ok so i just beat it. here are my impressions
this game is good but falls short of great. the graphics are insane and some of the battkes just crazy but at times the game slows way down and its tears alot in the cutscenes. i think they really pushed the hardware for the cutscenes and the gpu struggles at times. same thing when in the menus for the chapters. sometimes her clothing will completely flip out. get all artifacty and shit. shadows completely spaz out .
the gamplay is awsome but the boss battle could ahve been muich better. the interaction with the story and the bosses is awsome but the way you can't mess up the button presses in the finished insures it will likley be 2 try min. which brings up a major negative. loading times. if you die or mess up and have to redo a section like a boss battle it takes a solid 2 mins tog et back to the action. very frustrating in the latest parts of the game.
no block really sucks cause at times later in the game with mad guys attcking you no matter hwat you resort to easy combos or staright button mashing. which alwasy works. triangle is your friend.
and the length of the game is a major rip casue right when the gam,e gets going, and you start to understand the power of the sword its over. i think they could carry the last 2 chapters out and squeesed a couple more solid hrs out and some epic style battles. i thought that was commign and felt very let down with the later chapters. except the last boss fight. onhe of the first times i felt cell might be all that was the last 2 chapters.
over all very solid game. i felt good actually having a game to play in my ps3. i am mainly a 360 guy but been dying for some ps3 love. uncompressed pcm man heavenly sword sounds fuckling amazing. ps3 need mopre games like this. i give it a buy and say go get it. i hope they fix some issues for heavenly sword 2. maybe befor halo 3 comes out i will takcle hell mode.
sorry bout the typos. tired. been playing heavnly sword all day. beat it in roughly 9-10 hrs. i give it longer than prey and in the gears of war length time frame. maybe shorter. i could have beat it in 6 hrs but i relaly struggled with the last boss. i kept hitting the wrong cutscene animation button and had to keep restarting. i was very upset lol
hope you enjoyed my review