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Official Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Thread

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Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
With an estimated $92.6 million for Friday and Saturday, it's easy to assume plenty of forum users went to see the movie. What are everyone's thoughts? Personally I think it's the best movie of the three, but it could have been paced a little better with the stuff they left out.

Demigod Mac

Indeed. While it was a quality film, the pacing was accelerated to an excessive degree, never allowing the characters (nor the audience) the opportunity to immerse themselves in the comfortable surroundings of the Hogwarts campus, especially considering the events were supposedly happening over a year.


Chili Con Carnage!
I saw it today, im not a big fan of harry potter it must be said...

What really impressed me was the acting, really good stuff from Harry & Co. Unfortunatly i found the film itself pretty dry...

Ive watched all three films and never been impressed by the dialog, i dont really criticise the films for it though, they are aimed at a younger audience after all. I thought this had the best base story of the 3, i liked harry getting mad but i really didnt think it flowed very well...spoilers ahead, hope the spoiler tag still works..

Random addition of time travel confused me

The rat was the bad guy? That didnt make sense to me, why did it become the weasleys(sorry dont know the real spelling) pet?


Junior Member
I tried to go see it the day it came out in the UK (Which was 5 days before the US, finally we get something first!) But it was absolutely sold out, even though there were 4 current showings at the same time. :O Feel sorry for this one kid, he was waiting in line in all his Harry Potter out-fit, wand, hat and everything, didn't realise it had sold out yet. Awwww. >;D

Anyway, the movie was really good. Didn't really like the first two, but this one, particuarly the first few minuites was really great. I'm ussually very critical, but watching the actual movie itself, there was nothing that really struck my as missing.

In saying that though, in retrospect they left out tons of what I think is important stuff. Such as Percy the poltergiest, and the flash-backs of Harry's father, Sirius and Lupin when they were kids.

Still, I'm so looking forward to Goblet of Fire now. The opening sequence should be like nothing seen so far in the movies, really dark and scary. I don't know how they're going to fit it all into just 2-3 hours though. But we'll see.
Personally I think it's the best movie of the three, but it could have been paced a little better with the stuff they left out.

Completely agree. I've never really been a fan of the Harry Potter movies. But this one is definitely the best film yet, and it's nice to see the series in the hands of a good director. The first two films feel very heavy handed and Disneyesque to me. I agree that some things could've been tightened up, but the good FAR outweighed the bad. As for the pacing/speed of the film, I enjoyed the quickness of it. I don't need ever minutae explained to me, and I think most people... even children don't either. What I enjoyed most is how this film is so much more realistic than the previous ones, especially with all of the wonderful outdoor scenes.
having not read the book i thought the Film lacked a real Climax and well the cheesy plot device at the end was too conveniant.

Good movie overall i loved the direction, every shot could have been used as a poster.
I saw it with Agent Dormer on Friday night and it was indeed awesome. I like how almost none of it took place inside the school and they all walked around in regular clothes most of the time. It makes the characters feel more real.

Edit: Irish Angst = Agent Dormer now.

evil ways

It was good, even though the 2nd movie was quite disappointing.

I liked how the majority of the movie wasn't a search for clues to solve a mystery inside the school like the previous 2 films.
I thought it was average too. Maybe it's better for people who have read the books because they can fill in the gaps of the spread-too-thin screenplays they're using for these movies.

The plot devices didn't make any sense and the ending was far too anticlimactic and "See you next time!"-ish for me.


Chili Con Carnage!
I agree on the ending, obviously its following the book, but it seems like its written like a sit-com where in the end everything is back to the way things started, the second film was the same.


yeah the movie rox the cinematography was great and i really enjoyed the over all darker feal of the movie. the new dumbledore needs to grow on me. the special effects where also really wel done and tastefull.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Duke - Yes, if you read the books you would understand a lot more of what was going on. Basically
Hermione had been doubling up on classes and since some overlapped she had the Time Turner. She had been using it the entire semester and that's why it seems more like a plot device instead of an integral part of the plot in the movie. It's rarely talked about, maybe two or three times at the most.


I liked this one better than the last two. I only wish that they gave more background info on the map and the people named on the map. Also, some parts felt rushed, while others draged on. Overall, I liked it (3.5/5)


Unconfirmed Member
7imz said:
i loved it... much better than the previous two... much much better

I didn't think it was paced badly at all. There was a lot of stuff that they needed to cram into an already long movie, so I have no problem with a more or less consistently fast pace. I haven't read the books, but it didn't feel like anything "vital" was missing from the movie. Actually the only thing I had a problem with was
how so much film time had elapsed since the Buckbeak incident and the revelation that he was tried and sentenced already. That's the only time in the movie where it felt like there was something you had missed out on, but it wasn't really a very big deal, as it needed very little, if any, explanation.

So, yeah, overall, by FAR the best of the three movies.


After being less than impressed by the first flick and positively hating the second, I thought this was a vast improvement and, overall, was pretty damn good. Not great, but solidly entertaining and easily the best of the film adaptations to date. Cuarón did a fine job of directing, added desperately needed style to the series, and, best of all, ruthlessly edited everything out of the book that wasn't strictly necessary, allowing him to leave room for characterization and charm. Nicely done.



Yeah I loved the movie. Since the 3rd book was my favorite, I had high hopes for the movie, and it didnt let me down. I think the movie could have been like 30mins longer just to explain some of the things going on, since a lot of the people didnt read the book. However I do applaude Alfonso Cauron for not being like Columbus and making a movie word for word from the books. Cauron said he wanted to make a movie that laid out the biggest plot points from the book, and I think that added some new life to the series. There were some things that I didnt like,

1. Why did everything change at Hogwarts? What I mean is that everything was in a new location. Hagrid's hut was in a new spot, and it was bigger. The Whomping Willow was also in a new spot. It used to guard the dark forest, but now, it was just off somewhere behind the castle.

2. Who the hell was that new kid with Draco? Every movie so far its been Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. Now it was Draco, new kid, and Goyle. What was up with that.

Also, to whomever had an issue with the
Time Ticker
, if u read the book it would make a lot more sense. In the book they also explain who the creators of the
Maurauders map




there, now it's official.
While I'm not sure about Hagrids hut, the
Whomping willow was replanted for Reason X in the books (I forget off hand the reason, but I think so that it was farther away from the school, so as not to cause harm. Also because It held the entrance to the shrieking shack tunnel that Lupin used to hide out in when he transformed. that's how the shack got it's name originally, from his howls of torment.)

Also, I'm pretty sure that was Crabbe and Goyle, just one of the actor kids looks alot different, or they had to get a new kid to play him. Also, The scene at the end where he gets his new broomstick Pissed me right off (as did the ending with his face up on the screen) That scene takes place before they catch up to Sirius black and there was a big controversy as to whether or not the broom as from him as an assasination plot. It wouldn't have been hard to put in the middle, rather than tack it on at the end.

And for the map, Padfoot = Sirius, Wormtail = Pettigrew, Prongs = James Potter and Moon = R.J Lupin. Also, they didn't explain it in the movie, but Harry's Patronus WAS his father, All of them were unregistered Animagi. They learned it to make Lupin feel better about being a werewolf. James Potter was a Stag, Sirius a black dog, Wormtail a rat. Pettigrew/scabbers hooked up with the weasleys in order to keep an eye out on the school. What better family to join than one with half a dozen kids, all going to hogwarts.
Thanks. I'm not sure about the Willow thing, I just remember reading something about it in PoA book. I'll have to re-read it and check.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Felidae_Khrall said:
Thanks. I'm not sure about the Willow thing, I just remember reading something about it in PoA book. I'll have to re-read it and check.

Same. I've been playing the games this week so I've been extremely immersed in the world of Harry Potter. If I start using the world muggle frequently I'll know it has gone too far.
Eh, I thought it was okay. Though I felt the movie was way too long for what it is. Lots of lame jokes with slow plot development the first hour or so, and then when something actually happens A) It isn't very interesting B)
You have to endure it twice
. At the hour and fourty-five minute point I didn't even really care anymore, and would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the lower half of my body feeling numb from the theater seats. I really don't get what the fuss over these movies are. This one was slightly better than the first, and the second film was horrible. Makes me cry seeing the theaters packed for movies like this while the theaters were practically empty when I went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Cooler earlier this year. Sad, especially with the audience being 95% adults.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Cerebral Palsy said:
Eh, I thought it was okay. Though I felt the movie was way too long for what it is. Lots of lame jokes with slow plot development the first hour or so, and then when something actually happens A) It isn't very interesting B)
You have to endure it twice
. At the hour and fourty-five minute point I didn't even really care anymore, and would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for the lower half of my body feeling numb from the theater seats. I really don't get what the fuss over these movies are. This one was slightly better than the first, and the second film was horrible. Makes me cry seeing the theaters packed for movies like this while the theaters were practically empty when I went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Cooler earlier this year. Sad, especially with the audience being 95% adults.

Don't agree with your thoughts on The Prisoner of Azkaban, but I loved Eternal Sunshine and The Cooler as well.


Kills Photobucket
I liked the movie alot, way better than the first two. Did have some specific likes and dislikes.


Dumbledor. Gambon finaly brought this character to life. He had the energy that I always pictured dumbledor having in the books. Harris, no offense, sounded like he was about to die. He gave the character no life

Lupin. My biggest fear was I would see David Thewlis and remember the Pussy King from Dragonhear as soon as he talked. He did great, and I forgot all about his previous lousy roles, even Timeline.


I know you have to cut stuff in a book to film transition, but why bring up a plot point and not explain it later on? At the very beginning they had Ron show everyone the picture of his family in Egypt, but never brought up later that that picture was how Sirius knew Peter was at Hogwarts. They never explained how he knew Peter was there. Also there was the Marauders map. They read off the names, but never explained to Harry who they were.


Felidae_Khrall said:
While I'm not sure about Hagrids hut, the
Whomping willow was replanted for Reason X in the books (I forget off hand the reason, but I think so that it was farther away from the school, so as not to cause harm. Also because It held the entrance to the shrieking shack tunnel that Lupin used to hide out in when he transformed. that's how the shack got it's name originally, from his howls of torment.)

Also, I'm pretty sure that was Crabbe and Goyle, just one of the actor kids looks alot different, or they had to get a new kid to play him. Also, The scene at the end where he gets his new broomstick Pissed me right off (as did the ending with his face up on the screen) That scene takes place before they catch up to Sirius black and there was a big controversy as to whether or not the broom as from him as an assasination plot. It wouldn't have been hard to put in the middle, rather than tack it on at the end.

And for the map, Padfoot = Sirius, Wormtail = Pettigrew, Prongs = James Potter and Moon = R.J Lupin. Also, they didn't explain it in the movie, but Harry's Patronus WAS his father, All of them were unregistered Animagi. They learned it to make Lupin feel better about being a werewolf. James Potter was a Stag, Sirius a black dog, Wormtail a rat. Pettigrew/scabbers hooked up with the weasleys in order to keep an eye out on the school. What better family to join than one with half a dozen kids, all going to hogwarts.

Wait. One. it wasnt Crabbe and Goyle, I am 100% sure of that. When Hermione hit Draco, that was not Crabbe and Goyle. It was one of them. I read book 3 2x already. I know who made the map, I was just saying that they should have explained it better. Hagrids hut was definately different. He had 2 fucking rooms in this movie, and it was in a completely differnt location.

Also at the Quidditch match,
they changed it from the book. In the book, I am pretty sure that Draco and them pretend to be a Dementor, and Harry sees it, and faints, or something. But we find out it was just them pulling a joke, but in the movie, they dont do that, and they put the dog in the sky, and not on the ground.

that was not his father on the other end of the lake. IT WAS HIM!!. they even say it in the book. When harry is with Sirius at the lake the Patronus is cast and Harry's see's this, he says it was his dad, because he is weary and could not see. So all the readers think it his dad. Until we find out that Hermione has a the Time ticker and they use it, and eventually they end up on the other side of the lake, and Harry keeps saying that his dad is coming, and that it will all be alright, and then Hemione says He is not coming. So Harry realizes it, and he goes out there and casts the Patronus. So it wasnt his father, it was just him. That is the one scene I remember the most out of the book.

I mean u gave a good analysis of the movie, but u had some stuff wrong.


DrForester said:

I know you have to cut stuff in a book to film transition, but why bring up a plot point and not explain it later on? At the very beginning they had Ron show everyone the picture of his family in Egypt, but never brought up later that that picture was how Sirius knew Peter was at Hogwarts. They never explained how he knew Peter was there. Also there was the Marauders map. They read off the names, but never explained to Harry who they were.

Those were my biggest complaints. I mean in the beginning of the book, he is heard saying "he's at hogwarts", but in this book, he just shows up. I guess they wanted to make the movie with a little suspense for people who never read the book. Make it like Sirius is really after H. I just think they could have done that a little better. Who knows, maybe they will have some cool Deleted stuff on the DVD.
aparisi2274 said:
Wait. One. it wasnt Crabbe and Goyle, I am 100% sure of that. When Hermione hit Draco, that was not Crabbe and Goyle. It was one of them. I read book 3 2x already. I know who made the map, I was just saying that they should have explained it better. Hagrids hut was definately different. He had 2 fucking rooms in this movie, and it was in a completely differnt location.

Also at the Quidditch match,
they changed it from the book. In the book, I am pretty sure that Draco and them pretend to be a Dementor, and Harry sees it, and faints, or something. But we find out it was just them pulling a joke, but in the movie, they dont do that, and they put the dog in the sky, and not on the ground.

that was not his father on the other end of the lake. IT WAS HIM!!. they even say it in the book. When harry is with Sirius at the lake the Patronus is cast and Harry's see's this, he says it was his dad, because he is weary and could not see. So all the readers think it his dad. Until we find out that Hermione has a the Time ticker and they use it, and eventually they end up on the other side of the lake, and Harry keeps saying that his dad is coming, and that it will all be alright, and then Hemione says He is not coming. So Harry realizes it, and he goes out there and casts the Patronus. So it wasnt his father, it was just him. That is the one scene I remember the most out of the book.

I mean u gave a good analysis of the movie, but u had some stuff wrong.

Ok, you misread some of the things I said. or at least one.

I wasn't sure about the crabbe/goyle thing. Just said I thought it was, and maybe he looked diff because he aged (they all look WAY different in this movie) or maybe a new actor playing whichever one it was that 'wasn't them.

Also, I didn't say Harry's dad CAST the Patronus, I said he WAS the patronus. The silver stag was Harry's fathers Animagus form. As for the quidditch match, There were two. One where Harry fainted because of real dementors, and one where Draco and them pretend to be dementors, and HArry casts the patronus at them, scaring the crap out of them :)

And as for Hagrids hut, I said I didn't know. :) They just up and changed it because they changed shooting locations. Maybe that was the sole reason they changed the location of the Willow, because they didn't have the same locale to shoot in.


Felidae_Khrall said:
Ok, you misread some of the things I said. or at least one.

I wasn't sure about the crabbe/goyle thing. Just said I thought it was, and maybe he looked diff because he aged (they all look WAY different in this movie) or maybe a new actor playing whichever one it was that 'wasn't them.

Also, I didn't say Harry's dad CAST the Patronus, I said he WAS the patronus. The silver stag was Harry's fathers Animagus form. As for the quidditch match, There were two. One where Harry fainted because of real dementors, and one where Draco and them pretend to be dementors, and HArry casts the patronus at them, scaring the crap out of them :)

And as for Hagrids hut, I said I didn't know. :) They just up and changed it because they changed shooting locations. Maybe that was the sole reason they changed the location of the Willow, because they didn't have the same locale to shoot in.

Ok, I did misread your post about
Harry's dad. I thought u meant it was really him

Also, as for crabe and goyle, its the same actors, check www.imdb.com, however if u look at this picture, u can see one is Draco, one is his other buddy Crabbe and then the new guy.

This is what I was saying. Now if u look at this picture, u will see Malfoy with Crabbe and Goyle, and u can clearly see that Goyle was not in a lot of scenes with Malfoy in this movie.

Here is another pic to show. If u look behind Goyle, the kid sitting next to Pansy Parkinson is the kid that was in most scenes with Malfoy. I dont know why they broke up Crabbe and Goyle, but oh well.
I loved the film. The changes that were made were for the most part smart and effective.

Hey I love the books, but anyone expecting a literal translation is simply being foolsih. I really don't mind thing being left out or being shifted for the sake a better flowing film. Everyone can say why didn't they just mention just one tiny thing all they want, but the truth is, that one tiny may end up raising more questions than necessary. I actually appreciate it when a movie deviates from a book, but not in a "okay, let's make the book better!" fashion.


i thought the movie was pretty good (havent read the book). it certainly felt more cinematic than the other potter films, much more dark and moody, and since i understood it was a middle chapter, the sort of tepid ending didnt bother me. It did seem that alot of information was left out of the movie however, and i had to hit up my potter obsessed friends for the lowdown on various issues.

personally i feel like all movie to book adaptations should go like the LOTR series, by filming a few extra scenes to be put in on a dvd release, since we all know the studios are just itching to get you to buy 2 sets of dvds, why not have scenes from the book tha twould flesh out the story be filmed for the dvd?
FortNinety said:
I loved the film. The changes that were made were for the most part smart and effective.

Hey I love the books, but anyone expecting a literal translation is simply being foolsih. I really don't mind thing being left out or being shifted for the sake a better flowing film. Everyone can say why didn't they just mention just one tiny thing all they want, but the truth is, that one tiny may end up raising more questions than necessary. I actually appreciate it when a movie deviates from a book, but not in a "okay, let's make the book better!" fashion.

Yes, but the part they shifted didn't have to be shifted, and would have been a great plot point for the movie in the middle where it was supposed to be.

It also would have given them leave to do the Fake Dementors at the Quidditch match scene, which would have been golden comedy. Plus I really hated they way the 'stopped' the movie on Harry's face. Just looked cheesy. Overall I thought it was great. It just could have been better.


I liked it a lot, and it was even better seeing it in IMAX. I wish it was at least 3 hours long though, way too much was cut out and the movie was moving far too fast.

I would kill for a Prisoner of Azkaban Extended Edition :(
Mairu said:
I liked it a lot, and it was even better seeing it in IMAX. I wish it was at least 3 hours long though, way too much was cut out and the movie was moving far too fast.

I would kill for a Prisoner of Azkaban Extended Edition :(

The movie was far too fast? WTF were you watching? It was painfully slow getting anywhere plot wise.


Cerebral Palsy said:
The movie was far too fast? WTF were you watching? It was painfully slow getting anywhere plot wise.
Read the book :(. It just jumped around too much sometimes and took more out of the book than I would have liked
I thought this movie was great. The first time I saw it I also thought it was too fast and jumped around too much, but it seemed to flow so much better the second time around. There was some stuff that was cut that probably should have been included, but the great things about this movie more than made up for those cuts. Cuaron is an amazing director.


After reading a lot reviews of the movie and hearing about the change in atmosphere made by the director, I have a feeling I'll love this movie! I like the two first ones a lot, but they ARE a bit on the "happy and sorrowless" side. Rightfully so I guess, since the first books are kind of like that too. It's a nice thing that they changed director with the 3rd movie, since that's where the darker part of the Harry Potter saga begins IMO.

BTW, does the third movie has a higher rating than the previous ones? I mean, seeing as it's "darker" and not perhaps suitable for younger children?


Chili Con Carnage!
Whats the definition of Darker story telling exactly? Because looking at what actually happens in this film, its just as light and carefree as the other two..

Im talking about the films obviously, as i said earlier i havent read the books.


Ghost said:
Whats the definition of Darker story telling exactly? Because looking at what actually happens in this film, its just as light and carefree as the other two..

Im talking about the films obviously, as i said earlier i havent read the books.

Well, my definition would be a darker atmosphere (more rain, and well, darkness than sun and blue skies), more gruesome and realistic scenes with a greater emotional impact (in a negative/frightening way). And so on...
...but I wasn't saying the movie is darker for sure, but I've got that impression from reading the reviews. But all will become clear when I actually see the movie. :)

And concerning the books, I think the third one is like the beginning of the darker part of Harry Potter, but it develops further in the fourth book. The fourth movie will be very interesting. :)


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Since I have read the book, I too, feel this movie was very fast paced when compared to its original book. But to expect a word-to-word movie adaptation of this book would be ridiculous due to the nature of films and books. As a movie, this is definitely a nice sequel to the previous two Harry Potter films.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I actually liked the first two films but have mixed feelings about PoA. To put it shortly, some small details being cut seemed like bad decisions for me and made the plot a bit too confusing for many who haven't read the book. The biggest thing for me is the meddling with the "bookend" format involving the Dursleys. I missed it at the end. And the story didn't feel balanced without it, breaking the Harry Potter formula - the fact that it's already been made clear far in advance they're dropping the Dursley scenes from the future films is also a letdown for me. The Dursleys are in there for a good reason - they're not just comic relief.


Kaijima said:
I actually liked the first two films but have mixed feelings about PoA. To put it shortly, some small details being cut seemed like bad decisions for me and made the plot a bit too confusing for many who haven't read the book. The biggest thing for me is the meddling with the "bookend" format involving the Dursleys. I missed it at the end. And the story didn't feel balanced without it, breaking the Harry Potter formula - the fact that it's already been made clear far in advance they're dropping the Dursley scenes from the future films is also a letdown for me. The Dursleys are in there for a good reason - they're not just comic relief.

I agreee with ya. there were several little things that irked me that they left out from teh book, but I read that Cauron didnt want to do an exact translation of the book like Columbus did. He wanted to make a movie that was story driven and that did not need the power of the book to keep it afloat. Although here are my gripes.

1. They need to explain why all of a sudden the Whomping Willow was moved. In the book they explain that it was for protection (for the tree and the students)
2. They need to explain that the Shrieking Shack got its name because that is where Lupin hid out when he turned into the wolf, and the howling he made, gave the shack its name.
3. They need to explain that Lupin, Pettegrew, Black, and Potter are the creators of the Maurauders Map (Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs)
4. They need to explain that James Potter was an Animagus and that his form was a huge Horse. That way, when Harry casts the Patronus and it looks like a horse, it has a more profound meaning. Instead of someone just thinking, that "ohhh it looks like a horse"

Well those are my minor gripes, and to think they cut the movie down about 30 minutes from previous films, you could have had time to fill in those points that I listed above.
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