher.
Why exactly is MGS3 almost universally loved? don't get me wrong I love it as well (I did rank it 4th though), but the added mechanics from both previous games aren't really that necessary. Camo system is a drag when you wanna change it and it doesn't give you that much of an advantage. The food system is irrelevant, there's so much shit to eat all the time (even on euro extreme), that you never ever feel like you're in a "survival mission", same goes for the injury system where healing supplies are pretty much limitless.
The story is pretty straight forward and not as whacky and crazy as previous entries. There are basically no plot twists, mindfucks, etc (OMG The Boss is actually not evil??? bitch please), in a way it's the least "Metal Gear" game in the series.
The Cobra Unit is just there, it doesn't have much of a part in the plot like Fox-Hound or Dead Cell and aside from the actual battles, they're rarely spoken of by the other characters.
It's still one hell of a game, but I feel it gets much more credit than it deserves.
This pretty much.I enjoy the entire series so I'm okay with the gaf results.
MGS2 has the best and most balanced gameplay in the series and Raiden was a fantastic bold move.
- Undeveloped healing mechanics that you never really use if you're not terrible at the game
- Undeveloped food mechanics that you never really use past the first playthrough unless you're going for Markhor
- Camo system is generally a waste of time
- Terrible online mode with servers that aren't even up anymore instead of hundreds of extra missions
- Story was isolated from the other four games pretty severely, notably when it first came out
But it's still a fantastic game!
Interesting that the games seemed to be ranked in order of their story quality.
But... wouldn't that put MGS1 at the top? (⌐■_■![]()
Interesting that the games seemed to be ranked in order of their story quality.
If there was any sanity left in the world 2 would've won.![]()
But then two should be at the top. It is by far the most interesting and layered story of all the games.