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Official Heavenly Sword Thread - Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads

theBishop said:
yeah, lame ones. her boss taunts really suck.

Someone needed to be the "straight man" in the script. Serkis wanted to play the comedic twisted bad guy... It was probably just a given then Nariko had to be less comedic.


UntoldDreams said:
Someone needed to be the "straight man" in the script. Serkis wanted to play the comedic twisted bad guy... It was probably just a given then Nariko had to be less comedic.

It would be better to fight humor with humor. Ever see Back to the Future? Its more entertaining to watch a bully get out-witted.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
theBishop said:
yeah, lame ones. her boss taunts really suck.

she's not the type of character to make funny jokes as F. Fox or Bohan would. Her taunts were more like a warrior enjoying a fight a bit TOO much

she's trying to piss off her opponant more than entertain them or an audience
Basically Nariko took all that snide ass, mocking, joking humor of the different boss characters and pretty much shoved it all down their throats. She was pissed and she showed it. She knew exactly how to push their buttons and did so wonderfully.

Also I wanted to scream out loud in tandem with her in chapter 5 when she went out to face the battlefield, rocket launcher in hand.
theBishop said:
It would be better to fight humor with humor. Ever see Back to the Future? Its more entertaining to watch a bully get out-witted.

This, I think, is squarely in the realm of opinion. Personal opinion for sure.

Not everyone enjoys straight up comedy. I'm sure Saving Private Ryan could have been done as a musical comedy which I would enjoy but I'm not really asking for that.

I think Heavenly Sword is fine and the mixture of straight and comedic is pleasant.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Basically Nariko took all that snide ass, mocking, joking humor of the different boss characters and pretty much shoved it all down their throats. She was pissed and she showed it. She knew exactly how to push their buttons and did so wonderfully.
Precisely. I loved the little jab at Whiptail - with returning the "You're so much better when you're angry". It's precisely the kind of stuff I imagine I'd be telling those bastards after I've put them down a notch or two.

steve said:
Why the hell do people keep complaining about the lack of a jump button?
I thought I'd miss the jump button, but between Kai's context sensitive jumping over obstacles (awesome animations there, in line with everything else) and Nariko's context sensitive jumps during attacking more distant enemies, I can't say I miss it at all. If anything, it makes the whole thing look even better now that jumps occur when they realistically should. All the context sensitive actions, and overall animations and physics make all the characters have a 'contact' with the world like rarely (if ever) seen in a game.


theBishop said:
No. Kratos is likable...

I think Kratos isn't really special among the sea of other emo-rage protagonists. Sure he had his horrible past and stuff, but it's a premise, not a story. The narrative feels very videogamey compared to HS' story, in my opinion.


Today I posted my review on Gamer.nl, everyone understanding dutch can read it here. The rest can try. A quick summary:

Gamer.nl said:
Visuals and audio are great.

Story isn't too special.

Combat doesn't work all the time, because you get attacked by different kind of enemies with different attack styles, so dodging is the best solution, also because the switching stances isn't responsive enough. However, the game is designed to counter, so it kind of 'diggs it's own grave.'

You don't even need the tricks in combat because the game is very easy. Button bashing does the job, and even works better in specific situations.

To call the combat system in HS overly flawed is exaggerated. Counters are cool, and throwing objects is smart in combat. Also, superstyle moves and mid-air counters are good, as well as countering projectiles. But the combat system could have been a lot better.

Steering projectiles with sixaxis works good, but with stick works better.

QTE's are irritating, because they're too fast and the boss health recharges.

Kai as a character is great, and her gameplay elements are too.

Most of the levels are repetitive arena's.

Game is very short.


"From the beginning to the end, Heavenly Sword is a great experience. Your jaw will drop repeatedly because of the fantastic action and the beatiful graphics. The game does one very important thing right: it's very enjoyable. But that doesn't take away the fact that there are simply some flaws in the game. The combat system isn't worked out well and doesn't work how it should be. The game is too shoort and not deep enough. Despite these negative points, HS is still recommendable to everyone who wants great and enjoyable action on his screen."

Audio and visuals are great
A lot of action
Different parts with projectiles and Kai
Fun from the beginning to the end.

Combat system doesn't work how it should
Game is way too short
A lot of levels are quite the same



theBishop said:
No. Kratos is likable because he's a badass working for himself.

Kratos is a whiny bitch. Running around blaming the gods for his problems and dumbassedness. There's nothing likable about that guy; He's a dick to the max.
Mesijs said:
Today I posted my review on Gamer.nl, everyone understanding dutch can read it here. The rest can try. A quick summary:
What other games did you give a similar rating? I'm very curious.

''Most of the levels are repetitive arena's.''
Say what? You're never able to backtrack and during the progress the levels and it's surroundings continue to amaze.

Your conclusion sounds more like an 8 to be honest.

je stelt me teleur :(


Mesijs said:
Today I posted my review on Gamer.nl, everyone understanding dutch can read it here. The rest can try. A quick summary:
Between a family, a full time career, yardwork, etc. my playtime for videogames these days is admittedly slim. But that didn't stop me from having an utter and complete blast with Heavenly Sword from start to finish.

The game starts out a bit slow, but it's meant to, teaching you the finer points of the combat system, showing off some of the variety in gameplay styles that you'll need to master in order to progress in the later levels.

By the midway point of the game, it's running on all cylinders, the pacing is damn near perfect, and every scenario it throws you into seems designed to top the last awe-inspiring moment you thought couldn't be beat.

The game's not overly difficult, again, by design, because Nariko is a badass. No matter what Bohan throws at you, you're supposed to be able to handle it with ease. The game is simply leading you down the path to eventual salvation, where everything you think you know is possible in videogames becomes irrelevant. Bohan is a badass, he's not easy by any means. You will fail against him, and you will fail often.

It's this sudden and dramatic increase in difficulty that makes winning the final battle all the more satisfying, I was literally screaming out loud "Oh YEAHHHH BABY DIE" as the final QTE took place, I had the home theater system cranked, the lights were dimmed, my wife was sitting by my side... and when it was all over, my wife turned to me and simply said,

"That was the most insane thing I've ever seen." (Strong words from a woman that rates videogames about as high on her chart of things to watch as paint drying)

And she's right. It was. The final battle is as epic as it gets. I literally experienced synergy with my controller during that fight. I can play the game fine, but Bohan destroyed me until I literally transcended onto a different plane of conciousness. My mind was no longer telling my hands what to do, it simply became instinctive. And only then did Bohan fall.

And even then, just barely. :p

Heavenly Sword is a tremendous gaming accomplishment. It's truly the first "next-gen" experience I can say I've encountered. From it's jaw-dropping visuals to it's unbelievable storytelling skills, it's everything I wanted when I bought my PlayStation 3.


kenta said:
Currently I'm pulling my hair out over "Dawn Siege" in the first chapter (I have no idea what I need to do or hit in order to get the third glyph... maybe hit all of the exploding barrels?) and also "The Heavenly Sword" in the first chapter (the enemies aren't aggressive enough for me to counter constantly which makes my combo meter reset too much). I'm also having a tough time with "Playtime" in the third chapter, the enemies are too close to get accurate headshots via aftertouch, but John Davison on the 1UP Yours podcast mentioned running down one of the hallways where the enemies come from so I will go try that

What I do on the "playtime" mission is:
Dispatch the two groups by activating them then hopping over the boxes to gain some distance. Just kill them without the aftertouch, or worrying about your score. Then, when you start the third wave, just hop over a box to bait them, wait till they all come around to you then hop back over and run toward the exit. Clear the the boxes just before the exit and from that position no one can attack you, and they'll actually just wait in the main room. Take your time, finish off the group (two bolts per guy and ideally headshots) then when the room is clear shoot the three pots (2 in main room, 1 right at exit). Provided you keep a good combo going you'll easily get 3 glyphs.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Steve, the moral of the story is "don't argue with reviewers"! Mesijs started with wanting to give HS 8/10 but all this arguing against his opinions here must have pissed him off into giving the game 7/10 :p
steve said:
I literally experienced synergy with my controller during that fight. I can play the game fine, but Bohan destroyed me until I literally transcended onto a different plane of conciousness. My mind was no longer telling my hands what to do, it simply became instinctive. And only then did Bohan fall.


We are the masks we wear.
theBishop said:
yeah, lame ones. her boss taunts really suck.

And Kratos is who, Dane Cook?

Kratos is the most baseline of characters in many respects. His voice actor plays kratos mad. Not anguished. Mad. And there are two levels; mad and LOUD and mad.
He is the ultimate male, testie filled badass and to his credit, he does that quite well.

If you were unable to find any humor in Nariko, you were simply looking for the wrong type.

"I'll make you pay Zeus!!"


"You're so much better when you're angry" (a nod to the same taunt she was attacked with before.)

THAT is clever writing.

She could be holding the sword and speaking at it. Or speaking to the sky, which everyone would understand to be the god(s).

The fact of the matter is she isn't speaking to us, she's speaking beyond us, to what we cannot see. Because she isn't just standing there squawking at the sword (as in to physically see the actual "conversation") By speaking (seemingly) to the player, we are made part of the scene, something absolutely engaging.

And if the scene
where she finally "stands up" to the Heavenly Sword
didn't impress you, I really don't know what to do with you.


FoxhoundNL said:
What other games did you give a similar rating? I'm very curious.

''Most of the levels are repetitive arena's.''
Say what? You're never able to backtrack and during the progress the levels and it's surroundings continue to amaze.

Your conclusion sounds more like an 8 to be honest.

je stelt me teleur :(

First of all, we had a lot of discussion about how to rate games the last year. This game is rated with the new rating system in place, which is about half a year ago. The other PS3-games I rated were: Resistance 9, MotorStorm 8, Warhawk 9, Oblivion 9, GRAW2 8, THP8 7, Genji 3, F1 5, RR7 7, FEAR 6, Harry Potter second opinion 6, Call of Duty 3 8, The Darkness 9 (should be 8, sorry). I hope that gives you a good image.

And there's a middle way between backtracking and repetitive arena's: diverse levels. Seriously, God of War (there it is again) has so much variety in it's levels, it's great. Heavenly Sword hasn't, it could be done a lot better simply.

@ steve: great that you enjoyed it so much, but I don't agree. I've seen better bosses than Bohan, the fight felt kind of limited, but it was nice because there was some variation (although I just countered all his bolts to kill him, not that hard).

Marconelly said:
Steve, the moral of the story is "don't argue with reviewers"! Mesijs started with wanting to give HS 8/10 but all this arguing against his opinions here must have pissed him off into giving the game 7/10 :p

Please read the whole post. My first impressions were great, just as most of your first impressions are. But I think that after a week, everybody will be a bit more nuanced.

And please don't call me 'a reviewer', it sounds like something completely different than 'a gamer.' So because I'm also a reviewer, my opinion is worth less than 'normal gamers' or whatever you call them? That's ridicolous.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Mr. Mister said:

We are the masks we wear.
No idea if it would ever happen in HS for me, but what he's describing is exactly where you need to be to successfully play Guitar Hero or Frequency or Amplitude on Extreme difficulty. You don't have time to think what to do, your hands just do what needs to be done.

Mesijs said:
And please don't call me 'a reviewer', it sounds like something completely different than 'a gamer.' So because I'm also a reviewer, my opinion is worth less than 'normal gamers' or whatever you call them? That's ridicolous.
Eh, my comment was in jest.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Marconelly said:
Steve, the moral of the story is "don't argue with reviewers"! Mesijs started with wanting to give HS 8/10 but all this arguing against his opinions here must have pissed him off into giving the game 7/10 :p
I'd give it a 7/10 as well, but for different reasons. The framerate was so poor that it truly detracted from the game. I haven't been this appalled by a framerate since Advent Rising, to be honest. Not even Shadow of the Colossus bothered me like this (motion blur saved it). Really made the game feel like a pre-release copy or something.


dark10x said:
I'd give it a 7/10 as well, but for different reasons. The framerate was so poor that it truly detracted from the game. I haven't been this appalled by a framerate since Advent Rising, to be honest. Not even Shadow of the Colossus bothered me like this (motion blur saved it). Really made the game feel like a pre-release copy or something.
Wow. I'm glad I don't have your eyes. :(
I didn't bother me to that extent.
dark10x said:
I'd give it a 7/10 as well, but for different reasons. The framerate was so poor that it truly detracted from the game. I haven't been this appalled by a framerate since Advent Rising, to be honest. Not even Shadow of the Colossus bothered me like this (motion blur saved it). Really made the game feel like a pre-release copy or something.

I'm still wondering about your copy of the game or even your PS3. The framerate never ever on my game, and I know what framerate drops look like, was anything unacceptable or poor. There was times when it did jerk a bit, but nothing that ever did anything major or ever effected me gameplay wise.

I have Shadow of the Collossus and it had way more framerate issues then this game, blur or no blur.
Mesijs said:
First of all, we had a lot of discussion about how to rate games the last year. This game is rated with the new rating system in place, which is about half a year ago. The other PS3-games I rated were: Resistance 9, MotorStorm 8, Warhawk 9, Oblivion 9, GRAW2 8, THP8 7, Genji 3, F1 5, RR7 7, FEAR 6, Harry Potter second opinion 6, Call of Duty 3 8, The Darkness 9 (should be 8, sorry)And please don't call me 'a reviewer', it sounds like something completely different than 'a gamer.' So because I'm also a reviewer, my opinion is worth less than 'normal gamers' or whatever you call them? That's ridicolous.

The only issue I had is with the opinions you've expressed on this thread on the game and the essentially (almost) entirely pessimistic view you provided in your review.

But again....

Opinions are opinions.
Marconelly said:
No idea if it would ever happen in HS for me, but what he's describing is exactly where you need to be to successfully play Guitar Hero or Frequency or Amplitude on Extreme difficulty. You don't have time to think what to do, your hands just do what needs to be done.

i agree, i love frequency. i would call it more getting into the zone.

hs never required me to get to that level, i just found that comment so outlandish it was funny.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
slasher_thrasher21 said:
I'm still wondering about your copy of the game or even your PS3. The framerate never ever on my game, and I know what framerate drops look like, was anything unacceptable or poor. There was times when it did jerk a bit, but nothing that ever did anything major or ever effected me gameplay wise.

I have Shadow of the Collossus and it had way more framerate issues then this game, blur or no blur.
Nah, my PS3 is perfectly fine. Every video I've seen of the game has been just as bad.

It's not that the framerate is LOWER than SotC (it's not), there's just something about the way the game feels that drove me crazy. The animations felt overly quick and jerky and the game just never seemed to run proerply. It felt like a PC game running on a machine that can't quite handle it.

So, yeah, it really wasn't the framerate by itself that bugged me. The type of animation combined with an unstable, tearing framerate really did it.


XHitoshuraX said:
yada yada yada

Stop comparing Kratos and Nariko. They aren't similar.

PS: if you think Dane Cook is a good example of comedy, you should just stop responding to my posts. We're not going to agree on anything.
Ahhh ok. Well like the above poster said. Glad we don't have your eyes. I had no issues, and while not saying some won't, I'm glad I didn't. Otherwise it might have kept me from playing the game again right away.

Hell mode is funnnnnn :)
theBishop said:
Stop comparing Kratos and Nariko. They aren't similar.

PS: if you think Dane Cook is a good example of comedy, you should just stop responding to my posts. We're not going to agree on anything.

Thats how you end a simple disscussion? I was comparing them merely because YOU compared them. Some growing we have do to yes?

And for your information Dane Cook is a FUCKING idiot.

In fact! Just because Im the prick I am:

theBISHOP said:
No. Kratos is likable because he's a badass working for himself. The memories of his bleak past killing his family, etc serve two functions: showing you he is actually a human being, and fueling his spectacular rage, both make him even more likable.

The reason I'm saying Nariko needs some levity is because everyone else in the game has a sense of humor. She comes off as a downer because of it, and she's the most important character.

If everyone in Greece was a granola-eating, peaceloving, hippy, maybe Kratos would seem like a bit of a dick.


Apparently MSNBC doesn't like HS very much. Pretty much calls it a film & not a game.

Some stupid comments in it.

"If Sony’s “Heavenly Sword” were a film, it would be great entertainment. It has compelling characters, great acting and stunning visuals that utilize all the muscle the PlayStation 3 can muster. But as a video game, “Heavenly Sword” falls a bit short"

Firewire said:
Apparently MSNBC doesn't like HS very much. Pretty much calls it a film & not a game.

Some stupid comments in it.

"If Sony’s “Heavenly Sword” were a film, it would be great entertainment. It has compelling characters, great acting and stunning visuals that utilize all the muscle the PlayStation 3 can muster. But as a video game, “Heavenly Sword” falls a bit short"


Well they have the short right, but thats about it. Like anyone in their right mind goes to MSNBC for reviews on games. :lol


I would give it 8.8 because of:

* Extra work in details (Many many details in visuals and gameplay, including different SIXAXIS skill levels). As they say, the last 20% of the shine takes 80% of the time. You can play the game differently for many stages. e.g., Although some soldiers require headshot to take out, you can also wipe them out using flaming arrows + explosive (save time when I'm busy :) ). I use only a few basic combos, but there are some levels that require more. And I have not even tried aerial combo yet. I am at the beginning of Chapter 5.

* The game showed variety and depth to me. They don't feel awkwardly short or repetitive. Every moment is enjoyable. No nauseating moments, and no boring backtracking or repetitive levels.

* Like most people here, I like the acting. The performance is captivating. I don't judge the characters for what they are not. I see them as what/who they are, and let them be.

* I especially like Kai as a playable character. I like to use her arrows to sight-see. Level 3 is beautiful. I can accept her as my little sister, than my real-life b*tchy younger sister :D

* I like the QTEs... even though the boss goes to full health, they are not troublesome/tortureous. I am actually glad that they regain their health :) I like Roach's battle best. Most of the QTEs are not fatal, they kept my attention... even though I missed 70% of them.


when is my burrito
slasher_thrasher21 said:
I'm still wondering about your copy of the game or even your PS3.

Dude, it's dark10x 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps 60fps.

Not to discredit his opinion at all but framerate is REALLY important to him. Tags are there for a reason.


Firewire said:
Apparently MSNBC doesn't like HS very much. Pretty much calls it a film & not a game.

Some stupid comments in it.

"If Sony’s “Heavenly Sword” were a film, it would be great entertainment. It has compelling characters, great acting and stunning visuals that utilize all the muscle the PlayStation 3 can muster. But as a video game, “Heavenly Sword” falls a bit short"


So basically a cinematic experience is of no value to a game according to them? But I like movies so I guess it's ok if I like this interactive movie. :)


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Well they have the short right, but thats about it. Like anyone in their right mind goes to MSNBC for reviews on games. :lol

Yeah I know, just came across it, thought some of the comments were pretty funny. Tried looking to see if the did a review of Wowhawk but theres no way to search stuff from the past.
antiloop said:
So basically a cinematic experience is of no value to a game according to them? But I like movies so I guess it's ok if I like this interactive movie. :)

If they want an interactive movie they should play Indingo Prophecy, THATS a glorified interactive movie. It does require some skill to finish Heavenly Sword. No way you could button mash on some of those bosses.


XHitoshuraX said:
Thats how you end a simple disscussion? I was comparing them merely because YOU compared them. Some growing we have do to yes?

And for your information Dane Cook is a FUCKING idiot.

In fact! Just because Im the prick I am:

Right, and I didn't bring it up then either.

My point was then (and still is) Heavenly Sword has lots of comical characters, yet Nariko is stony and overly serious.

The world of God of War is hopeless, torn apart by waring Gods, and Kratos is a bloodthirsty badass destroying everything and everyone in his path of revenge.

Kratos fits the environment he's placed into. Nariko does not.
Firewire said:
Yeah I know, just came across it, thought some of the comments were pretty funny. Tried looking to see if the did a review of Wowhawk but theres no way to search stuff from the past.

Yeah MSN is the suck!
slasher_thrasher21 said:
If they want an interactive movie they should play Indingo Prophecy, THATS a glorified interactive movie. It does require some skill to finish Heavenly Sword. No way you could button mash on some of those bosses.

i button mashed through every boss. beat the game. i only died twice.
theBishop said:
Right, and I didn't bring it up then either.

My point was then (and still is) Heavenly Sword has lots of comical characters, yet Nariko is stony and overly serious.

The world of God of War is hopeless, torn apart by waring Gods, and Kratos is a bloodthirsty badass destroying everything and everyone in his path of revenge.

Kratos fits the environment he's placed into. Nariko does not.

Well I would agree with you but considering everyone else besides the bad guy boss characters have a seriouse tone for the most part. Lets see, her father, her people, some of the other random bad guys you beat up. The characters that get alot of screen time are the main villians and they are just the wierd bunch. The bad guy gang are obviously just messed up in the head and all over themselves if its not apparent enough.

Take MGS3 for instance, the game is set in a realistic and serious backdrop, and yet we got guys comanding bees... Heavenly Swords villains are no worse or out of place then the MGS bosses.
Mr. Mister said:
i button mashed through every boss. beat the game. i only died twice.

Did you dodge at all? Counter at all? I somehow doubt you button mashed through the whole game. If you did, then you obviously didn't get a grasp on Heavenly Swords battle system whatsoever.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I don't understand how could you button-mash through for example, Whiptail's fight. You need to time your roll aways and range attacks against her attacks, or you'll die pretty quickly.


What's with the constant comparisons with God of War?

If anything, I'd say Heavenly Sword is more akin to Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.


hyperbolically metafictive
hs really seems like the last game you could describe as a button masher -- a lot of the enemies will sit there and block unless you specifically break their guard. i guess you could keep mashing and hope to catch them during their attacks, but that would be such an inefficient way of playing that it really doesn't reflect on the game at all
theBishop said:
Right, and I didn't bring it up then either.

My point was then (and still is) Heavenly Sword has lots of comical characters, yet Nariko is stony and overly serious.

The world of God of War is hopeless, torn apart by waring Gods, and Kratos is a bloodthirsty badass destroying everything and everyone in his path of revenge.
Kratos fits the environment he's placed into. Nariko does not.

I agree with you completely there.

But again In stand by the fact that Narikk's humor, while subtle and not often raised, IS there.

Flying Fox maybe a bit insane (and thus comical) but
is his hanging of Kai
ruin the character because its too serious?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
steve said:
What's with the constant comparisons with God of War?

If anything, I'd say Heavenly Sword is more akin to Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
Yeah, a friend of mine said the same thing (I've never played it). I recall hearing pretty good things about the game, however...


slasher_thrasher21 said:
Well I would agree with you but considering everyone else besides the bad guy boss characters have a seriouse tone for the most part. Lets see, her father, her people, some of the other random bad guys you beat up. The characters that get alot of screen time are the main villians and they are just the wierd bunch. The bad guy gang are obviously just messed up in the head and all over themselves if its not apparent enough.

Take MGS3 for instance, the game is set in a realistic and serious backdrop, and yet we got guys comanding bees... Heavenly Swords villains are no worse or out of place then the MGS bosses.

That's a pretty good point bringing up MGS.

My problem is not that Nariko isn't funny, my problem is she comes off as unlikable compared to everyone else. I'm just suggesting humor/levity as one possible solution to the problem.

I'm also playing MGS:portable Ops right now, and Snake fits in that world like a glove. There's a lot of great characterization surrounding the play mechanic of recruiting soldiers. Snake is used to working alone, but in Portable Ops, he transforms into a great leader just by being himself. More than once, his recruits sacrifice themselves to protect him out of sheer loyalty. Kojima is brilliant at teasing out incredibly powerful moments from a convoluted, sometimes goofy plot.
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