JUST got back from seeing this movie. This is the movie of the year so far. Hands down, bar none. When the credits started rolling, I looked at my sister and said, "How good is the book if people are panning this movie?" Seriously, that book has to be the shiznite, b/c this movie is the bomb baby. Will Smith kicks ass. He plays the cliched wise-cracking cop as everyone says, but he's the comic relief for this movie. He adds a bit of levity to an otherwise sterile environment. I mean, we're talking about robots, so I'm glad they used Will's character as a bit of a foil. Not to mention, the laughs were geniuinely good, and well timed. Only a couple of times (with his mother) did I think it was a bit excessive. Otherwise, I laughed out loud on more than a few ocassions.
The action...sweet. And this isn't a movie that uses action just for the sake of it. I think it was quite appropriate. Good use of CG, good everything. I honestly cannot complain. I was disappointed the movie ended as soon as it did, b/c I was really enjoying it. Made me laugh, made mee think, made me happy I spent $4.50 to go to a matinee. I was scared when I read the reviews of this movie and saw it getting such low scores, but I'm glad I went to see it. I say it again, movie of the fucking year. I, Robot >>>> * (2004).