Mesijs said:
Today I posted my review on, everyone understanding dutch can read it
here. The rest can try. A quick summary:
Between a family, a full time career, yardwork, etc. my playtime for videogames these days is admittedly slim. But that didn't stop me from having an utter and complete blast with Heavenly Sword from start to finish.
The game starts out a bit slow, but it's meant to, teaching you the finer points of the combat system, showing off some of the variety in gameplay styles that you'll need to master in order to progress in the later levels.
By the midway point of the game, it's running on all cylinders, the pacing is damn near perfect, and every scenario it throws you into seems designed to top the last awe-inspiring moment you thought couldn't be beat.
The game's not overly difficult, again, by design, because Nariko is a badass. No matter what Bohan throws at you, you're
supposed to be able to handle it with ease. The game is simply leading you down the path to eventual salvation, where everything you think you know is possible in videogames becomes irrelevant. Bohan is a badass, he's not easy by any means. You will fail against him, and you will fail often.
It's this sudden and dramatic increase in difficulty that makes winning the final battle all the more satisfying, I was literally screaming out loud "Oh YEAHHHH BABY DIE" as the final QTE took place, I had the home theater system cranked, the lights were dimmed, my wife was sitting by my side... and when it was all over, my wife turned to me and simply said,
"That was the most insane thing I've ever seen." (Strong words from a woman that rates videogames about as high on her chart of things to watch as paint drying)
And she's right. It was. The final battle is as epic as it gets. I literally experienced synergy with my controller during that fight. I can play the game fine, but Bohan destroyed me until I literally transcended onto a different plane of conciousness. My mind was no longer telling my hands what to do, it simply became instinctive. And only then did Bohan fall.
And even then, just barely.
Heavenly Sword is a tremendous gaming accomplishment. It's truly the first "next-gen" experience I can say I've encountered. From it's jaw-dropping visuals to it's unbelievable storytelling skills, it's everything I wanted when I bought my PlayStation 3.