For Dawn Siege... you should plan on hitting the last "gong" or whatever they are from the catapults right before time expires. Blow up as many guys running around with the time given. I think on normal you get 3 minutes... I don't think the order matters in which you blow shit up. I think when I did it, I took out the first catapult and then blew up the guys just running around. Then when like a minute hit, I went onto the second catapult. You get the idea. I think I beat it with six seconds left. Obviously that doesn't net you all 3 cause you have to kill 700 or so baddies in the next section. I think the strategy there is to try to blow up as many guys as possible in one blow. I didn't particularly follow that... I just went ape shit and tossed out cannon balls all over the place. I think the first part is the most important. Tell me how that works for you.
For The Heavenly Sword... these ones are probably the most difficult, but once you figure them out it's not so bad. So you know the basic thug? The one that can't block. Well, abuse them. Let them circle you for about 5 hours or until one attacks... which is ever faster

. Then TRY to get one of the pimp counters. If you can't, no big deal. But make sure you counter. Then after the counter, just roll towards one of them (thug who can't block) and spam square in speed stance until you knock him down. Roll to the next one, repeat. Roll... repeat... roll... repeat. If you see someone from behind is trying to attack you, you can be brave and try to counter it mid combo. But I typically just rolled out of the way and started attacking another thug. What this "strategy" will do is give you a decent boost on that number by the glyphs, then you'll continue building on it by spamming speed stance square on the thugs who can't block. The hardest part about these ones is that that number goes back down to 0 WAY TOO FAST. That's why it's important to keep rolling and attacking. As long as you get ONE attack in, you're fine. Anyways, when there's a mixtures of thugs with hats and weakling thugs, they SHOULD (I think) only do speed stance attacks. So you don't have to worry about countering a power stance attack. Once again, do the same thing. Counter... roll->attack... roll->attack. But remember to attack weakling thug who can't block. If you can't make it to a weakling thug or they're all dead, then guard break the thug with hat, then spam speed stance square on him too... then roll and do to the next one and so on. Then the next section is just all thugs with hats. ALL they will do is that power stance thrust attack. So you don't have to worry about speed stance counters. I didn't even try to build up after countering. I just power stance countered them all. It's up to you if you wanna attempt to build up your number by roll->attack. Then the rest of the groups are mixtures I believe and you follow the same procedure. This strategy works for most sections that are "enemy" only. That is, no Kai arrows or spamming glyph points by deflecting enemy arrows over and over

. Also remember to kick the life pots when you have a high glyph counter because that'll raise your glyph counter decently for the most part. There's one pot to the right in the Heavenly Sword section. Tell me how that works out for ya too.
Playtime is a hard one. Whoever said running down the hall way to shoot them easily is correct. You can exit to the west tower and they'll hopefully(sometimes they didn't follow me and stood around like dumb asses) follow you. Then try to pick off their heads. Obviously getting two head shots in a row is a huge bonus. I think I was able to do this with 3 head shots in a row and the rest missing a million times and hitting them with my meter at 0. Maybe it was 2 head shots in a row twice. Either way it doesn't require a whole lot of "shots in a row."

. The MOST important part though is the second pot. The first pot is right where you start (where Kai is being the megaphone thingy) to your bottom right. But the second pot is in the place where "fireworks" go off. I didn't get three glyphs EVER (normal and hell) until I hit that second pot.