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Official Islamic Thread


MeowMeow said:
The Quran also confirms the big bang theory
The Quran also confirms life in other planets
The Quran also confirms the evolution of man/its different stages

I am not sure where you got that last one from. Do you have a link or some support?

Evolution of humans is a big nono in Islam. Adam and Eve talked to each other and to God, and they knew what body parts to cover up and they weren't some neanderthals.


pewye said:
I am not sure where you got that last one from. Do you have a link or some support?

Evolution of humans is a big nono in Islam. Adam and Eve talked to each other and to God, and they knew what body parts to cover up and they weren't some neanderthals.

I am presuming he's discussing how God tried different type of Humans before developing Adam and Eve (or us Humans that are now).

Also how Humans who disobey God. God turned them to monkeys, thus our DNA is similar.


good stuff MeowMeow

men marrying more then one woman may have made alot of sense back in them old times but now... I dont really think so, and same for equal rights, in this modern time woman and men should have equal rights no matter what. there's no excuses now.

wow I am a total idiot, how could i forget about Benazir Bhutto being Pakistans prime minister, shame she got assassinated "two weeks before the scheduled Pakistani general election of 2008 where she was a leading opposition candidate."

I spoke with a muslim girl at college and I cant really remember what she said when i asked her about if wearing a headscarf was compulsory but i recal her saying something like wearing a headscaf is a must as its one of the Hadith and that cover your full body is not compulsory. Not really sure on this yet.


Linkhero1 said:
I would like to know more about that :)

I have heard about that one.

I think it stems from the second verse in the first Surah in the Quran. God says "Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds"


Zapages said:
I am presuming he's discussing how God tried different type of Humans before developing Adam and Eve (or us Humans that are now).

Also how Humans who disobey God. God turned them to monkeys, thus our DNA is similar.

oh yeah, I forgot about that.


There is a specific verse that says "there is life in other planets"
but i cannot find it.

The evolution/stages of man is supported in this verse:

Surah Nuh (Noah) Verse 14

"And indeed he has created you by various stages"

I spoke with a muslim girl at college and I cant really remember what she said when i asked her about if wearing a headscarf was compulsory but i recal her saying something like wearing a headscaf is a must as its one of the Hadith and that cover your full body is not compulsory. Not really sure on this yet.

It is NON compulsatory. My mom and sister do not wear hijab, nor does my friends mom. That is the problem with muslims today, the way islam is being tought (or any other religion for that matter) is through fear and obediance, rather then understanding, love, compassion, and logic.

The Quran also supports how the earth was mostly water in the begining, and water being an essential medium for the advancement of organic molecules, and simple organisms, thought it doesnt use scientific language, it does give you poetic references.


Zapages said:
I am presuming he's discussing how God tried different type of Humans before developing Adam and Eve (or us Humans that are now).

Also how Humans who disobey God. God turned them to monkeys, thus our DNA is similar.
I never knew any of this. I think I should start reading the Qu'ran more often :D


I am presuming he's discussing how God tried different type of Humans before developing Adam and Eve (or us Humans that are now).

Reminds me of End of Eva, how Rei was driving shinji to Unit 1, and she was explaining the purpose of angels...:D


lopaz said:
Well it's not, as you stated, like anyone who has doubts can't truly call themselves religious.

This is a poorly constructed sentence, but I think I get the jist of it. Certainly, in studying religion, questions arise. It is the duty of each person to ask questions, seek knowledge, and use logic when trying to understand religion. If you have doubts, they should be temporary, and resolved through the aforementioned search for knowledge and logic. If the doubt persists, at least with regard to whether God exists, you can't possibly consider yourself to be a "believer." How can you follow anything in the Quran, Bible, or Torah if you're not certain of God's existence? Furthermore, what kind of evidence do you want? "Seeing is believing"?

To have doubts is one thing, as long as you seek to resolve those doubts/questions. But to not be sure of a fundamental concept in all religions of the Book, that God does exist, is something alltogether different. Further, you can't be 99% sure that God exists. Either you believe that God exists, you don't believe that God exists, or you're not sure. To say that you're 99% sure that he exists has absolutely no meaning.


I was reading about other Planets like Earth that the Qu'ran mentions and I'm amazed. Too bad my arabic isn't all that great :(


This is fascinating.

Who knows, maybe God created another planet that has some other form of life and they have their own prophets.

Maybe after the trumpet sounds and all humans die, God will send other creatures similar to humans to earth.

Judgement day doesn't have to take place right after everyone dies. It might take place a day after everyone dies or maybe a a million years. Who knows??


CHYME said:
This is a poorly constructed sentence, but I think I get the jist of it. Certainly, in studying religion, questions arise. It is the duty of each person to ask questions, seek knowledge, and use logic when trying to understand religion. If you have doubts, they should be temporary, and resolved through the aforementioned search for knowledge and logic. If the doubt persists, at least with regard to whether God exists, you can't possibly consider yourself to be a "believer." How can you follow anything in the Quran, Bible, or Torah if you're not certain of God's existence? Furthermore, what kind of evidence do you want? "Seeing is believing"?

To have doubts is one thing, as long as you seek to resolve those doubts/questions. But to not be sure of a fundamental concept in all religions of the Book, that God does exist, is something alltogether different. Further, you can't be 99% sure that God exists. Either you believe that God exists, you don't believe that God exists, or you're not sure. To say that you're 99% sure that he exists has absolutely no meaning.

Apologies for my crappy sentence. Anyhoos, I know people who, when I argue that religion is illogical, will say "I can't argue against what you're saying, but I just have a strong feeling that God is there". So I guess their position is that even thought it may seem illogical given their current knowledge, feel strongly about it so believe that there is a logical explanation that hasn't been thought of yet, or something. I would say those people are firmly religious, but they will say they aren't sure if their feeling is correct. While I think they are misguided, I wouldn't say they aren't religious


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
muslims, what if you're wrong?

muslims, do you think that because of the crusades, the christian religion influenced mohammed into coming up with the islamic religion just like Scientology??

muslims, what religious icon did you worship before Mohammed's rise to power?

also,why are muslims cockblocking me from this muslim chick whom Im just friends with?
Im not trying to seduce her or anything at all.

what happens to gay muslims? are they still considered muslims?? do gay muslims practice their religion even though they're castigated?

muslims, what is the meaning of life?

muslims, why is there so much violence in this world?

muslims, whats your opinion about the newly converted muslim into the forsaken child molesting religion known as catholicism?


men marrying more then one woman may have made alot of sense back in them old times but now... I dont really think so, and same for equal rights, in this modern time woman and men should have equal rights no matter what. there's no excuses now.

Yes, marrying more than woman is very uncommon now and its highly discouraged, but it is still allowed just incase of extreme and unusual circumstances. It is not used for sexual desires and social status.
Women should have equal rights to men, but women have a long way to go, i think we will eventually reach their, but i also think there is no such thing as absolute equality between the sexes, considering that there has to be some sexual distinction. Also You cannot achieve equal rights without creating double/triple standards against the sexes. For example if you had a woman boss who got angry for something that was not going right, she would automatically be labeled as a bitch, because women are 'supposed' to be nicer then men and more empathetic, but if men were to show the same level of care as women they would be labeled weak, or even labeled gay in a derogitory way with negative conotation...

We could create a whole thread on equality between genders,..but just trying to make a point.


Verano said:
muslims, what if you're wrong?

muslims, do you think that because of the crusades, the christian religion influenced mohammed into coming up with the islamic religion just like Scientology??

muslims, what religious icon did you worship before Mohammed's rise to power?

also,why are muslims cockblocking me from this muslim chick whom Im just friends with?
Im not trying to seduce her or anything at all.

what happens to gay muslims? are they still considered muslims?? do gay muslims practice their religion even though they're castigated?

muslims, what is the meaning of life?

muslims, why is there so much violence in this world?

muslims, whats your opinion about the newly converted muslim into the forsaken child molesting religion known as catholicism?

holy crap man, stop asking these questions :lol :lol

I will answer some of them anyways.



This was posted in the Christian free will-thread but I think it is interesting enough to be posted her as well:

Flo_Evans said:
But, if Eve had not eaten the fruit supposedly none of us would be here. So did she really have a choice? If God sets up the scenario so 1 thing has to happen for his plan to progress then do we really have free will or is it an illusion? If he knows the outcome of the test beforehand what is the purpose of conducting the test?

And if we are given free agency from God how can angels disobey him?
The angels can't disobey him, which means that he intentionally created Lucifer so that he would become the fallen one, Satan, and therefore God is the sole creator of evil.
Creating evil and then souls that he know will sin and as a result burn in hell.
It makes God sound kinda sadistic doesn't it?
Verano said:
muslims, what if you're wrong?

muslims, do you think that because of the crusades, the christian religion influenced mohammed into coming up with the islamic religion just like Scientology??

muslims, what religious icon did you worship before Mohammed's rise to power?

also,why are muslims cockblocking me from this muslim chick whom Im just friends with?
Im not trying to seduce her or anything at all.

what happens to gay muslims? are they still considered muslims?? do gay muslims practice their religion even though they're castigated?

muslims, what is the meaning of life?

muslims, why is there so much violence in this world?

muslims, whats your opinion about the newly converted muslim into the forsaken child molesting religion known as catholicism?

WTF. is it possible to be this stupid?


Who knows, maybe God created another planet that has some other form of life and they have their own prophets.

You dont need to guess because its true. It is not difficuilt for God to create and destroy life. That is one of the arguments that i use against christians who view Jesus as the only begotten son of God. Now christians have stated that muslims consider 'son' in a literal biological sense, and is not to be taken seriously in the same way as the bible states that jesus is the lamb of god (doesnt mean he is a lamb)

Jesus is considired just another formation of God, in the same way as water appears in 3 different forms: liquid, steam, ice.

I guess i can sort of buy that, but if thats the case why not view moses and all the other prophets before jesus as the lamb and son of god?

The argument that i use is lets say there is another planet called VULCAN.
In that planet he chooses a virgin woman out of all the women in the world, and he delivers a message through her that she will give birth to a child without the touch of a man. So then she gives birth, does that mean that child is a sibling of jesus, and another child of God? What if that child was female? Does that mean she is the daughter of God? Does that mean she is the step sister of jesus (an alien one)?

Beleiving so will destroy the basic fundemental concept of trinity, and instead create QUATERNARY, and for that you will have to rewrite the entire bible.

But the Quran refers to Jesus as a prophet (but indeed the messiah) and human the same way as muhammad,moses,david,jacob and all the other prophets, and that child would be referred to as a prophet for that particular planet and species.

So finding intelligent life in another planet is another indirect way of acknowledging Gods existence because it will verify that God speaks..


HotByCold said:
This was posted in the Christian free will-thread but I think it is interesting enough to be posted her as well:

The angels can't disobey him, which means that he intentionally created Lucifer so that he would become the fallen one, Satan, and therefore God is the sole creator of evil.
Creating evil and then souls that he know will sin and as a result burn in hell.
It makes God sound kinda sadistic doesn't it?

Lucifer (Satan) is NOT an angel. In the Quran it is revealed that he is a highly ranked Jinn (demon). Jinns, angels and humans are all created by God. Angels are created from light, humans from water and soil, and Jinns from fire.

ALL angels obey God no matter what. Jinns have free will. They can either obey or disobey God, just like humans. So, when Satan disobeyed God it was because he is a Jinn.

I can talk more about Jinn if you want me.


pewye said:
Lucifer (Satan) is NOT an angel. In the Quran it is revealed that he is a Jinn (demon). Jinns, angels and humans are all created by God. Angels are created from light, humans from water and soil, and Jinns from fire.

Jinns have free will. They can either obey or disobey God, just like humans. So, when Satan disobeyed God it was because he is a Jinn.

I can talk more about Jinn if you want me.

I want you
so hard


The angels can't disobey him, which means that he intentionally created Lucifer so that he would become the fallen one, Satan, and therefore God is the sole creator of evil.

Lucifer/satan is not an angel but a Jinn in the Quran, he is referred to as the great teacher of the angels. Jinns are not the same level as angels. They are fire creatures at the same level as us (who make mistakes and disobey).

Angels in christianity appear white female like, but they are nuder creatures made of blinding light (even stronger then the sun). The wings of the angels are not like bird feather wings, they are massive and big as the sky horizon (that is the way prophet muhammad described when he first saw angel gabriel)

There are more angels then there are humans by the way.


pewye said:
Lucifer (Satan) is NOT an angel. In the Quran it is revealed that he is a Jinn (demon). Jinns, angels and humans are all created by God. Angels are created from light, humans from water and soil, and Jinns from fire.

Jinns have free will. They can either obey or disobey God, just like humans. So, when Satan disobeyed God it was because he is a Jinn.

I can talk more about Jinn if you want me.

After the Adam Eve incident.

Additionally, human was brought to God and he told every single thing about the universe. Then God asked Satan to bow to Human, the Satan refused. Then from that they forth the people who disobey God will go to hell...

Also Jinns can be Muslim as well... So that means that can there be Muslims on other planets out there.


what happens to gay muslims? are they still considered muslims?? do gay muslims practice their religion even though they're castigated?

Im a gay muslim, and here is what i think about it:

I wrote this rant in another forum a while ago (i was very pissed off in the people who i was dealing with)

Is homosexuality a sin? My answer to that is no. Is my answer right? It doesn’t have to be, but there is more and more evidence creeping up that homosexuality is not a sin. How? Look there are gays and lesbians that are TOTAL hardcore gays and lesbians. What do I mean by hardcore? I mean they act, and behave REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY gay. There is no jesus juice, prayer, or even medical intervention that will lead them to straight lives. Its easy for you to sit back and judge that homosexuality is a sin, and that these people are going to hellfire, but then are you the one who speaks for God? Are you the one who is going to impose judgement and punishment in the name of God? Are you psychic? You have special powers that makes you talk to God directly? Most likely not. Even if you still believe that homos are gonna go to hell WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO STOP THEM FROM GOING TO HELL? Do you even have the capacity to change peoples lives? What are you going to do? Tell them to pray? Hope for a miracle?
If God doesn’t like homos why is it that he would create a deviation from the norm in the first place? If God had so willed, he would have all made us straight and flawless in his manner. And when I say flawless I mean a baby born without any mental or genetic defects. There are 2 ways you can approach homosexuality: a biological/genetic defect, or a mental psychological illness. Both those terms demand that there is some sort of defect that is making you not function on your day to day activities. But homosexuals are functional in there day to day activities, they are no different from being mentally and physically capable in doing tasks just like everyone else. We have yet to find a genetic or biological cause that makes babies turn gay, but even if we did find such a genetic maker, are you going to terminate a life based on that alone? Is it that babys fault that he/she is gay? If anything, ITS YOUR FAULT as parents for giving baby the genes in the first place! Then you have another creepy thing that does not make sense: HERMAPHRODITES. These are people who are sterile yet they have both male and female genitlia. You know the verse in the Quran, Torah, and the Bible that says God created you male and female? Well then why does God create this blur? Is it the babys fault that it is a hermaphrodite? Are you going to toss that baby in a fire pit cause it did not meet your expecations? The hermaphrodite child can choose either male or female partner as their companions and it would not matter. The hard part is deciding what they should raise it as? Male or Female? What kind of instructions and explanation does the Quran, Torah, Gospel say about this? Hardly anything. So for all you shit heads who like to make yourself look better by stating that homos are going to hell, you better take another look on what I have said.


MeowMeow said:
Lucifer/satan is not an angel but a Jinn in the Quran, he is referred to as the great teacher of the angels. Jinns are not the same level as angels. They are fire creatures at the same level as us (who make mistakes and disobey).

Angels in christianity appear white female like, but they are nuder creatures made of blinding light (even stronger then the sun). The wings of the angels are not like bird feather wings, they are massive and big as the sky horizon (that is the way prophet muhammad described when he first saw angel gabriel)

There are more angels then there are humans by the way.
Interesting. I seriously need to catch up on some of this stuff.


MeowMeow said:
what happens to gay muslims? are they still considered muslims?? do gay muslims practice their religion even though they're castigated?

Im a gay muslim, and here is what i think about it:

I wrote this rant in another forum a while ago (i was very pissed off in the people who i was dealing with)

You argue that God made people gay so it's not a sin, but isn't that true of all sins?


If you are gay and trying to become straight (it is tough and takes years to do that) then I think it is ok.

The question is, what if someone is gay and found it impossible to become straight. But he never has sex with other men. Does that still make him gay? And would he be punished?


This forum's opinion of Islam would be a lot higher if not for Warrior300, I think

Are you stealth trolling Islam?


You argue that God made people gay so it's not a sin, but isn't that true of all sins?

God does not create people just for the sake of sinning and throwing them to hell. They are pretty much sinless until they reach the age of reason and make choices for themselves. The arugment that i present is that homosexuality is not really a choice, i think its inherited. Some muslims argue that you may have homosexual thoughts and that is ok, but the act of homosexuality is a sin. Whatever the case i dont really know, but i have thought long and hard about it, and i have struggled with it. I think im gay and there is no real cure. I have waisted enough time worrying about what others think of what God is going to do to me, and focus more on how God loves me, and how i can do my best to serve his purpse.


pj325is said:
This forum's opinion of Islam would be a lot higher if not for Warrior300, I think

Are you stealth trolling Islam?

he is doing a great job. Although sometimes he seems a little pushy.


pj325is said:
This forum's opinion of Islam would be a lot higher if not for Warrior300, I think

Are you stealth trolling Islam?

Alright smart guy, explain to me how a someone can be gay and muslim...because Humans are not homosexuals by nature. People become homosexuals because of their environments. Particularly critical is the environment during puberty.


pj325is said:
This forum's opinion of Islam would be a lot higher if not for Warrior300, I think

Are you stealth trolling Islam?
I'm actually glad he's made this thread. I've learned quit a bit reading here.


If you're gay, you're NOT muslim.

im sorry but noone is born gay.

Thats dismissing gay people, and there are gay muslims whether you like it or not. You have the RIGHT to beleive that homosexuality is wrong, but no one has the right to condem other people (any person) in the name of God, or call them non muslim. A persons deeds and action is exclusively dealth by God and God alone. God declares himself the best judge out of all the judgers that we know. No one will be wronged the least, and every good and bad dead will be accounted for no matter who you are. He will judge every living thing that he created (no matter how miniscule) In him i trust fully.


lopaz said:
Apologies for my crappy sentence. Anyhoos, I know people who, when I argue that religion is illogical, will say "I can't argue against what you're saying, but I just have a strong feeling that God is there". So I guess their position is that even thought it may seem illogical given their current knowledge, feel strongly about it so believe that there is a logical explanation that hasn't been thought of yet, or something. I would say those people are firmly religious, but they will say they aren't sure if their feeling is correct. While I think they are misguided, I wouldn't say they aren't religious

There's no doubt that people like this exist. I referred to them as followers of blind faith. What's the significance of labeling them as religious? If religious is an adjective to describe those who adhere to a religion, they may be religious, though not necessarily. But so what? This was never my point. I stated the following:
It seems true that a person who investigates religion through sincere means is more virtuous, more knowledgeable, and as a result, more pious than one who practices blind faith.
And in the next post, I stated the following:
It is the duty of each person to ask questions, seek knowledge, and use logic when trying to understand religion. If you have doubts, they should be temporary, and resolved through the aforementioned search for knowledge and logic. If the doubt persists, at least with regard to whether God exists, you can't possibly consider yourself to be a "believer."
Now, if you're implying that doubts of whether God exists is the same as the inability of the average person, who may not be educated or well-informed, to make a convincing argument about a particular debate, I have to tell you that you're way off base. The belief that God exists is the foundation of the three religions of the book. Without this foundation, following these religions is baseless.
I have to say that Hadji is my favorite Muslim on this forum. He seems to be the only one who refrains from using Al-taqiyya (lying to non-Muslims) to protect Islam's oh so precious reputation.


Alright smart guy, explain to me how a someone can be gay and muslim...because Humans are not homosexuals by nature. People become homosexuals because of their environments. Particularly critical is the environment during puberty.

Same way there can be a gay christian/jew/bhuddist/hindu/athiest.
Dude , there are people who are REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY gay. They are beyond gay, and im not just talking about feminite men, i am talking about butch bulldyke lesbos.
Ive met people like that, and they have raised gay to a new level

If you dont think homosexuality is right, then WHAT IS YOUR SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM?


CHYME said:
There's no doubt that people like this exist. I referred to them as followers of blind faith. What's the significance of labeling them as religious? If religious is an adjective to describe those who adhere to a religion, they may be religious, though not necessarily. But so what? This was never my point. I stated the following: And in the next post, I stated the following: Now, if you're implying that doubts of whether God exists is the same as the inability of the average person, who may not be educated or well-informed, to make a convincing argument about a particular debate, I have to tell you that you're way off base. The belief that God exists is the foundation of the three religions of the book. Without this foundation, following these religions is baseless.

Well if they did use logic, they'd find that God doesn't exist ;)


Warrior300 said:
Alright smart guy, explain to me how a someone can be gay and muslim...because Humans are not homosexuals by nature. People become homosexuals because of their environments. Particularly critical is the environment during puberty.

Did I miss the memo where this debate was concluded?

Linkhero1 said:
I'm actually glad he's made this thread. I've learned quit a bit reading here.

Yes, the thread is very good, but I'm not learning anything from HIS posts


Hadji is sure is a character for sure... So are we. lol

Honestly, its real fun for a Muslim to have these discussions...

As for the gay thing.... As humans we cannot judge other people. So I refrain to do so. Only God can judge a person.


Zapages said:
As for the gay thing.... As humans we cannot judge other people. So I refrain to do so. Only God can judge a person.

See, warrior300, that's the kind of stuff you should be saying


MeowMeow said:
Thats dismissing gay people, and there are gay muslims whether you like it or not. You have the RIGHT to beleive that homosexuality is wrong, but no one has the right to condem other people (any person) in the name of God, or call them non muslim. A persons deeds and action is exclusively dealth by God and God alone. God declares himself the best judge out of all the judgers that we know. No one will be wronged the least, and every good and bad dead will be accounted for no matter who you are. He will judge every living thing that he created (no matter how miniscule) In him i trust fully.

Dude im not judging them, im just saying that if they are proper muslims then they wouldn't do what G-d prohibited them.

i have nothing against gay people but saying active homosexuals are muslims is laughable, unless they change their ways.


Zapages said:
Hadji is sure is a character for sure...

Honestly, its real fun for a Muslim to have these discussions...

As for the gay thing.... As humans we cannot judge other people. So I refrain to do so. Only God can judge a person.
Pretty much what you said. I'm not going to judge anyone.

Back onto the topic of Other Planets, I read that there are creatures living on these planets, but I'm not sure if this is true or not, it also says that these creatures will come to the earth one day. I found that in a google search.


This also doesnt explain HERMAPHRODITES.

Warrior you do know what they are right?

That is the key to understanding homosexuality, and gender blur (considering that hermaphrodites have a 70% chance of being homosexual from the gender they were raised as)


Linkhero1 said:
Pretty much what you said. I'm not going to judge anyone.

Back onto the topic of Other Planets, I read that there are creatures living on these planets, but I'm not sure if this is true or not, it also says that these creatures will come to the earth one day. I found that in a google search.

We know some UFOs or whatever they maybe aliens from other planets or Jinns.

Anyway guys... I'm heading off to bed... Its getting late and I have to travel to Long Island and then down to Philly to hand in my applications and stuff...

Good night everyone.


Zapages said:
We know some UFOs or whatever they maybe aliens from other planets or Jinns.
I've heard lots of Jinn stories. A friend of mine has an aunt who lives in Pakistan. They were sleeping and during the night this toy doll gets up and starts walking around her bed chanting something about the Devil. I'm not sure if that's how it went or not because it's my friend, but he rarely lies.
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